AGNPH Stories

Blood and love. by PROKNIFER69


Story Notes:

If you're thinking, 'Where have all the reviews gone!? WTF happened?' well it was due to an error, you see when the change over happened from the old AGNPH to the new one happened, I had to add my Co-authors back on, seeing as it took them off for some unknown reason. Anyway, when that happened, 2 copies of this story were made. I tried to delete the one without co-authors but when I did, it also deleted the other one, leaving me with no copies of blood and love, so yeah, have to re-upload. This is a pain in the ass but I heard that there was a problem with the text in all the older stories that made the text all glitchy, so maybe it was for the best that I re-uploaded it. Fortunatly, 'Blood and love' over at FanFiction isn't fucked up so that should make things easier. Also I've now noticed theres a duplicate 'Blood and love' story floating around, why this has happened I have no idea but I'm gonna try get it deleted. Oh, hears the stats for the story before it got wiped out.Views: 26,000Rating: 4.5Reviews: 59Oh, disclaimer. Yeah, Pokemon, I don't own it and I don't intend to make a profit out of it. This was done just for fun.

Return of the terminal.

3 hours earlier...

Bruce and Kiara were now walking down a street after coming out of a shop. All they bought was food, and Bruce was now carrying around a big block of cheddar cheese in his backpack. He just had to ask. "Why do you like that cheese shit so much?" he questioned.

"Because it's tasty, why do you like to drink so much?" Kiara quickly retorted.

Bruce shrugged as he replied, "Because... I like to get drunk!"

"You should stop; you can't afford to lose anymore brain cells." Kiara responded with a smirk.

"You should stop talking, if you want to keep your fucking head attached to your neck." Bruce angrily stated.

"Oh, I'm so scared." Kiara giggled.

"You will be." Bruce threatened, in a menacing tone of voice.

"Only if you plan on drinking more flammable drinks, you're already a fire hazard as it is." Kiara playfully stated.

"Fuck you!" Bruce quickly shouted, raising his middle finger at her.
Kiara smiled as she looked at Bruce, who once again looked pissed off

He continued walking down the street, until he saw something that he didn't like the look of. "Oh fucking no, another one!" Bruce shouted as he looked over to a familiar terminal embedded into a wall of a big building.

"You're not going to smash it are you? Again?" Kiara questioned him.

"Depends, if it works, I won't. If it doesn't, then I'll probably be arrested for smashing the shit out of it or something." Bruce cheerfully said as he walked over to the terminal.

"So, another one." Bruce stated.

"Another?" the terminal replied in a robotic sounding voice as words popped up on the screen, the history of this conversation between it and anyone using it.

"Another fucking broken robot!" Bruce shouted at it.

"Another programmer?" the terminal responded.

"Huh?" Bruce mumbled as he looked at the screen.

"I can spell, get over it." the terminal misinterpreted.

"Wow, you can spell and talk, but you can't fucking do anything else can you?" Bruce angrily spat back.

"But I clearly can't psychoanalyze as effectively. I had no idea." the terminal confusedly replied.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Bruce questioned.

"No, I'm talking about you." the terminal said.

Kiara could see Bruce's hands balling up into fists and decided to ask the terminal something before he smashed it to pieces. "Err, do you know any shops around here?" Kiara asked it.

"I don't know where you are!" the terminal exclaimed.

Bruce sighed before saying, "This is probably the only fucking time anyone has ever needed a big fucking map saying 'YOU ARE HERE!'"

"Good. I am glad you live in a sane place." the terminal stated with no emotion.

"We're not getting fuck all outta this piece of shit!" Bruce yelled as he looked around, now seeing a few people looking over to him, Kiara and the terminal.

"Yes I am." the terminal responded.

Kiara tried to get some sense out of the terminal. "We're in Castelia City, do you know any shops around here?" she asked it.

"Fine, be that way." the terminal replied as Kiara gave a confused look in response.

"Ha, I don't think it likes you ice queen!" Bruce said with a chuckle.

The terminal then snappily responded, "Then don't ask me about it."

Kiara frowned at Bruce. "I'm starting to realize why you smashed that other terminal." she told him.

The terminal once again decided to chip into the conversation by randomly saying, "You know that you will die one day, don't you?"

Bruce quickly stopped laughing and turned his attention to the terminal. "Yeah, but I'll still be around a lot fucking longer than you will!" Bruce shouted as he looked down to the ground. He picked up half a brick which was to the right of the machine. 'Convenient.' Bruce thought to himself.

"No, I refuse to leave things like this!" the female robotic voice yelled back at him.

Bruce wondered if that it could see him about to throw the brick at the terminal, but at this point, he didn't really care. "Not your fucking choice." Bruce replied smugly as he now threw the brick at the terminal, smashing it, causing all the images and text on the screen to disappear.

Kiara just looked at Bruce and said, "You could have just walked away from it."

"Only pussies walk away from someone that needs fucking up." Bruce replied.

"But... It's just a computer..." Kiara trailed off, giving him a disapproving look.

"Yeah, a computer with a smart fucking mouth." Bruce responded.

"It doesn't have a mouth." Kiara disagreed, smirking.

"You know what I fucking meant! Now let's get out of here, I don't want to pay for that piece of shit." Bruce told her before walking away.

Nearly three hours had passed and everyone was back in the car, all very bored and tired as they had been waiting in the car for a quite some time. Owen in particular was very bored, he had been waiting for nearly four hours in the same spot, just sitting in the car and waiting for everyone to turn up.

Suddenly, everyone looked one of the doors to the back of the car to see the old well-dressed recruit.

The recruit quickly got into the back of the car and took the one remaining empty seat. "We should move now, before the police arrive." the old man calmly told Owen.

Owen nodded and calmly drove away, careful not to attract any unwanted attraction.

Bruce stared at the recruit for a while before saying, "How old are you old man?"

"Old enough to be touchy about my age." the recruit responded.

"Touchy subject? Alright, name?" Bruce asked.

"Do I have to share mine?" the recruit tiredly replied.

"Just being fucking friendly, don't have to be a tight ass just because you're old." Bruce spat as he started to lose his patience.

"Fine, my name is Tobias. Judging from all that alcohol in your bag, you're either planning to make an incendiary bomb, or you're an alcoholic." Tobias replied.

"The second one, and if you've got a problem with it then I don't give a shit." Bruce responded.

"I don't care what you do, just as long as you don't stumble into my line of fire." Tobias told him.

"Hey, you shoot me and stumbling or not, I'll kick the shit out of you." Bruce sternly warned him.

"Just keep your mind on this mission and not on the drink." Tobias sighed.

"Fuck off." Bruce replied as he took out a bottle of vodka and quickly unscrewed the bottle to drink it out of anger and spite.

Tobias didn't say anymore, he knew it wouldn't be wise to agitate his new teammates.

Hours passed as Owen drove away from the densely populated city; he didn't plan on staying in another hotel in case the police managed to track them down, so he decided to head back to the spot they set up camp last night, in the desert. It was now midnight, the car had stopped and everyone set up their tents.

Away from the rest of the camp, Tobias was sitting on the sandy ground, looking out for anyone approaching the campsite although, all he saw was empty desert. He had received an earpiece from Owen since getting to the camp, although he didn't talk to any of the Pokémon in the group, or anyone else besides Bruce and Owen since he met them.
He had no interest in getting to know the others, but he did notice one thing about two members of the group, the young man dressed primarily in blue clothing with the bandaged up leg and the Scyther stayed away from the rest. He was curious why he wasn't talking away like all the rest were.
He didn't really care, he was just a little curious.
His tent was also already up, he guessed at some point he would crawl into it and try to sleep, but considering what the goal of this mission was, he preferred to be awake rather than asleep for the night.
Meanwhile, Owen was sitting on the bonnet of the car, talking to Rhea. He had something on his mind he thought he should tell her. "Rhea, are you there?" Owen asked through the microphone part of his earpiece.

"I'm here." Rhea answered.

"I've had something on my mind for a while." Owen admitted.

"What is it?" Rhea inquired.

"I'm going to quit the agency when this mission is over." Owen told her.

"Why? What made you decide to just quit after this long?" Rhea questioned him.

Owen quickly defended his choice to leave by saying, "This job has driven me near insanity and almost killed me a hundred times over!"

Rhea knew when Owen was hiding something; this was one of those times. "But that's not why you're leaving, is it?" she asked him.

"No, it isn't... It's Chase." Owen told her.

As soon as Rhea heard that name, she knew why he was leaving. "I understand Owen... I wish you the best, it'll be strange working with a different agent after all this time." she stated.

Owen smiled while he told her, "I know, I'll miss you too... Oh, by the way is Chase still..."

Rhea already knew what he was going to ask her and quickly stated, "Yes, he is still single."

"Right, I'll talk to you later then." Owen replied.

"Goodbye." Rhea finalized before Owen heard the familiar crackling sound, signaling the end of the conversation.

Owen got off the car's bonnet, and walked over to the campfire to talk to Kovick, he thought maybe speaking to someone would get his mind off things.

A few minutes passed. Richard and Tera were in their tent, sleeping together. Bruce was passed out on the sand near the campfire after deciding to get experimental with some drinks.
Kiara was sleeping next to Bruce, her paws twitching as she dreamed. Louis and Reaper were away from the others, talking near their tent. Kovick and Owen were now sitting by the campfire.

Kovick didn't know much about Owen but he seemed like a good guy to him. "How long have you been an agent?" Kovick inquired.

Owen stopped staring at the flames and looked to Kovick. "About... thirteen years maybe... probably longer." he answered.

"I bet you've seen a lot of interesting stuff in that time." Kovick replied with a smile.

"If by interesting you mean disturbing, then definitely." Owen stated.

"Anything stand out?" Kovick asked.

"Well my first mission was definitely the strangest, but I can't speak about the details of that one, classified." Owen lied; he just didn't want to talk about it.

"Never mind... Could I ask you something else?" Kovick questioned.

"Go ahead." Owen responded.

"Alright, well, have you noticed how a lot of our team has some kind of love interest with different species? I mean, I'm interested in Aneko, my assistant. And of course there's Richard and Tera, and maybe Bruce and Kiara... I'm still not sure if Bruce and Kiara like or hate each other by the way." Kovick began, mumbling the last part.

"Yeah, I've noticed that. I didn't think much of it because Pokémon and human relationships are common." Owen replied.

"I'm aware of that." Kovick begun with a smile. "I was just wondering if you've ever been interested in a Pokémon before." he added.

Owen smiled as he said, "Yes, I have."

"So have you got a girlfriend or a wife?" Kovick curiously asked.

"Err, no... It's kind of complicated." Owen responded.

"Oh, so err... What is the Pokémon you're interested in?" Kovick inquired.

"I've been interested in a few Pokémon... The first was a Gardevoir. She was very... Forceful." Owen chuckled with a smile on his face.

Kovick chuckled a little. "Do you still see her?" he asked.

The smile on Owen's face soon disappeared before saying, "No... I couldn't even if I wanted to."

Kovick decided to not ask what happened between those two, but he did ask, "Have you been with any other Pokémon?"

Owen wondered why Kovick was so curious as he said, "Yes, I have. Only one other though... When this mission is over, I plan on meeting up with that Pokémon again."

"What is she?" Kovick asked.

Owen wondered if he should tell Kovick, or if it could get a little too awkward. In the end, Owen decided to tell him. "Actually, it's a he." Owen stated.
Kovick was surprised by what Owen just told him, but that did trigger some questions in his head which then left his lips. "What is he then?" Kovick inquired.

"Err, are you sure you want to know?" Owen asked.

"Sure, it doesn't matter to me if you like a guy, we're all different." Kovick replied with a smile.

Owen was glad to hear him say that, some people he had told just didn't really look at him the same way. "Alright then... He's a Gallade." Owen told him.

"Oh, what's his name?" Kovick asked casually as he ignored the fact that Owen had slept with a member of the same species as his father.

"His name is Chase." Owen replied.

"How did you two meet anyway?" Kovick asked him, beginning to get interested.

"He worked with me a while, we were both agents and we went on just about every mission with each other. We trusted each other very much, liked pretty much the same things and even spent most of our spare time with each other." He began.
"I had only realized after about three years working with him that he had feelings for me. I had often wondered what it would be like being with him but I never thought that I'd actually... Well, you know." Owen finished.

"How did you find out how he felt about you?" Kovick asked.

"We came back from a mission; I got banged up pretty bad, bruises here and there. Anyway, I went back to his place to rest up, I made a joke about something, and we just kind of ended up... Together. It shocked the hell out of both of us to find out we were both bisexual, I don't think either of us expected to end up with another male." Owen smiled as he remembered that moment.

Hearing that strangely gave Kovick hope; he thought that if Owen and that Gallade could get past them both being males, maybe he and Aneko could get past the life expectancy thing. "What happened after that?" Kovick curiously asked.

Owen chuckled before saying, "We basically had the best time of our lives. I remember when the other agents found out about me and Chase; you should have seen the look on some of their faces."

"I'm guessing they were surprised." Kovick said as he smiled.

"Surprised? Some of them looked like they were ready to pass out!" Owen told him as he laughed a little.

"They don't sound like very good agents if that's enough to make them pass out." Kovick replied, returning a smile.

"Well most of them were just people who deal with paperwork." Owen stated with a smirk.

Kovick chuckled before saying, "So are you and Chase still together then?"

Owen let out a sigh. "Well... No... Chase quit a year ago, and I kept working as an agent... We had an argument over it and we just kind of broke up... I don't know who I blame more, him for quitting or myself for staying." Owen replied in a depressed tone of voice.

Kovick gave a confused expression before telling him, "Sounds like you were both idiots. It also sounds like you were both perfect for each other."

"I know that... That's why I'm quitting this fucking job. The only good thing that came out of my job was meeting Chase and getting a good paycheck." Owen angrily admitted as he stared into the flames of the campfire.

"What will you do once you've quit?" Kovick asked.

"Find Chase and hope he's still single... I've been with people before Chase, but he's the one person I've actually... Fell in love with." Owen stated as he looked back over to Kovick.

"And he loved you too?" Kovick asked.

"That's what he said every night we were together... I didn't doubt it until the argument." Owen replied.

Kovick smiled as he said, "I'm sure he'll take you back if you both really do love each other."

"I hope he at least still thinks of me... It's been about a year since I last saw him after all." Owen said.

"I'm sure he still thinks of you." Kovick assured him.

Owen smiled a little before saying, "Yeah... You're probably right. Err, thanks for listening to all this crap."

"I'm sure you'd do the same for me." Kovick said to him.

Owen nodded before saying, "Of course I would."

Kovick and Owen stayed awake for a little longer before finally deciding to get some sleep. Louis and Reaper did the same, but Tobias stayed awake. He looked out to the sandy landscape, and saw something moving in the distance.
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