AGNPH Stories

Night's Journey by demon


A Bond Beyond Time's Grasp. > 7



Ooo, Chapter Seven, People are gonna be pissed at me, but I can't help the troubles with the net I've had. I'm getting more in touch with myself, so the end or near end may be just a bit on the sappy side..


Enjoy Peoples




A Bond Beyond Time's Grasp.


Night slowly woke up. He turned his head slightly to his left, scrunching his eyes against the massive headache he now had. He tried to turn completely over and block the harsh light with his wings. The straps covering his chest, arms, and legs prevented him turning, but also forced him wide awake. Night's blue steel eyes snapped open, his pupils contracting in the harsh overhead light. He looked around at the people above and around him. The people above stared down at him through a plexiglass observation window. The people around him were dressed in white coats, face masks covering everything below their eyes. Night counted seven people within the white walled room with him. Machines of differing shapes, sizes, and uses surrounded the edges of the walls. The conversation of the people around him buzzed, but didn't truly make any sense. Night watched, his eyes leaking to gray as small snippets of conversation were finally understood.


"Can you believe it? A pokemon..."


"Where's the gauze? There's going to be alot of blood."


"Did you want to check his scans again before cutting?"


"No. Just make sure he doesn't move his head. Dimitri wants his brain relatively intact."


Night's heart went into overdrive, he struggled against the restraints keeping him down. Powerful muscles bunched and heaved against the wide leather straps. Tiring himself out, his heart about fit to burst from the terror he was going through, Night tried to cut the straps with his mind. His vision blurred and his surroundings swam while he tried to focus. He coughed, turning his head to the side while he breathed in ragged gasps. A blue light flashed three times overhead. All conversations stopped as the people focused upon him, apparently surprised to see him awake and conscious, though how they missed everything he'd just done Night couldn't even guess at.


"He's awake." Came one shocked gasp.


"Should we put him under again?"


"No, that shouldn't be necessary. The warning beacon means he tried to use psychic powers, but due to the serum that was administered, he wont be feeling too well." The smug voice replied. The man that owned it turned back to Night a surgical buzz blade held in one hand. Flicking the power saw on, he grinned underneath his mask as the whining sound of metal spinning at insane speeds filled the room. Two other men dressed in white coats moved above Night, holding his head still within their powerfull grasp. Tears leaked from Night's shocking gray eyes as they flicked from one person to another.


"Sapphire, please," Night whispered. "Please Sapphire, I need your help. I know you won't be able to do anything, but please I need your help." The man moved closer, the gleam of the spinning metal made clear as it was positioned between his eyebrows. It flicked away sweat as it gently touched his skin. Night screamed in agony as it cut, shearing through his skin in a micron before it started cutting into his skull. Night's scream almost rivaled the scream of the surgical buzz saw. In a moment of pure impossibility, there was a blue/white flash, then everything went dark.




"KYAAAAH!" The off colour Alakazam that had had it's long three fingered hands upon Night's face, flew backwards as a blinding flash pierced it's mind. It crashed into the nearby wall, slumping down to the floor. Dimitri looked at the chaos that had just been caused by his comatose son. His eyes moved from the Alakazam, to his son's slightly scrunched face, to his watch.


"Cart this thing out of here and bring me two more. I want what's in his head. I know that creature left him something, I want to know what it was." The earpiece he was wearing buzzed an affirmative. Dimitri looked over his naked son's form again. Thoughts of incest stirred hidden feelings within him. "And somebody reclothe him, it's a disgrace." The earpiece buzzed again. He was a mistake from the beginning, I never should have done it. I bet it was Elyan that gave me the idea..




Amethyst watched Sapphire through the heat treated plexiglass in the pokemon centre. The Meganium had been kind enough to help her get Sapphire here. She was waiting outside watching the Chansey and Nurse Joy turn Sapphire over with heat resistant metals. Nurse Joy came out after telling the Chansey's to put him on an iv drip and to cool him down some, but to keep his temperature above eighty degrees centigrade. The doors slid closed. Amethyst slowly walked over to Nurse Joy.


"Ah, there you are. I need to ask you about that Charmander over there. That's Night's pokemon, Sapphire, isn't it?" Amethyst nodded, seating herself infront of Nurse Joy so as not to crane her neck too far. "I thought so. The first time Night brought him in, it was something similar to this, he was giving off too much heat and energy. But this is different, he's giving off heat, but not as much as he was previously. I don't understand the situation, I'm sorry." Nurse Joy bowed her head.


"He'll be okay, wont he? He was saying something about our master being in trouble, and I'm of a mind to agree with him. While we were in the hospital's atrium, we both felt something from Night, then, later on Sapphire went .... strange. He blazed with heat, burning some of the plants where we were, that's when he said those things about Night. Something about a green eyed female and a black Raichu, spinning white walls and black lightning. And that they, I don't know who they are, but they somehow removed Night's wings, and now Night's somewhere we don't know about." Amethyst closed her eyes, remembering the rage that Sapphire had showed.


"I don't get it." Nurse Joy tapped a finger against her chin as Amethyst opened her eyes. "I've seen the fire emblem upon Sapphire's paw before, but it was dark green, not red. Also, apart from Sapphire being at death's door from using too much energy, he should be fine and awake by now, since he's not something else is wrong." Nurse Joy thought about what Amethyst had just said, mulling everything over in her mind. Nurse Joy frowned, an unwholesome thought entering her mind. There was a green eyed young woman at the Forest Inn with a black Raichu. She had been ever so helpfull, but Nurse Joy had never felt truly relaxed while she stayed there. There was always a sense of, foreboding. Reaching into her pocket, Nurse Joy pulled out the phone that she always kept near her. Dialing a number, she held the phone to her ear, listening to the rings. On the third ring, the other person picked up.


"Yes Nurse Joy?" Came a polite female voice.


"Officer Jenny, have there been any disturbances lately? As in, something that doesn't normally happen in a certain place." Amethyst blinked, turning away from Nurse Joy and sniffing the air. There was something here.


The sound of papers shuflfing came over the phone as Officer Jenny looked through recent reports. "Well, that trainer that we took to the hospital apparently assaulted a nurse that was working there. She claimed that he held a gun on her and threatened to kill her before using explosives and jumping out the massive hole in the wall. We've also been given a report that a lot of lightning attacks took place upon the roof of the Forest Inn. We have someone there now, and he should be reporting in anytime soon."


Nurse Joy frowned, that didn't seem right. Night had been curteous and more worried about his pokemon than himself. She'd only met him briefly, but he didn't seem like the kind of person to do something like that.


"What? Yes.. Joy, Apparently she now alledges that he solicited her, offering untold sums of money if she complied with his request for sexual intercourse." Amethyst growled, catching the last of that. While she didn't remember everything, she knew that Night was very reserved when it came to anything like that. Personally she wouldn't be surprised if he knew nothing about sex.


Nurse Joy looked to Amethyst, taking in her deffensive stance. "Officer Jenny, I don't think she's being truthful. I wont claim to know everything about Night Hawk, but when he was here caring after his Charmander that I now have in intensive care again, he was more worried about it's health and well being than his own."


"What was that?" Officer Jenny sounded shocked. "You've got his pokemon in there again? Well, Obviously he doesn't care about it, otherwise he'd be there with it. I'll look into the young nurse's claim of assau-"


Nurse Joy cut her off. "Officer Jenny, you're not listening to me. He cares deeply about his pokemon. Since he's been here he's caught another, and she's told me that something has happenned to their trainer. Something about him being confused, because how else do you get spinning white walls and black lightning?" Silence from the other end. "Jenny..?"


"Fitzgerald reported in...." She sounded highly evasive, as though she now knew something she didn't want to share.


"Annnd...?" Nurse Joy watched Amethyst sniff around, looking puzzled herself.


"Annd..... nothing.." Sirens blared in Nurse Joy's ear as an emergency call was followed up. "Get the canine unit out there, we need every available unit, they've finally gone on the offensive. I repeat we need every available unit out at the Forest Inn, it's a Hideout for-" The line went dead in Nurse Joy's ear. Nurse Joy removed the phone from her ear, looking at it strangely. She then turned her quizical gaze to Amethyst who was staring at a spot of air above a leafy pot plant. Nurse Joy replaced the phone into her pocket, following the pokemon's gaze. She stared at the same general spot before a feeling of giddyness come over her and she forgot about the air above the plant. She turned to Amethyst who now looked confused.


"I think I may know where your master is, there's some type of ruckus happening at the Forest Inn, apparently it's some type of base. So, if the immediate call for every available unit wasn't uneccessary, then your master may be there. I need to stay here and look after Sapphire, go see if you can't find your master with that grass type outside, and bring him back here. I have the vaguest of feelings that as soon as Night and Sapphire are together again, they'll both be okay. Isn't that just marvelous?" Nurse Joy giggled, turning swiftly around and walking slightly unsteadily back to her room. Amethyst watched this in shock. What? Amethyst turned around, running for the doors. Outside, she got the Meganium to follow her as they raced off towards the Forest Inn.


Inside of the pokemon centre, unseen by all, an invisible force laid hands upon the comatose Charmander. A slight ripple in the air, and both the invisible being and Sapphire disappeared from sight leaving naught but the shrill scream of a cold machine thinking that it's host had died.




Outside of the Forest Inn Officer Fitzgerald tied a strip of cloth above and around the gunshot wound he had just received. He returned fire from behind his car's door, his Arcanine doing its best to defend him untill help arrived. The Arcanine roared, fire blasting from it's mouth as another barrage of gunfire sprayed from the ground floor windows of the Forest Inn. The Arcanine yelped, it's flame cutting out as a bullet ricoched from it's skull, rendering it unconscious. The pokemon fell from the roof of the car, it's large and heavy body made the gravel of the road bounce and a dust cloud rise around it.


"Toris!" Fitzgerald returned fire, crouching protectively by his Arcanine. Bullets whizzed by his ears untill he got a lucky shot. He heard a scream from inside, one of his bullets managing to hit one of his shooters in the shoulder. The man'd be outta line for awhile. The firing stopped as the ground shuddered. The earth bent and moved, shaking before bursting upwards. Fifteen metre high walls made of solid steel erupted from the earth. The clang clang clang of the metal plates sliding up and locking into place rang out untill the last one locked in place. Fitzgerald stared up at the towering wall surrounding the Forest Inn, before fainting over his Arcanine.


Inside the Forest Inn, and several floors below the surface, Dimitri stood watch over an Alakazam and a Gardevoir, he was disinclined to accept the Gardevoir, but it was vouched for by one of his chief staff members. The two psychics were working on breaking into Night's mind, but he was resisting. Even comatose and full of drugs, he still managed to mentally protect himself somehow. Dimitri's earpiece buzzed, informing him of the current situation. "I DON'T CARE IF YOU'VE RAISED THE WALL OR NOT, THIS SITUATION SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE OCCURED!" The Alakazam jumped, but the Gardevoir ignored the yelling, focusing solely upon it's current task. Dimitri stormed over to the door, whipped a card out of his pocket, swiped it through the join above the door handle, pulled the door open and exited. The door eased shut as Dimitri made his way to the communications room. The Alakazam went back to work, searching the human's mind for anything valuable. He came accross an area that was blocked away from the human himself. It was inside the human's head, this area. To the Alakazam it looked like a tiny black speck in a sea of dark grey, almost invisible, easy to miss. He drew the Gardevoir's attention to it, and together they investigavted. The black speck shrank in on itself, promoting it's unimportance, untill, forgetting exactly what he was dealing with, the Alakazam touched the speck with the merest amount of psychic power. The speck grew in size before finally lashing out at the psychic type. The Gardevoir watched in disbelief and horror as the Alakazam's mind and soul were consumed by the darkness. His body fell to the floor dead, while his mind screamed as it was ripped apart and devoured. Had the Gardevoir not frozen in complete shock, he too might have followed the Alakazam.


His mind gibbered in terror as he stared into the black abyss of time before time, untill the darkness shrank to a speck again. Mind still gibbering in fear he teleported to safety, or what he perceived as such, teleporting into solid rock may have seemed safe, but his spark of life was crushed almost instantly.


Somewhere, deep in the depths of Night's mind, something was taking place. A meeting of sorts was happening, between Night's unconscious mind and the Demon known as Rukoi. Darkness with a form glared and moved around the one protected by seals of power and love. An unseen force crashed upon unbreakable shields. "Do you know what they intend to do to me human?" The being inside the glimmering ring of marks slowly shook his head, eyes the colour of the ocean blinking in simplicity. Another unseen force crashed upon the protective circle, sparks flying into the darkness and bringing a howl. "They intend to rip me from you, and imprison me within your Sire. There, I will give him eternal life while suffering eternal pain at his leisure. I will be driven insane by his need for eternal life which I will be unable to give him, thus he will siphon my life from me, feeding his own untill I am no longer of use." A creaking noise rose up as millions of metric tons of pressure squeezed the circle of protection surrounding Night's subconscious mind. While this went on for the barest of moments, the being outside couldn't handle the torment. The force relented, going back to circling Night once more. "Were it not for she who birthed you, I would have been able to possess you long ago, now I am only able to do it when you are weak, when your will is fading and you accept death, only then can I take hold of you and live again." The marks surrounding Night Flared into brilliant salmon pink, forcing the being outside to turn away. "Even now, I can not be near you long without her interferring. May the bitch be devoured by demons and shat across heaven." Before departing completely, the Demon made one last effort, something that the seals did not see and were unable to protect from. "Listen to me Human, I will make a deal with you. I will stop vying for control, and leave you in peace only to come out when you summon me. All I ask is that you allow me the use of your body at one time of my choosing. This time is long in coming and will not hamper you in anyway. Think upon it human, while I go rest deep within you, to heal from what your dam has done. Should you accept, call me when you have need of me." The darkness shrank into the apparent floor, oozing away untill nothing was left but Night's subconscious mind, shielded by power and love.


Alarms blared and red lights flashed. "Unknown presence wihtin the anti psychic shielding room. Unknown presence within the anti psychic shielding room." Booted feet and heavily armed people rushed through corridors, arriving outside of Night's little prison. The door burst inwards, weapons leveled at the empty evaluation table in the middle of the room. The white room was empty save for the dead form of an Alakazam. Comms buzzed as information was sent and received. "Locate the subject, use any means necessary to recapture." the comms went dead as several heavily armed people spread out, sweeping rooms and corridors for the missing subject.


"Night, Night, please wake up my little one." Soft, cool, and loving hands lightly caressed Night's face, gently brushing his hair out of his eyes. The owner of the hands bent down and gently kissed the top of Night's forehead. Night stirred slightly, rolling within the unknown person's lap, his sensitive nose encountering a scent long since forgotten. Calm blue eyes opened to white and green. Turning Night's eyes wandered further up moving past a firm stomach, to a ruby red bump under gently rounded breasts, a slim neckline and finally, a face from his childhood memmories. Understanding rushed through him and his eyes flared deep orange like a starburst.


"ELYAN!" Reaching forwards Night hugged the pokemon to him, delighted beyond measure at seeing her again, oblivious to everything bar her. Elyan both smiled and cried inside, a long fingered hand gently wiping at Night's cheek. She was pleased that he was so happy to see her, but sad that she had to do what came next. Gently, but firmly gripping his face, she turned his gaze to her own, privately shocked by his mesmerising orange gaze.


"Night, I need you to listen carefully to me." Night nodded, staring directly into her eyes. His own shifting slightly, suffusing with pink as well as the orange, his love showing without his saying a word. Watching the pink seeping into his eyes near broke Elyan's heart, but still, she did what she had to. "Night, I need you to open up to me. I need you to open up your mind and heart to me. You need to let me inside here." Elyan tapped the middle of his forehead and just above his heart. "There's something I need to do, but I can't do it without your help. Will you please help me by opening up to me my little one?" Night's eyes spoke more than he did. His eyes were almost a completely deep pink save for small orange flecks here and there. A nod, and everything within Night was open to Elyan. Everything, from the dirtiest thought, to the purist fantasy. Abilities that Night new of, and the vast amount he didn't, were open to her. Thoughts, images, memmories, all of it flooded into Elyan who categorised, then seperated them all untill she found what she wanted and needed. Flowing through Night, Elyan did the impossible.


A glowing white ball appeared above the Forest Inn, rapidly increasing in size. It spread and spread untill it covered the compound, and quite a distance past it. Every pokemon it touched disappeared. Within the compound the dieing, the comatose, the sick, the diseased, the mutiliated, the newly hatched and yet to be were touched by the light, and ceased to be in the same location. Torin the Arcanine disappeared from under Fitzgerald. Countless pokemon in the surrounding forest escaped from it, fleeing in terror of the unknown. Amethyst ran straight into it, unaware of the danger untill it was too late. The Meganium saw and ran back to the pokemon center, sparing a prayer to the probably now deceased Vaporeon, and her unhatched egg, thick green tears whipped from her eyes as she ran. Time slowed to a standstill, and then, nothing. The white orb vanished, some pokemon staying while others disappeared, never to return.


Toris, Fitzgerald's Arcanine, reappeared fully healed atop his friend and ally, his soft hot body heating Fitzgerald's cooling one. The pokemon of evil intent were left where they were, their memmories wiped of the past few seconds while others were transported directly to a remote and hidden place, deep in the mountains. A certain wellspring of joy for pokemon known only as Mewtwo's Isle, There the ball of light shrank in upon itself, releasing a few hundred pokemon healed of all their past injuries, even those thought impossible to heal. The very last few to be released by the glowing ball were a blue egg which floated over to a group of Chansey, Amethyst who dropped unconscious to the soft grass below, Sapphire who slowly sank to the same grass, Night, who was slowly and carefully laid upon the grass between Sapphire and Amethyst, every care taken to ease him down as much as possible. The last to show was Elyan, the bubble of light zipping downwards untill it touched Night's forehead, whereby it slowly merged itself with him untill there was nothing left.


Elyan slowly lowered herself to Night's head, one long fingered hand coming to rest upon Night's forehead. Slowly and carefully, Elyan began burying his recent memmories in mind fog, creating new 'fake' memmories to take their place untill she felt he was safe to remember. Elyan searched through his memmories, only slightly horrified to learn that he had murdered a human rapist, knowing the intended target was now with him willingly, and starting to show love and affection for him on her own burried most of the shock. Touching upon Night's memmory for the recent confused feelings about the Charmander, Sapphire, she paused wondering whether to tamper with the memmory or leave it alone.


"Leave it be Elyan. I told you to let him live his life, doing what you have just done is making me mistrust you, and That, is a bad, bad thing." Mewtwo's mental voice startled her enough that Elyan lost her grip on the memmory. What little remained of Night's powers and abilities were returned to him. Even though she knew she may have done more harm than good, when Night rolled to his right and hugged Sapphire to him, spooning against the fire lizard's back and crisscrossing his legs around his flaming tail, all Elyan could do was look on in happiness. Her child, the one she had born for the human she loved, was now happy and oblivious to the outside world. To her, that was worth any punishment, knowing that her only son was no longer in pain, and was happy. Turning to the slowly approaching Mewtwo, she straightened her back, knowing full well what she had done, and not caring so long as those rescued from their private hells were happy.


Mewtwo scanned the topmost part of her mind, seeing this, he scanned the local populations, surprised to see well over three hundred new additions to his isle. Most were scared that this was some trick, others were just waking up to themselves, half wondering if they were finally dead and free of their nightmare. Mewtwo turned around, his gaze encompassing all that were present, and all those that weren't. "Hear me now you new arrivals." He sent out on a broadlength telepathic band. "This is my isle, those of you not wishing to stay will be allowed to leave, but you will give up all knowledge of this place. Should you choose to stay and live here I have but one rule. Be at peace, and harm none." Mewtwo walked back the way he had come, heading to the cave entrance that went down to his sleeping quarters. He spared a glance over his shoulder, noticing how reluctant Elyan was to leave her son's side now that she had him again. "You've been apart this long, let him sleep, Tomorrow you can explain things to him." Elyan nodded, rising gracefully to her feet and slowly tip toeing away from her son. When she reached Mewtwo, both he and she walked the rest of the way to the cavern, to both their sleeping quarters.


On the grass curled between to wonderfully hot pokemon under a dark moon, Night Hawk, the son of forbidden breeding, was happy to be holding onto something he didn't even know he had.


"I love you Sapphire..." A soft churr and a sudden warmth around his feet was the only reply to a half mumbled sentence, spoken from the heart.










Damn that was mushy...





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