AGNPH Stories

Follow by xell


Story Notes:

 All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended


            I dig these cracks as I search. Endlessly I search, I search for the one thing I have lost, you. The one Pokemon I would search endlessly for. The Gardevior who stole my heart. Your ephemeral frame burned into my heart like a brand of a cow. I constantly search this wasteland for where you were taken. The world is dark. I wander constantly trying to get to you. I lose myself more and more the more I search. Never do I give up though. My pain and suffering just causes me to search more.

            The more I walk the more I stumble on these cracks I have made. These cracks cause me to not lose footing; However, I shall never fall. If I were to ever fall, I would get back up. But I keep my pace. I feel myself begin to run. I just run. I no longer search. I just run. I keep running and I keep stumbling. I try to fight myself, but I continue to run.

I run, straight through an empty city through a building. Up stairs, through doors, until I find you.

I fight the ones holding you down to see you. I take them both on, the one holding your arms to the chair is a large Skuntank, and the other is an equally large naga form of a Seviper. He has his head near your stomach, I pay no mind to that and take ahold of the Skuntank and throw it out the window, working on the naga next. He is the harder one with him being larger than me.  He lifts himself up on his tail and is easily able to knock me over. I battle him hard though, pushing him further and further out of the window. He gets back in, knocking me out of the window and holding me by the foot with his tail. I stare down the ground stories below me with a gulp. The thought of me falling makes me waste no time climbing back up to the window, cutting my hands on the glass remaining on the edge of it. I take him by the tail and dangle him outside, instead of giving him a chance to get back up like he did, I slam him against the side of the building and drop him. I then turn my attention to you.

You are crying. Don’t cry. You are the light to me, and when you cry my world is black with clouds. You are my love, the one face I see when I close my eyes to sleep, and I refuse to see that face sad. You are my fiancé, the one I will marry when all of this is over, and even in hard times I will protect you and cry beside you.

I lift you up. I get you to stand and grab my hand. I tell you to run, and you run beside me the way I came in. You falter in your speed only slightly and I don’t delay in helping you get back that speed. I keep running, and I try not to look back. Eventually I feel you lose speed, and instead of forcing you to run much longer, I pick you up and run. I take you to a tree. I lay you at the base of it until you are able to stand again, at which point I then take your hand again and have you come with me. I walk this time, so you don’t tire. I walk and eventually ask “Will you come with me?” You tilt your head in confusion. I don’t say anything, instead I continue. I start to notice that you are walking oddly, I look back and you collapse. I run over to you and pick you up again. I lay you at the edge of a cliff. I look across it to see that the path I was following is on the other side.

I look down to you. I hold you up and you reach to my face. I knew you were my only way across. “Take us across.” I say to you as you shake your head. I look down to your gut, around where your lungs are, to see something I should have seen earlier. You had been nursing a wound with abilities and you had been covering it to heal it. The wound was exactly where the Seviper naga was, he must have also injected some sort of toxin. Why did I not see it sooner? “Come on, you can do it, everything is okay. We need to get over there. It’s the only way.” You don’t speak, instead you just lay there quietly and stare back shaking you head, blood coming from your mouth and nose as you cough it up. “We can do it, we will make it across if you just do it. We can get through this, I know we can!” I start to say, panicked as you continue to bleed and worsen. Tears begin to flow from my face as I keep staring into your eyes, which are crying back. “I know you have been this way before, and we have been through a lot, but we can make it across, you have survived this before and you will again, I can get you help if we make it. I know we can get through this.” You shake your head as I cry more. “You have to understand that there is help across there. We can do it.” You stop shaking your head as your hand slowly falls from my face. Rain begins to fall as I stare into your eyes. “We can make it! You just need to use your powers.” Your eyes, now stained of tears, blink as you cough up more and more and your nose bleeds more. My tears fall like the rain as I try to avoid looking at your limp hand. I hold your head and give you a kiss. “We will get through this!” I say as my crying and yelling finally starts.


I lose control, weeping bitterly. I start to scream to the sky in hopes that someone will make me take your place. I’d rather bear the pain you were feeling than to watch you like this. I can’t help but start to get angry at the world. I have no reason to be angry, I just was. I could not watch you like this. I then lay down beside me and I hold you. “Will you come with me?” I ask once more as I hold your face and I put your hands on my face. I see your tears continue to fall as the mud stains start to cover your beautiful face, as though it was an impurity on your perfect white figure. I start to watch your eye closing becoming longer and heavier. “Will you come with me… and follow me to the very end?” I ask staring into your eyes as each tear starts to fall individually from both our faces. You didn’t need to say anything, your slow and subtle nod was all I needed to watch. I smile and let the tears go as I give one last kiss to you. I get away from the kiss and I watch you lip the words “thank you love” as I slowly watch your eyes close. The windows to your soul were never to be opened again as I laid there and held your head to mine, never would I forget your smile or your frame, your beauty. But the one thing I would never have was the one thing I wanted, you. I sat there and started to stop crying, my own blood from my nose from the high emotion mixes with your blood in my mouth and on the ground. It was as though the last moment I shared with you had bound your fate with my life. I speak one last word before the night falls. These words were ones I wish I could have said before you passed, but my heart took control and my mind didn’t think. I whisper it under my breath “I’ll be here with you, even after death.”

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    Reviewer: kolofox
    Date:Sep 29 2014 Chapter:Follow
    That was a delightfully sad little story. my only problem was it was in first person, and there were a few inconsistencies regarding the main character regarding the battle with the serperior.

    But that is all i have, not too bad