AGNPH Stories

Poke MD gateway to the future by zackarykidder


Story Notes:


Author's Chapter Notes:

we meet the guildmaster a lucario!

signing up

After walking down the hallway we meet the guildmaster a rather tall lucario sitting in a chair on the opposite side of the room next to him sits a flareon. he sees us and just nods he walks up to me and touches my forehead then he is quiet and then he moves and sits back down. he then explains who he is and why he is the current guildmaster he took over when wigglytuff died. He also explains one rule about the new guild you must have your own house and luckily he knew just the place. he led us to sharpedo bluff and led us underground to a hidden base he says that this should belong to us now. and then gives us a key and a book and says to write down a personal record of what we do finally we get our first mission a wild luxray has been destroying the nearby mountain village we are sent off to deal with him.




On The mountain top we meet a certain couple of pkmn on the way we met up with amp and he gave me a bandana and i put it on. we kept heading up to the mountain village at the top we saw the luxray terrorizing the residents we approached and i quickly reup ached inside my body and used cross chops the in succession with drain punch and then ice punch directly after it and the luxray fainted we then caged him up in said jail in village and departed back to the guild the lucario congratulated us and said we should return home for a couple days to take a breather so we return and decide to sleep for a day. the next day... It was our day off and eevee has been acting weird ever since we left from amps dojo i decided to approach her on this day and noticed strange smells coming from her i immediately blacked out...




5 hours later


I awoke in a start to see eevee standing over me looking down at me. she was worried. I immediately back up and away, but hit my head on a wall. She decided to get up close and snuggle. Again the strange scent I smelled earlier was back, but it was a lot more potent. I grabbed my book and flipped to a chapter called strange scents, and read the very first word arousal and immediately closed the book. I realized what was happening. Eevee was in heat i couldnt believe it. Heat already right now her heat, her well estrus was slowly eating away. she suddenly reached down, and i noticed i had an arousal a huge one, but i decided to well you get the gist. Stay away from this for now. I just couldnt let her have her way. But she persisted so I ran to the guilds dorms to hide. She slowly Creeped in each one. In 5 minutes though, everyone was after her so I defended her. Even the guildmaster started to break down we ran back home to figure out some sort of way to end her cycle quickly but that night things became worse...


At Night


Eevee was really loud moaning loadly. I woke again this time pheromones were exploding in the air and in 30 seconds i fell into a state of pure lust. There was only one thing on my mind, SEX. I approached eevee who was murring very loadly and grabbed her head. she moaned once again as i forced her onto my dick making her suck on it. She just went with the flow and then, she started to bob her head up and down on my shaft. Slowly she gained speed and in about a minute, she was going so fast it was litterally a blur of brown fur. We quickly shifted positions and ended up having one wild thrusting. Until she then clenched around my dick so hard, that i came deep inside of her. We dont remember what happened when we woke up that following morning. But I do remember one thing about that night the scent I smelled. The following day eevee went to the store and grabbed a poke pregnacy test for whatever reason and tested it. I Fainted when the test read POSITIVE. The next couple months were very very long on the third month she was starting to enter her contractions and i took her to the hospital she dilevered a baby riolu and a baby eevee. We ended up going to the guild less and less and in 2 years 7 in pokemon years they were old enough to join our team and we had 2 new members a riolu named Dexter and an Eevee named trickster. These 2 became a great team and eventually we created 2 seperate squads My Squad was called Justice, and theirs was Determination. On one day though destiny tower rose once more in the southern region and guildmaster worried that a great evil was back to destroy the world he sent us off to deal with the threat bestowed down to us our journey had just 



Cliff hanger


I decided to end the chapter earlier as i ran out of ideas so far I am now going to explain a couple of things in this chapter a few references that certain people may get Dexter and trickster relate to The monkey in night of the museum witch dexter is a trickster if you watched the movie you would get that reference another reference is the Determination and Justice that relates to undertale and the different traits / souls in that said game and now the difference between a human year and a pokemon year is 7 but 3000 human years is just 30 pkmn years so there is a big jump there so every human year is not just 7 it is all different. there are 3 months for each pkmn year and every third month it snows twice. The final thing inspired by the MD series was relationships and If there is any references you want in this story pm me and i will write back with my thoughts on certain pairs but the guildmaster and already pure pairs are out of the question. Thank you :D

Chapter End Notes:

Hope you enjoys stay tuned for the next chapter and more Sex with The Team Contains incest next chapter. If you dont like then why would you read said chapter anyways ch. 3 already done rn ch. 4 in progress stay Tuned!

    Date:Sep 8 2017

    my writers block is very close to busting i am working on a bangam academy story inspired from the story with new characters and old characters alike the story i am writing involves around 6 characters and the story is called duosouled body! eventually i will add it to this site if admins allow it and i need lightsouls permission to add as it is a fanfic of a fanfic XD

    -zero the mew

    Wrath of Reddit
    Date:Oct 20 2017

    Very good, When I started writing in English(I originally wrote in French, Russian, Latin and German), I just used my old fanfics on this websites counterparts, and put them into google translate, and I posted my first one actually written in English today. And when I started writing in English, it was horrid! I have to admit, you are better than me, I cheated at writing, I used autocorrect and an iPad. It touches my heart to see a new writer... I'm not the only one.


    P.S. I love the references, it's like my writing style, but a bit more obscure.

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