AGNPH Stories

It's not over til' the end Book 1: The Prevention of the Legendary Genocide by zackarykidder


Story Notes:

Enjoy reading :3

Author's Chapter Notes:

More tags will be added as nessasary


"ugh... where am I. Last time I remember I was in a blank slate now its all a jumble of scripted codes."

"Hello," Says a strange voice.

I turn and ask, "who are you?"

The Strange Voice replies with, "I am everything and anything, But I am mostly you and yourself."

Something bazaar is happening as my vision fades away


Present day, Night Light town


"Ugh... why do I keep having these strange dreams," says a young girl as she wakes up from her slumber.

"maybe because it's only the beginning," says her brother as an illusion appears beside her.

"I know that your the other half of me but could you at least be visible before talking?"

"oh... I'm sorry sis did I strike a cord of yours?"

"N-No you didn't."

"Well we might as well get up your late anyways."

Looks at the clock as it displays 9:00 "ah, your right I am super late to get my first Pokemon!"

"You'd best get a move on then."



On the path to the lab


"I've heard that some new pokemon have been chosen as starters," says someone nearby as our hero passes by.

"new starters? I wonder what they could be?" 

"Hopefully they aren't things like a bidoof"

"even if it was a bidoof. I doubt we'd be even trying to use it."

Walking into the door of the lab the professor runs around chasing an eevee that had apparently escaped from one of the 3 poke-balls.

"get back here eevee I don't want my lab to be a mess once the trainer arrives"

"eevee eevee vee(you gotta catch me first)"

Notices the new trainer and screams

"Am I interrupting something professor."

"N-No you aren't" Turns to the eevee "You better hope this trainer takes you or you are in big trouble. Anyways eevee, pichu, and well we weren't able to get a third new starter so... we decided to have charmander stay as one of the 3 starters until we can replace it."

"I say we should pick eevee," says her brother.

"I would agree it may be a little mischievous but I can understand that being cooped up in a poke-ball is no fun." I choose eevee as my starter professor."

"Zero, Thank you. That eevee has been driving me crazy all week here are 5 poke-balls and a pokedex for this region. Oh I almost forgot if you run into my assistant who has disappeared on route one have him upgrade the pokedex I'm sure the upgrade can not only help you improve as a trainer but also bond with your Pokemon on another level."

The now revealed Trainer Zero smiles and says, "Thank you professor. I will find your assistant and have him do just that."

Zero leaves the lab but not before returning home to talk with her mom about leaving on her journey.

"Oh I'm so happy that your going on your first ever Pokemon journey. I remember the day I left home and did just that oh it was the greatest day."

"Mom, where do you think I should travel to first?"

"Well sweetie, That's your decision. It's your journey not mine."

"Thanks mom, I'll try my best to make you proud."

"Make sure to call me once you reach the first city."

"Ok, mom bye," says Zero as she leaves her mother.


"Phew," says Zero's mom as she breathes a sigh of relief. Its a good thing That I finally don't have to watch her so often anymore" as she stands up and begins to glow. She turns into a pink cat like creature with pink fur sprouting out of seemingly nowhere. She has a tail that is long and ends at a bulbous tip. She has very long feet and tiny little fingers on her paws. Her eyes are a bright blue and green mix. She smiles and sends a telepathic message to someone far away.


At the receiver of the telepathic messenger


"Thank you for taking care of her lady mew, We don't want her power to be used for anything evil. She needs to be kept safe."

"Oh no it wasn't any problem taking care of her its how she will react once she finds out who she really is that may break her."

"Relax My friend Celebi will meet in her the forest of ages once she gets there."

"Thank you jirachi, Its very hard to find good watchers these days."

"Even though I may sleep a lot I am responsible enough to watch over others."

"Well Jir, Its been a pleasure but I must go."

"I understand mi'lady. Don't hesistate to contact me if you need to."

"Please keep tabs on her for me Jirachi, We must protect the future of this world and the rest of it that still exists."

"I still remember How we barely escaped from him mi'lady."

Flash back to the wars 

"This way Jirachi," says a much younger mew, as they run away from a black sludge monstrosity who was attacking everything that moved.

"There doesn't seem to be any way out of the city that monster must have thought of everything," says Jirachi as they run into another dead end around another corner. 

"ah Jirachi! Mew! I found you," says a tiny little voice filled with childish tones.

"If we can't escape from him now then all hope is lost Celebi," says lady mew.

"Well mew we'll escape in time," says celebi as she transports herself, mew, and Jirachi back through time 100 years before the attack to try and prevent it from occurring.

"Great Plan Celebi," says lady mew as she pants from the travel.

"Really great plan Celebi," says Jirachi as she faints from exertion of energy.

"Look on the bright side now we can try to prevent it from happening," says the ecstatic Celebi.

"Well we got 100 years to fix it," says lady mew.

"We better get to work then," says Celebi. "Time travel only works once and This is only the beginning."

"We have to remember to protect her," says lady mew as she glaces at a small crying eevee.

"Celebi, Can you watch her once she leaves my home in 10 years we need to keep her safe at all costs her power must not be used again to summon that monster," says lady mew once again.

"Of course mi'lady, anything for you."

Chapter End Notes:

Sorry if it contains some grammatical errors.

Also Remember its only the beginning X3

    Salem the Umbreon
    Date:Sep 30 2018

    Wow, this is pretty good. I've only read the first chapter so far, but I like it. I love how it combines the beginning story for the hero in every game up to gen 4 and the beginning story of Ash into one thing. Brilliant, tbh.

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