AGNPH Stories

Pokemon Rangers 2 : Eddies: A Pokemon Story. by Rocko


Author's Chapter Notes:

Sorry for the insanely long delay.  Hadn't realised I didn't finish posting the story on here.  So, here's the next 14 chapters, which finishes it off.  Hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 52 to 66 (Completed)

Chapter 52: Fury.


The on-call nurse stepped over Suicune's tails as she slipped into the critical care room, where Tony lay in an induced coma.  She gave the big pokémon an involuntary glance, wary of his presence, but he didn't stir as she passed.  He continued to lay curled up beside the door to the room with his head on his paws, where he'd stayed ever since they had wheeled the soldier in from surgery, not leaving his chosen post except to seek a drink of water or relieve himself.


Sighing, she checked Tony's vitals, finding his pulse slow but steadier than it had been earlier.  His condition was still critical, and at this stage it was touch and go whether the man would pull through.  Giving the closed door a glance, she hoped he would, as she certainly wouldn't want to be the one to tell the big blue creature keeping watch over him that he'd passed away.


Suicune had found Tony lying in a large pool of blood, unconscious and barely breathing.  When Raikou arrived moments later with his passengers, Chris had taken one look at the prone form and told Skyy to return to the army camp with Raikou and seek emergency assistance.  Skyy nodded, eyes wide at the soldiers dilemma, and leapt onto Raikou back even as the legendary span around in a cloud of dust to set out for the camp at an incredible pace.


Dropping beside Tony, Chris touched his fingers to the man's bare neck, feeling a faint pulse faltering beneath the pale, cold skin.  Alive at least, he breathed out, wondering whether he could do anything to stop the slow, sluggish bleeding from the man's chest.


Hell, this was beyond anything he knew how to deal with, he cursed to himself, ripping off his shirt and pressing it over the wound in a vain attempt to staunch the flow.  Looking up at Suicune, he shook his head at the devastated face above and had to call out the pokémon's name twice before he started at the sound, swinging his face from Tony's to Chris before shaking his head as he began a low keening.


"Paw here!" ordered Chris, pointing to the shirt as he tried to break the legendaries panic.     When the pokémon ignored him, he yelled out his name again, this time getting through as the pain filled noise paused and Suicune refocussed towards him.


"Freak later!  We need to try and stop this bleeding, Suicune!  I need your help; Tony needs your help!"


Nodding hesitantly, Suicune placed a paw over the shirt as directed, looking on helplessly as a red, warm stain began spreading beneath his pads.  Chris had grabbed for the soldier's medi-kit, tossing items onto the ground until he finally spotted the objects he'd heard about; a pair of XStat syringes for gunshot wounds still in their sterile packaging.  He'd remembered Bill mentioning these had become standard issue in the army packs, and while having no experience with them, didn't have much of a choice. 


Filled with compressed sponges coated in coagulant, they were designed to seal up a wound through a combination of expansion of the sponges, and constriction of the torn vessels via the coagulant, staunching the blood flow almost immediately.


Shredding the wrapping, Chris gritted his teeth and pushed Suicune's paw aside, pulled back the shirt and forced the huge syringe into the hole all the way to the handle.  Pushing down on the plunger, he packed the first hole as best he could before repeating the process on the second.  With the blood flow potentially halted, he was able to roll the soldier onto his side into the recovery position, checking to ensure his airway was clear and resting his cheek on the sodden shirt, which was still better than the dirt below.


While the bleeding had been arrested, the flickering beat of the man's pulse had Chris worried, but there was little else he could do until real help arrived.  So, he turned his attention to the pokémon sitting opposite, who had pressed a bloodied paw to his muzzle, eyes huge as they stared down at the man lying before them.


Chris reached across and drew the paw away, leaving a large smear of red matting the creatures cheek.  At the touch, Suicune gave him a wide eyed look, and Chris said quietly "They'll be here soon.  We've done all we can."


Suicune groaned, eyes returning to Tony's pale face as he whispered "He can't die!  Please..."


Chris didn't answer, but kept a watch on Tony's vitals until the medics arrived twenty minutes later, attending to the critically injured man before loading him into an APV and returning to the base hospital.




"Does it have to lie there?  It's lying in the way!" the consulting surgeon demanded of Steph, as she looked up from a chair beside her brother to glare at the ignorant officer in scrubs, who had pushed into the room to check on Tony.


Suicune lifted his face to glare at the man, which had him take a step backwards nervously, but the pokémon dropped his head to his paws as Steph gave him a subtle shake of her head.  


"Given he isn't hurting anyone, I don't see what the problem is...  Doctor." she paused insolently, giving him a loaded look, which clearly wasn't appreciated by the surgeon.


"Jesus, when we're letting animals into the hospital, I have to question where this army is heading..." he muttered, but stopped as Suicune let out a low, harsh growl, followed by a threatening "Don't!  Don't say another word!"


The surgeon paused, giving the huge, glaring creature a worried glance, but kept his mouth shut as he finished his assessment.  Without a backwards look, he pushed his way from the room, leaving Steph and Suicune alone with Tony.


Sighing, she dropped into the chair beside the bed, rubbing her face in exhaustion.  She'd been first on the scene when the ambulance arrived and Tony had been hurriedly carried into surgery.  She'd also assisted in the operation to attend his wounds, and had blessed the rapid thinking of the Farm owners kid, who had thought to staunch the bleeding with the XStat's.  If he hadn't, Tony would have likely bled out before trained help had reached him.  Even so, they'd near drained their stock of O+ blood on hand during the operation, pumping over five litres of donor blood through him as the wounds were repaired.


The damage had been extensive, and the surgeon on duty had grave concerns as to whether he'd pull through.  Still, Tony was a fighter and had defied the odds so far, although he was a long way from being out of danger.


Getting up with a groan, she crossed the room to drop beside Suicune, resting a hand on his neck and gently stroking his fur, giving him was reassurance she could.  She'd been the one who had cleaned him up after the surgery, using wet towels to wipe the dried blood from his fur, and he'd barely said a word since, just remaining near his friend as he lay unconscious.


The medical personnel were surprisingly intolerant of his presence, and she knew there were objections being made to higher powers that he be removed from the facility.  At one point, a head doctor had told him to leave, but confronted with the furious pokémon, had backed down quickly enough.  Wisely, so far no one else had attempted to get him moved.


A good idea, thought Steph dryly, stroking Suicune's cheek with tender fingers.  She'd come to see the depths of the feeling the creature had for her brother, and had to admit, he was as good a friend as the stubborn shit could ever hope to have.


It didn't make the waiting any easier, mind.  But she hoped Suicune knew he was amongst friends, even in such a hostile environment.


The moment was broken, however, when the door to the room opened, and the offended doctor re-entered, accompanied by a pair of MP's.  Pointing down at the pokémon, he said rudely "Get that thing out of here!"


Steph's eyes widened, even as she felt a snarl creep up Suicune's throat.  Rising slowly, he towered over the offending trio, lower jaw dropping to bare large fangs, and he lifted up a paw with long claws extended, ready to make his objection to the insult physical rather than verbal.


Cursing, Steph stood, stepping between the parties to grip Suicune's jowls with both hands, turning the furious eyes to meet her own.


"It isn't worth it!  They're not worth it!!" she hissed to him quietly, and he paused, before finally nodding slightly.  Releasing her breath as the pokémon let the tension leave his muscles, without a further word Suicune pushed past the waiting MP's to leave the room, as they escorted him from the building.


With the threat now gone and his petty objective achieved, the doctor let out a chuckle, which turned into a groan as Steph swung hard, hitting him in the jaw with a right hook that sent him crashing to the floor.


Bending over the man who stared at her in shock as he nursed his bruised face, she cursed at him fluently.  "You fucking arsehole!" she began, and his eyes narrowed.


"That's going to get you court-martialled, nurse..." he swore, but she readied her fist for a second blow, causing him to flinch away, and she gave him a nasty glare at his reaction.


"Go right ahead, douche bag.  When it happens, I'm going to have Suicune and his brothers pay you a visit during the night, and let them explain to you why that'd be such a truly fucking dumb idea.  He wasn't hurting anyone.  You just wanted to prove some sort of retarded point.  Well, consider it made.  You're a cunt.  You've always been a cunt, and the only thing that's likely to change in your future is if you fuck with us further, him or me, you'll be a very, very dead cunt!"


The man blanched, but didn't make further comment, instead getting to his feet and storming from the room furiously.  As he departed, she muttered so he could overhear "Dead man walking...", to which he paused momentarily in the door entrance before shutting it quietly behind him as he left.


Shaking her head in disgust, Steph stepped to Tony's side, resting a hand on his arm comfortingly, but soon left the room to track down Suicune before he did something they'd likely all regret.




The subtle request for an "off record" meeting with Cameron Marshke took Scott and Storm by surprise.  Still, given the fact the police commissioner and his staff were the only officials willing to offer the pokémon any sort of break, coupled with their proactive response towards Bill and Shadow, Scott was willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.


When Paul approached the Rangers later that day inviting them to a private B.B.Q, he mentioned he'd invited "a few of the police staff" as well.  When Scott asked if any of the army folk were attending, the farm owner shook his head, giving him a loaded look that wasn't hard to comprehend.


He could feel it in his bones.  Shit was flying, Scott mused, and the army was up to something.


He had already teed it up with Raikou and Chris, telling them to keep their eyes and ears open for anything that might affect the group.  So far, they only reported that the police seemed busy, but the army wouldn't let them approach closely enough to get further details.


By six that night, the back patio was packed with humans and pokémon.  Entei had declined the invite, citing the space was cramped enough without his presence, but had promised to remain close by in case they needed to consult with him.  Still, when Steph arrived, an unusually melancholy Suicune in tow who refused to meet the eyes of his friends, he knew things were getting worse.


Scott was glad the nurse had volunteered to keep an eye on the pokémon, as he had refused to discuss his concerns with the others.  Suppressing his emotions inside like this couldn't be good for him, but even Chris had failed at making the legendary open up, and had given it in when the first few attempts had failed.


Chris and Skyy were already sitting at the table talking to Storm, who had perched on a bar stool nearby drinking something from a tall glass with a small umbrella in it.  Scott smirked, giving his partner a questioning look as he nodded at the drink, but received a raised claw in response.


Chuckling, he went back to chatting with Paul and Raikou, the topic inconsequential as they waited for the remainder of the guests to arrived.  When they finally approached from the darkness beyond the garden, they did so en masse, the glowing eyes of the luxray the first thing the Ranger spotted as they crossed the compound.


Bill and Shadow had been doing well both in personal training and while under the care of the police chief, and Scott had little fear they'd be well protected by their colleagues and peers if anything untoward happened with the army.  Still, the young police officer gave him a loaded look as they climbed the rear stairs, and Scott's hunch they weren't just there for the steak was confirmed.


With the meal prepared, the group took their seats at the massive outdoor timber table, while the four legged pokémon were served from large stainless plates set out by Gwen nearby.  As always, the food was spectacular, and with the conversation kept to casual topics, it wasn't long before they found themselves sitting back, the humans (not to mention a few of the pokémon) sipping a ten year old port Paul had proffered from his office bar.


Eventually though, the police commissioner coughed, thanking Gwen and Paul for their hospitality before getting to the crux of the matter.


"I appreciate you all taking the time to meet tonight" he said, swirling the amber liquid around his port glass, before polishing it off in a final sip.  "I'd love to say it's purely social, but we all know it unfortunately isn't."


Sighing, he nodded his thanks at Paul, who had leaned over to top off his glass, but paused before continuing. 


"I had a meeting with Jobes a few days ago" he continued simply, leaning back to give Scott, in particular, a long look.  "I'd truly hoped to have the opportunity to discuss this with you before now, but as we know, there really hasn't been any opportunity."


"Yeah, things have been real fucked up.  So, let's cut to the chase, huh?" said Storm, crossing his arms and giving the man a glare.  Surprisingly, even though his partner gave him a filthy look, Cameron chuckled at the pokémon Ranger's forthrightness.


"Been an interesting time having to deal with you lot" Cameron said, grinning at the typhlosion.  "Can't say the in your face honesty has been anything but refreshing."


Rolling his eyes, Storm made to interject again, but stopped as the commissioner raised a hand to halt him.


"Yes, I know... get on with it!  As I said, the meeting with Jobes yielded some... unfortunate news.  Unfortunate, in that I have been advised the presence of the police in this operation is no longer required." he concluded simply, well aware of the dark clouds gathering on the brow of the Rangers.


"What do you mean, not required?" said Scott, beating his partner, who looked at the policeman in irritation.


Cameron leaned forward and said "Simply put, we've been thrown off the base.  In three days time, if we're still here, we'll be forcibly evicted."


Watching Scott and Storm exchange a loaded look, he sighed and continued "Unfortunately, there's more.  He's planning to transport the pokémon, forcibly if necessary,  to an isolated base way out west, where you can be better... controlled, I think is his thought."


Raikou drew his brow down in anger, but listened silently as the man gave a frank accounting of his confrontation with the army general, and its subsequent outcome. 


But with the news of his possible contact with Sinnotech, the legendary could not contain himself further.


"What is that fool thinking?" he demanded, causing Cameron to pause.  "Does he think we will just sit back and allow this idiocy to continue?"


Cameron shook his head and said dryly "I think his base being attacked has pretty much halted anything occurring in that particular direction.  However, it shows a definite lack of respect, not to mention trust, in you people and I will be honest, I have real concerns for your safety."


Storm snarled, burners beginning to steam as he tried to contain his angst.  "So what happens when he tries to "contain" us and we refuse?"


Cameron shrugged.  "I imagine things will become unpleasant for you then."


Storm made to continue, muttering "I think he misunderstands who will be experiencing the unpleasantness..." but stopped as a hoarse voice asked "This Jobes, he knows where they are?  The ones who attacked the base?"


The group turned in surprise to see Suicune had risen to hover behind Chris's chair, intent on the police chief's response.


Cameron, wary of the pokémon's sudden interest, replied "Yes, but I don't think.."


He didn't continue, trailing off at the deep, guttural growl that emitted from the normally placid-seeming blue pokémon, sending the hair on his neck rising in alarm.


Raikou rose suddenly, eyeing his brother in concern.  "Suicune, I think..."


Suicune, snarled again, fangs bared as even Chris drew back at the fury in his eyes.  "I do not care what you think anymore, Raikou.  I want to know where they are!"


Scott interjected.  "This isn't the time, Suicune!  We need to plan for what we..."


"Plan for what, Ranger?" Suicune roared, blue fire beginning to dance across his shoulders.  "Plan for when those bastard army humans attack us next?  When he tries to imprison us?"  Rounding on Raikou, he hissed.  "What about you, brother?  You want to spend another eternity locked up, surrounded by metal and concrete walls rather than the void of that cursed pokéball still hanging around your neck?"


Chris stood, regardless of the risk, and took a step towards Suicune, who narrowed his eyes at the young human.  "Do not tell me that this is going to end in anything but a confrontation, Chris.  This was obvious from the beginning!  I have pandered to their insults, and their arrogance without comment.  I have ignored their ignorance and stupidity until now.  I have been very, very patient with their attitude.  But no more.  I will not stand for this any further!"


With the last comment roared at the group, the blue legendary spun, blue fire outlining his body as he sped down the stairs from the patio to race across the lawn towards the base.


"Oh shit!" muttered Storm, throwing his chair back to rise and chase after the pokémon, closely followed by Raikou, Chris, Scott and Skyy.  Cameron groaned, getting up to thank a worried Paul and Gwen for their hospitality, before setting off at a fast trot in their wake, Bill and Shadow accompanying him.


Meeting the MP's at the perimeter fence, Suicune was forced to a stop as the pair of soldiers demanded his intention.  Frustrated, the pokémon hissed "I want to see Jobes!", readying himself to push past the pair, only to narrow his eyes in fury as they brought their rifles up to bear, ordering him to stop.


They didn't have a chance.  Suicune sent one flying twenty feet through the air to land in a crumpled heap in the dirt, while the second froze at the suddenness of the attack, staring in disbelief at the huge pokémon before a second paw swipe sent him joining his colleague.  With his path clear, Suicune continued his sprint through the base towards the administration office, heedless of anything, or anyone, in his path.


Having heard the commotion, Entei arrived at the checkpoint just as Raikou sped up with the others.  One look at Raikou's face had him humph in displeasure, and he said dryly "Brother finally flipped his wig?"


Shaking his head, Raikou stormed through the trail of chaos left in Suicune's wake, as disbelieving soldiers picked themselves from the dirt, staring in bemusement at the pokémon tearing through their midst.  Thankfully, they met no further resistance before arriving at the administration tent, although trouble had clearly found it, with the doors left swinging brokenly from their hinges.


Pushing past Raikou, Scott entered first, passing the massed, confused staff to enter Jobes office, where they found the General cornered at the back, a smouldering Suicune looming before him.


Still Scott had to give the imbecile his due, he had balls to spare.  He wasn't backing down at Suicune's demands for information, instead sneering into the pokémon's face, telling him he'd get nothing, and he should leave immediately.


Siding up to the blue legendary, Scott rested a hand on the pokémon's shoulder, receiving a fierce glare in return, but said quietly "Let me have a go"; a response that must have sunk in as Suicune stepped aside and let the Ranger past.  With Raikou, Entei and Storm at his back, he had no concerns as to being interrupted, so decided to make the time count.


Sitting on the corner of the man's desk, Scott ran fingers through his hair as he said "You just don't get it, do you, General?"


The man, back still pressed against the tent canvas, said "Get what?  That your pets here need to learn some manners?"


Suicune snarled, but stopped suddenly at Scott's abrupt hand gesture.


"No, General.  You don't get the fact you're moments from a fairly bloody and brutal time, and if you keep up with this, there won't be an inch of this camp left standing once they're through with it."


Jobes laughed harshly, and spat "Oh, yes.  These animals are going to take on an entire army operation this size and wipe them out without any issue?  I'd like to see that!"


Storm chuckled nastily from behind Scott, cracking his knuckles as he said gruffly "Won't even need to break a sweat, arsehole!", glaring at the man, who returned the look angrily.


Scott ignored his partner, motioning to Cameron, who'd pushed past the pokémon to stand at the Ranger's back, and said "I think the General here is having a hard time understanding the situation.  He thinks he can plot behind our back, and we'll simply cave in peacefully.  He's mistaken on that, you understand?"


Cameron nodded, looking at Jobes in disgust as he demanded "Give them the information, Brian.  They know everything.  If you don't, what occurs next is on your head.  Certainly, my men and I will not interfere, as you've brought this on yourself."


Jobes hissed "You did this!  You told them..." but was interrupted as Cameron shrugged and said "Yes, I told them everything!  I warned you of this, when you first arrived here.  I told you treating them as anything but equals was foolhardy!  You ignored my advice repeatedly, and now you need to make a decision on what you intend doing to recover the situation."


Jobes laughed harshly.  "I intend to get my men together, round up these animals, and lock them away from everything and everyone, Cameron!  I guarantee they'll never see the light of day again!"


Scott turned a grim gaze on the man and finally muttered "This is idiotic.  I didn't spend all this time and effort here to have it squandered by some imbecile with power issues."


Leaning forward, he put his face in the Generals and said "Listen, you fool!  You have one chance...  One single, solitary chance... to turn this situation around.  You just don't fucking get it, do you?  You think you're playing with a bunch of zoo animals, who can be controlled at your whim.  What you don't grasp is you're fucking with the power of the Gods here!  So, listen good.  I've had enough of your stupid!  We are leaving!  You and your soldiers are to vacate this property within forty eight hours.  You will leave the Masters alone, and not bother them further.  The police stay until you leave. Do you understand?"


Jobes laughed again harshly.  "And if we don't?"


Scott shook his head tiredly.  "If you don't, I'm going to turn my back and let these guys wipe you off the face of the planet.  Period!"


Jobes stared at him a moment, and Scott thought he might finally relent.  But as the sneer returned, the Ranger sighed as the General said calmly "Go to hell!"


Standing, Scott pushed past Suicune, resting a hand again on his shoulder, and said quietly "No, General.  You're the one whose going there.  Suicune, he's all yours.  Just try not making too big a mess, OK?"


Suicune's eyes glared bright ruby as his front paw shot out, encircling the General's throat as his claws bit deeply into the man's neck.  Leaning forward, he lifted the human off his feet, pressing him hard against the wall as his legs dangled helplessly beneath him.  Suicune's lip curled upward into a harsh grin as he watched the slow trickle of blood oozing down the humans' neck, even as the man grabbed frantically at the paw, trying to unblock his airway as he gasped for breath.


With curls of blue lightning running up his foreleg, the pokémon released his grip slightly, allowing the man a much needed gasp of air, and pressed his muzzle to within an inch of the humans.


"I will ask you one time more.  If you do not satisfy me, I am going to tear out your throat!" he snarled, and looking into the creatures eyes, Jobes finally understood he could delay no further.


"Damn you...  The folder, on the desk!  Has all the information!" he coughed out, and Suicune narrowed his eyes, cocking an ear at Scott, who took the hint and reached across the desk for it.


The General wasn't lying; all the information was there, plus more.  Photos of the location, schematics of the floor plan of the building, everything.


"This will do" he muttered to Raikou, who nodded and addressed the General with narrowed eyes.


"We are leaving now.  If you follow, or think to prevent us doing so, there will be no further warning."


At that, the ground shook heavily, as Entei rocked the camp with an earthquake.  With the bulb above their head swaying alarmingly, casting light through the dust settling from the canvas roof above, a crack of thunder exploded overhead as Raikou released his own power.


"Let him go, Suicune," Raikou ordered, and reluctantly the blue pokémon let loose his grip, dropping the human to his knees before him.


"If I ever see you again, you are dead." he whispered to the human, who glared up into his face and nodded abruptly.  However, Scott, who had caught the comment, had no doubts that the General was thinking no differently, should the tables ever be turned.


As they left the office, Scott gripped Cameron by the shoulder, guiding him before them as they made a hasty retreat.  He muttered to the police chief "I think it'd be safer if you came with us for the moment, until we get you back to your men"; a thought Cameron himself had been contemplating.  He didn't object, falling in beside the pair of Rangers as they headed back to the farm house.


"Bill's already gone to warn your commanders.  I'd suggest having a plan ready, for when these idiots regroup" said Scott, and Cameron nodded.


"Was he serious about killing him?" Cameron finally asked, looking around at the normally placid Suicune.


Giving him a frank look, Scott simply nodded.


"Jesus!" said the man tiredly.  "Are we even going to get out of here in one piece, then?"


Storm chuckled from beside him.  "One way or the other, we will.  Myself, I'm spoilin' for a rumble!"


They'd almost made the perimeter when a flurry of activity from behind them had them pause.  Spinning, they confronted a squad of soldiers, fully armed, who took up position with raised rifles.  The camp's second in command stepped forward, eyeing the group with apprehensive determination, and said "We want you to return that information, and accompany us back inside."


Cameron gave the typhlosion a ironic look and was set to reply, but tapered off at the look of manic glee on the pokémon's face.  Stepping forward, Storm joined Raikou, Entei, Suicune and Skyy facing the men, and said with a sly drawl.  "No, I don't think we will."


The lieutenant took a step backwards as the creatures before him defied him.  Turning to his men, he muttered "Take them down!" but didn't have a chance to act further as the earth beneath them convulsed, throwing most the group to the ground.


The few remaining began firing on the pokémon, bullets striking Skyy's hastily raised Aura Shield to be deflected away from their intended targets.  The three legendaries did not hesitate to respond, and all hell broke loose as the night sky overhead darkened, heavy thunder clouds blocking out the stars, and blast after blast of lightening streaked down to explode the camp buildings around them.  The ground continued to shake, erupting at several locations to send molten fire spewing upwards, engulfing several vehicles as well as the remaining pair of helicopters on the base, which exploded at the contact.


Fearful, frantic cries began to be heard from around the facilities, but the pokémon ignored them all, intent on removing the threat once and for all.  Raikou sent a torrent of water from above to blast into the remaining opposition, which Suicune turned to sharpened shards of ice, shredding their equipment and downing all those still standing.


Anyone still thinking to defy the pokémon were showered with fireballs, which Storm spewed towards them while laughing manically, forcing them into cover.


It only took a minute, but as the elements powered down and relative calm returned to the base, it wasn't difficult to see that there was little still standing in their wake.  Only the medical facilities were spared the brunt of the onslaught, the building a lone survivor within the confines of what had once been the army facility.


Small groups of soldiers began helping their mates from the rubble, eyeing the disaster surrounding them with disbelief.  As the pokémon turned without a word, striding from what was left of the facility, Cameron turned a rain soaked head to the equally dripping Chris and Scott, disbelief in his face.


"That was..." he stuttered, but paused as the words didn't come.


Scott returned his look grimly.  "Regrettably avoidable.  Still, let's not risk further confrontation.  Storm, we need to get out of here now!"


As the typhlosion nodded, they headed back to the farm house, which had been fully spared the pokémon's onslaught, to make their plans for the future.




Chapter 53: Butt face!


After a restless night sleep Chris groaned as he woke, disentangling himself from Skyy's arms as he slowly rose from his bed to meet the new day.


It had been a tense few hours following the drama at the military area.  Wary of a counterattack, the pokémon had kept lookout from the house verandas until Cameron could arrange a sufficient police presence to take over their sentry duty.  By the time they'd all made it to bed, the group had been exhausted.


Understandably, Gwen and Paul were suitably upset at the latest events occurring on their property, not to mention to their family.  However, when the situation was explained fully, they exchanged glances and acknowledged that there was little else that could have been done.  At the least, they were in full agreement that the military had no further business on their property, so Cameron's assurance they would be "made to move on" was met with dry satisfaction.


While Chris and Skyy had managed to get some sleep, a part of Chris wished he could have stayed up to join in the discussions.  At least his parents were happy that Jimmy had spent the night with a school friend and had avoided the entire saga, he thought, wiping tired eyes on the bed sheets.  One less worry to add to the growing list.


Skyy muttered something in his sleep and Chris gave him a wry grin, pulling the sheets back over the snoozing lucario.  Rising slowly, he stepped over the slumbering form of Suicune, who must have slipped into the room at some time during the night, but nearly tripped over the pokémon's head when he lifted his face with a snort, woken by the light step.


Catching himself at the last minute, Chris leant down and scratched the blue legendary on the neck, looking into the big red irises eyes which suddenly darted away.  Sighing, Chris dropped to the floor, wrapping both arms around the surprised creatures neck and burying his face in the thick, warm fur.


When he felt Suicune sigh, he pulled his face out and gave him a frank look.  Avoiding his eyes, the pokémon said softly "Yesterday was not pleasant", glumly staring at the claws of his right paw which still had traces of blood on them.


Chris shrugged, turning to lean back against the pokémon's neck comfortingly.  At the pokémon's chuckle, Chris grinned up into the big blue and white face peering down at him, before the eyes turned melancholy and Suicune looked away.


"I messed up yesterday, didn't I?" he muttered, giving a long sigh.


Chris shrugged, the gesture not lost on the pokémon.  "Oh, I don't know.  I've done worse."


Snorting Suicune gave the young human a stare.  "I could have killed someone, Chris.  I was so angry, I didn't care.  I was going to rip that human's throat out, and all that was coursing through my mind was how... good it'd feel."  Dropping his head shamefacedly, he pressed his cheek against Chris's own, and said softly "Maybe I am an animal..."


Chris  took a moment to collect his thoughts.  "Steph told us that no one was killed, Suicune.  Scrapes and bruises, and a few broken bones, but nothing terminal.  Those injured in the Sinnotech attack, including Tony, were spared the base destruction without a scratch.  Nor was the farm house damaged.  Even if you felt out of control, you obviously were limiting yourself, all of you!  Besides, it's not as if those arseholes didn't deserve every bit of it!"


Suicune shook his head, thick fur brushing Chris's face lightly.  "But I could have killed someone." he began again, but stopped as Chris said vehemently "Enough!  Believe me, I know what that's like, Suicune.  I...  I know exactly what it's like, and worse..."


When the legendary didn't respond, Chris sighed and told him of his arrival to their world, and their violent confrontation with the redneck brothers.  "I was given a choice, Suicune.  To save my life, and that of Skyy, I made a decision that even now I struggle with.  Even knowing I had no alternative!"


Dropping his face tiredly, Chris said quietly "I killed that human, and Skyy killed the other, to protect both of us.  Even though Scott and Storm, and my father, and even J.B told me it was justified, I still...  hate it.  Every day, I hate it, Suicune.  So, I know what it's like, yeah."


Suicune shifted, wrapping a pair of warm paws around his human friend, who cradled the arms in his own.  Eventually, Chris chuckled; a giggle that became a laugh, even as the pokémon stared down at him in astonishment.


"You guys fucked them up good, though!" he smirked, and Suicune snorted in amusement.


"Yes, we are good at excessive and showy spectacles, certainly" he replied, sending Chris laughing again, as he grabbed the legs around him, hugging the big pokémon close.


As the laughing died down, Suicune sighed again and said "I miss Tony."


Nodding, Chris replied "Yeah, I know.  Steph told us he's looking much better.  They took him off the life support, and he's breathing well on his own now.  It looks like the worst is over."


"I wish I could see him..." Suicune stammered, eyes watering as he pressed his face against Chris again, tears coursing down his furred cheeks.


Chris didn't respond, just stroking the big head until the sobs subsided and Suicune raised a paw to wipe his eyes.


Chris gave him a hug and said "Song's not over till the fat lady sings.  Who knows where we'll go from here?"


Their conversation was broken as a sleepy lucario muttered "Who's fat?", sending the pair giggling again.




Some time later, having left Skyy to sleep in, Chris joined his father on the rear veranda.  His mum had given him a big hug as he entered the kitchen, but a look at her red eyed, teary face made Chris realise the huge amount of stress they'd been under.  Hugging her hard, she told him his father had wanted a word when he woke, and was waiting on the back deck.


Chris wasn't sure he really wanted to know why.  It couldn't be a good thing, after all.


Paul had been smoking a cigarette prior to his son's arrival, but tossed the almost empty butt into a can of sand that'd been left there for the purpose.  When Chris approached, he patted the seat beside him, and they both leaned back into the padding, resting their feet on the coffee table as they shared a companionable silence.


Finally, Chris made to apologise for the previous day's events, but Paul stopped him stating "I know why it happened.  I know there was no choice.  Scott told me about it, and I agree with him; there wasn't really an alternative.  Jobes is a fool, and you can't always tolerate fools forever, Chris.  We've taught you that.  Thing is, we need to decide what's going to happen now."


Concerned, Chris gave Paul a loaded look, meeting his father's blue eyes in alarm.


"What do you mean?  I don't plan on going anywhere!"


Paul shook his head.  "We both know you can't remain here for the moment, right?  Especially if your friends leave.  Jobes will hunt you down, and you'll get no peace from him.  Even Cameron doesn't think he can protect you and Skyy, not to mention Jimmy and Azil.  You're targets, and attractive ones at that."


"But where will we go?" said Chris, wide eyed at his father's words.


Sighing, Paul rubbed his head and said "Gwen and I have talked.  We want you to stay with Scott, Storm and Raikou."


When Chris made to object, Paul held up a hand, cutting him off.  "I haven't finished.  We also want you to take Jimmy and Azil with you."


Aghast, Chris stammered. "But...  I can't protect him!  I don't even know what'll happen!"


Paul sighed.  "I know what'll happen if you all stay here much longer.  Cameron and Scott agree with me.  Cameron has his men patrolling around the farm, keeping those soldiers away, but once Jobes regroups he isn't going to stand by and let you remain here.  He's coming for you all; you know that, Chris!  While Suicune might have done everyone a favour removing him from the equation permanently, it wouldn't have changed a thing.  If not him, one of his cronies would've taken over with the same result.  Sooner or later, they'd hunt you all down.  So, we need you two safe, somewhere they can't get to you."


"But where..." Chris began, before petering off.  "Oh, you can't mean?"


Nodding, Paul said softly "Yeah.  You need to follow Skyy home again.  Only then will you be beyond their reach."




The plan was simple, if such a thing could possibly be called simple.

They needed a portal, and Scott knew exactly where they could find one.


Admittedly, accessing it might be a bit of a challenge, but after speaking with Raikou and Storm, Scott was well and truly over fucking around with these people.


There was only one way to get what they needed.  Hit them now, and hit them hard!


Cameron had been keeping in regular contact with the two Rangers, and had advised there was an almost continual flow of communication being exchanged between the army base on the farm, and the governmental administration.  He was fairly sure they wouldn't send more soldiers or vehicles, land or air, any time soon.  "Mainly because they can't afford to lose any more!" he told them dryly, causing Storm to snigger.


"Getting you to the city from here will be the real challenge" Cameron muttered, but looked up as Scott exchanged a grin with his partner, who leered as he nodded.


"Oh, I think we know just the delivery driver!" Scott said, giving the police officer the details  of where Rodney Tjuana had been staying with relatives in a nearby town.


"Think he'll help?" the police chief said doubtfully, and Scott chuckled wryly. 


"He's been on my case as to when he needs to come get us.  It's almost like he knew this shit was coming!"


"Probably did," said Storm, finishing off his coffee and putting the cup in the kitchen sink.  "That human is a strange one!"


Nodding in agreement, Scott gave Cameron a candid glance.  "You do realise all hell is going to go down if we do this, right?  It'll likely make last night look like a kids birthday party by comparison."


Cameron flashed him a smile.  "I'm counting on it, Ranger.  The more things blow up, the less likely those bastards are going to manage to keep things under wraps.  The only way you guys stand a chance of making this work is for the public to be made fully aware of this."


Sighing, he rubbed his face and admitted "I should have released that press info from day one.  Yes, it would have caused a huge stir, but it would have avoided a lot of this stupidity had I done so."


Storm shrugged furry shoulders and slapped an arm around the startled police chief.  "Don't matter.  Secrecy was our first option.  Hindsight is always twenty twenty."


Grinning, Cameron said "Philosophised by a furred rug with legs.  What is this world coming to?"


Guffawing, Storm gave the man a hard slap on  the back, sending him coughing, and said finally "That's your problem.  You're livin' on the wrong world!  Back home, we don't have all this political correctness shit.  Being here is like operating with a plastic bag taped over your head.  All this bullshit you humans put yourself through!"


Interrupting the pair, Scott said dryly "We have a deadline, fur ball."  Tapping his watch, he turned to Cameron and continued "I'll get Raikou and Entei in on this, and we'd be happy to have your input."


Cameron gave the Ranger a smile and gestured towards the door.  "Lay on, MacDuff, and damned be him who first cries 'Hold! Enough!'" he muttered, causing Storm to give him a confused look.


"Who's MacDuff?" he asked gruffly, and received a pat on the back in reply as they left the room.





It was a tearful farewell as Gwen and Paul gave the group their farewell.  With the decision to leave inevitable, Scott, Raikou and Cameron had decided that further delay would only work in favour of the army, and with time of the essence, the earlier they departed, the better their chance of success.


Rodney Tjuana had received their message through his friends, arriving at the farmhouse via the less-used rear entry.  With the base still in disarray, he wasn't accosted as he drove the huge cattle truck past the border guards, who took little interest in his progress, likely assuming it was just another farm delivery.  When he pulled up at the farmhouse park, skidding to a halt in a cloud of dust, he jumped from the cab to greet Scott, Storm and the legendaries, his usual grin plastered across his face.


Still, the seriousness of the situation hadn't escaped him, and he gave the three pokémon a dry glance, drawling "I see you boys have been busy!"


Suicune looked abashed, but Entei gave the aboriginal man a sly nod.  "We decided we didn't like their attitude, so we gave it an adjustment."


Rodney laughed loudly, white teeth visible in his dark face.  "That, and some, I would think!  Still, can't say I warmed much to that lot.  They certainly didn't appreciate the efforts I went to getting you three here.  Job well done then, I'd imagine!"


They retreated to the rear deck, where Rodney was filled in on what had occurred to date, and their current plans and thoughts.  Eyes glistening in amusement, he nodded his assent at taking them to the city, rubbing broad palms together in glee as they detailed their next move.


"Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this!" he chuckled, receiving a dry look from Raikou, who said "It's not a joke, you understand?"


Rodney nodded, still clearly amused, before replying "I told you three, this was destined!  The spirits are walking, and can only stir up the pot to my people's benefit!"


Rolling his eyes, Raikou ignored the man's insistence they were his ancestor spirits, and lead the group to the waiting vehicle.  Having already packed what gear they needed, including both travelling items and some fairly serious armoury supplied courtesy of Cameron and the police force, it didn't take long for them to assemble ready to depart.


Receiving long hugs from his parents, Chris and Skyy boarded the truck after Raikou, Suicune and Entei, all of whom had been warmly farewelled by Chris's parents.  Blinking back tears, Chris looked down on the pair, who had arms wrapped around each other while bravely trying to hold back their own pain, and called to them "I'll look after Jimmy, and we'll be back as soon as we can.  I promise! "


Gwen gave him a valiant smile, but still buried her face in Paul's chest as the vehicle slowly pulled away, leaving them to recede to distant pinpoints as the heavy vehicle gathered speed, driving again unhindered through the secondary farm gates.


Gripping the side of the rocking truck, Scott turned to Storm and muttered darkly "That was way too easy.  Why didn't they stop the truck back there?  It's almost as if they want us to leave!"


Storm shrugged, settling back onto the hard timber flooring of the tray and leaned against the slatted walls.  "I reckon they probably do.  How else are they going to keep track of our intentions?"


Bill looked up from across the deck, where he'd been sitting with his back against Shadow's side, and nodded sombrely.  He'd been ordered to stay with the group by Cameron, and hadn't protested overly at the command.  They hadn't kept their own feelings at the army's behaviour any secret, and even under the protection of his own force, the pair had copped a lot of flak from the military personnel.


"They will follow.  We will need to be both smarter and faster!" rumbled Shadow in pokéspeak, causing Bill and Storm to nod at her comment.  Chris gave Scott a wry look, and the Ranger flashed him a grin as the youth muttered "I really need to get him to teach me how to do that one of these days!"


Chuckling the Ranger nodded, even as his partner gave them a smirking translation.


Jimmy hadn't been told of the issues occurring at the farm.  Instead, Gwen and Paul had passed on the vague message via his friends parents that he'd be staying with them a few days; something he hadn't questioned, thankfully.  With his friend being of the same age, and sharing the same class, it hadn't been difficult for his friends parents to transport the duo to school together. 


Knowing Chris's parents for many years, they didn't question the unusual request, as with so many strange rumours flourishing regarding events occurring at the Darken Ridge property, it was just one more oddity.  Paul's muttered comment that "it wasn't safe to discuss it over the phone" was enough to have them readily agree, and Paul had thanked them profusely for their kindness.


By the time they reached the nearby town, the school day was drawing to a close.  As the cattle truck pulled up in a bus zone outside the school grounds, Scott glanced at his watch, noting it was just after 2pm, with a good hour of class remaining before their day ended.


After conversing hurriedly with Storm, Bill and Chris, they decided that waiting the final hour for school to finish wasn't feasible.  The covered cattle truck was already drawing curious glances from passerby's, and Bill made the comment that the place would soon be crowded with parents picking up their kids from school.  While the pokémon were relatively hidden within the vehicle, it wouldn't take much for a curious pedestrian, or even worse, more curious local authorities who hadn't been informed of the goings on in the area, to blow their cover.  It didn't take a rocket scientist to work out what would happen then!


As a precaution, Shadow had been asked to remain in the vehicle.  While she wasn't happy with the request, as she had no pokéball she couldn't accompany them discretely, so had resigned herself to remain behind with the others.


Not that Skyy and Storm were particularly happy at having to return into their own balls.  Again, the need was understood, but the typhlosion gave his partner a dirty look as his disappeared in the familiar red flash, with Scott chuckling dryly at the thoughts of how his partner would make him pay for the indignity later. 


Lifting the canvas flap from the vehicle back, the trio jumped to the bitumen, heading through the chain link swing gate into the school grounds.  The administration block wasn't hard to find; a large sign directed them to the office, where they pushed onto the glass entry doors as a small bell attached on the frame announced their arrival.


The bright smile on the middle aged woman's face froze as she lifted her head to greet them, as the unusual appearance of the men before her finally registered.  The police officer and khaki clad "Ranger" she didn't know, but the smile returned as she recognised the young man accompanying them, as he'd been a student at the school until recent years.


"Chris Masters, as I live and breathe!" she said, reaching out to give him a gentle grip on his arm as he leaned across the counter.  "It's been a long time since you've haunted these halls.  What have you been doing with yourself?"


Chris chuckled, giving Scott a wry look, and replied "Oh, been travelling, Mrs Beers.  It's been an interesting time."


Nodding, she gave his companions another glance, before eyeing him intently.  "I hope you're not in any trouble, young man!"


Laughing, Chris shook his head.  "No, these are friends of my family.  Mum and Dad just sent me down to pick up Jimmy.  We're in a bit of a rush, so would it be possible to get him out of class a bit early?"


She pursed her lips before leaning forward and muttering conspiratorially "Well, normally I'd say yes, but Mr Jones, our old principal, retired earlier this year.  He's been replaced by Mr Brown, who's a bit of a stickler for the rules.  Give me a minute, and I'll ask him for you."


Smiling again, she rose from her seat and disappeared into the rear office, where she could be indistinctly heard conversing with the individual within.  It was a long several minutes before she returned, a frown on her face as she approached the counter to report "I'm afraid he's not keen on letting Jim out early, Chris.  He's told me to tell you to return back at 3pm."


Scott leaned forward past Chris and said "It is important that we leave as soon as possible, Mrs Beers.  Can you pass on that we do really need to leave immediately?"


Giving him an apologetic look, she said "I'll try, but I don't know..."


However, she was interrupted as a voice from the office called out "I thought I told you to tell them 3pm, Mrs Beers?  Is this difficult?"


Scott gave the door a dry look, before calling out in turn "I'm afraid I will need to insist, Mr Brown."


His comment was followed by silence, before a florid face peered past the door, and the man inside gave the Ranger an angry look.  A large, overweight body followed as the principal approached the front desk and said "Well, this is my school, sir!  I make the rules, and I'm advising you that you will wait until school finishes.  Do you understand?"


Scott's frowned deepened at the man's attitude, and he made to retort before Bill interjected hurriedly "Look, Jim's parents have specifically requested we get him home ASAP.  Surely you can make an exception in this case?"


Turning his glare on the uniformed officer, Mr Brown said sharply "And I suppose you have a letter from them requesting this, officer?"


Bill stepped back, as Chris said "No, but..." before being interrupted again. 


"No letter, no exceptions!" Mr Brown spat, turning from the group in dismissal, only to be halted as Scott gripped his arm angrily.


"As I said, I am insisting.  What class is he in?" the Ranger said coldly.


Mr Brown's face turned even more florid, as he rounded on the Ranger in fury.  "Take your hands from me, Sir!  I believe I will call the authorities if this continues further!"


Chris snorted.  "Yeah, good luck with that, mate!" before quietening as Scott gave him a glare.  Shrugging, Chris said "I know what class he is in.  Let's just go get him!"


Scott thought a moment, and nodded, releasing the principal, who turned on Mrs Beers and said "I think you should call the police."  However, he had no further chance to continue, as Scott grabbed him again roughly, dragging him from behind the reception desk and pushing the protesting man out the office door before him.  Bill and Chris followed, even as a worried Mrs Beers trailed behind them.


As they marched past the School gate towards the class blocks, the shouting voice of the principal disturbed several nearby classes, causing students to rush to the windows to view the confrontation.  Scott rolled his eyes, keeping firm control of the struggling man before him, but groaned loudly as the back of the truck nearby rocked, and Raikou and Suicune jumped down to see what the commotion was.


Screams from nearby were heard as the two huge legendaries approached the group, almost matched by the thin whine released from their wide eyed captive principal.  Scott gave Raikou a dark look and said "I thought this was supposed to be covert?" to which the legendary shrugged.


"Does it really matter at this late stage?" Raikou replied, raising an eyebrow at the Ranger.  Scott sighed and shook his head.  "I guess not.  Might as well release Storm and Skyy then."


Chris pulled Skyy's ball from his belt clip and let the lucario loose, followed closely by the typhlosion.  As storm materialised beside them, he gave the aghast Brown a glance, before pointing a clawed finger at the crowded windows in the nearby classrooms and muttered "What's with the audience?"


Scott didn't reply, instead shoving the man into movement as he said "Now, let's go find Jimmy Masters, with no more delays!"


For some reason, the principal was much more obliging all of a sudden.




Maths wasn't Jim's favourite class at the best of times, and he'd already been reprimanded twice for not paying attention to the board before him.  Sighing, he turned back to the droning voice, as the teacher continued her lesson on fractions.


Something was happening back home, his gut told him, and he was worried for his family.  When Tommy's parents had told him he'd staying over a few days, he hadn't objected, but when they wouldn't let him call his parents to ask why, he just knew something had gone wrong there.


His objections had been ignored, and the subsequent sulk as he moped around with his friends was met with stony silence.  In that frame of mind, school just sucked, and keeping his mind on his work was beyond his capacity.


Adding to this, he'd had no opportunity to release Azil in days, except for a brief, secretive moment where he and Tommy explained to the charmeleon what had occurred.


While he knew his parent would be furious he'd told his best friend about the pokémon, the social isolation he'd felt after being teased and harassed at school couldn't be contained, and in his human friend he'd found a sure ally in keeping Azil safe, from both the adults around them, and the authorities.  Still, they'd had little chance to get to know each other, as Jimmy took his parents warnings seriously enough to keep his orange friend hidden, and thereby protected.


Whispering his thoughts to Tommy sitting beside him had earned him yet another warning, the last before he'd be put on detention.  Fuming, he began doodling on the cover of his maths book, refusing to fill out the blank answer sections from the day's exercise within, even knowing he'd be in more trouble at the end of the class.


It was enough to send someone crazy, he swore to himself, as he looked up and out the nearby window as a faint disturbance sounded outside, getting progressively louder as whatever was causing the strife came closer.


Soon, even his classmates were leaning up to peer out the room at the source of the noise.  Yelling and a few screams finally distracted the teacher, who turned from her board work to scowl around at the class, telling them to get back in their seats while she checked out the problem.


Moving swiftly to the classroom door, she threw it open to be confronted with the massive whiskered face of Raikou, who started as she let out a shriek and collapsed, unconscious, in a faint at his feet.


The class around him froze, as Jimmy jumped up and shouted "Raikou!", even as the huge legendary pushed into the room, ignoring the sudden bedlam his entry caused around him.  When Chris and Skyy followed, closely followed by Scott, Storm and Bill, most of the kids in the room began yelling, some fearful and others jubilant, while a few simply huddled whimpering behind their desks staring at the pokémon in disbelief.


Throwing himself against the big legendary, Jimmy gave Raikou a hug as the pokémon rumbled a purr in return.  When he finally released him, Jim turned to his brother with wide eyes and said "What's happened?"


"Tell you later, squirt!  We gotta go" Chris soothed, ruffling his hair, before Jim raced back to his desk, stuffing his books into his back pack as fast as he could.  But when Azil's pokéball fell from inside to land on the desk surface, he paused, one hand hovering over the release as he turned to his brother and said plaintively "Can I...?"


Scott laughed sharply at the look and shrugged.  "Might as well.  Not like it's going to cause us any more problems."


Smirking, Jim turned to face a tall boy a few desks away and said loudly enough for the rest of his class to hear "Hey butt face?  Here's an "I told you so!" to stick up your arse!"


With that, he pressed the pokéball release, as the charmeleon inside materialised before the horrified class mate who had teased him so mercilessly in past weeks about his "imaginary pokémon friend".


Whistling, Jim waved at Tommy, who gave him a thumbs up in return.  He then grabbed his backpack and lead the bemused Azil from the room, following in the wake of the others, as well as most of the kids from his class, as they exited the school grounds and boarded the truck to depart, leaving the dumbfounded principal and confused Mrs Beers at the school gate to recover.



Chapter 54: Not quite the Bates Hotel.


"It wasn't a request, General.  I want you off this property within the next forty eight hours."


"Or what, Masters?  You'll evict us?"


Jobes glared at Paul Masters as the farmer stood before him, arms crossed and a grim expression on his face.  In contrast, the General was furious, and it showed; steely eyes glaring at the man who deigned to defy him.


But Paul wasn't fazed, and let a slight smile curl his lip.  "Oh, it's very simple, General.  My friends and I will remove you."


The General laughed harshly, and gave Paul an incredulous look.  "You can't be serious..." he started, but stopped as Paul stepped forward and hissed "I've never been more serious, arsehole.  I'm going to give you a choice.  Either you leave within the time period specified, or I'm going to take you bastards on with every resource I have.  However, understand the repercussions of this.  I've already contacted the media, advising them there is a "situation" occurring here, and several are sending journalists and news crews out to investigate.  What I'm planning on doing, mate, is give you an audience you're going to be forced to confront, like the performing monkey you are."


With his grim look returning, Paul stepped back and said quietly "I'm going to expose you, General, for the cunt you are.  Every dirty little thing you've done here, I'm going to shove square up your arse."


As the General stood, speechless in impotent fury, Paul flicked a cigarette out of its pack, lighting it nonchalantly before returning his gaze to his adversary.


"Now, I'm sure you think you can block this.  I'd suggest you think again.  We've already sent out comprehensive material to a large number of friends, all of whom have instructions to release it to the world media should anything... untoward... occur here.  Photos, video, statements from witnesses; more evidence than you can contemplate glossing over.  Anything at all happens here, and I'm going to Wiki leak all over your sorry hide.  No matter how hard you try, you'll never stop them all, mate.  You have my assurance, I will fuck you up in every way I possibly can, and when I'm finished, you can scrape together whatever minute traces are left of your military career, and go fuck off back down whatever hole you crawled out of."


Tapping his cigarette against a nearby post, Paul watched as the ash dropped into the garden bed below, before he finished. "You've hurt my family, and my friends, with no care for the consequences.  Like my son, Jobes, I can't stand a bully, and you're one of the worst.  Now it's my turn to return the favour.  You have forty eight hours.  After that, I'm getting my payback on the lot of you."


Turning away, he dismissed Jobes with another flick of his cigarette, and returned to the farmhouse, leaving a white faced General to pick up the pieces of his operation.




Cameron knocked on the tacked together door of Jobes trashed office, where he found the General giving orders to his aides regarding the closing down of operations at Darken Ridge.  Flanked by a pair of his own officers, Cameron didn't wait for an acknowledgement, but entered and approached the army commander, who halted his discussion to glare at him coldly.


"I have nothing to say to you, apart from the fact you're going to regret this, Marshke." Jobes threatened, as Cameron's support stiffened at the implied threat.


Cameron shrugged, dropping to a chair opposite the general and leaning back casually.  "Oh, I very much doubt that, Jobes" he replied, eyeing his officers who settled down, but remained watchful.  "In fact, I'm here to make you an offer to salvage what you can from all this."


Dismissing his aides, Jobes leaned back in his chair and laughed harshly.  "Oh, that is rich.  As if we need your assistance..." he began, only to pause in surprise as Cameron slammed his fist on the general's desk.


"What, are you a fucking imbecile?  This operation is history!  You've fucked it up from the moment you interfered, made enemies from potential allies, and quite possibly destroyed any chance of a friendly first contact with people from another world!  How do you think that's going to look to the powers that be, General?  Because, while you and your cronies might think to shelter from the fallout, nothing is going to stop this getting out now!  I'm here to try and see if we can scrape something positive together from this dog's breakfast you've created, and all you can think of is to threaten me, too?  You're a fool!"


The General didn't reply for a long moment, letting Cameron wind himself down.  Finally, he beckoned his aides back into the room, giving Cameron a long, cold stare, and said "If you've finished, I have things to do.  This isn't over until I say it's over!"


Cameron sighed, getting slowly to his feet and turned from the stubborn fool.  "No, Jobes.  I'm not the one whose finished here.  You've made this nest you've shit so thoroughly in.  Now live in it!"


Nodding to his officers, the trio left the room, as Jobes shot a hate filled look at his retreating back.  But once Cameron had gone, he turned to his aides and muttered "Get me the staff sergeant on duty.  I want the men ready to depart at a moment's notice."


Leaning back as his staff left, his hands balled into fists which he slammed on the table, and hissed "No, you police fool.  This is a long way from being finished!  This isn't ending until I say it's ending!"




Cameron joined Paul on the rear deck of the farmhouse, where he declined a beer, instead accepting the offer of a coffee from Gwen, who headed back into the kitchen for it.


Turning to the farmer, Cameron could only shake his head at the questioning look, which was all the confirmation the farmer needed.  Paul sighed, rubbing his face and sat back against the padded seat cushion.


"It's going to be a real shit fight, isn't it?" the farmer asked, and was unsurprised at the Police Commissioners wry nod.


"He won't back down now, Paul.  He'll throw everything he has at those guys now, including your sons I'm afraid."


Paul sighed again, taking a long pull from his beer.  "No accounting for stupid." he muttered, grinning suddenly as Cameron let out a bark of laughter.


"Military sometimes breeds this sort of idiocy into them.  I've checked out Jobes history thoroughly, through my own contacts.  The reason he's out here, instead of commanding proper military deployment, is his own department is sick of dealing with him.  His xenophobic and bigoted attitude had him removed from command in Afghanistan, and they'd thought to send him off out here on a wild goose chase to get him out of their hair.  It's just pure bad luck we're now dealing with him, and not someone more reasonable."


Paul considered the reply sombrely.  "So, can his superiors stop him making this an even bigger mess?"


Cameron shook his head.  "Not likely.  He's a loose cannon, and by the time they really get wind of how bad this situation truly is, it'll be too late.  We're on our own, I'm afraid."


Sighing, Paul muttered "What about from your end?  Can we expect any further assistance?"


Cameron nodded, gripping him on the shoulder.  "Everything I have, my friend.  But it's going to get messy, you understand?"


Chuckling suddenly, Paul grinned at the police officer.  "With Raikou and his brothers, not to mention those Rangers as Jobes' adversary, I think messy is going to be the understatement of the century.  Still, if there was anyone I'd trust to protect Chris and Jimmy, it's that lot."


Accepting his coffee from Gwen, who returned with a steaming mug and saucer, Cameron nodded.  "I'm pooling all my resources now, and calling in every favour I can.  Whatever Jobes has planned, I intend to make sure it's made as public as possible."


Gwen sighed, receiving a sympathetic look from Cameron.  "If it's any consolation, Gwen, I'd trust those Rangers with my life.  The kids will be as safe as possible, and I know that Raikou and his friends will be right there for them too.  They're in good hands.  Err, paws!"


Still, he turned away and left the pair quietly, as Gwen buried her face in her husband's shoulder, sobbing deeply.




Chris, Jimmy and Skyy lay against Raikou's flank as the jostling truck hit another pot hole, threatening to send them flying across the timber flooring yet again.  Azil had earlier chosen to return to his pokéball after turning a rather unflattering shade of green as the rocking truck made him increasingly nauseous.


Scott had joined Rodney in the cab, trying to make sense of the maps the aboriginal man had provided of the city towards which they were headed.  It was still daunting for the Ranger to come to grips with the size of the place.  Just contemplating nearly five million people crammed into one urban centre had him bewildered, and Rodney gave him a wry look as he pointed a long finger at the map, stabbing the area Scott had been searching for.


"Big place, Sydney" he said quietly, tracing his finger across the paper surface before poking it again near the margin of the map.  "Gonna take us a few hours to get there, especially if we go on a walkabout tour to try avoiding those guys lookin' for us."


Scott nodded absently, following their route with his own finger.  They'd been travelling several hours already without rest, and the Ranger could only guess at how exhausted the group in the back were getting.  With the goal so near, he was reluctant to risk giving their opponents any further opportunity to plan their attack, which could only work against the group.


Still, there was no point in tackling the company when exhaustion would rob them of their edge, so he gave the nod for Rodney to pull into a shabby looking highway hotel/motel, where the truck could be effectively hidden from passing eyes behind the dilapidated concrete block structure.


The manager, as shabby as his complex, wasn't pleased to be woken so late to process guests, but he brightened when Scott, with the assistance of Chris, booked four entire rooms.  Handing out the keys, Scott filled in the registry book with a fabricated address, glad that the man hadn't asked for ID.  Then again, looking at the water stained carpeting and mildew-streaked peeling wallpaper of the rooms they'd been given, it was probably the sort of place that anonymity was the norm.


Smuggling the legendary pokémon into a room sight unseen was difficult, but they managed it without being caught out.  A surprised human had stumbled onto them as the three circled from the back of the building to squeeze into the shabby room interior, but while the man's eyes widened, he simply stumbled drunkenly away, taking a long pull from his brown bagged bottle of bourbon before throwing the remainder away in disgust for causing such lucid hallucinations.


Pink elephants were one thing, but giant furry monsters were simply too much!


Rodney joined Scott and Storm in the second room, while Chris and his brother were left with the third.  Bill waved goodnight as he and Shadow slipped past the group into the last room, and they finally all retired for the night.


Jimmy jumped on the bed several times, before dropping to his back side, laying back heavily with a sigh.  Chris sat on his own bed more gingerly, eyeing the shabby looking sheets and quilt cover somewhat dubiously.  They looked clean enough, but he didn't hold any delusions that such cleanliness could be deceiving, given the nature of what likely occurred in these sorts of places. 


Releasing Skyy, who seemed to share his concerns with the health and safety of the bedding, they dropped back to sit facing his brother, as Jimmy let loose Azil, who gave the room a snort of disgust.  But when the younger pair were distracted by the cheap CRT television huddled in the corner, Chris gave his friend a hug, surprising the lucario who was quick enough to return the favour.


"Didn't go for the big spend on luxury accommodation, did he?" Skyy joked, as he dropped back to lie spreadeagled on top of the sheets, before giggling as Chris poked him in the furry belly.


"Consider yourself fortunate there's even a mattress here.  I thought we'd be huddling out in a field somewhere!"


Sniggering, Skyy curled up beside him, before wrinkling his nose involuntarily.  Surprised, Chris sniffed himself, cringing at the rank sweat and cattle stench that came from his shirt. The truck had been bloody hot, not to mention disgustingly filthy.  While some attempt to wash out the cattle stink had obviously been made, the smell lingered unpleasantly, and Chris rose, reaching into his duffel for a change of clothing and underwear, as well as a towel and his toiletries bag.  Poking the lucario again, he made for the grimy bathroom, but was surprised as Skyy reached for another towel.


"Jimmy's just there!" Chris hissed worriedly, but didn't object further as Skyy followed him into the room, closing the door quietly behind him.


"He's a big boy, and not as naive as you think, Chris.  I overheard Azil talking to him about us over a week ago, telling him a whole lot of stuff that would likely make you blush furiously.  Pokémon don't worry about that sort of crap like you humans; I've told you that before!  Given I still need someone to clean my back, and you certainly need someone to wash yours, I think they'll be fine on their own for a while!"


Spluttering, Chris didn't stand a chance as the lucario pushed him into the shower cubicle, drawing the curtain closed behind them.




An early morning shriek from the adjacent unit sent Scott staggering from his bed, leaving a confused typhlosion blinking from where they'd been sleeping.  Glancing at the clock while he struggled with his shorts, he tripped over the boots he'd left on the floor the night before, landing hard on his side and knocking the wind from himself.


"Rawwwrrrr...what?" growled the typhlosion, blinking large red yes in the darkness, even as his burners let off a shot of steam at the rude awakening.


"Fuck...dunno!" coughed out his partner, still struggling to get his feet into his pants, while his battered lungs battled for breath.


Storm made the unit doorway before him, but he paused before opening it, giving his partner a nod.  Rodney emerged from the adjacent room, white teeth and wide eyes gleaming in the semi-darkness, making the filthy windows and drawing the curtain aside, squinting into the darkness.  Leaving the safety catch attached, Storm opened the door a slit, pushing one eye against the crack as he gazed out at whatever, or whomever, was making all the noise.


On the ground outside, huddled against the veranda pillar and sheltering behind her overturned cleaning cart, a human in a blue dress cowered, crying out in a language unknown to those within, and making genuflections towards the next room.


Eyes wide, Storm gave Scott a confused look, shrugging as he said "Can't understand a fucking word she's spouting!  What's that she speaking?  Idiot?"


Chuckling despite himself, Rodney interrupted "Sounds like Italian, or Greek.  Certainly Mediterranean."


Stunned, the typhlosion turned to him and said "You understand that gobbledegook?"


Shaking his head, Rodney flashed him a smile.  "No, bro.  But seen enough movies to get an idea what it sounds like."


Having finally dressed himself into some semblance of decency, Scott joined Storm, slipping the catch on the door to have a better look.  "The way she's carrying on, she'll wake the entire damn unit complex!  Shit, I bet she went in next door to clean, not knowing the room was occupied!  I'll see if I can go shut her the hell up!"


When Storm made to follow, he pushed the protesting pokémon back in the room, praying the cleaning woman hadn't seen him.  "Stay inside, furball!" he hissed, shutting the door in his surprised fuzzy face.


Rolling his eyes as he imagined her further yells when comforted by a misguided typhlosion, Scott stepped to the woman, squatting down beside her and placing a hand on her shoulder, causing her to yelp in panic as she rounded on him.  Whether it was the look of reassurance he gave, or the calm grip on her arm, she stopped yelling and pointed a shaking finger at the room shared by the legendaries, stuttering "Mostri!  Ci sono mostri dentro!"


Scott groaned inwardly as he caught a light flicking on in the managers apartment from the corner of his eye, but tried making sense of her words.  She'd clearly walked in on the three legendaries, who thank Arceus hadn't left the room after her.  Still, all they needed was a further problem to handle.


A tap on his arm had him whirl, to confront Chris, who stood bleary eyed behind him.  Skyy at least was smart enough not to have followed, and the Ranger gave Chris a shrug, not knowing how to handle the woman.


To his amazement, Chris dropped before her and began talking in a language that sounded similar to her own.


"Calmati! Sei andato in quella stanza?"
  (Calm down! Did you go into that room?)


Giving Chris a wide eyed look, she nodded vigorously and said "Sì! Dovuto pulire, ci sono andato e c'erano i mostri!"
 (Yes! I had to clean, and I went in there, and there were monsters!)


Reaching out, Chris rested a hand on her own, and tried to reassure her "Mi dispiace, ma sono i costumi. Molto realistico."
 (I am sorry, but they are costumes.  Very realistic.)


Unconvinced, she stared uncomprehendingly.  "Ma si muovono! Li ho visti!"
 (But they move!  I saw them!)


He shrugged, giving her a smile.  "Hanno macchine in loro! Computer. Li fa muovere!"
 (They have machines in them! Computers. Makes them move!)


Waving her arms towards the room, she protested "Ma erano così reale! Ero molto spaventata!"
 (But they were so real! I was very frightened!)


Chris nodded.  "Lo so. Siamo spiacenti. Non sapevamo che stavi per pulire e metterli lì sicuro ieri notte. Non vogliamo lasciarli nel camion, se essi sono stati rubati."
 (I know. We are sorry. We didn't know you were going to clean, and put them there safe last night.  We didn't want to leave them in the truck if they were stolen.)

Sighing, she put her face in her hands and stammered "Capisco! Mi dispiace per fare tante storie."
 (I see! I am sorry for making such a fuss.)


Chris laughed, giving her a broad smile, that was tentatively returned.  "Non è un problema. Basta lasciare la stanza da solo finchè ci lascia, per favore."
 (Not a problem. Just leave the room alone till we leave, please.)


With the situation apparently under control, Scott turned his attention to the manager, who bore down on the group, an angry look on his face for being woken up early.  Scott stepped in front of him, blocking off his access to the pair still in conversation behind him.


"What's the bloody problem!" the man shouted, gesturing wildly at the cleaner, causing the Ranger to narrow his eyes at him.


"She got a fright when she saw some robotic costumes we'd hung up in the room to air" Scott fabricated, inwardly wincing at what the legendary's might say if they'd overheard him.


"That crazy woman!  If it's not one thing, it's another!"  Raising his fist, he leaned past the Ranger to yell at her "I've a mind to...."


But what mind he had froze, as Bill, who had slipped up behind them in his police uniform, grabbed his shoulder in a vice like grip, dragging the startled man to face him, as he said ominously "I'd be very careful what you say now, my friend.  She had a shock.  It's understandable, given the circumstances. Now, no one was hurt, so how about we all go get some sleep?"


The manager nodded vigorously, shocked to find himself face to face with the police, and Bill released him, letting him rise as he patted him heavily on the shoulder where he'd gripped him.


"Yeah...  I... uh... You're going today, later, aren't you?" the manager stammered, and Scott, who'd been watching, nodded abruptly.


"We'll be gone, and you can get back to running this place in peace.  That'd be best for everyone."


With his head nodding hard enough to make his body shake, the manager backed off, as Chris finished talking to the cleaning woman, who seemed to have accepted his story somewhat dubiously.


"Robotic costumes?" Chris said, trying to avoid breaking out in laughter, as Bill snorted in amusement.


Scott shrugged, and shot him a grin.  "It worked, didn't it?  Now, let this woman go back to her job, and you and I will check out the "costumes" to see how they're fairing."


Chuckling, they left the bemused cleaner to continue her rounds, and entered the room in question, reassuring the bemused occupants they were not, in fact, in any way animatronic.



Chapter 55: Diversions.


It was three AM before Chris returned to their room, giving a wide eyed Jimmy and Azil a quick rundown of what had gone on outside.  Skyy lay back on the bed, eyes half closed as he listened in on the explanation, although he snorted in amusement at the "costume" bit.


"Bet that sat down real well with Suicune" he joked, as Chris shot him a smirk.


"Princess was all set to go out there and explain he was no one's costume, but Scott gave him an earful.  Still, it took him and Raikou quite a long time before they convinced him the slight wasn't worth getting his tits in a tangle over."


Pondering for a moment, Chris muttered "Assuming the big sook has tits, deep down under all that dense fur.  I don't really think it wise to ask him about them, however."


Grinning, Skyy nodded forcefully, and as Chris settled the two youngsters back under their sheets, didn't comment further as his partner slipped into bed, snuggling back as Chris wrapped warm arms around him.


With the human's soft breath at his ear, Skyy sighed against his chest.  Chris tightened his grip, giving the lucario a reassuring squeeze that all would be well, as they slipped back into sleep.





Knowing the long wait for details would result in his receiving an earful from Storm, Scott sighed in exasperation as he finally closed the door on the three legendaries room.  Turning, he started in surprise, not having registered the presence of the aboriginal man who sat nearby in the dark on a rickety timber bench, face only dimly lit by his cigarette's glare.


"Shit, don't do that!" Scott spluttered, as Rodney gave a chuckle, holding out the pack invitingly.  Shaking his head, the Ranger dropped beside him, stretching his neck to loosen out the cricks, while wincing as several cracks popped from his abused vertebrae.


"I'm getting too old for this!" he muttered, causing Rodney to raise an eyebrow at him.


"You ain't old yet, mate.  It's when you get to my age, and everything starts falling apart, and everyone around you look like teenagers, that you know that the move on to the next plane is fast approaching."


Nodding absently, Scott let his mind drift a moment, until the quiet cough from the human beside him brought him back to himself.


Looking across at the man who was staring morosely across the poorly lit car park, Scott asked him "Why are you helping us, Rodney?  Not that I don't want you here; Arceus sake, we'd be screwed without you!  But you could have left at any time.  Why stay?  You know this is going to get dangerous?"


Rodney drew long and hard on the smoke, before stabbing out the used butt in a bucket of sand beside the bench arm as he pondered his reply.  Finally, he gave the Ranger a searching look, shrugged his shoulders and spoke softly. "I am here because I need to be here.  It's what my entire being says needs to be.  Spirits, ancestors, whatever.  They all are tellin' me that this is the right thing to do, and whatever may come, will be."


Scott gave him an inscrutable look.  "Your spirits are with you constantly, aren't they?" he asked, and was unsurprised when the man nodded, flashing brilliant white teeth in amusement.


"Yours aren't?" the aboriginal man asked with a grin, pointing to the room where the legendaries slept.


Scott coughed, ready to retort, but the words died on his lips.  Seriously considering his reply, he finally said quietly "I guess they are, at that."


As a further thought occurred to the Ranger, he turned to the man and said seriously "You do understand that this may be a one way trip, don't you?  I cannot guarantee either your safety or how easily we can return you to your people, or even back to this world.  It's going to get nasty, most likely, and if our last foray into a Sinnotech facility is anything to go by, as your Alice would say, it's possibly a one way trip through the looking glass."


Rodney shrugged, unconcerned with the Rangers question.  "I know, my friend.  I'm simply going where the spirits tell me to go.  If they want me to travel to your home, nothing on this world will prevent it.  So, why worry about it?"


At Scott's dubious nod, the man laughed, lighting another cigarette before continuing.  "Besides, I'd be like that Neil Armstrong fella!  One small step for Rodney, and all that crap!  First of my people to boldly go, where none have ever gone before!  It'll be better than all that Star Trek stuff!"


Scott shrugged helplessly, having no idea what the man was talking about, but convinced that his enthusiasm was genuine.  Perhaps it was something they'd all need badly before the day was over.


Nothing further was said as the pair digested their individual thoughts, before Scott stood with a sigh, giving the man a comforting clap on the shoulder.  "Glad you're with us, Rodney, regardless of the reasons.  I just hope you don't come to regret them before all of this is over."


Nodding, Rodney drew another long pull on the cigarette, the dim ruby glow giving his grinning face a slightly demonic appearance, and said to Scott "Gonna be interesting, regardless, huh brother?"


Scott didn't reply as he slipped back into his unit.  It wasn't a question needing an answer.




The dim glow of the cheap digital bedside clock was all the illumination lighting the unit, as the 6.00am alarm brought Chris reluctantly from his sleep.  After thumping the snooze button with enough force to nearly knock the clock from the dresser, Chris lay back down on his pillow, wiping tired eyes even as Skyy protested sleepily from the bed beside him.


Still, it took a long moment for his addled brain to register the reality of the day, and his eyes widened as the thought finally took hold.  This was it; D Day for Sinnotech. 


When a warm paw draped itself across his chest, he turned to regard the narrowed ruby eyes of the lucario lying on his side next to him, as the long ears twitched in his direction.


"It's all come to this, huh?" said Skyy sombrely, alert despite the hour.


Chris sighed, cupping the furred hand in his own and caressing the short spike on its back.  "Yeah.  I guess it is.  Not that I'm all that happy with it."


Skyy nodded, blinking at his friend.  "Was going to happen, regardless, wasn't it.  I don't think we had any choice in the matter."


Chris released the paw and wrapped his arm around the furred shoulders, drawing the lucario close.  Snuggling into the fur on his head, Chris breathed out between Skyy's ears, and muttered "No.  But it bothers me that I keep feeling like we're being pushed into this confrontation.  It's what Raikou said that time, about Arceus's path for us.  The choice was made long ago.  I just hope it was the right one."


He felt Skyy nod agreement against his neck, and thought to himself another few minutes of peace wouldn't hurt.


It wasn't as if Sinnotech were going anywhere, after all.


Still, when Jimmy's face appeared over his own, he groaned again, as the youngster smirked down at them and said "Comfy?"


Reaching back for a pillow, he pushed it into his brothers face, muttering "I was, squirt!", as Skyy snorted in amusement.  But they both rose up, Chris's arms goose pimpling as the chill morning air drew the beds warmth from his skin.


Pointing to the shower, he said to his brother "You!  Wash!"  When a smirk from the charmeleon standing nearby caught his eye, as the orange pokémon sniggered at his trainers stormy look, Chris pointed at him too, and said "You, too!", which startled the creature.


With the pairs protests finally stifled by the bathroom door, Chris had an opportunity to rub his face, as Skyy drew up beside him, giving him a hand to his feet.  As their eyes met, Chris said quietly "Scared?"


Skyy paused, before nodding slowly.  "Yeah.  You?"


Chris's barely perceptible return nod was all the acknowledgement the lucario needed to wrap arms back around the human, and draw him comfortingly close.




As dawn broke, Rodney pulled the truck up in the tight space behind the units, and the group piled in.  Unusually sombre, and equally silent, there was little conversation to be had as they headed down the highway towards the distant city skyline.


Storm had ignored his partners protests and climbed into the cab between his fellow Ranger and Rodney.  While the typhlosion knew his presence in public view could cause issues, he refused to be left out of the planning undertaken by the two human's.


"You know I am better at this stuff than you, Scott" he grumped, which had his partner pause.  Scott knew it was the truth and, regardless of his thoughts that Storm being in front was a bad idea, let his arguments die.  The traffic at this time of the day was light, and with the height of the vehicle towering over smaller cars, he just hoped the pokémon's presence would remain unnoticed.


Still, it was a while before he managed to calm himself enough to broach the pending confrontation with the pair.  Storm simply ignored his concerns, chatting with the aboriginal man, who didn't seem fazed by anything.


Scott, however, was worried.  So many things could go wrong, and he just prayed today would turn out better than their previous experiences.


Distracted, he didn't notice the pair sharing the cab had dropped into silence, until a heavy, furred arm draped itself over his shoulder.  Turning in surprise, he faced Storm, whose muzzle was quirked into a typhlosion grin.


"She'll be right, mate!" said the pokémon with a drawl, getting a laugh and a thumbs up from Rodney, who said "Got it perfect, brother!"  Scott laughed despite himself, and regardless of Rodney's presence, leaned against his friend comfortingly.


"How do you think we should tackle this?" the Ranger asked, and Storm thought a moment, before replying with a rumble "Head on.  Fuck em'!  All this planning and tactical bullshit we've done in the past has always got us nowhere.  The bastards have had an answer for everything.  I reckon, this time we just make it up as we go!  Let them plan for that eventuality!"


Scott gave him an incredulous look.  "You're not serious?"


Storm shrugged.  "Why not?  Didn't help that arse hat Jobes to plan anything against us.  What's the worst that could happen?"


Scott looked away.  "You mean, apart from getting captured or killed?"


Storm regarded his partner for a moment, before pulling the concerned human close again.  "Not this time, Scott.  This time, we're going to wipe the floor with these toe rags."


Scott sighed.  "Not that I don't share your positivity, but..."


Rodney interrupted his reply.  "No buts, bro.  We go in, we kick arse, we win!  That's what we do!"


Storm chuckled darkly, and said "We got three legendaries, two Rangers, and enough pokémon to take down an army, as has been soundly proven once this week already.  How can we fail?"


Scott made to reply, but froze as the wail of a siren sounded from outside the truck.  Giving Storm a loaded look, he dropped his head to stare through the side mirror, spotting the flashing lights of a police cruiser behind them.  Cursing, he turned to Rodney, whose perpetual smile had vanished, even as a loud banging against the cab glass let them know their rear passengers had also became aware of their unwelcome escort.


"We know, we know!" he shouted out futilely to the passengers in the back, unsure if they could hear, but the banging stopped, and Scott prayed the legendaries didn't do anything drastic.  Storm gave him a wide eyed look and shrugged helplessly, but when Rodney began looking panicked, Scott said "Just pull over!  There's nothing we can do about it!  We'll have to deal with it!"


Nodding, Rodney flicked on the indicator, manoeuvring the truck into the breakdown lane as the police cruiser pulled in front of them, blocking the road ahead.  Motioning for Storm to hunch down beneath the dashboard as best he could, Scott prayed the big pokémon could hide his presence, as the doors of the car ahead opened, and two uniformed officers approached the truck cab from the driver's side.


Winding down the driver's window, Rodney did his best to put on a nonchalant face, calling down to the policeman "Mornin' officer.  What can we do for you?"


"We're looking for a Scott Rivers?" the man replied, eyeing the pair of men somewhat cautiously.  Something about them seemed odd, but he didn't let his attention leave their faces.


Surprised despite himself, Scott called out "I'm Scott Rivers", opening the door cautiously to slip from the cab when the man requested he step down.  Joining the pair on the roadside, one of the officers gave him an inscrutable look, before continuing "We've been advised to keep an eye out for you and that truck you're in.  You're to be escorted into the city, without fanfare, to meet up with some senior officers at police HQ."


Scott sighed, unsurprised despite himself.  "Let me guess; the request came from Cameron Marshke?"


The officer gave his partner a loaded look, surprised the man knew the district commissioner on a first name basis, but shrugged.  "I don't have that information, sir.  But the request wasn't a request, if you get my drift?"


Giving the man a sudden wry smile, Scott replied dryly "Oh, yes, I understand.  It's been that sort of week.  Well, lead on, and we'll follow."


The officer nodded, but eyed the truck uncertainly.  "Do you think you should bring the vehicle with you?"


Scott laughed suddenly, imagining the chaos that'd ensue if they left the group behind, and nodded at the confused policemen.  "Given how much trouble it'd cause leaving it here, I think we'd better bring it along." 


After a brief trip to the back of the truck to inform the occupants of the change of plans, he climbed back into the cab and explained the situation to the relieved Rodney, but admonished Storm to keep his head down until they were underway, which the typhlosion did reluctantly.


Returning to their cruiser, the second officer closed his door and turned to the first, to ask cautiously "Umm, did you see that...?"


The first started the car, buckling on his seat belt before pulling out into the light morning traffic, aware that the cattle truck had begun to follow.  "You mean, the huge blue furry thing with the glowing red eyes hiding down behind the dashboard, trying to be invisible?"


Wide eyed, the other officer nodded.


"Nope!" said the first, attention fixed firmly on the road.  "Didn't see a thing!"




It was a further thirty minutes drive before they arrived at the large precinct office, located in the outer western suburbs of the city.  The trip had been uneventful, although Scott couldn't help but notice the occasional head swing as one of the officers in the vehicle ahead turned to stare back at the cab of the truck trailing behind them.


Once they had resumed their journey, Storm had sat upright, despite the protests of his partner, citing the fact "he was too big, and too bloody old, to worry about that shit anymore!"  Still, after several crook-neck stares from the vehicle ahead, the typhlosion had sent the human in the squad car a toothy wave, causing the officer to spin back to a forward position in a panic.


Giving the pokémon a shake of his head, Scott muttered 'That isn't helping!", to which his partner shrugged and replied "They're big boys.  They can probably handle it without soiling themselves."


Scott had his doubts about that, but with the remainder of the drive causing no further catastrophe, he was relieved when they finally reached their destination safely.  Doubly so when he spotted Cameron waiting for them, along with several other officers, a few whom he knew vaguely from the farm operation.


As the truck ground to a halt, Scott had a moments apprehension that the group in the back might exit prematurely, but the rear of the vehicle remained sealed. Jumping to the ground, Scott joined Cameron, who shook his hand warmly, but their conversation paused following several gasps from officers in the group as Storm left the vehicle to join him.  From the nervous looks and pale faces, some had clearly not expected the big pokémon's presence, and the friendly grin he'd directed at them, long, sharp teeth and all, obviously did little to reassure them as to his passive nature.


Then again, their response was nothing compared to the reaction that arose when Rodney untied the rear tarp of the truck trailer, and the pair of Rangers were joined by Raikou, Chris and their friends.


Once the commotion died down somewhat, Scott asked the question he'd been wondering.  "What's happened, Cameron?  Why'd you call us back?"


Shaking his head and gesturing around, Cameron muttered "Not out here.  It's too public.  Let's head inside, and I'll fill you in on the latest events."


Nodding, Scott followed Cameron and his staff inside, trailed by the rest of the group, who continued to elicit shocked responses from those they passed.  When they finally entered a large, open office area full of desks, the whole place dropped into silence, all eyes on the monsters passing through their midst.


At least, the silence lasted until Storm, passing one young policewoman regarding them in open mouthed disbelief, gripped her cubicle wall and hung his head over the to say with a smirk "Howsit hangin', baby?"


Thumping his partner, who let out a growling peal of laughter that echoed through the shocked room, an embarrassed Scott apologised for his friend to the woman, who gave the pair an amused, if still stunned, smile, which became a blush as the typhlosion gave her a broad wink and thumbs up.  Rolling his eyes, Scott poked the pokémon in the ribs, and they continued into a large meeting room, as the senior officers closed the doors behind them.


"Where the hell did you learn that?" Scott muttered, receiving another laugh in reply, as well as a thump on his shoulders.


"Absorbing the culture in a new place is part of Ranger policy, Scotty!  You need to relax more.  Take a load off!" the typhlosion replied with a chuckle, before they settled down in the big room, most in chairs facing the podium at the front, with the larger pokémon resting on the carpeted floor at the room's rear. 


Big as it was, the conference room felt crowded, with a good two dozen officers joining the meeting.  Again, it appeared Cameron had informed his men of their imminent arrival, as no one panicked at the pokémon's presence, but there were more than a few nervous looks directed at the pokémon, especially Raikou and his brothers, whose size dominated the room.  It's all well and good to be told they'd be having a session with huge furry monsters, but nothing makes up for the reality of the actual situation.


Taking the stand, Cameron nodded towards Scott and said to his audience "I apologise for bringing you here like this.  I know the plan was for your group to enter the Sinnotech offices with as little fanfare as possible, and try and get back through the portal.  However, events have unfortunately changed over the past twelve hours, and that will no longer be possible."


Coughing into his hand, Cameron let the comment sink in a moment before continuing.


"It seems we now have a doubly difficult situation to deal with.  Firstly, we have reports from those officers I had placed to keep Sinnotech under surveillance, that a large number of security personnel have been employed by the company to guard the building.  Nor are they your normal run-of-the-mill bouncer-types.  These have the appearance of hard core mercenaries, and are equipped with automatic weapons and body armour well out of proportion to the role they would normally occupy in such a position.  Obviously, they know you're coming."


From the back, Raikou spoke out, his unexpectedly deep voice startling several in the room, who spun to regard him in shock.


"That is immaterial.  We can deal with such a force without difficulty."


Cameron nodded at the legendary.  "Likely you can.  However, I need to remind you that the building in question is located in an area of heavy pedestrian traffic.  Even with your powers, I doubt you can guarantee the safety of all civilians in the area, should the situation become heated."


Raikou paused a moment before nodding, leaving the man to continue speaking.  Scott breathed a sigh of relief, echoed by Storm beside him.  While having shown an incredible level of tolerance and acceptance for the humans around them so far, there was no doubt how much damage, let alone carnage, the three legendaries could cause, if they chose to act without limit or consideration to those humans around them.  Even so, these further delays were likely pushing the pokémon's patience to its limits.


Cameron met Scott's eyes, showing equal relief, before giving the group the more unpleasant news.


"We have also received a somewhat carefully worded document from the Ministry of Defence, advising that there have been some, how did they put it?  Irregularities.  Yes, irregularities in the recent actions of General Brian Jobes in his administration of the "situation" at the Masters property.  It seems these irregularities include their most current concern, where the General has broken off all communication with his superiors.  As you can understand, this is causing them a great deal of... discomfort."


"Discomfort my arse!" muttered Storm to Scott, leaning down to whisper in his human partners ear.  "I bet they're shittin' themselves, after letting that psycho loose!"


Hushing the typhlosion up with one hand, Scott directed his attention back to the front, trying to follow Cameron's comments.


"...a large number of troop movements have been witnessed in the area, which have not been authorised.  More concerning, the complete radio silence which has been encountered by Defence when trying to contact those deployed means that it has become impossible for their leaders to recall them, and they now seem to be heading in the direction of the city."


Sitting back, Scott put a hand to his chin and pondered the information.  He made to ask a question, but was beat to the punch by one of the senior officers, who asked "What do our people think they have planned?"


Cameron met the man's eye, and said "Our thoughts are they are planning on assaulting the Sinnotech facility, and seizing control of the portal."


Arguments erupted from within the room, as both the humans and even the pokémon commented amongst themselves.  Finally, clearing his throat, Cameron brought the disruption under control, and nodded to another officer, who raised his hand to ask a question.


"Won't this place the civilian population in even further danger, given the level of preparedness we have seen in this facility?"


Cameron nodded again, and said "The likelihood of significant casualties has risen markedly."


Cursing, Storm stood, his suddenly steaming body looming over those nervous humans around him, and demanded "What is that idiot thinking?  Does he believe we will just sit back and let him slaughter the humans around him, letting him take control of the access to our world, and do the same there?  He's insane!"


Eyes narrowed, Cameron gave the angry pokémon a forbidding look, and said commandingly "Sit down, Ranger!  I am quite aware of this, thank you, and expect you to maintain the same level of control as my officers, if you wish to contribute and be involved in this discussion and operation!"


Muttering beneath his breath, Storm subsided, ignoring the disgusted look from his partner.  Giving him a suddenly sympathetic glance, the Commissioner continued.


"Thank you!  For your information, we have been advised that they now consider Jobes a loose cannon, and we have been given an unprecedented blanket of authority to do whatever we need to handle the situation; provided!" he said loudly, as the room again began to stir, "Provided our primary objective is maintained, which is to limit the risk to the public!"


As they again calmed, Cameron sighed and said "We have a dilemma, people.  We need to stop this man, and we need to take charge of the Sinnotech operation, without causing further harm.  It's going to be difficult, but I have every faith in our abilities to achieve this."


It seemed the meeting was heading for conclusion, when a loud cough from the rear had people turning.  Raikou stood, with his brothers beside him, and gave Cameron a loaded look.  At his nod, the legendary addressed the group.


"While we appreciate your efforts, you can understand our concerns in ensuring the world we have vowed to protect is kept safe.  We will offer you every support in achieving this, but cannot overlook the serious risk this General poses to our people."


Letting out a deep sigh, the pokémon exchanged a look with his brothers, and Scott didn't miss the slight nod from Suicune as Raikou hesitated, before he sighed again and continued.


"While the risk posed by Sinnotech and the dark forces that govern them is great, I need to advise that this is not the only concern we face.  Tampering with the portal itself, governed by technology that has not been seen even by a world as technologically advanced as this one, carries its own risks.  It would not be impossible for those controlling the Sinnotech facility to cause a catastrophic collapse of the portal, should they be pressed unnecessarily into doing so, as a measure of last resort.  The results could be... devastating."


Lips and eyes narrowed, Cameron spoke into the stunned silence following the pokémon's words.


"What exactly do you mean by devastating?  They could blow it up?"


When the pokémon nodded sombrely, Cameron looked to his senior officers, and asked reluctantly "And how big would the resultant explosion be, exactly?"


Raikou hesitated, and Entei raised his huge head, a wry expression on his fanged face, and rumbled to the shocked audience "Let's just say that the phrase "you have nowhere to hide" would be taken to a whole new level."


It was long moments before anyone spoke following that comment.



Chapter 56: Intermissions and deliberations.


"Are they actually going to bother telling us what they're planning, or are we just going to keep sitting here on our arses hoping we find out before they start?" Chris complained to Storm, when the tired looking typhlosion joined them for a very late lunch.


Shoving the young human over, Storm dropped heavily to the bench seat beside him, rubbing a face with his paw as he reached out and grabbed the youth's soft drink, draining the remainder of the large plastic cup in one gulp.  Skyy, sitting opposite, gave the Ranger a curious look before passing over his own drink, which swiftly followed the first.


Grimacing at the sickly sweet taste of the cola, Storm coughed harshly before leaning back and sighing.  Jimmy and Azil, sitting next to Skyy, exchanged a loaded look as the typhlosion leaned forward suddenly and rasped past his dry throat.


"They've been at it for hours!" he complained bitterly, not declining the untouched plate of pasta shoved across the table by Jimmy, who hadn't touched his meal.  The stress had been getting to them all, and Chris's younger brother had felt nauseous at just the thought of eating the meal.


With a muzzle full of spaghetti, Storm sprayed the table as he tried talking through a large mouthful.  "I left.  Sick of the ponyta shit they were speaking.  Same 'effin arguments over and over, and getting fucking nowhere!"  Pausing to regard the loaded forkful before him, he sighed again and muttered "Scott's gonna be pissed as hell with me.  I blew up at the lot of 'em, then left."  Grinning dryly, he continued "Surprisingly they didn't try and stop me, given my burners decided at that point to kick in, and I near set the ceiling tiles ablaze.  Just bloody lucky the fire sprinklers didn't go off!"


Chris couldn't laugh, anxiety preventing the amusing image relieving his stress, and looked down at his own barely touched meal.  The police cafeteria was pretty much deserted, although whether this was due to the staff being busy elsewhere, or the presence of the pokémon dominating the room, he neither knew or cared. In truth, he was sick of the entire situation.


Throwing a furry arm over the young human's shoulder, Storm gave him a broad, toothy grin.  "Subtlety isn't one of my strong points, kiddo.  But Scott and Raikou will sort it out.  Never fear."


Skyy sighed, toying with his own meal, fork twirling through the long spaghetti, which he abruptly dropped back onto the plate.  "But when, Storm?" he complained, meal forgotten as he gave the Ranger a tired sigh.  "The longer we delay, the more chance they have of anticipating our next move, and risking us all."


Storm shrugged, and relieved the lucario of his plate, which he began consuming with gusto.  "I doubt it'll be too much longer.  Raikou was looking pretty pissed off himself before I left, and I think he and his brothers are as tired of the procrastination as I was.  I reckon we'll know soon enough."




Scott gave Raikou a worried look, noting the anger lines creasing the big legendaries face.  If he was truly honest with himself, the Ranger was impressed with the pokémon's tolerance of the delays so far, but with sparks of static now curling around his back, Scott knew the stoic pokémon was at the end of his patience, and close to losing it.


Storm's abrupt, and spectacularly fiery, exit from the meeting had been the first warning things were dragging on for too long.  When he was followed by a furious Suicune, who had told the assembled authorities primly that he was "Tired of the human stupidity enveloping the room", more than a few of the police officers present met the comment angrily.


From behind him, the Ranger heard one muttered comment "What do they bloody well expect?  To just attack this place without knowing what we face?  Shit, they're not even human; what would they know!"


A deep, guttural growl from his left told Scott he wasn't the only one who had overheard the sarcastic comment, and he winced as Raikou stood suddenly, his dominating presence stopping the meeting in its tracks as he rounded on the shocked speaker.


"I appreciate that this is your world, human.  At this point, I would like nothing more to be as far away from it as possible.  But you have been warned, repeatedly I might add, that I will book no further delays in securing these criminals who pose such a risk not only to your world, but my own."


With the officer concerned backing away hurriedly, the legendary gave him a snort of contempt, turning to the panel of officers in charge, Cameron included, and continued quietly.


"You have heard what I have to say.  I understand your dilemma, but I cannot accept any further delays or excuses.  You are aware what is at risk, and know what will occur in the worst case scenario.  So, be advised my brothers and I will be leaving to deal with the situation tomorrow morning before dawn, at the very latest.  The young humans will be accompanying me, along with their friends.  What you choose to do in assisting us is your decision, but with or without your help and permission, we will be leaving."


Above the sudden protests, Scott stood, resting a hand on Raikou's shoulder and said  "They will not be alone,  I will be with them, as will Storm."


Bill rose from his place at the back, Shadow silent beside him, and said "We will, too."


When one of the senior officers retorted angrily that the young policeman had better shut his mouth, or face disciplinary action, Bill gave Shadow's head a rub and stared at the supervisor who spoke.  "Then I will be left with no option but to tender my resignation, Sir, effective immediately." 


Pushing through the shocked officers beside them, Bill and Shadow left the room without further comment, not meeting the stunned eyes around him.  Scott, lips pressed together grimly, gave Cameron a long look, before shaking his head and leaving in turn, accompanied by Raikou and the till now silent Entei.


When the double doors closed behind them Scott turned to the pale faced Bill, who was leaning against a nearby wall being consoled by the luxray, and gave him a sudden smile.  "Well, if that doesn't get them moving, nothing will."


Raikou growled deeply again, but Scott didn't rise to the bait.  "Yeah, I know you weren't kidding, Raikou.  At least now, we have an actual deadline for the operation, and I doubt they'll be stupid enough to put any more blocks in our way."


Receiving a long stare from the legendary, Raikou finally closed his eyes and gave a slight nod.  Scott patted the thick neck and said comfortingly "Besides, after what you lot did to Jobes, I doubt they'd be thick enough to directly oppose us.  I trust Cameron to sort it out, don't you?"


Raikou gave a long sigh, and nodded again.  "Yes, I trust him well enough."


"Besides, if they keep up with the crap, I'm feeling hungry enough to eat one of them, just to prove a point, mind!" Entei spoke up suddenly, as Bill gave a bark of laugher, breaking the sombre mood. 


Scott grinned again as Raikou winced at his brothers lack of tact, and pointed down the corridor towards the smell of food emanating from the dining room.  "We can't have that, Entei.  Imagine the indigestion you'd get digesting all that officiousness.  Let's get you something decent to eat, instead."




Cameron joined the group late in the afternoon, sitting beside Storm, who regarded the commissioner with lidded eyes.  With the return of Raikou and Entei, Chris had dragged several tables together, and they'd spread out in a corner of the room away from prying eyes and ears.


Giving the typhlosion a wry look, Cameron took a sip from his steaming cup of coffee and addressed the group.


"Well, that was entertaining" he began, nursing the hot mug cautiously.  At Raikou's glare, he shrugged and continued.  "Not that I blame you, of course.  I may be the man in charge, but I still need to follow the rules."


"Thankfully..." he went on, holding up a hand to forestall the legendary as he made to interrupt.  "Thankfully, your ultimatum gave me the necessary leverage to overrule the more stringent objections against your plan."


Storm snorted, and said with a chuckle "You mean, they decided that going along with a plan which was going to occur whether they liked it or not was the wiser move?"


"Indeed!" Cameron agreed, as the group stirred restlessly.  "When some objected, citing you were defying the law, I made the point that anyone capable of taking out a small army division without batting an eyelid would make short work of the police, regardless of the amount of men we threw against them, and that anyone in the room would be welcome to attempt it.  I said we'd throw them a very nice funeral, for what remained of them afterwards.  Unsurprisingly, the objections stopped after that."


Raikou made to apologise to Cameron, but the officer fobbed off his reply.  "No, I think it's my place to apologise, Raikou.  I hadn't foreseen quite how strenuously some would object to your plan, and should have allowed for it.  Still..." he said, giving the legendary a sudden smile, "You lot do have a way of making a point."


"Comes with years of practice causing chaos" Storm muttered beneath his breath, only to receive a steely glare from the three legendaries.


Turning to Bill, Cameron met his eyes and said "You're not going anywhere.  You've made your point also, and I expect you to rescind that resignation immediately."


Wide eyed, Bill nodded, while Shadow looked between the two humans in confusion.  At the luxury's look, Cameron gave her a quick smile and said soothingly "You're needed here, you two.  I think having you around will be more than worth the trouble."


Sniggering, Shadow nodded, leaving the police chief satisfied.  Turning back to Raikou, Cameron said "You have your wish.  My men have been instructed to commence the operation by 0400.  We will cordon off the entire area surrounding the Sinnotech building, and leave the way open for you to enter unrestricted and deal with those inside.  I'm having my men work overtime tonight sorting out the details, but by 0600, you'll have your chance."


Satisfied, Raikou rumbled his thanks, and Cameron rose to depart, empty cup still held in one hand.  "I've made accommodation arrangements for you tonight, and will have someone wake you by 0400.  Regardless of how it goes, this will be sorted tomorrow."


"Oh joy." Chris muttered darkly, eyes lidded as he watched Cameron leave, but only Storm, Skyy  and Raikou caught the softly spoken words, even as they followed Bill as he led them to the dormitory upstairs.




With its usual inhabitants of new recruits undergoing training relocated for the evening, they found themselves alone in the large accommodation level.  Cameron had kindly arranged for meals to be brought up for them (as much to keep them out of further mischief as for any other reason quipped Storm) and they had little else to do but watch TV and contemplate their situation.


While Scott had pointed out that their presence on the wide balcony outside may not be that wise, he didn't prevent Chris and Skyy joining the three legendaries out in the evening air.  Jimmy and Azil had taken over the lounge closest to the television, while Bill had left the building to take care of his own affairs while the opportunity presented.  As Cameron hadn't objected, Scott couldn't interfere, although leaving the building with Shadow in tow had him raising eyebrows at the decision.


Sighing, he dropped beside Storm, who threw an arm around his shoulders and pulled him close.  With the others distracted, the Ranger gave in to a moments weakness, leaning against his partner and shutting his eyes to block out the world beyond.


When the typhlosion dropped his face to nuzzle his ear, Scott's eyes shot open, but the others were oblivious to the affectionate caress.  A deep chuckle into his hair had him raise his eyes to his partner, who looked down at him with a smirk.


"You human's are so wound up about this, aren't you?" Storm joked quietly, even as Scott rested back against him.


"Yeah, I have this thing about being outed and losing everything, Storm." Scott muttered, feeling the heavy muscles move beneath him as the typhlosion shrugged.


"Always so cautious.  What would they do?  Try and separate us?"  Eyes glowing briefly, Storm's voice dropped.  "I'd like to see them try!"


Scott looked around towards the two youngsters watching TV, their backs to the pair of Rangers.  "The world isn't close to being ready for that, Storm.  Not home, and especially not here."


Storm shrugged again, tightening his grip around his friends shoulders.  "You humans keep thinking that, and it makes no difference to us.  Pokémon just don't give a shit.  You think we're the only ones in the group who feel that way?"


Curious, Scott looked up at the typhlosion, who smirked back at him.  "What?  You mean Chris and Skyy?  I know about..." he began, but paused as his partner let out a quiet chuckle.


"Oh, come on!  That policeman and the luxray...surely you could sense it?"


Eyes wide, Scott shook his head, even as the typhlosion became serious.  "Guess your sense of smell really is as shit as you say.  I knew the moment we met them.  Same with Suicune..."


Totally flummoxed, Scott opened and closed his mouth a few times, as Storm gave him a droll look.  "Arceus sake, Scott!  Unrequited it may be, but why do you think he's so cut up about everything that happened with that human friend of his?"


Mouth snapping shut, Scott pondered the implications.  "Explains a few things, anyway.  I hadn't realised..."


Storm shook his head, and interrupted.  "Suicune may have struck out, but Shadow told me in no uncertain terms who cracked on to whom in that relationship.  She was frank enough to make it quite clear.  Happens a lot more than you'd imagine."


Stunned, Scott glared at his partner.  "And you decided to keep this to yourself why?"


Shrugging, Storm returned the look coolly.  "Because (a) I didn't see any point in being a hypocrite about it and (b) it ain't none of our business!  I see it every day, throughout the population, and like my brethren, I don't see any reason to make a song and dance out of it.  So long as it's amicable and mutually agreeable, who the fuck has the right to decide whether its morally right or wrong, especially humanity in general?"


As the hard truths sank in, Scott couldn't help but agree, although he still felt he had to comment "The law?  We are Rangers, after all!"


Snorting, Storm turned away.  "Fuck the law, Scott.  If it spent half as much time actually tracking down the bad guys as it did shoving its moral head up everyone's arse, the world would be a much better place for both humans and pokémon alike."


Scott didn't comment further, but thought the situation wasn't as clear cut as the typhlosion described.  There was too much abuse out there in the real world, and until pokémon were considered the equal of humanity, both legally and morally, there would always be such laws in place to "protect the poor pokémon."  Still, he kept his silence as he rested back against the typhlosion, eyes closing as the heavy pulse from the chest beneath his back lulled him into sleep, even as his partner kept watch over him, as he always had done.




As the lift doors opened onto the dimly lit basement car park beneath the building, Bill grabbed his long unused car keys from his back pack and unlocked his SUV.  Dusty from long storage, he was almost surprised to not be met with a flat battery, but the vehicle didn't disappoint, doors unlocking with a flash of amber lights.


Opening the rear, he pushed some of the clutter in the back to the side and folded down the rear seats, as Shadow watched on inscrutably.  She didn't hesitate to jump inside when the way was clear, and he gave her a gentle rub, her cheek pressed into his hand, before closing the trunk to shut her in. 


The driver's seat felt comfortingly familiar, and he spotted the round black and blue ears in the rear vision mirror as the vehicle started somewhat reluctantly.  Chuckling, he asked her to drop down to give him a clear view behind, and she obliged, although continued watching him intently.


As he weaved through the multi story parking with a squeal of tires towards the exit he finally asked in pokéspeak "What's wrong?  You look worried?"


She paused uncertainly before replying.  "Are we supposed to be here?  Doing this, I mean?"


"Leaving?" he said, and watched her nod in the mirror.  Sighing, he shrugged.  "My life out here has been on hold since this operation began, and we're still facing an uncertain future, sweetheart.  I need to get a few things sorted out before tomorrow."


Nodding, she dropped to a more comfortable position.  "Will we get in trouble?"


Chuckling, he nodded.  "Probably.  But by the time they work it out, we'll be long gone.  Besides, they can chew us out when we're back here again, later."


"But where are we going?" she asked curiously, and he reached back to rest a hand on her paw. 


"Home, sweetness.  Just home."


Thinking for a time, she asked timidly "My home?"


Stopping the truck, he reached back and gave her a one handed hug.  "Of course.  Did you expect otherwise?"


Sighing, she didn't reply, and he didn't press her further.


Leaving the basement car park meant passing through security, so having Shadow pull the old dusty car blanket over her body at least partially hid her form.  Combined with the window tinting, Bill prayed that would suffice, but it was with trepidation that he approached the lowered barrier, pausing at the boom gates as a face slid the booth window aside and gave him a smile.


Giving a silent sigh of relief, Bill returned it.  "Hi Terry.  Been a while!"


The officer on duty nodded before giving him a keen glance.  "How you going, Bill.  Surprised to see you leaving here tonight.  Thought you were staying?"


Bill shrugged, attempting nonchalance, but the guard flashed him a disarming smile, peering keenly past the window into the rear cargo area.  "Is she...?" he began, at which the huge feline head emerged past the blanket, giving the human a curious look.


Bill thought fast, but Terry shook his head, reaching forward to open the gate before them.  "S'okay, Bill.  I didn't see a thing.  You two have a good evening, alright?"


Surprised, Bill glanced at Shadow, who shrugged in return.  Turning back to his long term friend, he said quietly "We cool then?"


Reaching out a closed fist, he bumped knuckles with the young officer.  "Like ice, dude.  Just remember, I saw nothing....  Nothing!"


Relieved, he gave the guard a final wave and drove into the early evening traffic.  Thank God he still had such friends in the force, he swore, hoping Terry wouldn't get in trouble over this.  Then again, they weren't prisoners, so he had every right to leave.


He just hoped his superiors would take the same open view of their "escape".


Flicking idly through the radio presets, he tried to take his mind off the day's events, but regardless, he couldn't pay the station chatter any mind, more concerned with the potential operation taking place on the morrow.  With so much at stake, even after everything that had occurred, he couldn't shake the feeling that they were heading into a mess of trouble, which even the best of planning couldn't anticipate.


Shadow's silent presence did little to relieve his anxiety, and it wasn't until he stopped at a set of lights near a motorway on ramp that he paused uncertainly, watching the red traffic lights ahead wordlessly.  Finally, as the light changed to green, he made his choice, swinging the truck abruptly to the left to head down the Northern Freeway towards a completely different address than he'd originally planned. 


Shadow could tell something was amiss, sensing his growing anxiety, but she didn't comment.  She had faith in his judgement, and simply lay across the rear seat with an eye fixed on him as he drove in silence.


After a twenty minute trip, weaving through the outer suburbs of a middle class residential area, he pulled the vehicle into the driveway of a nondescript address, headlights illuminating the brown brick and deep forest green garage doors of the house ahead.  Lights in the front window showed the occupants were home, and Bill gripped the steering wheel tightly for a long moment, taking deep breaths before plucking up the courage to get out of the vehicle and open the rear door for the luxray.


Looking into her glowing red eyes, Bill paused again, wondering how truly wise his course of action really was, but at her concerned comment, he shook his head and stepped aside to allow her to lithely jump from the vehicle and match his step as he made his way to the front entrance.


Squatting down before her, he wrapped arms around her neck, burying his face in her fur, before drawing back and meeting her gaze. 


"I'll need a minute, sweetheart.  Mind waiting here till I call?"


She shook her head, dropping to her haunches in the darkened entry way as Bill fumbled with his keys, finally getting the stubborn door open.


A blast of warmth met him as he slipped inside, approaching the front living room where he paused, staring at the backs of his unknowing parents as they sat together on the old sofa, watching the evening news.  Clearing his throat, his mother jumped at the sound, rising to see him standing there.  She couldn't help a squeal of delight, rushing to throw her arms around him and planting kisses on the embarrassed man's cheek, even as his father stood to regard him with a smile.


"Honey?  Where have you been?  We've all been so worried!!"


Chuckling at the familiar welcome, he pushed her back and said "On ops, mum.  No option to call.  It was all sudden, so I'm sorry."


Clucking at his reply, she scolded him.  "They wouldn't even take a message at your headquarters!  Left us all completely in the dark!!  Are you alright, at least?"


Nodding, he gave his father's outstretched hand a shake, before pausing as they began drawing him into the room.  As he balked, his mother drew back slightly, giving him a concerned look, before he plucked up the courage and said "Umm, mum?  Dad?  Some really weird things happened while I was away and...  Umm...  There's someone I want you to meet."


As his parents exchanged a surprised look, Bill stepped back into the hallway and beckoned towards the front door, where the luxray was watching the proceedings wide eyed.


"Shadow?  Come in... It's OK.  I want you to meet my parents."


As she stepped cautiously into the rooms light, his parents gave the huge feline a shocked stare, his mother putting a hand to her mouth as Bill bent down and gave the pokémon's head a gentle caress.


"Mum?  Dad?  This is Shadow.  She's...  well, she's a luxray, which probably means absolutely nothing to you, but she's a close friend, and before we head off again, I just wanted you to meet her."


Obviously distracted, his mother was still able to give him a sharp eyed look as the comment sunk in.  "Going again?  You just got back here!"


Nodding tiredly, he pointed to the kitchen, stepping forward to spin his parents gently by the arms and push them ahead of him.  "I'll explain everything, I promise.  But right now, while I need a coffee real bad, you probably need one even worse."


Thankfully, they didn't comment further, expressions still stuck on shock as they made their way through the kitchen arch into the dining room, with Shadow giving his back a wryly amused glance as she trailed behind them.

Chapter 57: Rocket science.


Leaning over the hand railing of the outdoor veranda area, Chris stared morosely down at the deserted street below.  While only seven in the evening, the semi-commercial district which housed the main police complex wasn't exactly a happening place after hours, especially on a week day, with most of its usual occupants more than happy to get away from the area outside normal business hours.


Still, the occasional car drove down the street, stopping tentatively at the set of lights on the corner before proceeding to destinations unknown.  In that, Chris almost felt jealous of the luxury they had.  He'd have given a lot not to be feeling as shit as he currently felt.


Turning slightly, he caught Skyy sitting beside Raikou and Suicune out of the corner of his eye, where they rested on the tiles opposite, sharing the warmth of an old gas patio burner that hissed slightly as it pumped heat into the chill air around it.  Entei, being Entei, had sprawled untidily against the far wall, snoring loudly as he dreamt whatever dreams legendary pokémon dreamt.  Probably something he didn't want to know, Chris thought wryly, knowing Entei's sense of humour.  When his huge legs began twitching, dream running as he chased whatever he'd encountered in sleep, Chris almost snorted in amusement, but he didn't.  Not much was that funny, lately. 


Chris shook slightly, whether from the cold or the stress from the situation he couldn't fathom, but the slight shudders racking his back did little to improve his outlook.


Skyy had tried, earlier, but he'd shook his head at the lucario's attempts.  Finally, when the worried pokémon realised he needed some alone time more than anything else, he'd sighed and left the young human to his thoughts.


Not that they were especially good ones, as a flash of guilt shot through Chris at his rather abrupt treatment of his best friend.  But he didn't have the energy to apologise, instead wasting the effort shaking in the cold and staring at the near empty world revolving past below.


Knowing they had an early start, he should have gone to bed.  But he couldn't.  His mind was too churned up to relax, and with a suddenness that took his breath away, the claustrophobia hit hard, and he felt the overwhelming need to get some air.  Away from the others, and away from the building.


Resolute, he spun and marched past the others, who looked up at him in surprise.  When Skyy made to rise, Chris shook his head and said softly "I'll be back in a bit" as the confused lucario settled back down against Raikou's side, watching him leave the veranda worriedly.


Getting out of the building was easier than he expected.  Likely the guards on duty had been told to let their odd visitors come and go as they pleased, as Chris received only a nod of acknowledgement from the woman posted on duty as he pushed through the heavy glass doors and entered the street.


He found himself walking; just walking, nowhere in particular.  He didn't bother to check the direction and really hadn't been paying much attention where he was heading.  But after a time, he found himself approaching the waterfront; the serene, picturesque view of Sydney harbour spread before of him in the new moonlight.


Wrapping his arms around himself as an inadequate protection from the cold, Chris shivered as he dropped with a sigh on a boardwalk seat adjacent to the water's edge.  Ahead, the moored boats bobbed and rocked in the stiff breeze crossing the water, sending small whitecaps racing across its surface to rush rhythmically against the gravelly shore.  The small park he found himself in wasn't especially isolated; just a small patch of green lost in the cityscape, but it afforded him the much needed space where he could gather his thoughts and consider his future.


At least, that was the idea, if he hadn't been interrupted.


It was the sound of painful cries in the distance that caught his attention.  That, and the harsh laughs following heavy thuds that came from a distant area of the park.


Throwing caution to the wind, he rose and slipped quietly through the dense trees, following the sounds of pain which increased as he drew closer.


Then the stopped, and Chris froze, parting the last of the branches to stare in shock at the three laughing youths, one holding a metal pipe and another a short length of tree limb, as a third bent over a small, prone form lying motionless in the darkness beneath them.


"Is it dead, you reckon?" he said, looking up at the pipe wielding thug with wide eyes, only to receive an indolent shrug in return.


"Dunno.  Don't care, neither.  It ain't going anywhere, so hit it a few more times and make sure."


Later, when he had time to think about it, Chris wasn't sure what caused him to react as he did.  Given the circumstances, and hindsight being twenty twenty, it could have been construed as stupid; even idiotic.


At the time, it really didn't matter at all.


"Perhaps you'd be better not doing that, arsehole?" he called out, ignoring subtlety in favour of boldness.  Stepping from his concealing spot, the three douche bags froze, turning slowly to regard the new threat stepping from nowhere.


After a moment exchanging stares, the leader of the trip brought his arm up to rest the length of pipe over his shoulder, and gave Chris a wide smile lacking any warmth.


"And why would we do that, mate?  Who's going to stop us?  You?" he sneered, taking a step forward.  Chris held his ground, lips grimly set as he let the man approach to within a few meters.


"If you try anything, I will kick your balls so far up your arse you'll have them hanging out your mouth the rest of your very shortened life, shit head.  Then, I'll do the same for your cock sucking friends there."


The man scowled, bringing the pipe forward to hiss menacingly "Is that right?"


One of the others turned to the leader and said snidely "He's dissin' you, Spike.  I think we need to teach this prick some manners, when he talks to us! What do you think?"


Spike turned sharp eyes back to Chris, cocking his head as he gazed darkly at the young man  before him. "I think you're right.  I'm thinking he's probably full of shit, and he's needing a good ass pounding."


Leaning forward, Chris laughed into the man's face, and said "Yeah, it's been tried before, by losers even as retarded as you lot.  I'm really scared.  See, I even think a wee bit of shit just popped out my arse, at just how frightening you wankers are!"


Spike swore, beckoning the other two to join him as he eyed Chris up and down with an ugly look.  Chris knew he hadn't much chance taking all three on at once, but wasn't going to show it, readying himself for an attack.  Whether it was his dark mood, or the situation itself, something snapped in Chris's mind as he said in a chill voice "You know, over the past few months, I've killed one guy, seen a mess of others slaughtered before me, guts splattered before their eyes.  I've seen pain and suffering and more shit than you can possibly even comprehend in that fucked up, retarded, troglodyte mind of yours, and now you think I'm going to bow down to you three imbeciles?  Not a fucking rocket scientist are you?"  


Spike's eyes turned cold as the words sunk in.  Eyeing the youth before him, he stepped forward menacingly and said with a hiss "Retarded, huh?  I don't think I like that very much.  In fact, I think I'm gonna enjoy making you eat those words."


"Will you now?" a deep voice sounded from the darkness of the trees behind him, and Spike spun, looking for the new threat, even as his friends made to scatter.


Not seeing anything in the gloom, he spat "Come out, arsehole.  You can join your friend here in a little old fashioned pummelling!"


A deep, guttural growl sounded from the darkness, as a pair of red eyes opened, glowing fiercely as they narrowed on the speaker.


Letting out a gasp, Chris was forgotten as the trio began a slow retreat, only to freeze as another voice sounded from their chosen escape route.


"Going somewhere, lads?" it said, as Entei stepped onto the path, blocking their way.


One of the three let out a shriek that sounded through the clearing, doubling as Raikou emerged from the darkness, followed by Suicune and Skyy.


Chris stared at his friends sudden approach, as the darkness that had taken over his mood broke, relief washing over him.  He wasn't in this situation alone, his mind told him.  You have friends.  The best of friends, who will be with you, and protect your back.


Just as they were doing now, he concluded, letting a wry grin envelope his face when Skyy stepped forward to his side.  "What took you so long?" he said beneath his breath, as the lucario gave him a low chuckle.


"You OK?" Skyy asked quietly, before letting out a breath as Chris grabbed him around the neck, hugging him hard.


Into the pokémon's ear, he said "Yeah, I am now, Skyy.  Thanks."


Smirk quirking his muzzle, Skyy returned the hug briefly, before the two turned back to the three quaking humans, huddled under the watchful eyes of Entei and Raikou.


The calm lasted a moment, until Suicune cried out from behind the group, leaning down over the prone form of the creature who'd been beaten.


"Chris!  I think...  It's a raichu!  I think it's..."


But what he thought wasn't uttered, as the leader let out a yell, swinging his metal bar around in a vicious attack on Raikou.  The legendary snarled, ducking his huge head as the bar whistled over it, and lunged forward, catching the human a massive swipe with a paw that sent him flying backwards and upwards in a perfect arc to land thirty feet away in the harbour.


Chris stood, stunned at the human's flight, before one of the men broke and ran, tearing away from the pokémon as fast as his cowardly legs could take him.  Spike, forgotten in this haste, broke the surface in the distance, clearly nursing injuries as he began a slow paddle parallel to the shore in an attempt to escape further punishment.


"Let them go.  They're not worth wasting time on" Chris said tiredly, as Entei gave him a hopeful look, ready to pursue the pair.  The last guy, who had cowered down to squat, crying between Entei's paws, brought his tearful face up hopefully.  The look was quashed   instantly as Raikou took a step forward, his warm breath inches from his face as he growled "You are most lucky.  If I had my way, you would be dead, never to bother anyone again.  In this, I will defer to my young friend there.  But your luck has now run out.  If we ever see you three again, ever, I will shred you into pieces so small, they'll never put you back together again.  Am I clear."


Unable to speak, the man simply nodded as Raikou stepped aside, allowing him to bolt along the water's edge towards the city beyond, pausing only to lend his injured friend an arm as they hobbled away. 


Sighing, Raikou turned back to Chris and muttered "You have a propensity for finding trouble wherever you go, my young friend" as Chris raced forward, grabbing the big pokémon around the neck.


With a loud rumbling purr muting his words, Chris sighed and said "Thanks, guys.  That might have been messy."


Chuckling, Entei came close, allowing Chris to pat his cheek, and said disappointingly "I was hoping to have some fun there.  Thought it might be interesting to see how far across the water we could launch the other two, and beat Raikou's shot!"


Suicune, ever the realist, looked up from the badly injured pokémon, eyed the harbour intently and pondered "A good way, Entei.  Do you think we could go retrieve them and find out?"


Chris couldn't help chuckling, relief flooding him as he dropped beside Skyy and the unconscious raichu, giving the feebly stirring form a dark look before his brow furrowed.  "Is that who I think it is?"


Suicune, having overcome the distraction, nodded slowly, leaning down to rest his muzzle against the orange and black fur, sniffing deeply.


"Yes, it's Sparky.  I don't know how it's possible, but it's definitely her."


Raikou scowled.  "We need to get her back to safety immediately.  Chris, if you hold her, do you think you can stay on my back on our return?"


Chris gave Skyy a glance, and the lucario said "I'll keep him on, Raikou."


Nodding, Raikou said "Let us go back then."  Dropping to the ground, he looked at Chris and Skyy and said "Hop on!" before rising to his feet and speeding off.


On such an evening, no one saw the group of friends racing through the deserted streets towards the police headquarters, which was for the best, as they still had a long night ahead of them.




Scott stood with a sigh, stretching his back as he cracked his spine straight.  "She's pretty messed up, but I don't think anything's broken.  She's a tough one, that's for sure."


Their sudden reappearance bearing an injured pokémon had caused a real stir with the police on duty, but they'd ignored the questions to rush the raichu up to their accommodation, placing her gently on a couch to allow Scott to look her over.


Looking to Storm, who had been watching over his shoulder as he examined the raichu anxiously, he said quietly "In my pack is a healing potion.  It won't get her 100%, but it'll take the edge off the injuries."


Nodding, the typhlosion left towards their room, as Chris approached with the other pokémon.


"It's definitely her then?" he queried, receiving a nod in reply.  Confused, Chris gave Skyy and Raikou a loaded look, turning back to the Ranger and asked "But I thought they'd killed her?"


Scott shrugged tiredly, and replied "Perhaps they just wanted Jasper to think that.  The biggest question here is, what the hell is she doing on this side of the portal?"


Storm returned, a small flask clutched in his paw, which he handed to Scott solemnly.  Bending down, he brought Sparky's head up carefully, assisting her as she took a tentative sip, then another, before finishing the contents slowly.


After a few moments, she stirred, and Scott rested her back against the pillow they'd used to prop up her head on the couch.  Opening one bloodshot eye, then another, she finally focussed on the worried faces peering down at her, before coughing and making to rise, only to groan and fall back in pain onto the makeshift bed.


Patting her shoulder, Scott soothed "It's OK.  You're safe now..." but paused as she began a frantic head shaking, trying again to rise and managing to half make it, resting against the couch back as she began a stuttering, cough filled reply in pokéspeak.


Scott turned to Storm for translation, but didn't miss the wide eyed start from Jimmy and the other pokémon, who took in her words intently.  When Storm finally sat back in a neighbouring chair, as the Raichu lay back exhausted, he gave his fellow Ranger a loaded look, and translated.


"When they separated her from Jasper, they took her to holding cells, before she was transferred through the portal to the research facilities here.  Apparently they were worried at keeping her back home, in case she got away from them.  They kept her pretty tranked up on medication, which apparently stopped her using her abilities, but she managed to still get the gist of what they were saying to each other, overhearing way more than they might have liked."


Scowling, he looked across at the raichu, who had managed to keep her eyes on him alertly.


"She says they have Jasper here, too.  They're keeping him somewhere locked up in the facility.  But it gets worse."


Shutting his eyes at yet more bad news, Scott asked "What now?"


Sighing, Storm replied tiredly "They know we're coming.  When she heard this, she managed to escape and track us down based on what she overheard, even injured as she was.  But they know everything, Scott."


Before the human Ranger replied, Raikou rumbled darkly, a sound echoed from his brothers "Well, we had best ensure we do not disappoint them, had we?"


Looking down at the injured pokémon, who lay quietly while returning their look with wide eyes, Scott shook his head, unable to respond further.



Eddies 58 - I love you, I'll kill you...


Storm slipped into the bedroom, leaving the light off as he stripped off his work harness and bandana, letting them drop to the floor at the foot of the bed.  Circling to the left, he sighed tiredly, staring down at the sleeping form of his partner before gently drawing back the sheets and dropping carefully to lie beside him.


Still, the movement on the mattress woke the human Ranger, who stirred fitfully before opening an eye to regard the typhlosion beside him, as he lay back eyes fixed on the ceiling above.


"Is she settling?" Scott asked softly after the raichu, nearly missing the almost imperceptible shrug as Storm muttered "Yeah.  She's still pretty sore, but hopefully she might get some sleep before the night is over."


Scott nodded, as he moved across the bed to press his chest against the warm furred side.  Reaching out a hand, he ran light fingers through the thick fur across the typhlosion's abdomen, hoping to relax his friend, but he felt Storm stiffen, muscles tense as Scott paused a moment, before reaching across the wide stomach to hug the pokémon close.


"It's not going to be like last time, Storm" he whispered, as Storm turned his face to regard him, red eyes glinting in the muted moonlight shining through the partially curtained window behind them.


 "Why would it be different?" Storm muttered, blinking down at his friends worried face.  Bending his head down, he nuzzled into the human's hair, breathing in the familiar fragrance of shampoo and sweat that was so familiar; so comforting.


Concerned, Scott shifted his body up, nestling his head in the crook of Storm's arm, and gave his friend a long look; one the pokémon didn't meet as he again raised his eyes to the ceiling.


Sighing, Scott reached up, stroking the long cheek as the red eyes closed, gripping the fur gently as he tugged Storm's face back towards him.  As their eyes met, he said "It won't be like that again, Storm.  We will get through this, together."


Scott could feel the typhlosion beneath him begin to tremble, the hand he rested against Storm's face quivering with the pokémon 's fear.


"We're going to die this time, Scott." Storm breathed out, barely above a whisper, and Scott started at the defeatist conviction in his friend's voice.


"You don't know that!" the human spoke firmly, as the pokémon began shaking his head in denial.  "You do not know that!"


"They're ready for us.  Fact is, they've always been a step ahead.  With Jamieson, with that last fiasco at the warehouse; hell, every time we think we've covered every eventuality, they fuck us into the ground!"  His shaking momentarily forgotten, Storm's eyes flashed red as he hissed "Even with Sparky.  You can't tell me they just "let" her go, or she really escaped on her own, in the condition she was in even before those cunts beat her up?  Come on, Scott!  They want us to have her, so she can feed our fears.  They're so fucking confident they're going to nail us, they're fucking with our minds intentionally!"


"So?" retorted Scott.  "Does that mean we're going to give up, and leave them to it?  Let them ruin two worlds in their arrogance, without response or defiance?"


Turning away, Storm muttered "No, of course not. But..."


When he didn't continue, Scott sat up, looking down at the cream and blue face as the pokémon again didn't meet his eyes.  "But what, Storm?" he asked, reaching his hand down to stroke the broad cream chest softly.


With a long sigh, Storm turned, facing his partner and said "I don't want to die again, Scott.   I don't think I could take it again..."


Speechless, Scott froze, unable to formulate a reply.  Dropping his head across the solidly muscled chest, he said "Nor do I, sweetheart.  Nor do I."


When the pokémon wrapped his arms around Scott, hugging him tightly, Scott ran his fingers down the typhlosion's chest to stroke the soft belly fur with caressing fingers.  He felt Storm stir, but the pokémon didn't shift far, as he lay back and sighed at the ministrations.


Still, Scott was surprised when a chuckle rumbled deep from the chest pressed against him, and he raised his eyes to see the pokémon smirking down at him, a wry grin across his muzzle.  Raising his eyebrow, Scott let a grin cross his own face, giving his partner a quizzical look.  "What?" he said, curious as to the sudden change of mood, and Storm flicked his nose downwards to rumble "What do you mean, what?  Damn, you always know how to change the topic in the most ingenious ways!"


Following the typhlosion's stare, Scott gave Storm a wry grin, as his questing fingers slid slowly along the swollen sheath aroused by his touch.


"Well, it beats lying here feeling sorry for ourselves" he retorted, stroking his partner again softly as Storm lay back again with a groan.


"Arceus!  That's the truth!" he whispered, closing his eyes as the fingers drew back the stretched folds of furred skin, exposing the swollen flesh beneath until, finally, he lay exposed to the warm air.


At ten inches, the typhlosion was impressive to behold, and with a girth to match his length, Scott still drew a slight breath of envy whenever he pleasured his friend.  With a deep ruby red hue, shot with purple blue veins and arteries, the long folds along its length glistened in the dim light, even as Scott teased the tapered tip lying past the tulip shaped, flared gland, causing it to pulse lightly under his fingertips as the typhlosion groaned again in pleasure.


"Gods, keep that up and I'm gonna fuck your brains out!" Storm grunted, causing Scott to snort in amusement as he curled the fingers of his right hand around the tip, thumb stroking the indented urethral opening that was rapidly becoming sticky with the pokémon's precum.  The other hand, fingers wrapped as far as possible around the base of his friend's length, squeezed rhythmically, releasing another grunt from the heavily breathing typhlosion as he tensed up under the teasing.


The grunt turned rapidly into a gasp, as Scott dropped his face over his fingers, breathing soft, warm breath onto the sensitive flesh, soon followed by a moist tongue as he engulfed the head into his warm mouth, questing lips wrapping past the gland to meet tightly as he sucked slowly and rhythmically on Storm's penis.


The pokémon cursed softly, back arching as he tried unsuccessfully to shove as much of himself down the willing human's throat.  Scott was ready for his involuntary action, long experience having him ready his left palm on Storm's abdomen, pressing down at each attempt to thrust deeper and harder, stymieing the instinctual movements of his lover.


For several minutes, the room echoed with their breathing; short gasps from Storm, and the less frequent, but equally arduous stolen breaths from Scott, as he began dropping his head deeper and deeper onto the pokémon, until the light touch of the pointed tip grazed the back of his throat and his gag sent a thrill of intense pleasure up the pokémon 's spine, his groans turning into a snarl as his paws dropped onto his partner's head, forcing him deeper onto his penis, with his back arching with the ecstasy of his release. 


The initial spurt of his orgasm was short; a single gush of thick cum tantalising in its musky headiness, but Scott continued to suckle on the organ, knowing full well this was simply the precursor to what was to come.


And cum he did. Roaring out his pleasure, Storm released all his inhibitions, thrusting madly as he bucked up off the mattress, sending jet after jet of creamy, thick semen into Scott's waiting throat, as the human gagged involuntarily at the onslaught, striving to swallow as much of the heady liquid as his abused throat and stomach could handle.


 The flood soon dried down to a trickle, as the spent typhlosion dropped back to the sheets, gasping as he released Scott to lie, exhausted, beside him.


After a few final swipes of his tongue, cleaning the last of the milky fluid from the softening organ, Scott teased the furry sheath back over the sensitive flesh, smoothing down the tussled belly fur as he lay his head on the pokémon's stomach, closing his eyes with a sigh as Storm reached down to rake gentle claws through his hair affectionately.


"You got a wicked mouth, for a human!" Storm joked, as Scott raised his eyes to meet his partners own with a smile.


"Yeah, it has its moments." he muttered, dropping back onto his gently moving pillow, as Storm's breathing slowed.  Returning to his soft caress of Storm's fur, he rolled onto his stomach, eyes closed as the paws began kneading the skin of his neck and shoulders, strong pads pressing into the hard muscles knotted tight with weeks of tension and stress.


"Damn, you're a mess!" Storm swore softly, as he pressed hard along the human's spine, ignoring the grunts as Scott winced at the discomfort.  Still, the human didn't pull away as Storm forced his aching back into submission, the skilled paws doing the job expertly as they had on so many occasions in the past.


'You're gonna bruise, I think" Storm told him solemnly once he'd done what he could, the gleam in his eyes belying the innocent nature of his comments.  Finished with the heavy handedness, he was now content to stroke the soft, naked skin beneath his paws gently.  "I wouldn't walk around without a shirt for a while.  People might begin asking awkward questions."


Scott pressed his face into the belly fur beneath him, blowing a long, loud raspberry that had the secretly ticklish pokémon squirming in discomfort.


"Yeah, my breath stinking of pokémon jizz isn't enough to have them wondering already, I guess" he finally got out, grunting as the amused typhlosion grabbed him under the arms, and drew him up into a hug against his chest.  When the tapered muzzle began sniffing intently at his face, Scott laughed at the amusing antics, quickly stifled as the long tongue snaked into his mouth, twining against his own in a long, luxurious kiss.


Shortness of breath finally had him pull back, and they broke the embrace as Scott drew away to look into Storms face, sudden sadness at his friend's desperate expression crossing his own.


As their eyes met, the human said softly "You know how much I love you, Storm.  Nothing will change that.  Not ever.  If we get through this...  no!  When we get through this, I'm over caring what anyone thinks.  It doesn't matter anymore.  You and I, we're more than a team.  We're two parts of a whole."


Storm's eyes softened and he nodded briefly.  "We always have been, Scotty.  Always have, always will, ever since we met.  I don't care what they think, neither.  I never have; you know that.  Fuck 'em and their outdated, bigoted opinions. It's only for your sake, and your reputation, I've kept my tongue.  Besides, Arceus help anyone who thinks they're gonna separate us now.  I'll shred them into pieces if they try!"


Grinning suddenly, Scott grabbed his friend into another hug, sharing the moment before Storm squirmed suddenly, and looked at him intently.


"All this mushy shit isn't gonna stop you screwing my brains out, is it?  Cause, I mean...  It's been a while..."


Snorting, Scott shook his head against the cream fur of Storm's chest, before pushing back and retorting dryly.  "Not likely.  I'm as horny as a horny quilava, as you well know."


Storm smirked.  "Yeah, like hell you are!  I remember a certain horny quilava pashing a kid once, who near shit his pants when it happened.  Least, until he locked lips back in return!"


Grinning despite himself, Scott nodded.  "Well, I wasn't exactly expecting that, at the time.  As I remember, I thought you were still shitty at me chucking that water balloon at you, getting your fur all drenched.  You bitched and moaned to the point I was going to chuck more at you, just to shut you the hell up.  Next thing I know, your arms were around my neck, your maw was locked on mine, and your tongue was buried to the root in my mouth, trying to reach my stomach.  All that ran through my mind was that you were trying to chew my face off, from the inside!"


Storm gave a deep giggle, surprising Scott who shot him a raised eyebrow.  Shrugging, the typhlosion feigned innocence.  "It seemed like a good thing to do at the time, is all.  You didn't seem to mind it much.  Once you stopped pissing your pants, anyway."


Rolling his eyes, Scott relented, knowing he'd not live down his initial reaction at the time, but muttered "When you dropped and pulled down my pants, then started sucking my dick like you were a baby tauros getting a feed from his mother, what was I going to do?  I was fourteen, randy, and had a hot pokémon maw wrapped around my cock.  Besides, who would I tell?  Mum?  Dad?  My teacher?"


Smirking, Storm proffered "Well, maybe that weird, freaky lookin' priest at the Arceus temple, where you got that community service that time?  Reckon' he would have been in on it, in a heartbeat!"


"Pervert!" shot back Scott, amused despite himself.  "That bastard was probably even more twisted than you were."


Pointing to his chest, Storm said innocently "What?  Me?  I'm the fucking fount of all things good and sweet!"


Leaning forward, Scott pressed his nose against that of the suddenly intent pokémon, and said "Yeah?  Let's see about that, shall we?"


Grinning toothily, the typhlosion licked his nose with a sudden swipe and retorted "How you planning on doing that, my kinky friend?"


With a hand planted on his chest, Scott pushed the typhlosion back onto the mattress, his head thumping onto the two pillows haphazardly stacked against the bed head.  Crawling between the furred thighs, he placed a hand on either side of the pokémon's body, leaning forward to confront the challenge in his partner's eyes.  "Oh, I'll think of something.  Now, lay back and shut the hell up!"


Smirk across his muzzle, Storm did as directed, as Scott sat upright, running his hands against the arousal of the pokémon, before slipping them beneath his calves and hoisting the typhlosion's legs upward.  Shuffling forward, Scott draped the heavy limbs across his shoulders, the feet resting against his spine as the pokémon crossed them against the human's back.  Scott ignored the tightening grip, running his palms down the legs before moving to his own aroused penis, resting inches from the pokémon's anus.


With one hand stroking himself, Scott let the fingers of his right tease the tight, bare flesh of Storm's opening, eliciting a gasp from the pokémon as he lay back under the ministrations.  The teasing index finger soon slipped inside, followed by a second, and a third, causing Storm to groan at the sensation of being stretched open.


Now hard and ready, Scott pursed his lip, considering his next move.  Quirking his lip, he reached forward, grasping the pokémon's sheath in a sudden move that left his partner stunned.  A few quick jerks through the thick flesh produced the desired result, as thick precum oozed from the gland, smearing itself against Scott's waiting fingers as he transferred the gelatinous liquid to his own shaft, and the waiting opening of the pokémon.


"Should have bought some lube, tight arse!" muttered Storm from the sheets, as Scott whispered back "Oh, I'll fix that tight arse issue soon enough!", guiding his now slippery and well lubricated cock forward and thrusting it into Storm's body with a sudden lunge.


Grunting with the movements of the human straddling him, Storm soon matched his rocking pace of Scott straddling him, as the human almost withdrew fully, before ploughing his length back into the waiting ass.  Gritting his teeth, Scott wrapped his arms around the legs still draped over his shoulder, using the purchase to press himself harder and deeper into the waiting warmth, the pleasure mounting with every contraction of the tight muscles encircling him even as Storm gave a sudden series of grunts, thrusting his body forward as the pokémon reached his limit, his own cock spilled his seed across his fur in his own ecstasy.


As the muscles clamped rhythmically around him, Scott couldn't hold on any longer.  Pushing to his limit, he sprayed his cum deep into Storm's body, his faltering thrusts allowing some to escape their tight union to matt the dense fur beneath the pokémon 's stumpy tail as well as soaking into his own pubic hair.  Finally spent, but with his now flaccid penis still inside his lover, he leant forward to nuzzle the pokémon's soft, creamy chest fur and whispered "I love you, sweetheart."


Storm didn't reply, even after Scott withdrew to lie against him once again, arms wrapped around each other as they slowly slipped towards sleep.


Head pillowed against his mate, Scott said softly "We're not going to die, Storm.  I won't let that happen.  Not to you, me or the others."


With a sigh, the typhlosion nodded imperceptibly.  "Yeah, me neither, Scotty.  We got too much livin' to do."





At Bill's parent's house, it was several hours before the tired pair managed to extricate themselves from the multitude of questions and head towards Bill's old bedroom.


Shadow slunk at his heels, tired despite herself, and it was her canine filled wide yawns that finally gave Bill the opportunity to bade them goodnight.  He'd planned on heading to his own home, but the thought of yet another forty minute drive ahead of him was overwhelming, and he accepted reluctantly the suggestion from his mum to crash at their place, instead.


The room hadn't changed markedly since he left it the year earlier, and Shadow's eye widened as she entered, taking in the things that still marked the place as his own.  The posters of scantily-clad bikini girls draped over motorbikes still hung on the walls, although time had caused a few to look more tattered than Bill remembered.  His desk, strangely empty of the usual clutter littering its surface, lay stark and empty, with only his old laptop on its surface, testimony to his parents rezoning the room as a makeshift office.  The double bed, once seemingly so small, dominated the far end of the room beneath the curtained window, was neatly made for the first time in memory.


It was both as he remembered, yet strangely foreign.

He'd just moved on from that life was all. 

He wasn't the same person he was even a year ago.


A loud snort of amusement had him spin to see Shadow studying the posters intently, as she cocked her head towards him, eyeing him suggestively as she pointed a paw at one of them, before rolling her eyes with a smirk.


Bill grinned, stepping over to ruffle the dense, dark fur of her mane, laughing as she pulled her head back in indignation.  Flopping backward, he dropped to crash onto the bed behind him, spreading his arms and legs tiredly. 


Still, he grunted as she leapt on top of him, dropping her weight over his body as she straddled him from head to foot, face mere inches from his own as she breathed out softly, lowering herself into his embrace.


"You know I would look ridiculous in one of those thing, don't you?" she told him in pokéspeak.  He grinned again, scratching her ears softly as he retorted "Oh, I don't know.  I wouldn't mind seeing you in one, although it might get us both arrested.  Or on national TV.  Or both."


She nuzzled his neck as he hugged her close, as he whispered to her "Besides, you're sexy enough without any of that stuff, gorgeous kitten."


Snorting again, she muttered "flatterer!", but didn't pull away as he returned the caress, a soft sigh escaping her as he began long, slow raking of his fingers down her back, grasping the dense fur of her rump as she gave a groan of pleasure at his attention.


Of course, it was at that moment, that Bill's mother pushed open the door to stick her head in the room and ask "Do you need anything....Oh!"


Bill froze, before he called out dryly "A little privacy, mum?  We're fine!  Honestly!"


Nodding rapidly, his mother gulped, shutting the door behind her a little too hard as she beat a hasty retreat back to the far end of the house, and her waiting husband.


Sighing, Bill muttered "Damn!" before opening his eyes to regard the startled gaze of the luxray, who had her mouth wide in a silent "Oooh!"


They exchanged the stare a moment, until her eyes crinkled in amusement, and they began laughing uncontrollably, the heaving of his chest sending her bouncing against him.


By the time they finally regained control, Bill's heaving breathing subsiding to a rasp, he bent forward to plant a kiss on her muzzle, ardently returned until, breathless again, they broke the contact and he rolled her to the side, bracing her back against the wall as he stretched and groaned.


"I got the feeling I've 'got some 'splainin' to do!" he said in a false Italian accent, wry grin on his face.  While she didn't get the reference to the old school TV program from his childhood, she nodded regardless, stretching herself as she extended her claws to clench the air repeatedly, before dropping them across his shoulders around his neck.


"More complications we don't need, huh kitten." he muttered, wrapping his arms around her as she began a worried apology.  "I'm sorry, Bill..." she began, concern in her expression, but he kissed her deeply again, and hushed her up. 


"They'll live.  It's one of the reasons I moved out of home.  The lack of privacy was becoming unbearable.  Hell, last time she barged in on me, I was spread out with a naked blonde on her back..." winding down, he turned beetroot red as she laughed harder at his embarrassment.  Nuzzling him softly, she whispered "I'm not blonde, at least." at which he resumed his stroking caress and said "No, thank God. You're way smarter and much more amazing."


"Again with the flattery!  You males are all the same!" she hissed, as his hands drew lower again, followed by his face as he began nuzzling down her dense blue chest fur towards the black reaches beneath.  Gasping as his lips pressed between her rear legs, she couldn't help involuntary spreading them wide, giving him full access to her nether regions as she would for a male of her own kind.


He didn't object, lips seeking and finding the soft musky opening within the hot fur, tongue parting the moist black flesh to delve deeply into the heated passage within.  Arching up against him, she gasped again, as his tongue penetrated deeper, joined by a finger that slipped to begin kneading gently the small nub that shot spears of pleasure through her body.


She kept her cries faint, barely above a whisper, as she humped against his face desperately seeking the release he promised.  A minute past, then a second, with the rocking of the bed and soft hisses of delight accompanying the occasional moist slurp the only sound heard.


Bill continued stroking her thighs, then moved his free hand to the base of her tail, teasing the soft ring of flesh there as he pressed against her anus, inciting her to even further levels of ecstasy.  But the moment arrived when she could no longer contain herself, stifling her cry as a spasm rocked her body once, then again, sending a gush of thick, musky fluids pulsing across Bill's face as her orgasm crashed through her, spinning her into exhaustion.


Spent, she lay back, breathing heavily and twitching as Bill continued to bathe her with his tongue, lapping up the mess he'd created before, finally satisfied she'd pass muster in the morning, raised his head to see her peering down at him, head cradled on the pillow and an obviously satisfied, lusty expression on her face.


"Worth the wait?" he teased, as she nodded vigorously, reaching out for him as he moved into her arms.


"Think your parents noticed?" she breathed into his ear, and he shrugged, smirking at her.  "Doubt it.  You were suitably controlled, I'd say.  Besides, from my end, you are a dream, kitten."  Evil smirk crossing his face, he breathed her strong scent into her face, as she blissfully wrinkled her nose taking it in.  "You taste wonderful!"


Sniggering, she drew him tightly against her, hot fur teasing him through his clothing, and he vowed to take them off at the first available opportunity.  But she continued to grip him almost desperately, and when she began shaking, he turned worried eyes to hers, startled to see them clenched closed.


"What is it?" he said, concerned, and she shook her head, a little frantically, until with a long drawn in breath, she said almost imperceptibly "Be my mate!"


Startled, he said "I thought I am..." but she hushed him, ruby eyes opening to bore into his own, as she said in a husky voice "My life mate!"


Frozen in shock, he took in her desperate plea with a warm smile, shocked she felt he needed to even be asked.


"But I am, kitten.  From the moment I met you, I've been yours.  Did you ever think otherwise?"


Shaking her head slowly, she grasped him to her again, and it was a long time before either felt it necessary to stir.


But time they had, the pair of lovers. 

All the time in the world.



Chapter 59: Je T'aime Till My Dying Day.


"It's time."


Raikou's deep voice penetrated the veils of sleep Chris had submerged himself in, and he struggled awake from within Skyy's arms, the chill early morning air a shock to his naked skin.


Skyy groaned from the bed beside him, ruby irises opening sleepily to voice a complaint against the rude awakening.  Still, he didn't attempt further sleep, sitting up on the mattress beside Chris to stare blearily across the darkened room, where Raikou returned his look solemnly before slipping from the room to wake the others.


"Fuck, it's early.  What time is it?" Chris grumbled, fiddling with his pokédex.  The dim blue bioluminescent back light flicked on momentarily and he groaned again, rubbing his face as the time registered: 3.30am. 


Skyy sighed from behind him, and Chris leaned back against the lucario, taking in a moments comfort from the warm body before staggering to his feet and making his unsteady way towards the small bathroom.  Splashing icy water on his face did little to wake him further, and he rested both hands on the small porcelain basin, head lowered as he shut his eyes, trying to block out the day that awaited them.


But warm arms again wrapped around him, as Skyy pressed his face against Chris's back, giving what comfort he could to the despondent youth.  Straightening, Chris cupped his hands over the pokémon's, and the pair shared a moment before reality intruded yet again, as Suicune put his face into the room, eyes downcast as he muttered something about Raikou wanting to have them meet in the Rec room before they joined the rest of the police downstairs, then leaving the pair again.


As Skyy stepped back, Chris turned, meeting his eyes as he said "Not coping well, is he?"


Skyy shook his head and replied "Nor am I, to be honest.  He misses his friend."


"He still has us." Chris muttered, but took the lucario's hand and led him from the bathroom to get quickly dressed as Skyy stuffed their few belongings into their duffel bag, ready to leave.


By the time they made the Rec room, the others had already arrived.  Storm, looking surly at the early morning start, sat on the edge of the pool table glaring over everyone, while Scott leaned on the mahogany edge beside him.  Rodney, nonchalant as ever, had taken a seat near the balcony window ignoring the "no smoking" sign to draw occasionally on his cigarette.  Entei and Suicune sat against the far wall, Azil and Jimmy nestled between Entei's huge paws as the legendary watched over them.  Raikou remained standing central to the group, solemn even by his usual standards, and waited for them to settle.


Looking around, Chris didn't spot the young policeman and the luxray, and made mention of it to Skyy.  Storm still caught the tail end of the comment, his excellent hearing picking up the question, and he winked at Skyy and Chris. 


"Pair went AWOL last night, apparently.  Few of the more anal types downstairs are in a right royal snit over it.  Think they should not have risked breaking secrecy."


When Scott gave him a frown, wondering why he hadn't mentioned it earlier, Storm shrugged.  "I didn't think it was our business!  They're grown kids now; they don't need us telling them what to do.  They'll be back before shit starts up, I reckon.  They're both reliable."



Nodding slowly, Scott gave an uncharacteristic shrug and turned to Raikou, asking "So, what's the plan?"


"The plan is to get you home, Ranger!" a voice sounded from the doorway, and the group turned in surprise to see Cameron enter, Bill and Shadow in their wake.


Nodding at the police chief, Raikou stepped to the side, allowing space for Cameron to join him.  Bill remained at the rear of the group, ignoring the questioning glance from Storm, who gave Shadow a sudden grin, returned toothily by the luxray.


"Good night?" he muttered in pokéspeak, and shadow replied quietly "Most enjoyable.  Although if he ever tries to gets me to wear these silly human bikini things, I might need to object a little harder.  For a while, anyway..."


Cheeks ablaze, Bill shot a horrified look at his partner, who returned his gaze innocently.  Scott frowned at the pair of pokémon, unaware of the context of the conversation, but a giggle from Skyy had him rolling his eyes, assuming the worst. 


Cameron chose that moment to address them, forestalling any further lewd comment from the typhlosion, as the policeman coughed, drawing their attention.


"We have two main objectives.  Firstly, to handle the threat Sinnotech poses to this world, as well as your own and, secondly, defuse the situation evolving with the splinter army group.  Sinnotech is the easier objective.  We intend to give you the opportunity to enter the building and deal with the portal issue.  If you fail, we'll follow and do it our way.  I'm hoping that isn't necessary, as if the situation deteriorates that far, things will become harder to contain.  As far as the army is concerned, I have them at a stalemate at the moment.  The group following Jobes is smaller than first feared, numbering less than thirty individuals.  They're what remain of his closest supporters, with the bulk of his division returning to the control of the heads of Army.  Seems most of those men who had blindly followed him had no idea they were doing so outside formal orders, and were quick to relinquish their weapons when confronted by their superiors."


Sighing, he continued.  "Unfortunately, those that remain are fanatical supporters of Jobes' ideals, and well armed and supplied.  They hold to his views of the superiority of humans over our new allies here.  They are highly trained, and highly armed, and we need to consider the threat they pose as extreme.  Given it seems Jobes' main goal is to see you lot dealt with permanently, it's been decided the only way to settle this entire situation is to do our best to remove the source of the angst; namely, you lot; from anywhere near them.  With that in mind, I'm intending for you to return through the portal to your world, where we can recommence communications on a more formal basis, and at arm's length."


"Yeah, but there's just a few small glitches in this plan, Cameron" Storm growled, lifting a clawed digit to tick off his points.  "Firstly, we need to neutralise Sinnotech.  Second, gain control of the portal.  Finally, we need to get back home in one piece!  This isn't gonna be a waltz in the park!"


Shaking his head, Cameron met the eyes of the typhlosion Ranger.  "You're right, Storm.  It isn't.  But that's what our objective remains, and we need to ensure everything is done to reach it."


"Without the portal going boom, you mean?" rumbled Entei, receiving a dry look from Raikou.


"Yes, boom is bad, Entei.  We get the picture" said Raikou wryly and Entei shrugged, unperturbed at his brother's sarcasm.  "Just making sure we all understand the consequences if we fail, brother.  Sometimes, humans are a little dense when it comes to the finer points of Armageddon."


Ignoring the pair, Scott spoke up and asked "So, what's the plan?"


Cameron looked at him in relief, uncomfortable with interrupting the two huge pokémon bickering, and said "It's been sorted.  I'm bringing fifty of my men with us, mainly SWAT and anti-terrorism agents, who will assist you in gaining entry to the building.  Another hundred will be stationed outside, blockading the area from everyone, including media and the general public.  However, they aren't equipped to handle Jobes' men, so they've been instructed to stand down if they're confronted by anyone from the army."


"I will handle them, along with my brothers." spoke up Suicune coldly, and Cameron nodded, holding up a hand as he said "Fine!  However, I don't want corpses, Suicune.  Casualties are to be avoided at all costs.  If the body count rises, any support for you and your kind will dry up fast, and we don't need to win the battle only to lose the war.  Understand?"


At the pokémon's surly nod, Cameron sighed to himself in relief, having avoided another smoking gun.  The three legendaries were always going to be the wild cards in the operation, and like any bladed weapon, could cut the hand that held it as well as their opponent.


"My only doubt is to do with our pair of young friends here," indicating Jimmy and Azil, who exchanged a confused look.  "Do they stay here, or what?"


Indignant, Jimmy said "I'm staying with Chris!"


Shaking his head, Cameron said "Impossible!  This is going to be highly dangerous.  We can't allow kids running around risking themselves."


Azil jumped up, breaking into pokéspeak which Bill translated for his superior. "He won't be unprotected, Sir.  Azil will be beside him, and he can take good care of the kid.  Hell, I have enough bruises, as does Shadow, to testify as to his training.  Besides, Paul and Gwen gave us specific orders to look after them, and take them with us.  I don't plan on going against his parents express wishes!"


Azil nodded decisively, as Storm guffawed.  "Seems he's calling your bluff, Cameron.  I agree with the charmeleon.  They belong with us.  Can't be any more dangerous than what they might encounter if left here, alone.  I say they come with us!"


Looking at his partner, the pokémon was somewhat surprised to see Scott nod.  "Agreed.  He's one of us.  I think if Suicune and Entei look after him, the risk will be minimal."


"Me?" retorted Suicune indignantly.  "I'm not here to babysit anyone!"


"You're here to do as you're told, for the good of all of us, Suicune!  I don't plan on getting hurt cause you got a turd hanging half way out your backside!" said Storm gruffly, staring down the blue legendary, who turned away angrily.


Chris looked at the legendary, who met his eyes a moment before turning away.  Sighing, he returned his attention back to the briefing.


Cameron continued.  "I don't have authority on this, so I leave it up to you.  Can't say I approve, but provided you do your utmost to ensure his safety, I accept your choice."


"Don't need a bloody babysitter!" Chris heard his brother mutter angrily to Azil, and he gave his sibling a grin, well aware of the feeling himself.


Cameron concluded the briefing.  "For secrecy sake, we're not going to finalise any details until we're underway.  I still can't trust everyone even within my own forces, much to my regret.  It'd only take one slip of the tongue to have us meet a mess of trouble.  So, in an hour, at 0500, we will get underway, and we will begin transport to the Sinnotech site.  The operation against them will then formally start at 0600.  Are there any questions?"


"Are we going to be fed before we leave?" demanded Entei, and Cameron laughed. 


"Yes, my friend.  The canteen has been well stocked for you all, so we won't let you starve before we go.  Besides, I find myself needing a coffee rather badly.  Let's retire and get a few minutes break before we start."


No-one objected, and the informal meeting broke up as they left for the cafeteria downstairs.




With the rest of the group heading downstairs, Chris placed a hand on Skyy's shoulder, whispering to the surprised lucario "Give me a few minutes, would you?  I'll be down in a sec."


Nodding, the pokémon trailed after the others, head turned as he watched Chris step back into the conference room, to join the sole occupant within.


Suicune hadn't risen, still sitting on his haunches staring morosely out the glass windows, although his ears twitched as Chris re-entered, signalling he'd heard the human behind him.


Chris had thought he might object to his presence, so approached the legendary cautiously, but he needn't have worried. Suicune didn't stir as Chris dropped against his chest, nestled between the huge paws where they rested on either side of him.


"Suicune..." he began, but stopped as the pokémon shook his head.


"Don't, Chris!  I don't want your pity." he said, oddly distant as he refused to meet the human's gaze.


Chris shrugged, nestling in the warm furred chest, and said softly "I wasn't offering it, Suicune.  I just wanted to see if you were alright."


Laughing harshly, the pokémon blinked, finally twisting his head down to meet Chris's gaze.  "Stupid question, even from a human, I would have thought.  No, I'm not OK.  I don't think I'll ever be OK again, Chris.  I'm sick and fucking tired of not being OK, and I'm tired of Raikou and Entei, and that blasted smart arsed typhlosion, and... And everything!"


'I note I've not been included in that list, then?" Chris asked, and the pokémon turned away again.


"No, not you.  I think you understand more than all of them what I'm feeling."


Nodding, Chris sighed, massaging the muscled forearms on either side.


"Yeah.  Yeah, I do at that.  So does Skyy.  We understand."


After a long pause, in a more meek voice, Suicune said "I want to go home.  I don't want to feel like this anymore."


"Because of Tony?" Chris asked, unsurprised when he felt Suicune nod. 


"In part.  But I'm tired of feeling so helpless.  So... fucking lonely."


"You're not alone." said Chris gently.  "I promise you, I'll always be there when you need me.  You're part of my family now.  I love you, big guy, just as I love Jimmy, and my folks, and Raikou and Skyy.  I'll always be there for you.  Always, no matter what."


Suicune didn't respond, but wrapped his paws around the human and held him close.


"We're going to die today, Chris." He muttered.  "I can feel it.  The thousands of years I've been alive, I've dreaded this day, and I know in my gut I'm out of time."


Chris was quiet a moment, before speaking harshly. "Horse shit, Suicune!  That's pure, unadulterated horse shit!"


Confused and a little hurt, the pokémon froze, dropping his head to look down at the young human.  "What...?" he began, only to have Chris grab his cheek fur roughly.


"Don't speak like that!" Chris said again, shaking the big head before letting the stunned pokémon go.  "I don't give a flying fuck about that.  I promise you, if I have to kill every one of those bastards, I will come through this alive, and I'll be bringing Skyy, Jimmy, Raikou and you with me.  Comprende?"


Nodding wide eyed, Suicune looked at him mutely.  Chris dropped his head again. "I'll tear out Darkrei's throat with my teeth before I give in to that bastard!  We will live, we will win, and by all the Gods, we will come through this unscathed!"


Relief, surprising in its intensity, flooded through Suicune at those words, and he hugged Chris again, even as the young human said "Besides, what would Arceus do with you in the afterlife?  You'd annoy the shit out of him so badly, he'd have to send you back to me, just as punishment!"


Sniggering suddenly, Suicune muttered "Oh, the respect you have for me!" cut off when Chris planted a soft kiss on his cheek.  Stunned, he stared at the human in shock as Chris patted his face gently again and said "You're loved, Suicune.  Never believe otherwise!" before standing up and stretching, to head towards the room exit.


"Coming?" he asked, and Suicune nodded, silently following in his wake as they rejoined the others.





Scott joined Storm and Rodney in the cab of the aboriginal man's cattle truck, the three legendaries safely loaded again in the covered rear.  Chris and his brother had agreed to remain with the other pokémon and some of the police force in one of the several dark blue police buses Cameron had supplied, which could be seen dimly ahead through the dense fog that greeted the operation as they left the police compound and joined the convoy heading deeper into the city towards their objective.


Even Storm was unusually quiet, nose wrinkled as the reek of cigarette smoke swirled through the cabin, Rodney's open driver's window doing little to clear the air.


"Do you have to smoke that shit in here?  It fucking stinks!" the typhlosion complained and, surprisingly sombre, Rodney shrugged, nipping the lit tip from the cigarette and stashing the usable end back in his shirt pocket.


"Sorry.  Helps me relax, brother." he apologised, and Storm nodded, turning away to glare out the window.


"Yeah, so am I, Rodney.  Sorry." He muttered, and the human flashed him a toothy grin.  "I'm a bit tense about all this.  We haven't got a good record with these bastards to date."


Scott interrupted his partner.  "Nor do they with us.  We've hit them hard a few times.  This will simply be the finale."


Storm didn't comment on his assumption, asking "So, the plan's as before?"


Scott nodded.  "Yep.  With a few minor changes.  I'm going to have Raikou and Entei head down to the portal area, rather than Entei and Suicune.  I think we need to keep a bit of a close eye on our big blue friend, in case he goes all postal and starts wiping out everyone stupid enough to confront him.  He's been way too uncontrollable lately, and we don't need any unnecessary deaths."


Storm gave him an incredulous look.  "You telling me you don't want anyone killed from their side, during this?  Ain't going to happen!"


Scott shook his head, giving his partner a reassuring pat on the arm.  "No, I expect everyone in the building who gets in our way is going to end up in a world of pain and suffering.  But the army people are a different story.  We don't need any media coverage of him slaughtering a platoon of the country's military, regardless of whether they've been authorised to be there or not."


"But what if they attack us, huh?  Are we supposed to stand by and let them?"


Scott shrugged.  "If they attack us, we wipe them out, this time completely and totally.  But not for personal reasons or vengeance."


Grunting, Storm resumed his stare outside.  "Who else you sending down there with them?"


Scott pondered.  "Bill and Shadow, I imagine, along with the bulk of the forces Cameron is supplying.  We'll only take a minimal group with us.  Chris and Skyy, you, me, and Raikou.  That should be enough to handle anything within the upper floors."


"What about me?" Rodney asked, darting his eyes from the road to regard the pair frankly.


Scott turned to him and appraised the man.  "You still dead set on accompanying us back home, Rodney?  It's likely to be a one way trip, and there's no way I can guarantee your safety?"


Rodney hunched his shoulders.  "Know that, bro.  I made my peace with my family and my ancestors before coming out here weeks ago with our big friends back there."


"It's going to be dangerous, Rodney." Scott warned, and Rodney shrugged again.


"I know how to handle a firearm, my friend.  I'm a warrior, from warrior blood, and I have plenty of hunting experience.  I won't be a liability to you."


Nodding, Scott said "Well, you'll be with us, then.  Just so you know what you're getting into."


Chuckling again, Rodney said "Oh, it's going to be a crazy time.  I think the real question is, do they know what's about to befall them?  I think they have a somewhat inflated opinion of their abilities, in the face of such overwhelming odds."


Turning to the pair, he said finally "I think we're gonna wipe the floor with them, my friends!"


Smirking, Storm gave Scott a nudge with his elbow and rumbled "See why I brought him along?  He's good for morale!"


Scott rolled his eyes, but didn't respond.  He still had plenty to work out before they got there, and not enough time to do so.


Still, he hoped the aboriginal man was right.  They needed all the positivity they could get.




In the police bus, Chris sat on a bench with Jimmy close to the back of the bus, as Skyy kept the charmeleon company in the seat ahead.


"Nervous?" he asked his younger sibling, and Jimmy shrugged "A little."


Chris grinned, and shoved him with an arm.  "Me, I'm scared shitless.  Don't kid me!"


Jimmy sighed and said "Yeah, OK.  So am I, too.  But we got Azil and Sky and the others helping us.  We're gonna be fine!"


Chris gave him a long look and said softly "No, Jim.  It's going to be bloody dangerous.  Mum and dad know that, but they knew we couldn't stay with them.  So, they're relying on us; both of us, alright; to keep safe.  That means, you stick with Entei and Raikou, and you do everything they say!  Everything!"


Jim sighed, but nodded to his brother.  "I have to keep Azil and me safe, I know.  I promise."


Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, Chris said "Good.  If we get through OK, you're going to like it there. Place is fucking bat shit crazy!  Pokémon everywhere!"


Giving him a hopeful look, Jimmy asked "Think I can become a trainer?"


Chris chuckled.  "Dude, you already are a trainer!  It's just how far you plan on going with it!"


A determined look crossed his face, as he said "I'm going to be the best trainer there is!  I'm going to wipe the floor with that Ash Ketchum dick, and his retarded pikachu!"


Rolling his eyes, Chris said "Umm, you do know he doesn't exist, right?"


He couldn't stop a loud laugh as Jimmy looked shocked, and said "What?"


A few seats down, Shadow smirked at their conversation, turning to Bill and said softly in pokéspeak "I'm looking forward to going home for a while."


Looking away, Bill said "Think your old trainer will cause complications?"


Shaking her head, she said dryly "Not if he wants his balls intact."


When her words clearly didn't reassure him, she rested a paw on his leg and said "No, Bill.  He will be fine.  In the end, pokémon are partners to humans, not their slaves.  Regardless what they sometimes think, we make our own choices, and I've chosen you.  So we will be fine."


Wrapping an arm around her neck, he gave her a hug, mindless of the other police officers sharing the van with them.  "Good!  Cause you and me are a team, now and forever."


She didn't need to answer him, as the question was a moot point, anyway.


Changing the subject, she asked him "Will you stay with the Rangers?"


Nodding, he said "If you want to.  I think it'll be interesting."


Snorting, she laughed.  "You have no idea.  Things are a little more primitive than your police force.  But interesting is the word, alright!"

Grinning, he said "Good.  I could do with a little interesting.  Life's been way too boring lately for my taste!"


Shadow rested her head against his shoulder, and sighed.  Still, he had a point.  Life was certainly going to get interesting for them all, for a while.


She just hoped they made it through all the interesting in one piece.



Chapter 60: The Spelunkers.


The convoy of vehicles reached the checkpoint set up by the police just before 6am.  Located just outside the CBD proper, the area was adjacent to the docks; it's history as a warehousing precinct obvious in the size and shape of the building structures dominating the region.


The surrounding streets were almost empty.  With the operation occurring so early on a Sunday, the late night partygoers had already staggered home, and no early morning commuters bustled through the sidewalks as would have occurred on a normal business day.


Still, as they were waved through the blockading barriers, a large group of reporters and media jostled beside the vehicles, attempting to take photographs of the occupants while they bombarded the police officers on duty with endless questions on the nature and reason for the secretive operation.


Things had been going smoothly, with Chris and Bill ensuring the pokémon in the bus kept their heads down to avoid the press.  However, when the cattle truck approached, no cajoling from Scott could make the recalcitrant typhlosion duck his head out of view.  The truck's side windows were lightly tinted which, added to the early morning light diffused by the surrounding buildings, helped mask the vehicle interior.  But the huge, furred and fanged profile visible through the glass still had the reporters stunned; at least till they recovered enough to break out in a further cacophony of speculation to the beleaguered police.


"That's not helping, Storm" grumbled Scott, but the pokémon shrugged, dismissing his objections. 


"Things are about to get insane here, and I have no intentions in adding to my stress by pretending to these humans I don't actually exist.  They're going to find out one way or another, so let 'em do whatever they like."


Scott made to comment, but then decided against it.  His partner was right, after all, and there was no point pretending otherwise.  Sometimes, the pokémon's pragmatism was spot on target.


Rodney snorted, and said "Least I was the second most interesting thing in the vehicle.  It's odd, for a change, not being the centre of attention."


Confused, Scott made to ask what the man meant, but was forestalled by their arrival at the final police checkpoint.


A block away from the initial barricade, it was thankfully out of sight of the media contingent, and disembarking from the vehicle was a simple enough affair.  While aware of their existence, a number of the officers had not visibly seen the pokémon before, and a few startled gasps were thrown at them, especially the legendaries, who took the shock with nothing more than an ironic glance.  However, the officers had all been thoroughly briefed on the situation, and nothing untoward happened.


Temporary HQ had been set up in a warehouse around the corner from the Sinnotech building which, from all accounts, stood ominously silent.  No security personnel or staff; in fact no one whatsoever; had been seen within the structure; something that had Scott tightening his lip.  Last time they'd tackled this organisation back on his home world had been no different, and he hoped history wouldn't repeat itself this time.


With Storm and the legendaries occupied with Cameron and his senior officers, Scott took the opportunity to slip to the building corner and steal a glance at their objective.


It wasn't a reassuring sight.  The structure rose high above the squat converted warehouses dominating the streets, a black, gleaming glass edifice to evil out of place in the areas architecture.


"Jesus!" said a quiet voice at his shoulder, and the Ranger spun to confront Chris and Skyy behind him, as they peered around at the ominous structure that was their intended target.


"Weren't you supposed to be waiting with the others?" Scott muttered, and Chris grinned suddenly.


"Weren't you?"


Chuckling, Scott returned to peering at the darkened building before them.  "Looks familiar?"


"You mean, the fact it's scarily deserted?" said Skyy, looking past his shoulder doubtfully.


Scott nodded.  "It seems we've found their signature move, perhaps.  Hmm, let's get back to the others.  I need to have a word with Storm, Raikou and Cameron."


Returning to the group, Scott pulled the three aforementioned aside, not minding that Chris and Skyy kept them company. 


"Is there any other way into that building, Cameron?" the Ranger asked, unsurprised when the officer shook his head.


"Apart from the main entry, and a rear dock ramp to the underground car park, the place is a fortress.  Even the blueprints on the structure were difficult to obtain, and contained only scant information, once Council were reluctantly willing to hand them over.  I'd be surprised if they hadn't bribed someone in Council to make the information vanish.  Even our copies, obtained through the Department of Natural Resources are likely out of date."


"How do the services enter the building?  Sewerage, power, communications, etc?" Storm growled, and Cameron raised an eye at the big pokémon.


"You're not thinking....?  Hmm, we have those schematics somewhere.  I can't vouch for their accuracy, however."


Chris, following the gist of the conversation, muttered "Oh, you're going to persuade Suicune and Entei to wade through sewerage to enter the building?  That's going to be a fun conversation for you!"


Grinning broadly, Storm winked at the youngster, and said dryly "Not likely they'll fit down there.  But entering via such a back door might lay a little surprise on the bastards they're not remotely expecting!"


It turned out the typhlosion was right on the money.  Comparisons of the subterranean schematics with those of the buildings revealed a few secrets that the builders of the structure hadn't considered concealing.  An abandoned subway tunnel, now reappropriated for major communication lines, ran from the city centre to the river crossing, immediately below the basement levels.  Even more fortuitously, the original subway station and platform were located less than a few meters beneath the foundations of the structure above.


"Is it accessible?" wondered Storm, trailing a lazy claw along the passageway to the open area thoughtfully.


Hailing a police engineer from his contingent, Cameron questioned the man, who nodded with a gulp, wary of the blue furry monster who asked the question.


"Umm, yes err... sir!  A service entrance comes out less than three hundred meters from here, behind that warehouse over there.  It's big enough to drive a work utility vehicle all the way to the platform!"


When the pokémon slapped him on the back in thanks, he near fainted, but managed to gasp out "Won't we be needing explosives to get through all that concrete?"


Smirking, Storm snorted, letting a trail of smoke escape his toothy mouth and said with a growl "Oh, I think we'll manage somehow."


That was enough for the engineer, who left in a near panic.


"You do understand if you keep traumatising my staff, you're going to be out there on your own, don't you?" said Cameron dryly, and the pokémon guffawed. 


"Naah, they're tougher than that.  Besides, better I prepare them than letting Entei do so.  He hasn't learnt the finer art of subtlety that I have!"


"Heaven help us all!" muttered the police chief, but called out to his lieutenant to ready the troops who were accompanying the group that they'd be mobilizing within the hour.




Trudging through the dark, stinking tunnel towards their goal, the group didn't feel the need to exchange much in the way of conversation, instead concentrating on the uneven footing beneath them.  The ancient rail tracks had grown slick with moisture and, while rust tarnished their surface, were slippery when stepped on.  More dangerous, water seeping down from above had rotted the timber sleepers beneath them, producing a hazard to the unwary stepping incautiously without checking before placing a foot.


On top of everything, the place stank.  Effluent seeped down from above in several places from cracks in the city sewerage system above, leaving dark pools of slippery filth that could send the unwary sliding to their knees in muck.


All in all, it was about as unwholesome a place as the Rangers could have imagined.


Storm was less than impressed.  "Fuck me, if this is the epitome of human civilisation, I'd rather be back home.  Least then, I won't spend my life reeking of human shit!"


Avoiding a dead rat corpse floating in a nearby puddle of something unmentionable, Scott sighed, giving his partner a pat on the shoulder.  "It could be worse."


Grumbling, the typhlosion didn't reply immediately, before pointing backward with a claw to the struggling raichu who, while clearly exhausted, was doing her damnedest to keep up with the group.


"Did she really have to come?" he demanded of his human partner, who paused a moment, giving the pokémon a long look which she studiously ignored.


"What would you have preferred?  We leave her behind with the humans?  I trust Cameron, but not many others.  She's safer with us."


Returning to his trudging march, Scott muttered in a low voice. "Besides, she insisted, as you well know.  If you want to tell her she's not welcome, then go right ahead.  Me, I value my life more than that."


Giving a harrumph, Storm went to reply, but swore as his short legs caught on a hidden void beneath the sleeper, near sending him to his face in the muck.  Cursing loudly as he went over, it was only the quick reflexes of Entei, who shot out a paw to grab him by the shoulder, that saved him from falling.


"This is your idea of fun, is it, Ranger?" grumbled Entei, steadying the typhlosion as he regained his footing.  The legendaries voice echoed down the long chamber as he let the typhlosion again precede him, followed behind the smaller pokémon and human Rangers.


"Would you have preferred being knee deep in human effluent, rather than ankle deep?  We could still take the larger sewerage tunnels?  You might just fit, with a bit of squeezing?" said Scott dryly, as his torch illuminated the filthy, cable laden tunnel ahead.


"Story of my life, Ranger.  What do you think it's like for us pokémon living back home, surrounded by you lot?  You just described the entire planet!" the legendary retorted wryly.


"Why is your mind always in the sewer, Entei?" complained Suicune, then froze suddenly, causing those behind the big pokémon to nearly plough into his rump.  When the others spun at him in alarm, his open mouthed face outlined in torchlight, he turned wide eyes to his onlookers and said "I just made a funny, didn't I?"


Rolling his eyes, Raikou resumed his march, pushing past the blue and white pokémon to continue trudging towards their target.  "Why me, father?  Why me?"


Snorting suddenly, Storm slapped the pokémon on the arm and said "Well, can't choose your family, but at least you can pick your friends.  Oh, and you can pick your nose.  Just don't pick your friends nose!"


"Are we all finished being children, people?  This is rather important!" asked Scott dryly, as the light ahead broke through into a large tiled chamber beyond.


Storm gasped despite himself, as the huge opening glimmered dimly in the lights from their torches.  While coated heavily in the muck from decades past, the tiled walls reflected the lights reluctantly, scattering muted reflections into the darkness beyond.  While generally intact, here and there large piles of rubble surrounded newer concrete pylons that had been pounded through the area to make up the foundations of the buildings above, although as a whole the roof ahead appeared stable.  A maze of wires and plumbing crisscrossed the vast space, heading down the abandoned railway tunnels from the many platforms, snaking their way to unknown destinations within the city.


Decayed and ruined it may have been, but the Ranger's had to admit, impressive it was too.


"Shit!" swore Storm helpfully, and Scott didn't reprimand the pokémon, in awe himself.  "This is bigger than anything I've seen back home!"


Chris, lagging behind the pair to give Sparky a helping hand to climb wearily onto the nearest deserted platform, chuckled.  "This is nothing. Most of the newer stations in the city have double the number of tunnels, and even they're insignificant compared to some of the big cities overseas.


Sniffing deeply, Suicune wrinkled his nose and complained "Smells of human urine, and worse!"


Bill gave the legendary a nod as he climbed to join the others on the station platform, followed by his fellow officers and Shadow, who lithely jumped to the concrete surface with a graceful bound.  "A lot of homeless people used to live down here, and had for decades.  The toilet facilities don't work anymore, unfortunately, and this is the result.  But the tunnels were sealed the past few years, to ensure vandals didn't disrupt the power and communications lines to the city.  Terrorists, you know." he said sagely, and the pokémon nodded, although he had no real idea what the human was talking about.


Staring up towards the ceiling a good twenty feet above, Raikou rumbled "My concern is will it hold if we disturb it, or will it come crashing down around us?  It does seem sound, but I think a little caution would be advisable, Entei.  I believe it wise to keep your enthusiasm in check, especially around all that wiring and suchlike.  We do not want the city disturbed above."


"Yeah, they're disturbed enough as is." muttered Storm, but was ignored by the others as Entei moved to an adjacent platform, spread his legs for support and raised his head to study the ceiling above.


Pausing, he turned to the rest of the group. "I would suggest moving back a pace" he added helpfully, returning a keen gaze to the concrete above.  "This is going to get a little hot."


Ducking into a nearby abandoned ticket booth, they'd barely made it safely before a blast of superheated air swept past the tiny office, lightly scalding the exposed skin of those who loitered too near the doorway, as Entei began his excavation.


Relatively immune to the flames, Storm stuck his head out, eyes squinting in the hot wind as he narrated the progress to the awed occupants.


"Not fucking around, is he.  He's through the first layer of concrete, and heading through the bedrock above.  Shit, it's dripping to the floor like melted ice cream!  S'okay tho, it's just pooling down the tracks below the platform, and flowing back down the tunnel to the far right."


"Will it take long?" sweated out Cameron, as the human's sweltered at the office back.


Noticing the problem, Suicune shot a beam of ice towards the building walls, coating them in a thick layer of ice that began melting almost immediately.  While adding to the room's humidity, it did regulate the temperature somewhat, and Chris lay a hand on the white furred chest in thanks, receiving a return smile from the pokémon.


The noise was incredible; the closest Chris could compare it to was what he'd experienced during a school excursion to a steel works foundry several years earlier.  The noise rang through the chamber, deafening them to all but shouted words. 


"How's he going?" Chris yelled to Storm, who continued his supervision, receiving a thumbs up as the  took another look towards the huge legendary, surrounded by molten rock and metal as he kept up a steady stream of plasma upwards.


The sudden silence as the bombardment of the roof ceased was a shock to the group.  Scott stepped gingerly back onto the sweltering platform, avoiding still smouldering lumps of shattered debris that had escaped the legendary's attack, when Entei's huge whiskered face popped into view around the building corner as he casually shook off the molten rock still flecking his whiskers.


"Done?" said the Ranger, and Entei nodded.


"I can sense there is now less than a meter between the opening I created and the void of the space above.  I thought it best to stop at this point.  Melting anyone in the room above might have caused problems."


Snorting in amusement, Storm pushed past the pokémon to march towards the platform beneath the opening, but stepped back hurriedly as the intense heat made him wince. 


"Fuck, that's a bit toasty, even for me!  Suicune... would you mind?"


Nodding, Suicune slipped gingerly past the typhlosion, mist already enveloping his body as he touched a paw to the tiles before him, sending a crackling sheet of ice outwards to encase first the tiles beneath, then to creep up the walls on all sides to harden the molten rock above into a dark, slagged cavity.  Soon, all that remained of the work was a dark, congealed and quite cold mass, glistening icily in the torches reflective beam.


Stepping cautiously onto the slippery surface, the police officers approached the overhead opening, shining their lights into the gloom above.  Even with all the work done by Entei, it was a long way up, and they began holding a hurried conversation as to how to proceed, broken as Suicune again stepped up and told them to move right back.


Taking a deep breath, he again shot a bright blue beam of light firstly towards the floor, then progressively upwards as he created a spiral ramp of ice reaching first to the ceiling, then into the waiting space above.  The work of only a few minutes, he finally stepped back, admiring his work with a critical eye as the others watched on in awe.


"You're a handy lot to have around" muttered Rodney, tossing the butt of his cigarette onto the tracks beneath them, before grinning at the surprised Suicune. 


As the legendary made to reply, he let out a startled meep as Raikou shouldered past his brother, peering up at the darkened hole above.  With a satisfied grunt, he turned towards the group, pupils wide in the semi darkness as he announced he was ready to break through to the building space above.


As the policemen adjusted and checked their gear, Scott gave Chris and Skyy a tight grin, stepping close to mutter "You all ready for this?"


The pair exchanged a look, and Skyy shrugged, not meeting the Ranger's eye as he said "I suppose we had better be."


Laying an arm across the lucario's shoulder, Chris gave him a welcome squeeze, and said to Scott in a mock cheery voice "Better we get this over with now, before I start getting nervous."


Storm's bark of laughter nearby had the group of human police start, as he wandered to them, accompanied by Raikou and Suicune.  "Just a walk in the park, kiddo." he joked, broad grin plastered across his muzzle.  Suicune snorted, responding wryly "I'd prefer some of that fresh forest air, myself!" but didn't object when Chris gave his neck a stroke, smoothing the ruffled, slightly moist fur down with a gentle hand.


"We'll all be looking forward to that, I think.  When this is over, I'm hoping you guys can take us on a bit of a tour of your home; given the most we've seen of your world has been a few cities, and a lot of forest."


"A road trip with legendary pokémon?  Now that'll cause a few heads to spin!" grinned Scott, as Storm nodded vigorously. 


"Might be in on that, myself!" the pokémon agreed, chuckling as Chris nodded. 


Cameron broke up their musings to pull Scott, Storm and Raikou aside. "We're ready, gentlemen." he said solemnly, as Raikou nodded, stepping past the group to climb cautiously up the large, icy ramp.  Giving the hole above and before him a searching stare, his brow furrowed, thick eyebrows meeting in a vee as he concentrated on the task at hand.


An ominous hum echoed through the space around him, as the air became charged in anticipation. Chris started as a small static spark shot from his hand to Skyy, causing the lucario to jump in surprise, until he spread his stubby fingers wide, marvelling at the web of sparks chasing through his raised fur.


"I think we're in for some fireworks" he muttered to Chris, motioning his head for them to make a steady, if hasty, retreat behind some nearby pillars.  Nor were they the only ones affected; most of the officers were slapping at sparks shooting from their equipment in concern, unconsciously joining the young pair as they put some distance between Raikou and themselves. 


Shadow shuddered, hackles raised as she stepped behind Bill, who gave his partner an amused look.  "Now you know how I feel!" he murmured, caressing her fur, and receiving a droll look from both the luxray and Sparky, as the raichu, unaffected by the airs charge, snorted at his reply.


The air in the huge space changed, a sudden ozone-laced wind erupting from the dark tunnels to send circling trails of dust around them, culminating in a dark, lightening-etched vortex which whirled around Raikou, emitting thundery, crackling booms as it darkened steadily within.


It felt like an eternity, but was likely just moments before Raikou raised his head, jaws parting to bare a fang-filled mouth at the ceiling above.  Along with his roar, a bolt of pure energy shot from his maw, momentarily blinding his audience as it powered into the hole made by Entei, incinerating what was left of the barrier above and raining debris onto the platform beneath.


The sudden shock as the echoing thunder stopped was overwhelming, and as their vision recovered from the intent display, the group looked through watery eyes up through the tunnel above into the equally dark void of the building basement.


"We're through!" Raikou said anticlimactically, breaking the stasis in which most of the group found themselves, as they shouldered their gear and followed the three legendaries up the icy approach into the opening above, disappearing into the dust-filled haze.


Storm gave Scott and Rodney an unusually solemn look, to rumble "This is it, then?"  Scott nodded, and Rodney flashed him a broad smile, white teeth gleaming as he pumped the action of the shotgun he'd armed himself with, the noise startlingly loud and familiar in the echoing chamber.


"Lock and load, people!" he pealed out, to the amusement of the few police yet to make the climb.


Turning to the bemused typhlosion, the aboriginal man muttered with a grin "Bugger me, I always wanted to say that!"


"Why?" retorted Storm, confused, but had to forgo the lengthy explanation as Scott pushed his heavy rump into action, and the trio commenced scaling the icy path.


When a warm paw slipped into his hand, Chris smiled at Skyy, giving his friend's short fingers a squeeze, as they brought up the rear.


"Ready?" he said, and Skyy shot a slightly strained grimace back.


"Nope!  You?"


Chris shook his head, and replied "Nope!  So, let's do it!"


Trailing behind Skyy, he didn't object as the lucario gave him a hand up the first shelf of ice, and they clambered after their friends towards the unknowns of the building above.



Chapter 61: Bang, bang! He shot me down...


"I wonder if they heard us?" pondered Suicune, before shooting a startled eye at Storm when the typhlosion snorted derisively.


"No, Suicune.  They failed to hear the ruckus you and your brothers made, by burying their heads up their collective arses!"


Suicune primly pretended to ignore the jibe, but muttered to himself snidely "Wouldn't surprise me, being human and all.  They clearly have a penchant for that."  But he kept the comment from the ears of the pokémon Ranger, as Storm returned to examining the room around them.

Chris grinned, his eyes fixed on Scott as he and Skyy waited for the Ranger to take the lead.  He'd originally assumed the police special forces would head the operation, but with the three huge legendary Pokémon overwhelming the party, it appeared they'd had a change of heart, relegating themselves to the rear rather than risk consequences in contradicting the huge monsters.


Cameron clearly wasn't of the same mind, as he stepped over to have a hurried discussion with the two Rangers, leaving Chris and Skyy time to scope out the room they'd emerged into.


Not that there was much to examine.  It was big, empty and dark; three things Chris had long since associated with "bad, m'kay!"  A low hum echoed through the chamber, distant machinery sending a thrumming vibration through the concrete, which the human could feel even through the thick rubber soles of his steel capped boots.


When Skyy stepped closer, furred arm brushing his own, Chris gave the Pokémon a warm look, not missing the nervous shaking underlying his friend's demeanor.  Resting a palm on his shoulder, Chris muttered quietly "S'okay?"


The lucario shot him a toothy smirk, replying in a false Mexican accent "S'alright!" which quirked Chris's lip, amused despite himself at the Pokémon's quick grasp of his worlds culture, until Scott let out a low cough from behind them, drawing their attention.


As the group conference, the human Ranger turned to Cameron and Storm, receiving a nod from each in turn, and said in a low voice "OK, the plan is to split into two groups.  Storm and I will be accompanied by Cameron, Chris, Skyy, and Raikou, as well as you three officers.  Jimmy and Azil will be coming with us.  We'll try and make it upstairs to the executive floors and find out who is ultimately in charge of this fiasco.  The rest of you will be led by Bill and Shadow, and need to determine where that damned portal is located.  Secure the area, and ensure the thing is stable.  Last we need is to have that blow sky high and take us out with it.  Radio contact is to be kept to a minimum, but all essential information is to be relayed through either myself or Storm.  Any questions?"


Suicune turned his head quickly, giving his brothers a startled glance, but received no satisfaction from either as they studiously ignored him.  As Scott made to continue, he cleared his throat loudly, the sound harsh in the large area as he demanded "I want to go with Chris."

Scott, unsurprised at the request, stepped before the blue legendary and said quietly "I know, Suicune.  I understand that.  But I need you to deal with the portal.  It's you, or Entei, and who can I trust to do the job properly?"


Entei, who had overheard the Ranger's reply, gave the pair a dry look, but his slightly manic grin did little to contradict the Ranger's blunt assessment.


Somewhat taken aback, but still pleased with the perceived compliment, Suicune replied "Well, you are right, of course.  But still...  Raikou could...." He petered off as Scott shook his head, before lowering his own and sighing.  "I guess you are right, Ranger.  I will go with the others."


Smiling, Scott patted the blue furred neck and was about to continue again, when a hard tugging on his trouser leg had him drop his eyes in surprise.  Sparky, a determined look on her face, gazed up at him and said "Chu?" pointing to herself with a clawed digit.


Scott pursed his lip, wondering what to do with the exhausted raichu, but finally relented, squatting down as he asked "I can't tell you what to do, Sparky.  But I assume you're here to search for Jasper?"


At her definite nod, he sighed and gave her a sympathetic look.  "I'd think you'd be most likely finding about him downstairs here, but it's up to you.  If you'd prefer to accompany us upstairs, you're free to..."


Sparky shook her head, pointing towards Bill and Shadow, where the pair stood with Rodney and the bulk of the police.  Straightening her shoulders, she strode over to join the luxray, who gave her a long glance, followed by a short conversation in pokéspeak.  When Shadow then gave him a quizzical stare, Scott shrugged in return, and she turned back to Bill, eyes intent on her trainer as he watched on quietly.


Good girl, Scott thought, as he stepped back to Storm's side.  She'll look after the raichu and get her through this, if anyone can.  Assuming we all get through this, he thought dryly to himself, but shook the thought aside as he resumed his speech, eyes locked on the police officers whom he thought a little too relaxed for his liking.


"Now that's settled, I want to emphasise how much danger we're likely in.  Complacency will get you killed, as Storm and some of the others can vouch.  They're fanatics.  These bastards have already dropped two buildings on us, will readily take out their own people just to kill our own, and they won't likely hesitate to do it again.  I don't think I need to point out what will happen if they blow the portal prematurely, as we've discussed this in depth.  Let me make clear, this is a "take no prisoners" mission.  If you see someone acting suspiciously, shoot first, question later."


A few of the officers shot Cameron nervous looks, but when the chief didn't acknowledge their query, they soon realised he wasn't going contradict the Ranger.  Eyes grim, they didn't question further.


Scott, having noted their stance, smiled tightly to himself.  Professionals, he thought in satisfaction.  Thank Arceus I can hopefully rely on them to do what's needed!


"Our goal is eliminate this risk from both worlds once and for all.  Take them down, take them out, and for Arceus sake, if it doesn't look human, be careful around it!  Make sure who or what it is BEFORE taking a pot shot at it.  We don't need to bring down our own with friendly fire!"


As the groups separated, Bill gave Scott and Storm a loaded smile over his shoulder as he cautiously made his way from the room, their quiet footsteps receding down the concrete corridor towards the apparent source of the vibration.  Consulting the building plans, Scott had narrowed down their likely path, and guided his group in the opposite direction towards the emergency stairwells the plans stated were located at each building corner.  The others followed quietly, caution over speed as they slipped through the darkened hallways towards their target staircase.


Of all things, it was Skyy who spotted the oddity; several stray pieces of wire insulation left carelessly near the stairwell's fire escape entrance.  Out of place in the otherwise spotlessly clean service hallway, he spoke up abruptly, startling the officers who had all but ignored the lucario as he walked silently beside Chris, paws making no noise on the polished concrete beneath them.


"Don't!" he hissed, and Storm froze in the act of reaching for the emergency staircase entry handle, clawed fingers closing on air as he drew back from the metal bar.


"What is it?" he questioned gruffly, as Cameron and Scott moved closer to examine the finding.


Picking up a piece, he handed it to the human Ranger, whose brow narrowed alarmingly.  "I wonder..." he started, before his eyes widened, and he gestured for the group to make a hurried withdrawal back down the corridor.


As they regrouped around a corner from the stairway entrance, at the police chief's puzzled look Storm swore loudly and said "Same old tricks, it seems.  These bastards need to learn some new tactics, I think.  We'd better warn the others to be on the watch out for this sort of shit!"


As Cameron nodded, indicating for one of his men to pass on the information to the others, one of the human's approached to examine the wiring.


"Are you sure it's booby trapped?" he asked, shifting his shoulders beneath the weight of his combat gear.  Even under his helmet, his blanching face as Storm leant down to glare at him, fangs bared in a snarl as he hissed "Wanna go try it and see?  Me, I'm gonna wait here till we find out, cause I have all the scars I need already.  Perhaps it's your turn to go boom?"


The officer gulped, shaking his head hurriedly, as Storm turned away, not missing the concerned look Scott shot him as the human Ranger said quietly "Keep it cool, big guy.  They don't know these shitheads like we do."


Sighing, Storm offered the policeman a terse apology, which relieved the man's agitation somewhat, but Raikou pushed past them all, ignoring the danger to approach the door and set his nose close to the gap, breathing deeply at the aluminium vented panel near the bottom.


"There is something there.  A faint chemical smell, not at all pleasant.  Harsh, like ammonia.  It should not be present!" he concluded, as another of the troops stepped forward, squatting down beside the huge Pokémon to check.


While his nose had no hope of besting that of the legendary, he still swore as he climbed to his feet.  "Agreed.  We occasionally catch the same concentrated aroma of C4 in storage, back in the bomb squad demolitions room.  The thing is probably rigged."


"Can you disarm it?" Scott questioned, unsurprised when the officer shook his head.


"Without the right equipment, and in the limited time we have, I have Buckley's chance.  I'd need to see what we're dealing with, and for that, I need my gear from back at base.  I'm sorry." He finished apologetically, eye darting to Cameron, who fobbed off the regret without reprimand.


"We can't plan for every eventuality, son.  But it begs the question; where do we go from here?"


"We could always take the main lift?" spoke up Chris, surprised when the party turn to him in astonishment.  "I mean, come on!  They still need to get upstairs somehow.  Not every route can be booby trapped, and the execs here would need some way to get in and out.  Why not use the most obvious?"


"Kid has a point, Scott" rumbled Storm, reaching out to give Chris's hair a ruffle.  Grinning back, Chris shrugged, and said "Worth a look?"


"Indeed!" Said Scott, motioning for the party to follow, as they left the hallway back towards the building interior.






As Shadow turned to see their friend's party depart into the darkness opposite, she sighed and pressed gently against Bill's leg for comfort.  Almost unconsciously, his hand found her head, stroking her ears as he followed behind Suicune and Entei.  He'd sent the two big Pokémon ahead of the humans, their keen senses much more adept at picking up anyone thinking of ambushing them than his own, or those of his human entourage.


Even so, Bill continued having trepidations that the Ranger's decision to put him in charge of the second party was the correct choice.  He was well aware that there were others in the group more experienced, and certainly better trained, and while he was no novice officer, he couldn't help but think the decision could prove costly.


"Don't let it worry you" a voice spoke from just behind, and Bill started, spinning his head to regard the aboriginal man pacing beside them, as Rodney gave him an inscribable look.


"I don't..." he began, ready to refute his concerns, but petered off as Rodney shook his head, resettling the heavy shotgun on his shoulder more comfortably as he stepped closer.


"You're wondering why he put you in charge, right?  Wondering whether they made the right decision, or even if you're up for it?"


Startled, Shadow looked into her partners face, worried at the concern she saw flicker in his eyes he'd attempted to conceal, as Bill gave an imperceptible nod, not meeting her gaze.


Rodney shrugged, and looked at the other officers before them.  "They don't get it, kid.  You, or her.  They don't understand" he spoke quietly, gesturing towards the luxray between them.  "They don't have the mentality to look past all that fur, to the people lurking beneath.  You, on the other hand, you know all 'bout that, right?"


Confused a moment, Bill blushed suddenly, exchanging a quick glance at Shadow, who dryly turned to regard the dark skinned human beside her.

Chuckling suddenly, white teeth gleaming in the torch light, Rodney flashed them a broad grin, and said "Don't let it worry you none.  I don't make no judgements there, and I know Scott made the right decision.  You might be a little green, but you know who the real people are, and who aren't, and it's got nothing to do with them being human.  Been a bit of an eye opener meeting up with her and her kin" he said, nodding towards Shadow, "but the universe is turning out to be a much bigger place than anyone originally thought.  Some won't like it, but sucks to be them.  Gonna happen regardless.  Let's face it; it's only people like you and her that's got a chance of making it work for everyone."


"That's if we all get through this in one piece" Bill muttered wryly, giving Shadow a look as she snorted in dry amusement.  Still, Rodney wasn't wrong, he thought, and didn't reply further as Suicune and Entei abruptly halted before a large set of steel, reinforced doors, through which a muted humming could be indistinctly heard, heavy vibrations clearly felt through the floor beneath.


Stepping past the police, Bill rested a hand on Suicune's shoulder and asked quietly "Is this it?  This the place?"


Suicune nodded absently, nose pressed to the crack of the door as he inhaled deeply, breath whiffing as he scented the air seeping from within.


"Yes, the portal is within.  We can feel it!" he muttered, before turning abruptly and hissing "Yet it is not alone in there.  I smell humans; lots of them."


"I hear them, too" interjected Shadow in Pokéspeak, drawing Suicune's eyes as he gave the luxray a curt nod.  "Lots of humans."


As the police officers accompanying them leant closer to overhear, Bill sighed, rubbing his face as he considered their options.  "So, it's a trap, unsurprisingly.  We knew it couldn't be as easy as this the entire operation.  So, how do we handle it?"


"I could blow them all up?" said Entei brightly, eyeing the door with childlike enthusiasm.


Sparky snorted, shaking her head wryly as Bill calmed the big excitable Pokémon.  "The portal is in there, remember?  The entire "boom is bad" talk we had earlier?"


Sighing, Entei nodded.  "Oh, alright then.  Spoil my fun.  Well then, how about I heat up that door, and Suicune then hits the superheated metal with an ice blast, blowing through it?  It'd steam up straight away too, provide us with both an opening into the room, and concealing cover?"


Suicune opened his mouth to retort, then paused, considering the option.  "Actually, that's rather an inspired idea, brother.  However did you come up with it?"


Entei rolled his eyes, giving Bill a piercing look as he muttered to himself "Play the fool, and everyone thinks you're an idiot. I know you're ultra intelligent, but the rest of us are not all imbeciles, "Princess"!"


Suicune shot him a furious stare, the insult cutting deep, but Rodney coughed, interrupting their bickering.  "Priorities, people.  This is not the time or place for bickering amongst ourselves.  We open the doors, make cover, then what?"


"Not get shot?" grumbled Suicune, silenced when the aboriginal man glared at him.  "Oh, alright.  I'll try and freeze the place.  Is that satisfactory?"


Bill glanced at Shadow, then his fellow officers, who nodded.  "Fine!  But first, can you build a thick wall of ice in front of us here, about five foot high, to give us some temporary protection while you're going at it."


Still smarting, Suicune turned away and went to his task, his ministrations forming a large ridge of ice before the group over two meters thick, which curled around the corridor giving them a means of retreat, should they need it.  In the meantime, Entei moved to the forefront, blasting the door with superheated plasma, as trickling trails of molten steel began pooling at its base.


Crouching down before Shadow, Bill met her eyes and asked "Once the doors are gone, do you think you can take out anyone in there?  I'd rather not kill them, but..."


Uncertainty flickered across her brow as she glanced at the door, before determination kicked in.  Nodding sharply, she nuzzled Bill's cheek, receiving a warm caress in return.  The young officer stood, letting the luxray past as she took up position beside Suicune, as the remainder of the group huddled behind the makeshift protective ice wall.


Radiant heat sent trickles of water running down the barrier to pool at their feet, even as the roar ceased and Entei stepped back into view, muttering "It's done.  Blow the bastard and let's get this started!"


Suicune needed no further encouragement, maw parting wide to send a beam of intense blue energy from his throat, meeting the bright red glow of the superheated metal doors with a sharp, cracking detonation.


The steel shattered, exploding backwards into the portal room in a shower of sharp projectiles.  Angry cries from within suggested at least some found targets, although the sudden dense mist enveloping the room prevented the group seeing anyone within.


Still, they made their presence felt, as a hail of fire hammered the barrier wall before them, showering them with shards of ice.  Hunching down further into protection, Bill gave Shadow a tight hug, her paw hooked around his neck as she drew him close, and he whispered into her ear "Go do your thing, Kitten.  Just be careful!"


Pulling back, she nuzzled his cheek affectionately, and said dryly "I will try not to get shot."


Nodding, he released her after a final hug, mindless of the looks he received from his fellow officers, and she sped away into the mist in a black and blue blur, coat already sparking with pent up energy as she sought her targets.


Miraculously, none of the bullets struck her, and she began throwing bolts of energy towards the sources of fire, sharp cries of pain confirming for her she was hitting her targets.  But as the new source of attack became apparent, and with the fog starting to lift, she found it increasingly difficult to avoid the tracers now aimed in her direction.  The enemy soldiers, hunkered down behind their own concrete barriers, finally spotted her racing form, forcing the luxray to throw herself behind a massive concrete pylon, which splintered in shards across her as bullets peppered into it behind her.


Relief came in the form of a massive fireball from Entei, who ignored Bill's sharp reprimand and launched an attack which exploded within the enemy ranks, throwing several many yards away to lay motionless in a crumpled heap.  Others screamed, rolling desperately to put out the clinging fire enveloping them.  Still, enough remained active to keep the friendly forces out of the action, and a stalemate seemed inevitable, as neither party could gain any ground.


The status quo dragged on, even as Suicune added his own talents to the mix, but the legendary pair couldn't get a clear enough shot at the enemy to make their attacks count, wary of being struck themselves as they lined up their targets.


A sudden clamour in the enemy's ranks caused a lull in the shooting, soon followed by a sharp detonation as a grenade, thrown from behind the enemy, took out one group, their sharp screams echoing in the sudden quiet.  Another followed, then automatic weapons fire took over, this time aimed to their rear, as the enemy turned to confront their new threat.


Shouting from where he had been sending shotgun blasts into the room, Rodney yelled "What's happening?"  But before he finished, a lanky form staggered through the mist towards them, rifle dragging behind on its lanyard as the unknown human, clearly injured as it clutched its chest, headed their way.


One of the human police officers drew a bead on the form, but missed as Bill struck his arm, sending the shot wide.  "No!" Bill shouted, as the man looked up towards him, pale, blood streaked face hinting at a grin as he stepped forward again.


"Jasper!" roared out Entei, ready to spring forward and assist the man, but from within the fog, several shots pierced the mist, striking the tall form who staggered under the impact.


Disbelief on his face, the disgraced gym leader froze a moment, blood blossoming across the tattered remains of his white shirt, before his eyes rolled and he collapsed in a heap mere meters before them.


A shriek, piercing the room, erupted from behind Bill, as Sparky sped past the barrier, mindless of the fire again directed towards them, to cower above her trainer, grasping his shirt frantically even as she cried out in panic.


Cursing, Bill made to stand, but was pushed down by Rodney, who sped towards the pair, ignoring the bullets.  One shot grazed his shoulder, sending him staggering, but he made it to Jasper's side, grabbing the man's shirt collar and dragging him towards their lines.  Mercifully, he made it back to safety without further incident, a frantic raichu clenching her fist at her sides as Rodney propped him up against the wall behind, wiping blood on his trousers absently as he knelt beside the stricken man, shaking his head at the gaping wounds leeching his life.


Bill called over one of the officers acting as paramedic, but one look told the officer it was hopeless, the pumping blood slowing as Jasper bled out before him.  Still, he tore the sodden shirt open, large dressing pressed against the bloody mess in a vain attempt to slow the process.


Jasper's eyes fluttered open, bloodshot in his pale face, and he looked up at his rescuers with a wry, pain filled grin.  "Fuck, that hurts!" he muttered, before his eyes caught Sparky's, opening in disbelief.


"You were dead! They told me you were dead!" he gasped, then coughed harshly, spasms racking his frame as he reached for the raichu, who threw herself against him, ignoring the mess matting her fur.


Caressing her with shaking arms, he said softly "I missed you so much, love."  She nodded, face pressed tightly into his neck, before his eyes hardened, and he looked up at Bill, breath rattling as he coughed out "They're waiting for you upstairs, and in the entrance.  When they knew you were here, they left me for dead, and I didn't do anything to make them think otherwise.  So, I made it down here, and took a few out for you.  Guess they got me, too."


Suicune's long face stretched down, taking in the dying man's form with lips tightly pressed.  "You are forgiven, Jasper" he said finally, blinking as the gym leader reached up towards him, but failing as his arm dropped limply beside him.


Another cough, this one accompanied by a bright red splash of life blood, left his mouth, and Jasper gasped, clutching Sparky to him.  "I hope your father will be as forgiving, Suicune.  I just wish..."


But what he wished was never worded, as with a final gasp, he drew a last rattling breath and died before them...


The world froze for a moment, but only until Sparky let out a piercing shriek, shaking the dead human's shoulders in a frantic attempt to wake him.  When it failed, she stood on short legs, eyes wide as a bloody paw went to her mouth in shock.  But the eyes narrowed, the cries cut off, and she stood, gasping, looking down at her dead partner...her love...

Entei was the one to break the silence. 


"Umm, folks?  I think we should step back a bit."


All eyes rose from the dead Gym Leader to the legendary, who continued watching the raichu intently.  "I'd suggest right now would be a good time..." he began, as a snarl left Sparky, fists clenching impotently as she arched up, tail raised as her form began glowing with power.


Staggering back, they retreated behind the corner of the corridor as a deep thrumming filled the air, static prickling their skin as the air came alive with energy.  Bill dared a look, spying the raichu enveloped in a nimbus of power, sparks shooting from her form to scorch the walls and ceiling around her.  When one missed him by inches, burning a deep hole into the concrete near his ear, he ducked back, meeting Suicune's shocked stare, as well as Entei's resigned one.


"Shit's going to happen now, human..." the legendary muttered as Bill, lost for words, shook his head.  But what he'd planned to say froze in his mouth at yet another shriek sounded, this one of pure rage.


Sparky rose, ignoring the shots still volleying towards her.  Those that met her glowing form simply evaporated, the projectiles no match for the energy coursing around her fur.  Eyes ablaze, she took a step, then another, and then tore across the room towards the enemy, who sounded cries of alarm at her approach. 


They had no chance against her quick attack, and before they had any opportunity to retaliate, she was within their midst, the energy surrounding her turning critical as with a final blood curdling cry, the power exploded from her, incinerating those enemy soldiers near her, and immolating the rest.


The blast shattered the ice barrier around the police and the Pokémon, sending several crashing into the walls with sharp retorts.  The concussion was huge, and the humans in particular were dropped to their knees, hands clapped to their ears in pain as the concussion staggered them.  Thankfully, the ice wall, while sustaining further damage, managed to fend off the bulk of the explosive attack, and they were spared more serious injury.


Once the air settled, static still making the hair on his neck rise, a shaking Bill climbed cautiously to his feet, chunks of the ice peppering his combat gear dropping to the floor as he stood looking into the chamber aghast at the destruction.


"Shadow..." he began, but staggered again as a black and blue blur launched itself at him from the smoking chaos, as the luxray, her arms and legs wrapped around him, hugged herself against him fiercely.


After a moment, she drew her face away, tears streaming down her cheeks as Entei approached with Suicune and Rodney, grim eyes fixed on the remains of the enemy position becoming visible through the murk, now just a smouldering crater surrounded by charred, and occasionally still twitching, corpses. 


Of the raichu, nothing remained.


Shocked at the carnage, it took a moment for the implications to sink in until, finally, Bill gasped and said "Shit, the portal!  Is it...?"


Entei nodded abruptly, forestalling him. 


"It is intact, thankfully.  The event horizon is stable, although I do not know for how long.  The raichu didn't hold back in her final revenge."


Struggling to lift the heavy feline who refused to release him, Bill coughed at the acrid smoke filling the air and gasped "And the enemy?"

Suicune, an unusually grim look on his face, said with some satisfaction "Dead.  All of them.  She cleared them away for us."


Turning to stare down at Jasper's body, Bill sighed, bending to slide Shadow back onto the floor, where she stood shakily to press against his leg.


"Perhaps Jasper and Sparky are at peace now.  At least we can hope that.  But she bought for us our goal; the portal is ours, although the cost was so high.  I just hope the others don't meet the same level of resistance."


Rubbing soot from his blackened face with a shaking hand, he beckoned for the rest of the group to approach, and it was only Rodney who heard him mutter "I just hope it was worth it..."





Outside the building, the remainder of the police force manned the barricades, keeping the increasingly aggressive media from entering the area.  Several scuffles had already broken out, and the officer in charge, Inspector Colin Smith, had been forced to place several reporters under arrest for resisting police, which did nothing to alleviate the attitude of the rest.


Ignoring their demands for answers, Smith concentrated on the attempts to contact the force within.  Since entering the building, no radio contact had been received from the group, and he was becoming increasingly concerned at the silence.


It was the distant rumble that broke his concentration from the communications team; a deep rumbling that shook the ground and was increasingly evident even over the raucous noise from the media rabble.  Confused, Colin left the makeshift tent and froze as cries from the reporters, accompanied by their frantic retreat, turned the barrier area into a panicked sea of chaos.


From around the corner of the nearest building, the cause of the commotion became evident.  Several tanks, along with a squad of heavily armed army personnel and APV's, approached their lines with obvious intent.


Shocked, he swore fluently, hurriedly retreating back into the tent to urge the technicians to double their efforts in reaching the group inside the building.


Cameron had to be warned.

Jobes had arrived as promised... and he'd brought his friends with him.



Chapter 62: Tanked


Stepping cautiously across the gore covered floor of the portal room, Bill waved over another officer, giving him the gruesome task of dragging first Jasper's remains, then those of the nearest enemy soldiers, away from the room centre over to where Suicune was flash-freezing them solid.  Of Sparky, nothing remained.

Feeling a soft head press against his thigh, he made to drop his hands to caress Shadow but froze, aware of the disturbing state of his hands.  Absently, he wiped them down his uniform shirt, leaving a trail of blood that would likely never come out, but he didn't give it much thought, stroking idle fingers through the luxray's mane comfortingly.

Rodney joined him in his pondering, shotgun slung across his shoulders and his shirt sleeves rolled back.  The aboriginal man didn't seem especially fazed at the state of the room around him, his experience as a hunter giving him partial immunity to the reek of offal around them.  Some of Bill's fellow officers hadn't been so lucky and, while hardened to the everyday realities of life in the police force, weren't able to cope with all the death that had so violently confronting them. In several areas, the stench of vomit had enhanced the other less savoury smells, and Bill had to consciously choke down his gag reflex a few times, so as not to join them.

Clapping him on the shoulder, Rodney said somewhat sympathetically "Not a good thing, this, brother.  You two coping?"

Giving the human a grateful look at his unconscious inclusion, Shadow nodded, peering up at Bill, who simply shrugged noncommittally.

"Not much we can do about it, is there?" Bill replied dryly, receiving a flash of white teeth in reply as Rodney gave him a sudden grin.

"Not really, unless you got a lot of super glue to go sticking all this shit back together."

Snorting, Shadow sniggered briefly, before giving the far end of the room a concerned look.  Following her glance, Rodney gestured towards the portal, before which Entei had taken up station, watching the now sparking surface glumly.

"Don't look real happy, does he?" Rodney muttered, joining the pair as Bill strode across the room, mindful of the soiled state of the floor, to fall in position beside the legendary.

The portal had changed appearance since last time he'd seen it.  The silver rippling mirrored surface was now shot through with streaks of lightening, and the portal frame itself spat sparks from the more obvious damaged areas, which burnt pockmarked holes in the concrete floor beneath.  One nearly struck Shadow, who leapt back nimbly to avoid a burn, but didn't make a sound as Bill finally let out a sigh, and turned to the big pokemon.

"So, how bad is it?" he asked, receiving an obviously droll look from the bewiskered face.

"Well, in my opinion, it isn't good" Entei muttered, eyes flashing back to the unstable surface.

Concerned, Bill asked "Will it blow up, do you think?"

Shrugging huge furred shoulders, Entei replied "I don't know, human.  It's probable, even likely.  If I had to rate our chances, I'd say we're somewhere between "in the shit" and "completely fucked."  Of course, Raikou would likely have a much better, albeit long winded descriptive which would provide an even more insightful opinion on our chances, but in general terms, I think I've pretty much nailed it."

"How long we got?" Rodney injected, giving the portal a distrustful look. 

Shrugging again, Entei muttered. "Difficult to say. Could be days, or weeks.  Could only be hours.  Not too soon, I think.  But I wouldn't like to be here when it goes."

"Can you do anything about it? Stabilise it?" asked Shadow, receiving a warm look from Entei. 

"I do not think so."

"What about turning it off?" pondered Bill.

Shaking his head, Entei replied "I don't think I can; not in such a way as to allow us to turn it back on later.  I think, once it's off, it will be, in the words of the immortal comedians of your world, "an ex parrot!" and I, for one, would rather not be stuck here permanently."

"Pining for the fjords then" Bill muttered unconsciously, as Rodney barked a laugh, startling a nearby group of police officers who couldn't imagine what could be so amusing given the situation.

Sighing again, Bill rubbed his face with one hand, unconsciously streaking red across his cheek, and said "We can't stay here.  We need to find the others and get back on the mission."

Giving the legendary a searching look, Bill asked him "Do you think you could look after things here by yourself, if the rest of us head out?"

Grinning, Entei's long, sharp teeth glimmered in the light of the portal, giving him a demonic look.  "Do I think I can handle things here alone?  I believe I can cope."

Suicune, his grim task finished, had approached to stand behind Rodney's shoulder.  At his brother's words he piped up "I can always stay here with you, if you feel my presence is needed, Entei."

Snorting, Entei turned and stepped towards a less contaminated patch of ground in a corner of the room.  However, his voice carried back to the group "Oh, yes, princess.  Given the choice of staying in an empty room by myself surrounded by stinking dead humans, or sharing your company, I think I'd rather the corpses, thank you very much!"

Affronted, Suicune made to retort angrily, but hesitated as Rodney let out a cackling laugh, slapping the pokemon on the shoulder and leading him towards the portal room's doorway.

As the group headed out, one officer gave Entei's hulking form an uncertain look, and muttered to Bill. "Are you sure he'll be OK?"

Unaware of how good Entei's hearing was, he then jumped as a surge of flame engulfed the roof near the pokemon, who had raised his head from his paws and answered wryly "I think I can handle it better than you, human.  Want to wager?"

The officer shuddered, and needed no further encouragement to join his comrades.


With the building plans spread out on the office desk before them, Bill traced their position with an idle finger, considering their options.  They'd crammed into the small room with difficulty, thankfully not compounded by Suicune's bulk, as the legendary chose to remain outside.

"Do we even know exactly where the others have gone, Bill?" one of the policemen asked, as Bill chewed a fingernail as he concentrated on the choices.

"I had assumed they'd come back this way, but they obviously haven't.  Radio's still down, and without breaking their RF interference, we have no chance of getting word to them, or to those outside."

"I heard voices from upstairs, when I reconnoitred the way ahead" injected another, before shrugging.  "Don't know if it was ours or theirs I could hear."

"Probably theirs, knowing our luck!" Bill swore, not happy with the choices confronting him.  Finally, he dropped his eyes to Shadow, who hand been following the conversation with worried eyes, and said in pokespeak "Kitten, I know this is asking a lot of you, but do you think you could go and have a look upstairs for us, to see who is up there?  If we go in there blind, we're as likely to get shot as not."

Nodding, she slipped forward and pressed against him, mindless of the confused stares from the other humans.  Bill dropped to a knee, gave her a hard hug, face pressed into her mane as he breathed in her musky scent, and whispered "And don't get shot, alright, sweetheart?"

Snorting, she pulled back and swiped her tongue up his cheek affectionately, much to Rodney's amusement, and turned to slip from the room, ignoring the looks they gave her.

Rodney clapped Bill on the shoulder and said "She'll be alright, mate. She's a smart one, that one!"

"Hopefully smart enough not to get shot!" Bill rebutted, but turned back to the map, trying to ignore the pit of fear that had formed in his stomach.


The hallway was unlit, and only her keen eyesight allowed her to slip through without hesitation, pupils widely dilated as they drew in what little that could be made from the surrounding area. 

Finding the foot of the long staircase leading to the foyer wasn't difficult, but she paused before ascending nonetheless, the muted voices of a large number of humans drifting down to her sensitive ears.

Not their people, she pondered.  Certainly not. 

Way too many.

Debating whether to proceed, the comforting concealment from the ambient darkness finally gave her courage to begin her cautious climb, hugging the closest wall for additional cover as she drew around first one corner, then a second, to reach a mezzanine landing.

The voices were clearer now, and they obviously weren't friendly.

Drawing a breath, she dropped to her chest, flattened on the stairs as they brushed through her fur as she reached the top, cautious of the torch lights and dim lamps that illuminating small spots of the room which might give her away.  Poking her head the final few inches, as her eyes drew level with the foyer flooring she had her first good look at what they were up against.

10...15...20...  no, at least 30 humans, all in paramilitary gear, were everywhere.  Some were erecting concrete and sand bag barriers across the room, while others dragged out coils of razor wire to stretch between the large areas pillars, blocking any direct approach.

Counting their placements so as to report accurately back to Bill, a sudden loud grating noise had her froze, as the area was bathed in sudden brilliant daylight.  The steel security grills, keeping the building isolated, were slowly being raised.

Stunned, she almost sprang back as a sudden flurry of humans in military garb entered the foyer. Expecting a fight, she gaped instead as the leading human, flanked by several of his men, reached the Sinnotech militia, extending a hand that was warmly grasped and shook by the Sinnotech captain.

It was her involuntary gasp that gave her away, an exclamation loud in the echoing chamber as General Jobes, firmly clutching the "enemies" hand, exchanged pleasantries in the bright light from outside.

A shout went out as she was spotted; the searchlights in the room directed towards her blinding her momentarily as she frantically tried regaining her bearings.  It was this hesitancy that was almost her undoing.

Shots rang out, some wildly off the mark, but several much, much closer, chipping concrete from the wall beside her as she spun to descend.  But she wasn't fast enough, staggering as one clipped her ear, sending shearing pain down her face as she stumbled head first to fall past the first landing.  The voices from above drew closer, and panicked she frantically blinked blood from her eyes while attempting to rise, only to be knocked flat by a huge body which lunged over her to unleash a frigid blast upwards, engulfing the upper stairwell from floor to ceiling in a solid wall of ice.

Once satisfied he'd bought them some time, Suicune paused, dropping his head low to check her health.  When she nodded she was OK, he again resumed his ice beam, until a three foot thick wall of ice stood between them and the enemy.  While the muted thud of bullets striking the barrier could still be heard, nothing penetrated.  But she mewed in surprise as Suicune dropped his head, grabbing the scruff of her mane roughly between his teeth, and lifting the luxray to dangle helplessly from his grasp as he raced back downwards towards safety.

Dumping his burden unceremoniously at Bills feet, Shadow raised her eyes to meet her trainer, as the officer dropped over her, grabbing her head roughly as he checked her for other injuries, before glaring at her and cursing "I thought I told you to be careful?"

Suddenly exhausted, she dropped her eyes, letting out a mournful yowl, until she was roughly embraced by her partner, who almost sobbed out his relief she was safe.  "Oh Kitten..." he started, before she reached up and grabbed him back, the pair oblivious to the others in the group before an embarrassed cough had them look up.

Rodney smirked and said "It's only a chuck of ear.  Think positive!  She's now got a matching set.  But we might have other concerns..."

Turning to point towards Suicune, the luxray wasn't surprised to see him glowering down the hallway towards the stairwell, chill mist enveloping his form as his fury literally froze the air around him.  When Bill approached, he let out a deep snarl, eyes wild as he hissed "Jobes was there!"

Startled, Bill gave Shadow a confused look, as the luxray staggered to her feet to then drop to her haunches, mindful of the aching ear as she cautiously explored the seeping wound with a paw.  When Bill grabbed her arm away, replacing it with a wad of bandage as he wrapped the dressing around her head, she sighed and nodded in the affirmative.

"Yes, it was the human Jobes.  They opened up the big metal doors to the outside, and let him in.  He put his hand in the other humans, and shook them together, acting like friends."

Lips tight, Bill finished his makeshift first aid and stood to lean against the wall, aware all eyes in the room were anxiously on him as he sighed again.  "Bastard.  Seems he had no intention on taking those pricks on.  Instead, making a bed for them all to sleep in together.  Fucking cunt...."

Pausing, mindful of his colleagues around him, he stood abruptly and said "It doesn't matter.  We need to get this information to Cameron and Scott, as well as H.Q, as a priority.  Ideas?"

"We could try and find the source of the RF interference...?" one began, before another cut him off.

"Pointless exercise.  The jammer could be anywhere and without the right gear, it'd be a needle in a haystack!"

"What about the telephone?" piped in Suicune, head over the shoulder of an unsuspecting human, who jerked at the voice in his ear.

One of the other policemen, wary of the big, angry pokemon, replied uncertainly "We tried that.  There is no reception as the lines are cut, and..."

Snorting, the legendary glared at the speaker, sending him silent. 

"I know that, human! I have ears, you know.  I mean the other telephone!"

Confused, the group exchanged glances until, with an exasperated noise, Suicune pointed towards the wall across from them, in which an emergency services distribution box was located.  Through the glass door could be seen a red receiver, cradled into the panel.

Somewhat dubiously, Bill stepped to the box, breaking the glass seal to retrieve the key, and opened the door.  Lifting the handset to his ear, he was stunned as, with a click, a dial tone commenced, abruptly followed by a female voice asking "Police, fire or ambulance."

Asking the phone attendant to wait, Bill gave the hovering Suicune a broad grin, and said "You just earned your stripes, mate!"

Suicune beamed at the praise.


It wasn't easy convincing those on the receiving end of the call that he was serious, but with much pleading, cajoling and the occasional threat, Bill was finally put through to the police 2IC in charge of the operation, Terry Smith, someone Bill knew well from his academy days.

The news wasn't good.

Hand covering the receiver to mask his actions from the two army officers stationed nearby, Terry turned his back on the troops and spoke hurriedly to his colleague.  "We're pretty much fucked out here, Bill.  With Cameron out of communication, and the Army breathing down our necks, it's all we can do to keep the civilian population and media out of the area.  Shit, we already had one news crew defying their orders and slipping closer.  From that we have a cameraman with gunshot wounds to his thigh, and a reporter in army custody.  They have the place locked down tighter than Tony Abbott's budgie smugglers!"

Amusement at the image of the Prime Ministers swimming gear notwithstanding, Bill swore.  "How many are out there, Terry?"

Sighing, the officer whispered back "A good few dozen, easily.  It's the hardware they're packing that has me concerned.  They brought a fucking tank with them, Bill, and you won't like where it's pointed.  That Jobes fella is almost frothing at the bit to enter that building and, rumour is, he isn't after the enemy we'd hoped for."

Nodding, Bill groaned.  "Shit. No surprise there when we earlier saw the prick shaking hands with the militants in here.  Can you stall them, do you think?"

Terry made to reply, but the guards sudden interest in his activity had him hurry.  "Fuck...  They've seen me.  Bill, be careful.  They're likely setting up a trap for you.  I have to...."

The sounds of a scuffle followed, along with a cry of pain, until an unknown voice came on the line.

"Who is this?  This is an authorised military area.  Identify yourself immed...."

Bill hung up, knowing it was pointless continuing.

As he faced his men, their worried look forced him to grin, for their sakes if not his.

"No surprises, guys.  The 'them against us' just went from a three way exercise to just two..."

Snarling softly, Suicune muttered "That just makes it that much easier to work out who to take down then, doesn't it!"

Nodding, Bill shrugged.  "Yep.  If it isn't one of ours, it's one of theirs."

"But, a tank?" one stuttered, faces white in the hallway light.  "How the hell do we take on a tank?"

Head dropping to face the officer, who blanched further at the attention from the pokemon, Suicune drew back his lips and exposed his fangs.  "Just one tank?  How inconsiderate of them.  I was hoping for a challenge!"

Rolling his eyes, Bill interrupted the exchange.  "I'd rather we didn't bring Armageddon to the building, Suicune.  Remember the portal!  If we can hold them upstairs, we might...."

But what they might have done wasn't aired, as with a sharp detonation, the ice barricade exploded above and beyond them.

Smoke enveloped the area, adding to the chaos as tear gas grenades exploded, sending the group scurrying further down the corridor.  Sheltering in a large utility room, they regrouped as the lights overhead flickered and dimmed, before going out completely.  Emergency lighting kicked in, intermittently spaced, and with the haze around them, gave a Dante's inferno cast to the area.

More gas grenades followed, along with less pacifistic devices. When one grenade took out a wall a few dozen feet down the corridor, setting off the fire sprinklers to drench everything around them, Bill screamed at the group to retreat further.

Shadow paused; a sudden idea sprung from the chaos, and shouted to her partner "I can handle this!  Thunderbolt!!"

Unsure what she was saying, and feeling their time was short, Bill shook his head, only pausing when Suicune came into view through the smog, nodding wildly.

"Yes!  I understand.  It is possible!"

Confused, Bill took a brief moment to think through the idea, until it dawned on him.  Yes, it might work, but the risks...

"I will protect her!" Suicune interjected fiercely, face close as Bill shut his eyes, trying to overcome his fears.

"OK, I trust you both on this.  But again, for Christ's sake, be careful!"

It was all the approval Shadow needed. With a snarl, she darted towards the enemy, nose tightly closed against the dense, tearing mist.  Reaching the stairs, she spotted the first of the militants, who had no chance to respond to her sudden appearance.  Back arched and tail high, she sent a staggered blast of electricity not towards him directly, but downwards to the water pooling at their feet.

The effect was intense and immediate.  The men closest to the blast screamed, arching in agony as their waterlogged clothing conducted the electricity through to their flesh, sending them spasming to the ground in pain.  Shadow didn't pause, springing past to tackle another group, then a third, until she made it to the foyer proper.

She hit her first hurdle there, the soldiers forewarned of her attach, sending returning fire to splinter the reinforced concrete around her.  Throwing herself behind the nearest barrier, she curled thunderbolts towards those still standing in water, dropping more of them until those who remained dry and unaffected regrouped out of harms way.

Luckily, the sudden nature of her attack left them momentarily at a loss, and no one hurtled a grenade at her. Still, pinned down in an exposed area wasn't the best position to find herself in, and she snarled again helplessly, praying that backup wouldn't be too far behind.

She didn't have to wait very long.  Backup came in a huge blur of blue and white fury.

His first leap clearing the bodies piled beneath, Suicune spun to throw himself at the nearest of the humans, a thrust paw sending several screaming through the sun drenched haze to strike the glass panels at the building entrance, shattering them into pieces as they landed in the street outside.

A leap over razor wire had him careening towards the wall where, with a mid air pivot, he struck the wall on all fours, claws digging deep into the plaster as he tore around the foyer perimeter ten feet above the ground.  With gravity finally overcoming his centripetal force, he dropped hard and landed behind another group who had watched his acrobatic leap in gape mouthed shock, compounded when he sprung into their midst, claws and teeth slashing to dismember his enemy.

Shadow, momentarily forgotten in the ferocity of the legendary's awesome attack, took full advantage of their lack of attention, throwing herself forward and disabling another pair with Discharge.

The pair of pokemon regrouped behind another concrete barrier, Suicune sliding across the wet concrete on his side, sending up a spray of water that he caught up in a turbulent whirlwind with Tailwind, aided by a jet of water from Hydro pump.  Once the air was saturated, he enveloped the room in Mist, again springing from the protection to attack the enemies.

Near the entrance, Jobes began screaming orders to the remaining troops to attack, but met with such overwhelming force, most had already retreated outside, staggering into the sunshine to sprint towards their lines.  The weapons fire within soon began to die out; only the occasional burst echoing through the room until ghastly silence enveloped the shrouded interior.

Hesitating at the entrance, Jobes reached down for his handgun but paused as a guttural snarl from within made him freeze.

"I'm going to kill you, Jobes.  I'm going to rip you into tiny little pieces and then I'm going to eat you!" Suicune's growl echoed from the darkness, followed by a roar that sent shards of ice hurtling towards him.

Jobes didn't hesitate, throwing himself from the building as the remaining facade at the foyer front shattered, showering him in glass as he plunged down the steps leading to the building entrance.

Inside, Bill shuddered at Suicune's blatant threat, as the police gained the stairs to join Shadow near the security desk.  It took a moment to find the controls, but the steel security grills slowly squealed closed, again plunging the foyer interior into semi-darkness.

In the ensuing silence, Suicune emerged to rejoin them, the look on his face frightening.  Bill glanced away, running his fingers through Shadow's pelt looking for injuries until the luxray shrugged off his ministrations to ask "They will be back, won't they?"

"Sure as Christmas, Kitten." Bill muttered, glancing towards the far end of the room, still invisible in the darkness.

Rodney stepped to Suicune's side, placing a hand on the tense neck until, with a sigh the furious pokemon relaxed, lowering his head until his chin brushed the ground, eyes closed in exhaustion.

"Gonna eat the prick, huh?" Rodney asked him wryly, as Suicune lifted his eyes to meet the man's gaze meekly.

"Just a bit of him, maybe." The legendary muttered.  "Perhaps his arms.  I think his head would be a little bit toxic.  Sure made him run fast, didn't it?"

Chuckling, Rodney turned back to Bill and said "I think we'd better get going from here, my friend. Something tells me the shit's gonna start flying even more soon!"

Rolling her eyes, Shadow stood, rocking slightly on unsteady feet as exhaustion began setting in. Still, she didn't hesitate making for the stairs, followed by the rest of the group as they retreated towards the safety of the building basement.

Outside, Jobes stood with his lieutenants, grinding his teeth and physically shaking in fury.  That those animals had had the gall to attack him not once, but three times, sent him over the edge. 

When one of his men, nervous at the increasingly unstable demeanour of his superior, questioned if he was alright, he hit the floor hard as Jobes lashed out with a fist, striking him solidly in the face and sending him sprawling.

Spittle spraying from his mouth, he screamed down at the man "We're going to kill them all! Every last one of them!!"

Spinning towards the tank parked beside them, he all but shrieked at the stunned artillery officer "Shoot the place up, now!!

Stunned, the man hesitated.  "But our men are in there..."

Jobes lunged for his handgun, wrenching it from its holster and aiming it unerringly at the man's frightened face.

"I won't ask again.  I told you to fire.  Now, fire!"

Shaking, the man dropped within the tanks interior, sharing a helpless look with the tank driver, before swivelling the turret towards the building.  As he lined up the sights, handles shaking on the controls, he wondered what insanity he'd gotten into, and muttered "God help us..." as this tense finger pulled back on the triggers.

Inside, Bill's team had reached the bottom of the stairwell and were almost to the end of the first corridor, when the building rocked as the projectile struck the doors above.  Armour piercing round penetrated the solid steel like butter, shrieking into the foyer area to explode against the elevator shaft, pulverising the concrete structure.

They were thrown to the ground, showered with plaster tiles loosened from the partition ceiling as the emergency lights in the corridor flickered and dimmed, resuming a hesitant light a heartbeat later as dust settled around them.  Bill, face pale under the patina of dirt, regained his feet to cajole the group to hurry up.

His actions couldn't have happened soon enough.  A second and third explosion followed the first, and the abused staircase they'd vacated collapsed, unable to withstand the onslaught, showering the far end of the corridor in rubble.

In the relative peace that followed, one of the policemen coughed, before muttering darkly "Well, that pretty much eliminates that route."  Nodding absently, Bill sighed and said "Pretty much, yes.  I guess we can only head back downstairs to the portal, and see if we can track down Scott and Cameron."

It was a sober group that left the area into the building depths.



Entei watched the portal through hooded eyes; the shimmering surface, normally mesmerising in its mirrored perfection, much less so in its present state of decay.  To the uninitiated, the problems plaguing it wouldn't have seemed especially concerning, but every nerve in Entei's body itched with the "wrongness" of it.

Other than his uncomfortable stirring, the place was deathly quiet.  The equipment hum was minimal, and the dark room was almost peaceful, notwithstanding the stink of all the dead humans.

Arceus, humans stank at the best of times, but they were even more offensive when inside out, an inner voice whispered to him, and he snorted at the unworthy thought. 

Perhaps Suicune was getting to him after all, he thought to himself dryly, given the comment was one more prone to escape from his brother than him.

Keeping his ears pealed for change, he closed his eyes, trying to ignore the portal's insistent internal clamour.  For a moment, he felt at peace; the first time in a long time.  Since Suicune had joined him in their failed search for Raikou, in fact.  Not one for "companionship", the big pokemon had always preferred his own company than that of others, as his senses could generally tell when people around him were nervous.

Unsurprisingly, they seemed awfully nervous around him an awfully large amount of the time.

Except the human Rodney, of course.  That one wasn't afraid of anything, he mused, mind calming as he pondered the odd enigma the aboriginal man posed.

He'd almost drifted off to sleep when all hell broke loose, jolting him wide awake.

The ground shook as dust, disturbed from the ceiling, powdered down to cloud the air.  A huge crack, dribbling large chunks of debris, opened in the roof above him, and he only managed to avoid being struck with superhuman effort, leaping awkwardly to land hard on one foreleg; his heavy bulk strained tendons to tearing point.  Snarl crossing his face at the pain, he speared his gaze around the room, trying to locate the source of the disturbance, but as a second, then third, concussion rocked him almost to his knees, he realised the root of the disturbance lay elsewhere in the building above.

Distracted, he failed to notice the telltale ripple indicative of a portal transference.  The first he knew something was deadly wrong was being flung backwards, landing heavily again in a cry of pain, as his shoulder exploded in agony.  Furious, he located the origin of the new threat; a group of Sinnotech guards were kneeling before the portal frame, while more and more erupted through its surface.  When they again began firing at him, he struggled to his feet, sprinting awkwardly as best he could towards the huge room's entrance.  He wasn't fast enough, as another round clipped his skull, and he crashed outside into the corridor in a huge heap of fur and muscle.

Dazed, his blurring vision sought the enemy, now standing and beginning to approach.  With no other option, he erupted a massive fireball at the heavy, half closed steel doors to the room, which in moments went from fiery white to slagged, dropping from their tracks to fuse into an impervious barrier protecting him from their advances.

But the last of his strength then fled, and he collapsed in an unconscious heap before it.



Chapter 63: It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock and roll...


In the pokemon world, JB starts awake, a heavy pounding at the door to his apartment rousing him from sleep.  Destiny, curled at the foot of the bed, raises red eyes to stare at him, confused who might be there at such an early hour of the morning.

Groggily, JB cursed, sitting up to drop his feet over the edge of the mattress, cringing as his warm feet hit the icy chill of the tiled floor.  With a creak of abused muscles, he made his feet, staggering across the room to throw open the door, ready to snarl at the interloper.

He didn't have the chance.  The Ranger head, Sin Barklay, lowered the fist he'd used to wake the policeman, a grim, yet somehow smug, look on his face.

Rubbing tired eyes, JB mutters "Jesus Christ, Sin, do you have any idea what time it is?"

Chuckling suddenly, the Ranger chief replies "Yes. It's 3am. Bloody early, I know.  But we have news you might want to hear"

Confused, JB looks from Barklay to the two Rangers flanking him, the female giving him an appraising stare.  Aware of the direction of her eyes, he drops his gaze only to realise he was standing there in the hallway, stark naked.

At Barklay's wry look, JB cursed, before crossing his arms and straightening, giving the trio a shrug. 

"OK, now we've gotten each others attention, what news?"

Barklay's eyes hardened.  "Our ongoing monitoring of the new Sinnotech factory has just born fruit.  All vehicular traffic in and out of the complex stopped several hours ago.  Since then, all was quiet, until they suddenly began massing troops a little over two hours ago.  Looks like they're preparing for a fight.  The real question is, against who?"

Pondering this information seriously, JB muttered "Well, they wouldn't be mustering there if they had plans on attacking anyone here. Surely they know we'd have them under surveillance!  So that means..."

Nodding, Barklay answered for him "Yes, their target is likely off world.  Your world."

Cursing again, JB rubbed his face, as the apartment room door swung wide as Destiny stepped out to join them.  The zoroark's long face started, before they dropped into disapproval.  Pointing a claw at JB, she mindspoke to all four of them "Papa!  You've got your skin all showing!"

Rolling his eyes, he patted her paw soothingly, meeting Barklay's amused look and said "So, what do we do?"

Hard smile flashing across his face, Barklay turned and beckoned to his companions, replying over his shoulder "We attack the bastards.  Give them something to think about while they're distracted!  I expect everyone ready to leave within 30 minutes, so prepare yourselves, both of you!"

As he strode away, he turned a final time and chuckled "Oh, and put some on fucking clothes, for Arceus sake!  I need my staff attention on the enemy, not on you!"

Cheeks reddened, JB slammed the door behind him as they returned to their room to get ready, blushing as the female Ranger's peal of laughter echoed from outside.

By the time they'd made it down to the main hangar, the Ranger base was a hive of activity.  The Ranger's three troop carrying helicopters had been wheeled from the huge building onto the main tarmac, and were being prepped for the attack.  It looked like Barkley had called in all the troops, as over a hundred Rangers in khaki and night camo were prepping gear and weapons, ready for loading.

Destiny gave the machines a dubious look.  "Are we going there in those things, Papa?" she muttered, distrusting the flimsy-appearing aircraft.  "Will they take all these people?  They don't look big enough."

Slipping his hand into her paw, JB gave it a comforting squeeze.  "I don't think all these people will be going with us, sweeetie.  They can probably handle less than a dozen troops empty each, and with the equipment, would probably be limited to a half dozen actual Rangers, even if their pokemon are consigned to their pokeballs.  It's too far to the Sinnotech facility by truck, so there's really no other alternative but to chopper in."

Sighing, she murmured "I don't think I'm going to like this at all..." but didn't hesitate as they strode across the brightly lit bitumen to join Cameron and his officers, as the mission briefing began.

Coughing, Barklay cut through the chatter and said "Alright people.  We've been preparing for this long enough.  Now, our plans are about to be put to fruition.  We know the drill, and hopefully this time we have the element of surprise.  After our prior losses, my patience with these bastards is over.  It's a 'attack first, deal with prisoners later" operation.  If they surrender, then fine.  Strap 'em up, and keep moving.  If they get in the way, take them out, permanently.  I want this fast, professional and targeted.  The portal is the objective; let nothing get in your way in securing it!  Any questions?"

When no-one spoke up, he dismissed the group, striding to JB and clapped him on the shoulder.

"You don't need to come with us here, James..." he began, but paused as JB shook his head.

"I owe it to Tim, and also myself, Sin.  We're in one hundred percent."

Nodding abruptly, Barklay pointed towards the quartermasters truck, and said "Gear up, then.  Take what you need, but keep it light.  You'll be heading off with me on this, so I expect you to watch my back, as well as your own."

Destiny, eyes fixated on her trainer, said humbly "I will watch", receiving a warm smile from the Ranger chief in return.

"I know you will, my dear.  I'm counting on you both!"

Dismissing himself, he left JB and the zoroark to prepare themselves for the encounter ahead.


Encountering the sprawled body of Entei in the corridor outside the poral room, Bill's group hurried over to the big legendary, joining up with a frantic Suicune who had sprinted ahead to hover in panic over his brother, shaking him roughly with one paw.

"Entei!" the blue pokeon yelled into his ear.  "Are you awake?  Are you hurt?  Umm, are you dead?"

A deep rumbling groan left the bloody mass of fur, which stirred groggily to hiss "If it means you'll stop yelling in my ear, you nitwit, then definitely, I am dead!!  Now leave me to rot in peace!"

Affronted Suicune stormed off to sulk further down the corridor, as the medic with Bill's group nervously approaches the huge legendary, examining his wounds as he parted the dense fur carefully.

Under the wry gaze of the big pokemon, the man stutters "Err, you were shot twice in the shoulder.  One went right through, but I think the other one is stuck in there.  It missed bone and anything important, I think..."

"Apart from hitting you, anyway!" Suicune mumbled, receiving a dirty look from his brother who made to reply, but winced instead as the medic explored his scalp wound.

"This grazed your skull" the man muttered, now intent on his examination.  "Nice scored like there, where the bone is obviously exposed.  I don't believe you have any fractures, at least nothing major.  Only an x-ray would confirm that.  But a few millimetres closer, and you'd have been sporting more than just a headache!"

Nodding, Entei unconsciously flicked blood around as he moved his head, until he was grabbed roughly by the medic, forestalling further unwise movement.  As the man began digging at the shoulder wound with a pair of long forceps, wary to use anaesthetic on the alien creature in their present situation, Entei's cursing grew more fluent until, with a snarling torrent of abuse that nearly sent the human team packing, the medic retrieved a bloody projectile from the pokemon's shoulder muscle.

"That hurt!" Entei said, the obviousness of the statement lost on the team as the medic began stitching the wound closed with firm, tight sutures.  Aware of the limited timeframe, Bill knelt beside the legendary, looking for answers as to the cause of his injuries.  It took valuable minutes, and a lot of admonishing from the medic to keep still, but between the cursing and snarling, Bill managed to coax out the story of what had occurred within.

"Any ideas how many there might be in there, Entei?" he asked, as Suicune, somewhat mollified from his earlier insult after seeing the seriousness of his wounds, rejoined them to listen in on the conversation.

Entei shook his head, wincing at the pounding that rang between his ears.  "After they shot me, I didn't hang around to find out, I'm afraid.  I saw at least a dozen, but anything could have occurred since then."

"It's only been twenty minutes since those shells hit the building" Bill mused, scratching his chin thoughtfully with a hand.  "But that means nothing.  As far as we know..."

A muted explosion from within the sealed room halted his words, as the floor shook again briefly.  Small arms fire, intermittent at first, then escalating rapidly, followed.

Staggering to his feet unsteadily, Entei snarled, the deep rumble felt as much as heard, as Bill's team regrouped, ready to defend themselves if anything penetrated through the sealed doorway to attack, but the fracas appeared to be confined to within the room.

A minute passed, then a second.  The detonations slowed, along with the sound of projectile firing, until it petered into silence.

Shadow gave Bill a worried look, ready to follow his instructions if they were again attacked, but it was Suicune, impatient as the silence within continued, who pushed through the group to press his head against the steel doors to listen intently to the activity within.

He had no warning as a heavy set of glowing red claws plunged through the metal from the far side, missing his face by mere inches before he jumped back, startled.

Weapons brought to bear with a clatter, Bill readied the group for a further attack as the long claws withdrew, reappearing again higher up before, with a metallic shriek, they dragged through the steel, leaving a trio of wide gashes that slashed diagonally to the floor, followed by a second set, severing a huge inverted V-shaped section of the door from the rest.

A final blow from within sent the panel toppling outward with a resounding clang, dust and debris showering upwards as a monstrous hulking, red eyed ebony shape stepped through the smoke-filled opening to regard the group warily.

Ready to fire at the intruder, it was only the quick reflexes of Entei that spared the creature.  With a swift thrust of his paws, the legendary knocked the raised rifle from the hands of the two nearest police officers, hissing at their shocked faces "Enough!!  It is not the enemy!"

The creature stepped aside, letting through its companions, as several humans joined it.  When one hulking individual made it through, the pair of legendaries exchanged glances, before Suicune approached the newcomer and said primly "What took you so long, Ranger?"

Rolling his eyes, Barklay muttered "We took care of a small problem in there for you, Suicune.  Now, tell me...who are your friends, and where the hell are Scott and Storm?"                                                 


After the near disaster with the booby trapped stairwell, Scott wasn't taking any further chances with his group's safety. 

The need to head upstairs was dire, but with the lack of communications, coupled with their experience in Sinnotech dirty tactics, he knew the best way ahead was with the highest degree of caution.

They'd retreated towards their entry point in the sub basement, hoping to meet up with Bill's group, but isolated pockets of enemy soldiers hampered their progress, and soon even Raikou was snarling his frustration at their delay.

After taking out one especially nasty encounter, Storm hovered over the bodies of the enemy soldiers, shoulders smoking as he threatened to erupt.

"This is taking way too long, Scott!!" he growled, kicking one of the corpses viciously with a clawed foot, sending it tumbling against the wall.  "The longer we're delayed, the more chance they have to prepare a counter offensive!"

"I know that, Storm!" the Ranger spat back, before shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath.  "We're getting nowhere here!  We need a plan to get upstairs, and we need it fast!"

Cameron, joining the pair, beckoned over one of his men, who opened up the building diagrams and spread the large sheet of paper against the wall.  Pointing to several areas, the officer described his idea.

"Getting upstairs is going to be difficult. The only alternatives are the fire escapes, which we've already seen are booby trapped, the main bank of lifts in the foyer, which are obviously heavily protected, or the service elevators.  There's a problem there though."

Gulping as Storm shot him a dark look, the man explained.  "We're still stuck in the sub basement levels.  They're used for storage and utility services mainly, so the building designer hadn't planned on having the service lifts descend so far, instead using ramps for entry.  To gain access, we need to be a story higher in the building."

Exchanging a look with Raikou and Skyy, Storm growled.  "That isn't as difficult a task as it sounds, mate.  How close are we to being in the proximity of the service lift shafts?"

Peering at the map carefully, the policeman said "Not too far.  If we go back around twenty meters, and head into that large storeroom we passed, it's almost directly overhead."

With three pokemon at the task, the concrete in question hadn't a chance.  Unlike the several meters they'd broken through to enter the building, the six inches were breached like butter, and it wasn't long before the group had cut through the intervening concrete to stare into the blackness of the service lift above.

"Is that the lift way up there, do you think?" Scott muttered to his partner, until Azil, pragmatic as always, stepped forward and spat a ball of flame into the darkness to strike the steel underside of the lift parked several stories above, lighting up the chamber brightly.

Cursing, Scott jumped back as sparks dropped towards them, before regarding the charmeleon with wry patience.  "While I appreciate the assistance, a little warning would be appreciated before you do such a thing again."  Pointing towards the bank of doors leading to the level immediately upstairs, with the aid of a proffered torch he highlighted the block of C-4 wired to the inside.  "That's why I was taking things slow.  I think we can expect surprises at every turn, so keep the flamethrower to yourself unless you check first, huh?"

Blanching as much as an orange lizard could, Azil retreated meekly behind Jimmy, who comforted the pokemon.  "It's all right.  You couldn't have known."

A surprisingly nimble typhlosion took a standing leap to grip the edges of the concrete hole three meters above, much to the amazement of the human officers, who had no idea the heavily set creature could do such a thing.  Pulling himself up on short, powerful arms, after a moment he poked his head back down through the hole, followed by a proffered limb, as he gripped hands with the demolitions specialist in the group.  Raising the man to join him with a grunt, the pair exchanged a hurried conversation, torch held on the explosive package as the officer cautiously disabled the booby trap and set the bomb aside.  Prising the opening open, they cautiously peered down the now exposed corridor, looking for enemies, but the coast remained clear.

A rope ladder was secured to the steel framework of the lift well, and dropped through the hole to the group beneath.  It only took a few minutes for them to assemble in the corridor outside the lift doors, weapons trained down the hallways ready for attack, as Scott again closed the lift doors and pressed the call button.  With a loud chime that had Cameron wincing, the doors reopened, admitting them to the lift interior.

Just as they were ready to board, they froze as the building suddenly rocked, a muted rumbling sending the floor lurching as first one, then two subsequent explosions echoed from the far side of the complex, sending them sprawling.

As the dust began to settle, the flickering lighting stabilised.  "Fuck me!" Storm cursed, helping Jimmy and Chris to their feet.  "I think the shit's hotting up elsewhere!"

"Do you think they'll be OK?" Skyy asked, concern on his face, but was surprised as Cameron patted his shoulder comfortingly.  "There isn't much we can do to help them from here.  We need to keep going and eliminate the threat at its source."

"Which is upstairs!" rumbled Raikou, eyeing the ceiling inscrutably.  "I can sense it.  There is evil there, with all the hallmarks of an agent of Darkrei."

"Oh, wonderful!  The idiots are lucky they haven't brought the building down already, and now we get to battle evil minions!" Scott muttered, receiving an uncertain glance from Storm as the typhlosion shook his head.

"Twice is enough, thanks.  The whole 'being buried alive' thing lost its gloss after the second episode.  Let's just get the fuck up there and end this!"

Thankfully, the lift was still operating perfectly, and no further traps were encountered.  Cramming so many into the tight space successfully was another matter.  Jammed between Raikou's furry butt and the corner of the lift, Chris breathed out, trying to make himself as skinny as possible.  They were only partially successful, as the load limit alarm rang twice as they all entered, forcing them to leave several of the human officers behind to secure the area, with promises they'd send the lift back down to them after they'd arrived if they needed reinforcements.

As the doors finally closed successfully, quiet music began to play from within, causing Skyy to snort in amusement.  "Surreal, huh?" he muttered to Chris, trying to speak past Raikou's furry behind, as Chris smirked, ready to reply, when a disgusting, eye tearing smell had him gagging.

"Holy shit!" one of the policemen swore, as another retched, heaving up his breakfast.  "Is it a gas attack?"

Disgusted, Scott glared at his partner, who gave a sheepish shrug.  Apologetically, the typhlosion muttered "Hey, I'm sorry, I'm nervous, alright?"

Cameron, glaring at the pokemon from further back, shook his head as Jimmy began to snicker.  "Pokemon fart!" he muttered to Azil, sending the charmeleon into a fit of giggles.

"If he does that again, I'm going to jam my rifle butt up there to plug it!" a copper muttered, sending the pair of youngsters into further hysterics that lasted long moments until the doors again opened with a quiet chime, bringing some sanity back to the situation.

A flustered Storm beckoned them out, winching as Chris gave him a hard punch to the shoulder.  "Yeah, alright!" he muttered, nursing bruises with a paw before joining Scott and Cameron as they cautiously poked their heads around the corner of the hallway in the penthouse level.  At the corridor end, taking up a huge office area, large glass doors opened to a room with a panoramic view of the cityscape beyond.  The place seemed deserted, and Storm made to step ahead when Scott grabbed him roughly, pointing to the far office with a hiss.

From behind a large leather chair facing the glass, perched behind an even larger executive desk, a faint trail of cigarette smoke wafted towards the ceiling tiles.

"Can you smell anyone else in there, Raikou?" Cameron muttered, letting the big legendary poke his head past to sniff deeply.

"No, there is only one there I can sense, although the scents of others do linger.  He is alone, for the moment."

"I am very much aware you are there, you know!" a strangers voice suddenly spoke through the building  intercom, causing the group to start.  Element of surprise obviously gone, Scott scowled, straightening up to march boldly past the abandoned reception counter to the glass doors leading to the executive suite, throwing them open with a bang.  The richly paneled room was bright in the sunlight beaming from outside, flaunting the wealth of the occupant.  A fully stocked private bar took up one wall, and expensive paintings adorned others.  All except for the one containing the private elevator in one corner.

Storm snorted to Scott "Wish we'd known about that lift earlier!  Might have saved us a few troubles!"

Shushing the pokemon, Scott approached the desk cautiously as the rest of the group followed, officers with rifles drawn and pokemon ready for action.  But once they arrived within dozen meters of the front of the large desk, the voice spoke again from behind the chair "Oh, I think that's close enough, my friends."

"We're not your friends, arsehole!" Storm snarled, ready to pounce at the stranger, who let out a 'tisk tisk' sound, admonishing the pokemon.

"Oh, but we are friends, Storm Rivers!" the voice said with a chuckle, as the chair slowly spun, revealing the human occupant to the group.  "You see, I know all of you so very well, how can we be anything but friends?  Depending on your definition of 'friend', of course.  However, a little caution goes an awful long way, especially given what a surprisingly dogged group you all are!"

Storm froze in his approach of the man, stepping back to rejoin the group as they warily regarding the drawn revolver in one of his hands, and the detonator trigger clutched in the other.  Gesturing at the humans to lower their weapons, the man waived the detonator towards them, as they hesitatingly complied.  "Aaah, much better.  No need for threats here, amongst friends, after all!"

Chucking again, the stranger leaned back in his chair, taking another draw of the cigarette before butting it out in a gilt ashtray.  Chair springs squeaked slightly as he smiled at his 'visitors" from behind dark aviator sunglasses, dark hair slicked back in a heavily tanned face.  His neatly pressed black suit crinkled as he stretched slightly, accompanying black shirt and tie only emphasising the menace he exhumed.  If Scott had to put an age on the man, he'd have reckoned mid sixties, although there was a sense of agelessness about him; a timelessness he'd come to associate with the legendary pokemon who formed their group. 

This man was not what he seemed, the Ranger thought, and knew he was a force to be reckoned with.

Raikou snarled abruptly, the rumble felt more than heard, but the man tut tutted again.  "Now Raikou, you wouldn't want to do anything unwise now, would you?  After all, with age comes wisdom, they say on this world, and you'd have to be pretty wise by now, I'd imagine!"

Smiling darkly, he gave each of the group a long look, extolling "Scott Rivers, we meet at last.  You and your pokemon have been an especially irksome pain in our backsides for a long time now.  How many times is it we've encountered each other?  Four?  Maybe five?"

"Depends what you mean by encountered mate!" Storm interrupted, as the man's face darkened to a scowl.

"I wasn't talking to you, animal!" he spat, pointing the gun unerringly at Storm's head, to which the pokemon simply crossed his arms and glared back, unperturbed.

"So, what the hell do you want?" Cameron interrupted the potential confrontation, and the man's face relaxed back into a smile as he turned to the police chief.

"Aah, Cameron Marshke.  Police chief extraordinaire.  Welcome to my humble abode.  I do have to say, you did surprise me with your enthusiastic collaboration with these animal trainers here, but then again, as far as the law enforcement goes on this world, you're generally fairly predictable."

Standing behind the policemen and Rangers, Skyy gave Chris a questioning look, wondering if he should try and slip past to circle the man to get a better angle of attack, but Chris shook his head slightly, turning eyes on Jimmy and Azil.  Sighing, the lucario nodded, but still prepared himself for action if required.

Chuckling suddenly, the man spoke again. "Oh, but I am being so very rude, aren't I!  We haven't been properly introduced.  I know so much about you, I almost forgot that you really are clueless as to who I really am!"

Standing, he stepped from behind his desk and gave a slight bow.  "My name is Magnus Von Grimm." he said, noting the slight narrowing of Scott's eyes as the Ranger tensed in recognition "Yes, that Von Grimm, Rivers.  A name you obvious recognise, although clearly one unexpected.  As you likely have gathered, I am the founder and acting executive officer for our little enterprise here.  I also have the honour of being the present leader of the Cult of Darkrei.  While my family connections in our world amounted to the perfect cover for our operations here, given our long standing, albeit indirect, association with Sinnotech, I must admit this operation is solely my own, I'm afraid."

Storm laughed harshly.  "Yeah, I remember reading a nice thick dossier about you during training.  What was it, fourty years ago it happened? You wigging out and tried to take over the family business?  Then, once your family realised what a fucking psychotic loser you were, they threw you out!  Good old disowning never hurt no one.  Just a shame they didn't do it with a bullet!  Then again, given they're all dead, likely at your hands, maybe it wasn't as cracked up as it could have been."

Lips tightening, Von Grimm returned his stare to the typhlosion and said cuttingly "Eloquent as always, animal.  Strange how I don't recall how worldly your cries were when Jamerson had you strapped down in that lab, half your guts spread out on the table besides you!  Yes, my family never appreciated my brilliance.  It wasn't until I cut out his still beating heart to feed to my master than my father really came to understand the powers I embody.  Then again, some people are just slow learners.  After all, you'd think after having two buildings dropped on you, one would learn from the experience and would keep their distance."

Storm curled his muzzle in disgust, arms crossed as he glared at the man.

"And what is to stop me coming over there and turning you into lunch, human?" Raikou snarled, teeth bared as he hissed at the human.

Waggling the detonator admonishingly, the man returned his glare "Why, nothing, Raikou.  Provided you want the portal inhibitors blown, sending the entire thing into meltdown and turning this world into a cloud of glowing ash, then absolutely nothing.  Not that this place wouldn't benefit from that, given some of the filth that inhabit it, but still, I've come to enjoy some of its finer aspects.  So much hate.  So much aggression.  It's so...refreshing!"

Giving a short bark of laughter, Von Grimm circles the group to lean casually on the office bar, placing the handgun on the marble surface to pour himself a drink, one handed.  Raising his eyebrows, he gestures to the decanter with his whisky glass, unsurprised when no one in the group moves to join him.

Crossing to sit on the edge of the man's desk, much to Von Grimm's wry amusement, Scott asks the question he'd been burning to have answered for so many years.

"But what's the point of all this, Von Grimm?  Everything you've done, from gaining power through the control of the supply routes between worlds to your research into killing off pokemon... it's never made sense.  Why?  What do you hope to gain from this?  Power?  Money?"

Von Grimm slammed the glass onto the bar, shattered glass and liquid spraying the surface as he scowled at the Ranger in a sudden fit of rage.

"Do you think I am as petty as the filth of this world, Rivers?  Do you?"

Retrieving his revolver, he strode across to the Ranger, pressing the muzzle into his chest, as Storm snarled helplessly at his partner's dilemma.

Spitting in his face angrily, Von Grimm hissed, "I don't care about any of this!  I do not give a fuck about this world, or the worthless scum infesting it.  My loyalty lies in one place, Ranger.  I am here because my master wants me here!"

Scott didn't flinch.  "Do we get an explanation on why that is, arsehole, or are you just going to keep proselytising?"

The pause was long, and Chris shivered at the underlying threat implicit in the silence, which was broken as the man suddenly laughed, stepping away from Scott, but still mindful of his presence.

"Impressive, Ranger.  You nearly had me do something unfortunate there.  Most impressive!  Still, it's a story you want, is it?  The gut-spilling confession of a B-grade movie psychopath?  After all, what sort of criminal would I be if I didn't spill my deepest secrets to the 'heroes", huh?" he sneered, crossing to the huge panoramic glass windows to gesture absently outside.

"Do you see it, Rivers?  Or are you too blind to the reality here?"

"Man, this guy is full of shit!" rumbled Storm under his breath, turning to spit on the thick carpeting beside him.

"Exactly!" Von Grimm exclaimed, pointing at the pokemon abruptly, who glared at the offending digit.  "You see, this here is the reason why this world actually has so much true potential, human population notwithstanding.  It is free of the vermin festering in our world; vermin that my master has loathed since the day Arceus created them!"

"The pokemon you mean?" Chris spoke up suddenly, drawing the attention of the man, whose demeanour became intent. 

"Young Master Masters, I presume!  A surprise addition to 'Team Ranger"; something I must admit even with my years of planning this venture I hadn't anticipated!  A nobody you are, by anyone's standards, and yet you managed to get to my home world, partner up with a lucario, release Raikou from the clutches of those Team Galaxy idiots, then manage to coerce his imbecile brothers to join you, causing me all sorts of mischief.  I think the hand of a higher power is involved there, somewhere, but the fact is immaterial.  You're just an annoying little enigma, aren't you, kid?  But yes, you are fundamentally correct!"

Turning his back on the group, though still indirectly watching them in the glass's reflection, he continued after a moment's pause.  The 'pokemon problem' indeed!" he sneered abruptly, the name obviously distasteful.  "Talking, walking, and supposedly thinking animals, which are a disgrace; a dishonour; to life itself!"

"Look who's talkin', dickhead" muttered Rodney.

"How very droll!" Von Grimm sneered, giving Rodney his attention.  "Took you a whole minute to work that one up, 'mate"?"

Shrugging, Rodney flashed him his teeth.  "A wasted minute, sure, mate!  Bit like the wasted minute your old man took getting your mother up the duff!"

Jimmy snorted, earning him a withering glance from Von Grimm, who turned back to Scott and continued.

"My master's plan is simple, Ranger.  Wipe out the animals. Return the world to the 'purity' it had before it was infested by them, and replace them it with the non-sentient life from this world; life that knows its place in existence, free of Arceus's influence!  When he first came to me, I almost crowed with delight.  Jameson's plan was perfect; develop a "virus", if you will, that targeted pokemon DNA exclusively.  A worthy idea, ruined by the intervention of you and your idiot partner, there!"

"Happy to oblige, cockhead!" Storm laughed, earning him a hard look from Scott.  But Von Grimm didn't pause, continuing as if the pokemon didn't exist.

"Our second plan was to brainwash Raikou, before setting him loose on the world.  Given enough incentive, he may have achieved our goal for us.  Darkrei was particularly eager to try his dark powers on Arceus's favourite son, but again, our plans were foiled."

Pausing a moment, the man licked his lips, face pale in the sunlight beaming in from outside.  "When even dropping buildings on you lot didn't work, we came up with another strategy.  Find a promising ally on this world, and join forces to wipe you out.  It wasn't especially difficult, given the situation.  It seems you lot have an oddly exaggerated capacity to piss all manner of people off."

"You mean Jobes?" Scott asked, unsurprised at the nod he received in reply.  "Yes, the ever so useful General Jobes, whose hatred of you almost exceeds my own.  I can see him right down there in the street, right now, marshaling his forces even now to end your pitiful existence.  A worthy goal, I would think, and a useful ally, although our motives are really quite different.  He simply loathes you animals.  I want you not to exist, as if you never did exist, as my master wishes.  Either way, our ends are basically the same."

The glass windows shook as distant rumbles resumed from below, the building rocking from the blasts as the hostilities resumed downstairs.  Almost lovingly, Von Grimm drew a finger across the large window pane, murmuring "It seems my people are performing their duty admirably.  They know their job, and it's now up to me to finish mine.  The Cult of Darkrei has spent millennia in its goal to achieve world purity; a world without the taint of pokemon.  Replacing them with humans as the dominant life form, and wiping every filthy animal from the planet!"

Sullenly, he turned from the window, his eyes frighteningly intent as he dropped the revolver on the timber surface, returning to the bar to pour himself another drink with a shaking hand.  Mesmerised by the droplets of water sliding down the crystal sides of the ice-filled drink, and having momentarily forgotten his aghast guests, he murmured "It has been prophesised.  I will be the one to achieve this.  I will wipe the scourge from both these worlds, and nothing from this earth will stop me!"

Starting as he remembered his place, he spun on the group and screamed "Nothing!"



Chapter 64: End Game


"It's great how you so successfully managed to avoid inflicting further damage to the already terminal portal equipment, Ranger!" Entei muttered sarcastically, glumly examining the smoking equipment with a frown.

Ignoring the pokemon's dark mood, Sin Barklay stepped past his pidgeot partner, Connor, who was ruffling his feathers nervously at the proximity to the unsettling machine, to examine the shot up equipment carefully.

"Yes, well Entei, we didn't exactly come here with that in mind.  In fact, we came here specifically to see if we could help you out of a tight spot.  Given your shot up hide, I think the assistance was warranted.  If not to deal with the twenty soldiers who had already made it through to here, but the other sixty we dealt with first back home."

Rolling his eyes, Entei grunted.  "Alright, Ranger, fair enough.  It could not have been avoided.  But I think we're even more in the shit than we were earlier, I'm afraid.  It's hard to say, but I'd give it no more than a few hours before things go bad.  Real bad.  In its present state, it's self-sustaining, at least while the power remains connected, but the control systems are fried on this end.  We cannot do anything but hope we can still disconnect it from our world when the time is due.  Once it's off, it's going to stay off."

'Hmm..." Barklay pondered, turning to the young policeman who was clearly in charge of the local troops in the room.  Already in an animated conversation with J.B, Bill had filled in his old boss with a quick rundown on what had occurred to date, but couldn't help but eye the large humanoid pokemon who hovered so close to J.B. somewhat nervously."

Rolling her eyes, Destiny gave him a wry look, and said "I won't eat you, I promise!" baring her long teeth in a warm smile that had him gulp regardless.

Shadow snickered loudly.  "Skitty!" she teased, causing him to chuckle abruptly, the tension suddenly abating.

"Yeah, well, it's been a bit of a full day so far already, Kitten, so you'll have to pardon my nerves."

With a cough, Barklay interrupted the group, causing Bill to jump; a move that had both Destiny, Shadow and Sin's own pokemon, Connor, giggling.

"Yes, well, if we're done exchanging life stories, we need to decide where we go from here.  We now have control of both sides of the portal; at least control from a security point of view.  We can't contact Scott's group, and have no real clear view on where they are or what they're doing, so will have to trust they're doing what needs doing.  That leaves your friends outside as a complication needing to be resolved."

Suicune, who had approached to listen in, muttered "That is an understatement.  They will not give up unless they are neutralised."

"Nor will we, Suicune" Barklay grunted, and the pokemon's ears rose hopefully.

Entei stepped closer, wincing as his wounds ached with the movement.  "If we attack them directly from the front, they're likely to continue blasting the building with that tank thing.  It wouldn't take much to bring the structure down.  We know they'd do it again, if they felt it necessary.  What we need is an indirect attack from the rear."

Bill pondered the reply.  "If we can get the cargo entry doors over there open, we can get out into the streets behind the building the same way they normally bring the supply trucks in; circle around them and sneak up from behind.  It'll be pretty public though.  There are media crews everywhere."

"Tough shit!" rumbled Entei.  "I'm over pandering to the petty, immature attitudes of a human population too scared in its own shadow to be able to shit without reassurances.  This entire situation could have been avoided if we simply acted decisively in the first place.  I will not hide any longer."

"Nor I!" piped up Suicune, giving Bill a glare, which the policeman fobbed off with a shrug.

"Not my concern what you do.  It never has been.  You don't answer to me at all.  But I agree, Shadow and I both.  No more hiding.  No more secrets.  We deal with this, in the public arena, and to hell with the consequences."

Shadow nodded firmly, while J.B gave Barklay a wry look.  "Can't help but agree with the kid, Sin.  I have no intentions of staying behind closed doors, either."

Barklay chuckled deeply.  "Given it's not my world, I cannot comment.  But I do not disagree.  So, let's see what we can do about getting those access doors open, and ending this situation permanently!"

"About time too!" Suicune agreed, walking to the huge doors in question and taking a deep breath, ready to unleash everything he could against them.  However, he let out a surprised huff as Bill stepped in front of him, stopping his actions.

"Or, perhaps we could try and open them with the controls?" he said dryly, pointing to the wall mounted panel.

"That'd probably work, too!" the pokemon said, eyeing the buttons carefully.  "My way would have been more satisfying, however!"

As the huge doors slowly rolled upward, Entei rolled his eyes at his brother, but didn't hesitate as he followed Bill, his team, and the bulk of the Ranger forces down the long entrance corridor and out into the bright morning sunlight.

After the main group slipped out into the deserted rear streets behind the facility, Barklay and J.B stood with the Ranger's science officer, examining the controls of the portal.

"I'm sorry, Sin, but Entei was essentially correct.  These are beyond repair.  Even pulling the power now might not shut it off.  The only hope will be to turn it off from our end.  Ever since we formed the preliminary assessment of that ancient portal Scott rediscovered, we've feared just how dangerous these things can be.  More of a worry, if it blows here, what will happen in our world?  Will it just shut down, or feedback through and cause huge issues back home?  We just don't know enough about them."

"That'll be a problem for Entei and his brothers, at such time as we need to deal with it" Barklay shrugged, not willing to dwell on a situation beyond his control.  "We can only leave it be, and hope they get back in one piece to do so."

Destiny gave her trainer a worried look, and was about to ask what she could do help, when the chime of an elevator startled the entire group into silence.  All eyes turned slowly as the doors to the hidden elevator in the corner of the huge room opened, spilling light as a tall, thin man in a poorly fitted suit stepped from the lift, eyes on his clipboard oblivious to the surprised looks he was receiving from a dozen pair of Rangers.  He'd taken several paces into the area before the silence around him sunk through and, with a start, he looked up with shock to behold the Ranger's filling a room supposedly under the control of Sinnotech staff, surrounded by the slaughtered remains of the company's soldiers.

"Oh, shit!" he gasped, dropping the clipboard and spinning to make a dash back to the closing lift doors.  He hadn't a chance, as Destiny leaped forward, speeding past the man to cut off his chance to escape.  As he shrunk back from the hulking zoroark, he shivered, turning to confront the Rangers who were slowly approaching, weapons trained on him unerringly.

As they stepped forward, cautious of any surprises, J.B muttered to the Ranger chief "I don't recall anyone mentioning that lift being there, earlier?"

Sin shrugged, eyes fixated on the stranger.  "Quite a good concealment, I would say.  Now those doors are closed, I'd be hard pressed knowing that lift was there.  It does beg the question where it goes to, doesn't it?  Regular staff have no need of such a mode of transport."

Confronted by the hulking form of the Ranger chief, the man turned ashen.  "You...  You aren't supposed to be here!" he stammered, eyes flicking between Sin and J.B, before fixating in dread on Destiny.  "Who let you in here?"

Chuckling, the laugh not reaching his eyes, Barklay shot out a meaty fist, grabbing the man's shirt front tightly and twisting, constricting his breath as he pulled him close.

"I let myself in here, my friend" he smiled darkly again, staring into his face as the man blanched even further.  "Now, what I want to know is what you are doing here?"

"Me?" he forced out with difficulty, eyes darting around frantically, but no one friendly was there to come to his aid.

Sighing, Barklay released his grip slightly, letting the man gain some needed air, before he said in a calm voice. "I need some information quite badly, and I simply do not have the time to ask it from you in a reasonable manner.  Instead, I am going to give you to the count of three, after which I am having my friend's zoroark here slice you into small, bloody ribbons.  There will be no second chance.  You will give me the answers I need, or you will die very painfully.  Am I making myself understood?"

Destiny turned wide eyes to J.B, mind speaking only to him "But Papa, I wouldn't....!"

Not taking his eyes off the confrontation, J.B reassured her.  "It's alright, sweetie.  He understands that.  But our friend here needn't know that."

Blinking, she pondered his reply, then turned to the man and brought her fist up, grating her claws together in a hideous rasp that echoed through the chamber.  Her act was convincing, clearly, as the man nearly fainted, casting frantic looks between the zoroark and Ranger chief, who began his countdown.  "Three...  Two..."

"Alright!" he almost shrieked, pulling away from those terrifying claws.  "OK, what do you want to know?"

Barklay gave him a smug, satisfied smile, leaning close to hiss "Everything!"

Pushed into one of the abandoned console operator chairs and facing his Ranger captors, the man spilled the beans.

"I'm Jim.  Jim Pascoe.  I..  I'm the personal secretary to Chairman Von Grimm."

"Von Grimm?" Barklay interrupted, causing the man to gulp nervously.  "You mean Magnus Von Grimm?"

Nodding nervously, the man stuttered. "Yes, that's his name, although he never lets anyone use his first name.  It's always Mr Von Grimm, or Chairman."

J.B gave Barklay a scant look.  "You know this guy, Sin?"

Nodding dryly, Barklay rumbled "Oh yes, Mister Von Grimm and I go back an awful long way.  On any manner of occasions, I had hoped to get my hands around the slimy bastard's neck, for crimes ranging from racketeering, corporate espionage, extortion and even kidnapping and murder, although the last two were inferred only.  We had a good idea the prick killed his own parents for the money and power, but we were never able to pin anything on him.  Had a real habit of slipping through the cracks, he did, thanks to a bevy of slimy lawyers who seemed unusually good.  In hindsight now, they were likely imported from this world.  At one stage, we thought we'd nailed him, after that explosion that nearly killed Scott and Storm, not to mention a number of my best Rangers, but he vanished without a trace during the investigation.  When he didn't resurface, I'd assumed someone had done something positive and put a bullet through his head, but I guess that was too much to hope for."

"Real nice guy!" J.B muttered, as Pascoe shot his glance between the pair nervously, before continuing.

"Well, when the cameras went dead down here, Mr Von Grimm knew something was happening, so he sent for reinforcements from your world.  When they didn't call in to report, and with the security cameras still offline, he sent me down here to see what was delaying things.  He doesn't like things he can't fully control, you see..." he wound down into silence, as the Ranger and policeman stared at him scowling.

"You came directly from his office then?  That elevator is his private lift, directly to his office?" Barklay demanded, getting a frantic nod in reply.

"Yes!  He wanted direct access to the portal at all times.  Only a few of us know about it!"

A tight smile breaking his features, Barklay looked at the man coldly and said "That is the best news I have learnt all morning.  I guess you will live after all.  Now, tell me the rest of it, before I change my mind!"

Pascoe did just that.


When Scott stepped back beside Storm, the typhlosion muttered quietly "This guy is a fucking nutter!  What do we do?"

"Placate him until we think of something!" Scott murmured back, not taking his eyes off Von Grimm, who had resumed his restless pacing, knuckles tight on the trigger grip of the detonator as he polished off his whisky, dropping the empty glass back on the bar surface.

"What is taking that imbecile so long?" the Sinnotech Chairman demanded under his breath, giving the lift in the corner a dark look.

"First sign of madness, talking to yourself, Von Grimm!" Storm laughed harshly, unable to help himself.  Receiving a muttered curse from Scott, the typhlosion shrugged, teeth bared as he crossed his arms again.

"Fuck pandering to this crazy cunt!  Look at him!  Guy's losing it completely!"

Von Grimm spun on Storm, thrusting out the detonator and raved "Shut your fucking mouth, animal!!  I fucking swear I'll set this thing off!"

Storm was past caring, ignoring Scott as the human Ranger grabbed his partners harness desperately.  The typhlosion's burners erupting sent him staggering back from the intense heat, which enveloped the pokemon in a flaming conflagration that had the group retreating rapidly to avoid its intensity.  Seemingly oblivious to their discomfort, Storm took a step forward, then another, crazed eyes fixated on the source of his lifelong torment as he reached forward, claws bared menacingly. 

"Go for it, arsehole!  See if I give a fuck!  You're a gutless piece of shit coward, ready to pick on kids and pokemon who can't protect themselves.  You have all the balls of a castrated Chansey!  You snivelling, pathetic excuse for a human!!  Go on!  I fucking dare you!"

Almost foaming, Von Grimm's hand tensed as Scott and Raikou, seeing the situation spiralling out of control, readied themselves to lunge at him in a last ditch effort to stop him, even if they hadn't a hope of making it in time.

Behind him, the lift chimed, as with a hiss the door opened.

Distracted, Von Grimm didn't break Storm's gaze as he shrieked over his shoulder "What kept you, you imbecile?"

A gruff, deep voice replied "I didn't know we were expected?"

Truly shocked, the man spun, as a hulking grey blur sped across the intervening room to slice with wicked claws, severing the limb holding the detonator above the wrist in a spray of blood.

Gasping in disbelief as his dismembered arm struck the plush carpet, he gaped up at the snarling zoroark, her eyes gleaming as she towered over him until, with a cry of pain that sent him reeling backwards, her mental voice overlaid with the deeper tones of Arceus's power, overwhelmed him.

"I am Destiny.  I am here to fulfil the prophecy.  It is just fortunate I am not of this world, you bastard!"

She reached out again to grab him, but in a fit of desperation, Von Grimm shrieked again, lunging for the revolver lying on the desk.

He never had a chance.

Storm reached him before he'd taken a few steps.

Claws circling his throat, Storm thrusts the man backwards, his shoulders striking the glass windows behind him.  Ignoring the blood sizzling as it drenches his fur, Storm clenched his paws tighter, Von Grimm's skin starting to blister as the man struck out wildly with his free arm, desperate fingernails clawing at the pokemon's face.

Sneering at the human's pitiful attack, Storm hissed "Seems I need to give you a hand, bastard!"

Flailing wildly, Von Screams "I will not be denied my birthright by a pack of filthy fucking animals like you!  Darkrei will save me!"

Laughing harshly, Storm thrusts the man backwards, shattering the heavy glass pane and pushing him through to dangle helplessly over the abyss.

Staring right into his eyes, Storm's voice calmed abruptly, claws tightening as the man's throat collapsed, his remaining hand scrabbling against the restriction encircling it.  The pokemon paused, cocking his head to savour the moment, before he shook his head sadly.

"You see, my friend, it's this sort of negative attitude that has lead to your being in this unpleasant situation in the first place.  Unfortunately, it really is unacceptable.  So, it's with sadness, I've reviewed your position with the company, and find it untenable."

Pulling Von Grimm's face to inches from his own, Storm smiles widely, baring his teeth in a hideous grimace of triumph as he snarls "I'm afraid we're going to have to let you go..."

With that, he releases the man, thrusting Von Grimm from him into the abyss to plunge screaming and flailing into the ranks of the army personnel far below.

Staring down at the shattered corpse of his nemesis, Storm snorted a cloud of smoke, his burners cooling rapidly as Scott rests a cautious hand on his partners arm.

"Good riddance!" the typhlosion muttered darkly, before turning back to join his friends.


Across the intervening space, one small, daredevil media crew had managed to penetrate into the bowels of a building opposite the action, avoiding the military and police security keen on keeping the media embargoed from the action.

The crew were as oblivious to the reasons behind the aggressive event.  All information they'd managed to canvass from their superiors suggested this was an unauthorised action of a military general gone rogue.  Why this had occurred, or the target of his angst, remained a mystery.

Regardless, it was news worthy of a Pulitzer, and they weren't going to miss the action for any reason!

Straightening his shirt behind the bulletproof vest he'd donned, the reporter checked his microphone, readying himself.  Turning a sombre face to the cameraman, he nodded, as the footage went live.

"This is James Forthright, with a Channel Six exclusive.  We are presently perched in the eighteenth floor of the Towers Heights building, overlooking the violent scenes taking place in what would normally be a bustling commercial district.  Initial reports was that a large police contingent had cordoned off the area in the early hours of the morning, refusing to reply to all questions as to the nature of the emergency.  This then skyrocketed out of control with the arrival of a division of military personnel, under the authority of General Jobes.  A controversial figure at best, General Jobes's fall from grace back in 2007 while in Afghanistan made international news, when personnel under his control were caught executing potential terrorists clandestinely.  Since then, he effectively disappeared from mainstream military command.  Why he has now gone rogue, ignoring the demands of his superiors to take such drastic, unauthorised action is beyond the understanding of anyone with knowledge of the situation."

Directing the cameraman to move forward to the open window, the reporter continued.

"The military under his command were seen entering the building opposite about an hour ago, assisted from within by unknown individuals in full military kit.  Shortly afterwards, heavy fire erupted from within, smoke and explosions echoing through the shattered glass frontage of the building as the army and what remained of its allies beat a hasty retreat.  What happened next was unthinkable, as Jobes himself directed heavy artillery fire from the tank you can see below to penetrate the building foyer, rocking the entire structure.  At one point, we feared he planned on bringing the building down, but after three explosive projectiles were sent into the building, the army retreated to their present position a half block away.  Since then, things have been quiet, and we're unsure what has since happened within the building....  Wait a moment....  Something is..."

Pointing frantically to the offices opposite, the reporter gestured to the cameraman to raise the lens.  Within, several shadowed figures could be seen struggling against the glass which, with a shatter audible across the intervening street, showered fragments into the street below.

"Something is happening.  There's a...  What the hell?  There's a... thing!  A huge, hairy thing, on fire!  Yes, that's what I said, it's on fire, all over its back, and it's holding a man out the window by his throat.  Wait...  Oh God, it's let him go!  He's falling, screaming....  Oh, shit!  He's fallen to the ground in the midst of the army troops.  He's...  Oh, Gods, it's a mess...!"

The cameraman, having followed the falling man, quickly raised the camera back to the shattered glass.  Zooming in hard, he started when he met the glowing red eyes of the creature opposite, who stared directly into the camera for a long moment before flashing long fangs, and turning to move out of view within the building.

"What the fuck was that!" he muttered, audible enough to be heard in the reporter's microphone.  Wincing, the reporter hated to think what his editor would say, but as he resumed his running commentary, he smiled inwardly, knowing his future in media was assured.


Securing the detonator, Scott leaned against the bar with a sigh, pouring several glasses of scotch which he passed to Storm, Cameron, Rodney, and Barklay.  J.B had taken Destiny to a corner lounge, and was sitting huddled beside her, her paw in his hands as he stroked her claws soothingly. Chris had managed to find some bottled water, and with Skyy's help, had taken Jimmy and Azil across the room away from the shattered window.  His brother's face, still pale in shock, gave a tentative smile, and Chris sighed, knowing it'd be a while before he'd be over such a horrific situation.

Raikou stepped across to join the human adults, coughing quietly as he sighed. 

"It is not over yet, I'm afraid", he said, sitting back on his haunches to point a paw out the window.

Barklay grunted, downing his drink before resting the glass back on the marble surface.

"It will be, Raikou, and very soon."

Cameron left his drink besides the Ranger's chief, untouched.

"I don't want unnecessary casualties!" he warned, eyeing the Ranger Chief appraisingly, but Storm snorted.

"Do you really think Jobes will quit without a fight?  He needs to be brought down, since his superiors are too gutless to take him on.  It's up to us to oblige."

Sighing, Cameron nodded reluctantly.  "Alright, but I expect control."

Giving Storm a wry grin, Barklay said "You do understand that Entei and Suicune are down there right now, don't you?" causing Scott to start in disbelief.

"You let those two out there alone?" he demanded, as his boss shrugged. 

"Bill is with them, but tell me, Scott, do you think you could have stopped them if you tried?"

Rolling his eyes, Raikou said "Good luck with that.  I have been trying for millennia", getting a loud laugh out of Rodney.

"Yep.  Them brothers gonna sort that prick out good and proper, I think!  Gonna be a blast!"

Groaning, Scott slapped his forehead.  "That's what I'm most afraid of!"

In the corner, J.B eyed his charge searchingly.  Her face, however, maintained a serene look.

"Are you OK, sweetie?" he muttered, receiving a warm smile as she squeezed his soft hands reassuringly.

"Yes, Papa.  I'm alright.  I knew then, it is what I was meant to do.  I felt him, inside of me, I mean.  He told me it was what I was destined to do.  What he had always meant me to do."

Confused, J.B looked into her eyes, trying to comprehend the incomprehensible.

"Who do you mean?  Who meant you to do this?"

Smiling warmly, she dropped his hands to grab him in a warm hug, face buried in his shoulder as she sighed happily and said "Why, Arceus, of course."

J.B had no answer for that, but simply hugged her tightly to him in return.


Keeping to the shadows of the surrounding buildings, Suicune, Entei and Bill's team crept closer to the army position, wary of alerting the sentries to their presence.

"Why don't we just go straight in and get them?" Suicune hissed in Entei's ear, causing his brother to snarl with a start.

"Because I have already been shot three times, and I'd really rather not have any further opportunity of ending up as a colander, Suicune!" Entei shot back, shaking his brother off.

"If you two would kindly shut the hell up, it'd be appreciated!  We're trying to creep up on them here!" Bill snarled from in front of them, as he hunched down behind a dumpster trying vainly to ignore the pair.  Shadow rolled her eyes as he glanced at her, causing a wry grin to flick across his face, but it dropped soon enough as the seriousness of the situation reasserted itself.

One of his officers dropped back, tapping his shoulder.  "Radio's back on!" he hissed, sending a genuine smile across Bill's face.

"About bloody time!!  Now, let's get this party really started!"

The first Jobes knew of the counter attack was when a massive concussion rocked the area, as the tank exploded in a huge fireball.  Screaming out for his officers to attend him, he wasn't heard in the ruckus which sent soldiers diving madly for cover.

Nor did he have an opportunity to organise any initial response.  Scanning for a source to the attack, he dived for cover himself behind a sandbag barrier as a massive fireball flew through the air where his face had been moments earlier.

"Shit!" He muttered, retrieving his firearm but reluctant to expose himself again.  He spotted several of his men sprint across for cover nearby, only to fall as razor sharp shards of ice spearing through their bodies, their armoured vests offering no protection to the deadly attack.

An armoured vehicle rounded the corner, tyres squealing as the soldier in the turret sent rounds of machine gun fire into the hazy carnage before him.  He blinked, spotting a blur of blue and black racing through the smog and brought the weapon to bear, only to duck again to avoid shrapnel as it sent a thundering charge of electricity through the air to strike the vehicle, sending it careening out of control to crash through the frontage of a building opposite.

Realising his present position was untenable, Jobes bolted for a more secure location, tracer rounds flashing past him as he avoided the shots fired by a group of policemen in the distance.  He sent several shots back, striking one who fell with a cry, before he threw himself behind another barrier fronting a tarpaulin-covered area earlier used for briefing.

Several of his officers were there, attempting to direct their men to counter-attack, but as the dense smoke continued to build, just getting their bearings was increasingly difficult.

Unfortunately for the army, the enemy attacking them didn't seem to share the same disability.

His men dropping like flies, Jobes had his officer's call on everyone to retreat back to his present position to regroup.  A scant few staggered into shelter to join them, while the cries of many others gave clue to their beleaguered state.  Cries than became pitifully few until, with a final distant explosion, melted into silence only broken by the crackling flames of nearby burning debris.

With scarcely a half dozen men left, an ashen faced lieutenant confronted him.  "We have to surrender, sir!" the man gasped, lungs struggling for air as the acrid smoke tore through his lungs.

"Yes, you'd better surrender, Jobes!"  A hated voice hissed through the darkness as Jobes spun looking for its source.  "I would need one hell of a breath mint to get the rotten taste of you out of my mouth after I ate your face!"

"Show yourself, you cowardly bastard!" Jobes screamed, gun raised as he fired several random shots into the murk.  He spun again as the voice returned from a different direction.

"I bet you taste like chicken.  I'd need a lot of sauce, however, and a mountain of bread.  I doubt Jobes chicken sandwich will be a favourite menu item for most people without it."

"Shut the hell up, you fucking animal!" Jobes roared, as his men blanched again, looking for his tormentor.

He fired again, and again, until the magazine in his Glock clicked empty.  He struggled to replace it, but staggered back as a huge blue shape erupted from the smoke, pinning him against the concrete barrier with a huge paw crushing his chest.

Teeth bared, Suicune snarled down at his hated enemy. "Time's up, Jobes!  Now you get what you deserve!"

A scream erupted from the General's throat as the massive head bore down, gaping mouth spread wide and hot breath enveloping his face, before a world of hurt smashed him unconscious as Suicune head-butted him full force with his horned forehead.

"That's for Tony, you arsehole!" he muttered, releasing the limp human to collapse onto the bitumen beneath him.  Turning to face the General's men, in an almost conversational voice, the pokemon said "I do have taste, you know.  I don't just eat any worthless piece of flesh that annoys me.  However, if you do not surrender immediately, I will have my friends kill every last one of you, and devour your carcasses.  What is it to be?"

One of the officers reached across for a radio, stuttering "We will surrender, sir!" before calling to the troops to lower their weapons.

After the remainder of the officers dropped their firearms and held up their hands, Suicune turned to meet the gaze of Entei, Bill and Shadow, who had melted out of the diffusing smoke to stare at Jobes unconscious form, expecting the worst.  When the man groaned and shifted slightly, Suicune rested a paw on top of him, pressing him down while tilting his head back and letting out a tremendous roar, blue ice sheeting upwards into the morning sky in a triumphant blast.

Satisfied, he turned a beaming grin on his friends and said to Entei "I love it when a plan comes together!"

At Bill's incredulous look, he winked and said jovially "I saw that on television, you know.  Your world really does have its moments!"

Kicking Jobes hard with his front leg, he giggled in satisfaction and muttered "Oh, and isn't this just one of them!"


As the police took into custody the remnants of the army, medics treated the injured from both sides, including General Jobes who, while restrained on a stretcher, was cursing up at the ambulance officer, demanding to be released.

The man ignored him, binding his head with little sympathy.

With the smoke cleared, the devastation wrought by the police team and pokemon was evidence.  Deep scars blackened the building facades surrounding the plaza, and few panes of glass had survived the onslaught.  Wrecked vehicles still smouldered everywhere, with the slagged remains of the tank destroyed by Entei a molten mass embedded deep in the pavement.

It was into this that Cameron and Scott's group arrived, the police chief giving the apparent war zone a dark scowl.

Raikou rumbled from his side "I guess the situation has been dealt with now, by my overzealous brothers.  Still, it could have been worse!"

"Worse than this?" Cameron demanded, as they paused to let yet another wounded soldier be stretchered to a waiting ambulance.

Snorting, Raikou replied "We both know how much worse this could have gotten, my friend.  Let's be thankful that the casualty rate appears so light."

Sighing, the police chief shrugged, letting the matter drop as they approached Bill, Suicune and Entei, where the young officer was handling the clean-up operation.

Bill saluted his superior warily, but relaxed as Cameron gave his hand a shake, and said dryly "Encountered a little trouble, did we?"

Shadow snorted in amusement, as a nervous medic bandaged her paw from where she'd cut it on some debris during the attack.  When he'd finished, he nearly fainted as she rubbed her face against his head in gratitude, letting out a loud purr.

Chuckling suddenly, Cameron called over Scott and Storm, from where they were having their own debriefing with Sin Barklay.  The Ranger chief was positively beaming with the success of the operation to bring down Sinnotech, but Cameron sighed inwardly, knowing the amount of fast talking he'd be doing to various higher authorities when the first jubilation subsided, and the death toll was finally tallied.  The Ranger chief's almost absolute authority back home meant he didn't have the same restrictions.

Still, as the big pokemon said, it could have been much, much worse.

His musings halted abruptly when the stretcher carrying General Jobes was wheeled by, the almost frothing man cursing his confinement.

"You won't stop me, Marskhe!  I'll be back, and when I do I'm going to make you and your animal friends pay!  You'll pay for this, Markshke!!" he shrieked finally, eyes wide until his voice was cut off as the ambulance door closed on his ravings.

"I think he means it" Scott sighed, shaking the commissioners outstretched hand as Cameron nodded sadly.

"He won't let this go.  Never, I'm afraid.  He's renowned for his pig-headed attitude, and there are enough idiots out there in authority prepared to listen to his crazy ranting to cause you all a lot of trouble."

"You should have eaten him when you had the chance, Suicune!" Storm spoke up, slapping the big pokemon on the shoulder.  Smiling, Suicune shook his head, and said "No, I'm glad I didn't.  I think he would have tasted dreadful."

 Grinning broadly, Storm clapped an arm around Chris's shoulder, getting a smile in reply.  With Skyy and Rodney looking after Jimmy, the young man had the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief without having to worry about them. 

Pondering, Scott said "Still, he has a point.  He won't let this go, and the longer we remain here, the higher the probability we'll encounter someone we can't handle so readily.  It's not an option to go blow up everyone who gets in our way."

"Satisfying as that may be!" Storm muttered, as Rodney laughed.

"They're not our only problem" J.B said, after speaking to another officer who had held a hurried conversation with him a moment earlier.  "It seems that there was a media crew filming from the building opposite when you threw that prick out the window, Storm.  It's all over the world news.  While many think it a hoax, and the police were able to grab the news crew who were filming it clandestinely before they sent anything more incriminating through, the damage has been done.  If you lot hang around, there's no telling where it'll lead."

Sighing, Chris turned away, a glum look on his face.  "We won't be going home any time soon then?" he muttered, as Storm gave his shoulder a squeeze sympathetically.

It was at that moment that the ground lurched, throwing many of those in the area to the ground as a dull boom echoed from beneath their feet.

"Entei!" Raikou roared, as his brother hurried over, a deep scowl on his whiskered face.

"Yes, I felt it.  The containment is failing!  We don't have long... perhaps only minutes!"

"Shit!" Scott swore, calling out to Rodney to bring the group together.  As he hurried over with Jimmy, the Ranger gave his boss a concerned look.  "We can't leave them here.  Not with the pokemon!"

"I'm not leaving Azil!" Jimmy cried, a call seconded by Chris, who gave the Ranger a frank stare.  "Nor am I, Scott.  We've been through too much shit, Skyy and I, and he's not going anywhere without me!"

Barklay made to interject, but Storm rested a hand on the Ranger chief's shoulder.  "Sin, we promised their parents we'd take care of them.  They have to come.  There's no other choice."

Scowling for a moment, the Ranger chief finally sighed.  "Alright, but they're your responsibility; both you and Scott's, understood?  No bitching later you can't handle the stress of it!"

Chuckling, Storm poked Chris's shoulder with a claw and said with a wink, "Oh, we'll manage, I reckon."

"I'll be going too!" Rodney interjected, broad smile lighting his face, and Barklay shrugged as Scott nodded.  "Your funeral, my friend.  We'll find a place for you somewhere, I'm sure."

Worried frown on his face, Bill sighed, turning to Scott to say "I'm staying, and so is Shadow.  I have a life here, and she and I are bound to it together.  I can't leave."

"You'' be in danger, Bill..." Scott began, pausing as Cameron interrupted.

"No, he won't, I swear, Scott.  If it takes the entire police force to protect those two, they'll be safe, on my word."

"We're staying too" J.B said, giving Destiny's hand a squeeze as the pair looked on.  Barklay sighed, as he'd hoped the pair would travel back and join the Rangers, but after shaking his friends hand firmly, he gave the surprised zoroark a big hug, arms wrapped around the pokemon as she let out a meep of surprise, followed by a broad, toothy smile.

"I'll keep papa out of trouble, Sir!" she said, and Barklay laughed, shaking his head doubtfully.

"I think you'll have your hands full there, love.  But still, I know you'll do your best."

J.B sighs, giving his friend's hand a hard squeeze.  "I need to get Tim back to his family, Sin.  I can't leave it to strangers; we'd been partners too long for that.  But I promise, if I ever get the chance, we'll return to see you."

Barklay nodded, releasing the hand to envelope J.B in a shoulder hug.  "You do that, my friend.  The offer of a place in the Ranger's will be there, when you need it.  But while I remember..."

Reaching into his vest pocket, he retrieved an unused pokeball.  Giving it a quick check, he tosses it to Bill, who caught it in surprise, an expression echoed by Shadow.

"I think you'll be needing this, young man.  You take good care of her.  But the same offer is open to you.  If you ever need us, and the way is clear, there'll be a position in the Ranger's for you both."

Another rumble rocked the ground, longer and harder than the first, and Raikou growled "We need to go, now!  The portal is increasingly unstable.  If we do not leave immediately, and the portal is not closed, this world will suffer."

"I'm not going!" Suicune said softly, his brothers spinning on him in surprise.

"What do you mean?  You cannot stay here!" Entei cursed, ready to force his brother to accompany them, but was forestalled by Raikou, who shook his head at Entei, before turning tired eyes on Suicune.

"I have to stay, Raikou!" Suicune whispered, sadness clear in his face as Raikou stepped forward, pressing his forehead against his brothers.

"I understand.  I will explain it to father." Raikou nuzzled him back, before Suicune was grabbed by Entei, who locked arms around him affectionately.

"Be careful, then, princess!" Entei muttered, releasing him to storm off for a moment alone, as his brother smiled slightly in reply.

On their hurried return to the basement, there was no mistaking the portal was in dire straits.  It's normally placid, rippling surface was contorted, waves of darkness spearing throughout as the structure holding it in place sparked alarmingly.   

Barklay had already sent the bulk of his Ranger's through, followed by Scott, Storm and Rodney, who gave a cheerful wave before plunging into the surface with a broad grin.  Jimmy, hesitant in approaching the torrid surface, had his hand grabbed by Azil, who dragged the reluctant youth through with a cut off yelp as they disappeared within.

J.B stood with Destiny besides the coffin of his friend, the polished timber draped in the green and gold Ranger's flag, remembrance of Tim's efforts on their behalf.  Bill, Shadow and Cameron stood with him, watching the proceedings sombrely.

After a final farewell rub, Raikou and Entei left their forlorn looking brother behind, stepped through to follow the others.  With a nod to Skyy, understanding his partner's need for a moment alone, soon only Chris remained of those ready to return to the pokemon world.

Stepping up to Suicune, he stroked the soft cheek fur softly. "Are you sure you won't come?  We'll miss you, you know."

Smiling down at his friend, Suicune sat on his haunches and nodded slowly, reaching out to grab Chris tightly in an embraced returned by the young human, before releasing him with tears streaming down his face.

"I am sure, Chris.  But we will meet again, I know it.  Until next time..."

Pushing Chris towards the portal with a heavy paw, Suicune sighed as he disappeared.  With the controls on this side destroyed, it was a hesitant wait until the equipment was disconnected from the far side and, with a final boom, the portal surface disappeared, never to return.

As the small group regarded each other with tired eyes, Cameron said softly "Well, that's over, then.  Now the fun starts."

Confused, Bill gave him a searching look, as J.B nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, now we get to try and explain all this shit to everyone."

Chuckling suddenly, he grabbed Destiny around the waist with an arm, bringing her close and said to Bill and Cameron "Damn, if there was ever a time when the phrase 'sucks to be you' was relevant, I think this is it!"

Destiny giggled, and nodded profusely.



Chapter 64:Epilogue...


"When will the police blackout over this event finally end?" one reporter demanded, as Cameron stood alone to face the masses of world media packing the Opera House auditorium to bursting point.  With the place rated to hold a thousand, they'd had hopes it would be sufficient, but the makeshift video screens placed in the plaza surrounding the concrete shells were barely sufficient to cater for the overflow.

Shrugging, the police chief said into his podium microphone "It shouldn't be much longer.  Bear with us."

"Cut the crap, Marshke!" one angry woman yelled out, starting a cascade of protests at the delays.  "This thing has been one huge farce since it started.  Monsters and aliens, my arse!  You can't seriously expect anyone to believe..."

Glaring at her, she cut off abruptly as a police aide slipped from the side of the stage to whisper hurriedly to his boss.  A silence descended, anticipation creeping through the media masses, as Cameron nodded to his staff member, coughing to bring them all to his attention.

The silence was palpable.

Grim smile set across his face, Cameron began.  "I thank you all for being so patient with us.  Let's just say, it's been an entertaining exercise putting this situation into a semblance of order."

Pausing a brief moment, he flicked on a power point presentation, the huge screen lighting up behind him with the title "The incident at Darken Ridge."

"The first we were aware that something extraordinary was occurring was approximately six months ago, however the initial events surrounding this event occurred a good six months before that."

Watching the rapt audience, and aware of the world coverage from so many cameras, Cameron smiled again, this time more warmly.

"So, I will start at the beginning.  It occurred on the seventeenth of February, that a young farmers boy called Chris Masters from beyond Smithtown went on a day trip into the State forests behind the farm that has been in his family for several generations, now.  Let's just say what, or who, he encountered next is history..."

Directing their attention to the power point screen with a laser pointer, he almost laughed inwardly as he changed the photo to the next, and all hell broke loose in the amphitheatre.

Looming over him was the photo taken of Chris and his friends swimming at the farm; one of those inadvertently released prematurely by Chris's brother, Jimmy.

Shouting to drown out the incredible ruckus as everyone began speaking at once, Cameron called out "Now, before we ask any questions, let me explain the series of events that led up to the action two weeks ago.  Then, I open myself to your questions..."


Three hours later, Cameron wound down his presentation and petered into silence.

For a long moment, you could have heard a pin drop in the auditorium.

Then, in the front centre, Mike Young, one of the most respected and venerated reporters in the country, stood to clear his throat and said quietly "I have never heard such a load of horse shit in my life!"

The place erupted, jeers and exclamations abounded, as Cameron gave the man a long look, before shrugging.

"I can understand your doubts.  I will say, I had an awful lot of trouble believing it myself.  However, the facts remain; what I stated occurred exactly as I have outlined.  But in the spirit of openness, I have asked a few friends to come today to give their side of events.  James, if you would be so kind as to step out here..."

General silence descended again as a middle age, rugged looking police officer walked onto the stage holding the hand of a lithe, beautiful young woman.  She approached the police chief with a smile, as he gave her a peck on the cheek warmly.

Turning back to the crowd, Cameron called for silence and said simply.  "You wanted proof.  Let me introduce James Brook, police area coordinator for the upper Fassifern district.  As I explained, James was one of the first on the scene from our units..."

"You promised us proof!!" a reporter shouted, as another jeered "Curt the crap, Cameron!  Where's the evidence?"

Rolling her eyes, the young woman turned to the crowd, holding both arms upwards as she gave J.B a quick look, receiving a smirking nod of reassurance in return.

Then, before everyone's eyes, she vanished, replaced by a six foot tall charcoal furred monster, with long red hair, six inch crimson claws and glowing red eyes.

"Is this proof enough, human?" she mind-spoke with a laugh, twirling to display her magnificence.

The chaos that ensued made the earlier ruckus look like a child's playground by comparison.

Later, Cameron brought Shadow and Bill to the stand, letting the luxray demonstrate her powers for the stunned, exuberant audience.

"But what will they do, now they're stuck here?" a reporter yelled through the clamour, and Cameron answered.

"These creatures are our friends.  They have shown themselves to be honest, and loyal, and kindred to us in every way, fur and claws notwithstanding.  I have spoken at length with the government, who have agreed to my proposals regarding their wellbeing, and they have since been admitted as full, active members of the police force.  As such, they are under my protection, and will be respected in a manner no less than any of my officers."

"What about the reports of the huge blue one?" one young woman demanded, microphone thrust forward, and Cameron chuckled wryly.

"Oh, he has a few things he needs to do, so he couldn't be here with us today, but I'm sure he'll be back shortly."

It was many hours before the incredible forum concluded, and while exhausted, were exuberant in appearing to have achieved everything they could have hoped for.

For better or for worse, the pokemon were out of the balls.
And they weren't returning there anytime soon!


Tony tripped again, falling hard as his crutches caught on the edge of the rug in the living room, sending him sprawling to gasp in pan on the carpet.

Cursing, he gripped the side of the coffee table with a shaking hand, swearing further as the weak limb struggled to keep hold as he laboriously got to back onto his unsteady feet, only to look down at the discarded crutches in frustration.

Every day they told him he was getting better; gaining motility and mobility he'd taken for granted before the injury.

Before he nearly died.

Braced on the back of the lounge chair, he used a toe to slip through the handgrips on the crutches, cautiously lifting first one, then the second, to where his free hand could take a grab at it.  He faltered once, nearly falling again, but managing to hang on to the couch back in a crushing grip that left sweaty finger-marks on the microfiber fabric.

Shit, Steph was gonna be pissed when she saw that, he thought suddenly, the irony sending him into a fit of hysteric giggles that near caused another fall.

Since coming out of his induced coma, his recovery had been so fucking slow it drove him crazy.  For someone as previously active as he'd been, it was a nightmare scenario; one look in the mirror at his wasted limbs and pale, corpselike flesh, the deep red scars blemishing what he'd always considered one of his best assets, was unbearable.

Thank God Steph had been such a trooper, he thought.  She'd taken him in and bullied the army into giving her extended compassionate leave to look after him, becoming his in-house carer during his convalescence.  Still, being so close to his only sibling was a love/hate relationship.  Between his bouts of depression and anger at his incapacity, and her impatience with his negative attitude, they were as often at odds with each other than not, but he couldn't help but thank his lucky stars she'd been willing to nurse him to health.  Pondering the alternative staying in the Army rehabilitation unit, it was almost impossible to consider his situation could have been worse, but they were the facts.  At least here, with Steph, he had some pretence of independence, still limited though it was.

The psychological effects were a different matter.  Diagnosis PTSD he'd been told, and classified as a difficult case.  The shrink's he'd been forced to endure on a daily basis were little help in overcoming the real reason for his melancholic depression, and how could he explain it, anyway?  He'd been told the entire situation was classified until further notice, and one mention of the pokemon's presence on the planet, and his arse was history.  Even the reports of a media release a few days back didn't help his feeling of helplessness and despair.

He hadn't watched it, even when Steph pushed him mercilessly to do so.
He just couldn't, was all.
Couldn't face it again.

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

  When that comment promoted yet another fight between them, he left Steph mid-argument; just gave up and hobbled to bed to lie spreadeagled on top of the mattress too exhausted and in pain to even undress himself.

That was his life now.  Pain, depression and worthlessness.

With the second crutch finally secure, he stood there beside the couch ludicrously unsteadily, shaking and afraid of falling yet again.  If it hadn't been so pathetic, he might have even laughed.

But he was afraid if he started, he wouldn't stop.
Then again, next time, he might not make it back up again, and the idea of Steph coming back to find him in such a pathetic position was beyond thought.

Of course, it was at that moment that the doorbell rang.

Frozen, he looked up from his feet, a sharp bark of laughter cutting through the room.  It wasn't mirth that had him giggling, the slightly hysterical edge harsh as the bell rang again, and again, even as he prayed whoever it was just pissed the fuck off.

They were persistent though, and Tony sobered abruptly, straightening up and painfully made his way across the room towards the hallway.

Whomever the fuck it was, he wasn't in the mood for them.  Hadn't been, in fact, since he arrived here.  His friends, uncomfortable with the shade of his former self he'd become, were either gratingly jovial, or depressingly melancholy around him.  Either way, he couldn't stand their abject pity.  Soon enough, they found every excuse not to come back and see him further.

It took him long minutes to make the door, gasping at the exertion every pained step took.  When he finally made it, he pressed his head against the solid timber in exhaustion.  Bracing himself, he gripped the door handle with his right hand, the discarded crutch sliding sideways down the wall to hit the timber flooring with a thud as he struggled with the catch, twisting the knob to confront the fool who dared disturb him.

Only to freeze at the long, melancholy face looked up at him from reddened, watery eyes.

Speechless, he couldn't move, the long face lifting momentarily, shocked at his appearance before meeting his eyes a moment, then turning away.  As Tony managed to gasp a breath, the eyes before him closed, breath stuttering as the visitor turned away to mutter.

"I...  I just had to come and see...."

The words stopped with a grunt, a clatter resounding through the entrance as the remaining crutch hit the floor and the man lunged forward, wrapping his arms around the thick neck to press his face into the fur, sobbing uncontrollably.

Suicune struggled a moment under his weight, distraught at his friends pain until, sighing, he leaned back to embrace him in return, nuzzling his neck as he took the man with him, comforting him in his sorrow.

"Oh, Tony.  I'm so sorry...."

It was a long time before the pair separated, and the man and pokemon returned together to the privacy of the house inside.


A year later....

J.B leaned back from his plate, pulling the napkin from his shirt front before dropping it on the tablecloth.  A satisfied sigh escaped him, as he looked across at his ward, where she'd been managing the silverware with her long claws carefully.

Destiny met his look with a slightly feral grin, shrugging as she waved a fork in his direction.  Her illusion was by now nearly perfect, and few had any real idea she was anything but what she appeared; a little young woman in the prime of her life, escorting the pair of older police officers to dinner.

"Been an interesting few months, Cam." J.B said, lifting a hand to catch the eye of the waiter, who hurried over with the wine list, a smile fixed on his face.  While paying lip service to the men, his eyes were flirting with the girl, who gave him a friendly smile as she accepted the folder with a kind look.

Her hand brushed his, the touch of fur soft on his skin confusing but intriguing, and he stepped away, near colliding with a dessert cart in his distraction.

Rolling his eyes, J.B snorted, shaking his head slightly at her curious look.

"Sweetie, if you keep breaking these young men's hearts, you're going to leave a trail of devastation behind you miles long" he joked, as Cameron, a little worse for wear, took another long pull of his white before leaning forward for a top up.

"I cannot help but be beautiful!" she said primly, before snorting loudly in amusement at her wit, receiving a disapproving glare from a nearby table that quickly minded its own business as she flashed long canines at them, the illusion breaking momentarily as she flicked them a glare.

Chuckling, J.B patted the hand resting on the table and said "Well, heaven help the male who win's your heart.  He has an interesting life in front of him, for sure!"

Snorting his drink through his nostrils, Cameron coughed harshly, waving thanks as Destiny passed him her napkin.

Changing the subject, J.B missed the long, musing look she gave him, her head cocked to the side as she regarded him intently.  Instead, he thumped his boss on the back, as the man regained his breath with a struggle.

"So, how are the kid's folks going?  They coping alright?"

Nodding, Cameron gasped "Well enough, I imagine, although Gwen's still pretty cut up about it.  Paul is much more stoic.  He knows they're in good care, with Scott, Storm, Raikou and Skyy looking after them.  I'm just glad you've stayed here, James.  Your support, both of you, has been the thing that's gotten us through this.  You have my thanks there.  But the kids?  I reckon they'll be fine."

J.B sighed, sipping his drink thoughtfully.  "I hope you're right, Cam.  It's hard for them not knowing, I'm sure."

Sighing, he stretched, forgoing dessert as his tired muscles argued a longer evening.  "I'm beat, mate." He muttered, standing cautiously to sway on slightly tipsy legs, as Destiny rose to offer an arm in support.

The pair of men exchanged a hand grip, friendship well confirmed, as they paid for the evening, stepping into the chill night air ready to head their separate ways.

But before they parted, J.B turned, offering Cameron a frank look, and said "Think they'll be back?"

Eyebrows raised, Cameron Markshe shrugged.  "I hope so.  If not, so be it.  Such is life, huh?"

Patting the disguised zoroark on the arm, J.B accepted her assistance to make the taxi cab rank, and called out "That it is, Cam.  Can't say it hasn't been worth it.  Goodnight!"

Watching the pair leave together, arms around each other, the police chief smiled wryly, and said quietly to himself "I think it has been, James.  Definitely!"


The chill evening resounded with native birdsong as a fine mist drifted through the upper reaches of the distant mountain.  A calm descended with it, light fading as the sun set behind the high peaks into twilight.

A sudden explosion rocked the serenity, as the local wildlife set in their nests for the evening sounded a cacophony of alarmed cries.  A second detonation followed, as the small clearing was showered from debris erupting from the mouth of a lone cave set into the rock cliff.

Before the dust settled, two hulking shapes emerged to regard the area with wide eyes, one pair wry, the second satisfied.

"Got through then?" Entei muttered, as Raikou shook his head at the obviousness of the statement.

He turned his head as a young human pushed past, followed by a lucario as they scrabbled cautiously to the centre of the clearing to tilt their heads back, as a passing breeze dissolved the mist above.  Hand in hand, they sighed, pressed close as the heavens opened up overhead, stars basking in their glory.

As his friends joined them, Chris turned to Skyy and Jimmy, and under the gaze of those most dear to him, said softly.

"Home!  We're home....!"



66: Pokemon Rangers Character list:


WARNING! Spoiler alert! These bios may contain info for parts of the story you have yet to read.

Names are listed how they are generally written in the story. Not by surname, when they make their entrance, etc.  "Chris Masters" is under "C" and not his surname "Masters", etc.

  • Azil: Charmander. Rescued by Chris from an abusive trainer, and eventually given to his brother, Jim, when they return to Chris's world. Trainer: Jimmy.
  • Barklay (Commander Sin Barklay): Head Pokemon Ranger and chief of all operations for the Pokemon Ranger force.
  • Barry Walker: Family vet to the Masters farm. Originally attended to Shadows injuries.
  • Bill Watson: Police officer, who inherits the luxio left behind in our world when her trainer is attacked at the portal. Learns to speak pokespeak from Azil, Jimmy and Shadow. Pokemon: Shadow (luxio/luxray)
  • Bob: Redneck lowlife illegal trapper/hunter. Original captor of Skyy. Brother: John
  • Brian Jobes (4 Star General): Military intelligence officer in charge of handling the "pokemon incident". Is unhappy with the required involvement of the police under Cameron Marshke's jurisdiction, and feels it is a military-only matter. As such, he isn't particularly friendly towards the group.
  • Cameron Marshke: Senior police district chief/area supervisor of the area encompassing Chris's home.
  • Chris Masters: Main character. Human, 18yrs old, from Our world. Pokemon: Skyy (lucario). Son of Gwen and Paul Masters, and brother of Jimmy. Accidentally transported to the Pokemon world following an offroad motorcycle accident in a State Forest near his home.
  • Entei: Entei. Brother of Raikou and Suicune. Tends to take an overly relaxed, and sometimes too casual, attitude towards everything.
  • Gwen Masters: Chris and Jimmy's mother. Owner of the outback farm and Chris's family home/farm, Darken Ridge.
  • Jasper: Leader of the Sky City gym, who vanished mysteriously upon their return from Chris's world. Pokemon: Sparky (Raichu) and assorted others.
  • J.B (Captain James Brook): Police officer from human world, accidentally trapped in the pokemon world when they returned. Pokemon: Zorua
  • Jenny Sanderlands: Police officer (our world)
  • Jill (human): Head of the group of kids who discovered Shadow and Azil in Smithtown, when they were forced to head there to treat Jimmy's snake bite injury.
  • Jim Masters (Jimmy): Chris's younger brother. Pokemon: Azil (charmander). Son of Gwen and Paul. Able to understand pokespeak.
  • John: Redneck lowlife illegal trapper/hunter. Original captor of Skyy. Brother: Bob
  • John Parsons: Personal assistant/Attache to the Prime Minister of Australia.
  • Nanook: Alaskan malamute. Family dog for the Masters family.
  • Nurse Joy (Star City): Head nurse at the Star City Gym.
  • Nurse Joy (Scott's hometown): Helped Storm recover when he was picked up by Scott, as a badly injured Quilava.
  • Paul Masters: Chris and Jimmy's father. Owner of the outback farm and family home: Darken Ridge.
  • Phil (Pokemon Ranger): Original trainer of luxio (Shadow). Injured during the assault on the portal by Sinnotech. Pokemon: luxio
  • Pokemon Rangers: Sometimes referred to by the media as the "Eco police", they're in charge of basically everything pokemon related, and act as the general police force in the pokemon world. Much more than a simple ranger group, they receive extensive military training as part of their initiation. In the pokemon world, no group has higher legal authority.
  • Professor Jameson (Head of CERT Research): CERT: Combined Eradication and Research Team. Head researcher in charge of dealing with the "pokemon problem" plaguing humanity. Funded directly by Sinnotech.
  • Raikou: Raikou. Part of the legendary trio of brothers. Befriends Chris when the human releases him from his extended entrapment in a Master pokeball, by Team Galaxy. Accompanies him on his travels, and has a thing for berry pancakes. Trainer: Informally, Chris.
  • Roy Snatcher: Human. Childhood nemesis of Scott and Storm, and enjoyed getting the pair in trouble with the school and authorities. His harassment eventually caused Storm to evolve into a typhlosion.
  • Scott Rivers: Pokemon Ranger. Pokemon/Ranger Partner: Storm (typhlosion).
  • Shadow:- Luxio/luxray. Trainer: Bill.
  • Sinnotech: Leading source of technology in the pokemon world. Was indicted in the CERT incident, and most of their senior management were jailed. However, has multiple divisions, most of which continue to operate as usual. This includes the group involved with the clandestine management of portal technology, and importation of goods of all kinds from Chris's world.
  • Skyy: Shiny Lucario. Trainer: Chris. Released from captivity by Chris after being trapped by rednecks Bob and John, who planned to skin him for his hide. Has accompanied Chris on his journey since.
  • Sparky: Raichu. Trainer: Jasper.
  • Storm: Pokemon Ranger/typhlosion. The one and only pokemon ever admitted to the Pokemon Rangers. Learnt to talk human following illegal experiments conducted by Sinnotech/CERT. Ranger partner to Scott Rivers: Informally Scott is also his pokemon trainer.
  • Suicune: Suicune. Brother of Raikou and Entei. Uptight, temperamental and highly strung.
  • Team Galaxy: Only two remaining members, the rest having been jailed for illegal activities during the CERT incident. Answer only to Sinnotech, and act as their bully boys. Pokemon: Include an arbok, jolteon and a squirtle.
  • Tim Campanile: Police officer from Chris's world and friend of J.B, who accompanied them back to the pokemon world.
  • Tom (Pokemon Ranger): Died during the Sinnotech assault on the original portal. Pokemon: jolteon (deceased).
  • Tom Barley (Lieutenant Colonel): Military officer first arriving with a team of soldiers at the Masters farm. Acting under the orders of General Brian Jobes.
  • Zorua: Zorua. Given into J.B's reluctant care when orphaned. Trainer: J.B.


Chapter End Notes:

And that's the end of it.  Overwhelmed my life for a few years, but pretty happy overall with it.

Few odd plot issues, but too big to edit atm ;)

Hope you enjoy it!

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