AGNPH Stories

Untold Tales of Travelers by testa


The First Blossoms of Love

The First Blossoms of Love

He patrolled his territory, the lands of his bloodline. He was the last one to hold them, and he doubted that would change. His family had been destroyed, destroyed by his clan's sworn enemies, the accused mightyena. His name was Sol, a houndoom. But at the very least he could take consolance from the simple fact that the mightyena had been wiped out aswell.

He smiled as he remembered that night, he had managed to get up onto Mount Kyoko, on their side. With a few blasts and pushes, the side of the mountain went toppling down onto them, crushing every single mightyena. Sol may have been the last of the houndoom of the area, but at least the mightyena were dead as well.

Sol supposed he could go out and look for a mate, then work at bringing back his clan, but that would leave the lands that his family died for defenceless. That wasn't something he was about to do. Besides, he had done what his bloodline couldn't, he had eradicated the vile mightyena, so he was content with his fate. He sniffed around one of his many cherry blossom trees, enjoying the knowledge that it had no other scent other than his own. He trotted down to the main area of his domain, a large clearing surronded by the cherry blossom trees. It had been ages since the blossoms had ever fallen, now they just withered while still upon the branches.

He let out a yawn the settled down to rest, his eyes slowly drifting shut, when a sudden noise brought him back to full awareness. His head began to survey every thing around him, looking for any and all traces of movement. "Come out! I know you're out there."

"You have awfully good hearing." He could tell it was a female voice, he could barely repress a smirk, maybe he could ensure his bloodline's survival.

He looked around, "Come out, I'm not gonna hurt you." He watched, in horror, as a mightyena appeared.

She glared at him, "I can tell you the feeling isn't mutual." He growled back at her, there was no mistaking her scent, she was one of them. The two stood glaring at one another for a long while, both slowly circling, waiting for the first clash. Then they flew at one another, their bodies crashing together.

Both lept back and sent out shadow balls, which collided with one another, creating a small explosion. The two fighters weren't fazed, they lept at one another again, both trying to land a bite, niether succeding. They hit the ground, jumping from their oppenent, then going back in. It was nothing but a blur of teeth and fur, jaws snapping at a neck or limb, only to close on air. The tussle continued on despite the mass amount of misses though, each aiming to tear out the other's throat.

As the vicious cycle of bite and dodged went, both were getting more and more violent. Sol wanted the mightyena dead, the mightyena wanted the same thing of him. They broke the close quarters combat, dropping back, then Sol launched a fire blast, the mightyena using a dark pulse. The two attacks collided, and again a stalemate was reached with both cancelling eachother out. Sol glared at the mightyena, she glared right back, "I don't intend to let you live you filthy houndoom! After you slaughtered my family, you'll be lucky if I just kill you in a quick and painless fashion!"

He spat, "I killed them because your family killed mine!"

"Because your kind was a threat to everything here!"

He let out another menacing growl, "You mightyena were the only ones who threated anything here, with you careless disregard for anything alive, or dead. Your kind goes about and takes what ever it wants, uses up the resources until they're all gone, and killing those who stand up to you."

She spat this time, "You houdoom are the only ones capable of such barbaric acts, no mightyena would ever do something so vile."

Sol didn't bother responding with words, instead choosing to unleash a shadow ball, which the mightyena responded with one of her own. Like that they were back into the fray, launching against one another with an unending vigor, biting and stiving to snap the neck or leg of their vile opponent. As the attacks continued to miss Sol was getting annoyed, he prepared an iron tail, sending it toward her. The attack was stopped by her own iron tail, which collided against his, both attacks, once again, cancelled eachother out. The two dogs went at one another yet again, teeth gleeming, ready to come down on the others spine. Sol avoided one bite, and went for one of his own, snapping down on air, the mightyena having lept back, launching a dark pulse at him. Sol was knocked back, but managed to send out a fire blast, hitting her and hard. They both toppled back, but quickly righted themselves, and prepared for more.

Both glared at one another, hatered in their stares, bloodlust in the very air around them. Sol spat, "I will admit, you have some skill."

She didn't stop glaring at him, "I have more than enough to kill you!" She charged forward.

"We'll just see about that!" Sol rushed to meet her charge. The two kept up the attacks, always meeting with the same results. The battle dragged on and on, first minutes, then hours. Both of them were exhausted, but both were unwilling to back down, not when the object of all their hate stood before them. Sol charged in, trying to deliver a fire blast to her skull, but it failed to strike, and left him open. With a shadow ball, Sol was sent into the air, landing on the ground with a crack. As he rose Sol noticed what made the crack. He gave his leg a glance, it was broken, meaning he was at a serious disadvantage. He cussed, glaring at her, but couldn't hold the glare for long, fighting now was pointless, he knew that. He sighed, after everything he had done, he was doomed to die at the hands of the mightyena. "At least I got the majority of the killers of my clan. Even if I die, I still avenged the unjustful death of adults and pups alike."

She looked at him, "Pups?"

"That's right, your supposivly honorable and righteous family slaughtered everyone, even little pups, pups that were only weeks old."

She glared at him, "Don't give me that high and mighty speech, you killed pups too. Or did you think only the adults were there at the time?"

Sol didn't respond, in truth that was the one thing about that night he hated. He was all for killing the filth that killed his family, but pups were too young to comprehend what had transpired. He was faced with let his family's killers go, or kill innocent. He made his choice, knowing that no matter what a part of either choice would plauge his soul. "I didn't think that. I knew I killed pups. The thing is I didn't take joy in their deaths, unlike your family."

This time the mightyena remained speechless. "She probably wasn't expecting to hear that," Sol thought. They stayed like that motionless and soundless for what felt like hours, but was more likely a few minutes. Then another cracking sound reverberated throughout the forest, Sol turned to see a neaby tree had been damaged during the fight, and now was collapsing. On top of him. He knew he couldn't run, his leg wouldn't have that. He was going to be crushed, he was going to die, and he didn't really care, "Suppose it's better then dieing alone." he thought, as his eyes closed and he waited for the inevitable. Then he felt something slam into his side, knocking him around, sending him, and whatever struck him tumbling. He opened his eyes to see the tree crash down on where he was, then looked up to see the mightyena was lying on top of him, also looking at the tree. Sol was stunned, "Why did you save me?"

She looked down at him, then quickly got off. She trotted off a short distance, not replying. They both stared at one another, "Well?"

She shook her head, "I don't know."

Sol just kept staring in disbelief, "Well....thanks." he remained quiet for several minutes, "Sorry, for...killing your family, but you do know how it feels when others take them away."

She just stared at him, disbelief all over her face, "Yeah....ummmm....sorry for trying to kill you. I guess I do know how it feels.'re welcome."

He couldn't beleive what he had just done, he had apologized to his clan's life long enemy. He sighed, his family must be shocked and disappointed in him, but then again what point was there to continuing the fight, her chances at finding a mate and continuing her bloodline was just as good as his, in short slim to nile. "What's your name?"

She looked up, she had been staring at the ground, most likely thinking of what her family would think about her actions, "It's Luna."

"Mine's Sol."

She layed down, facing him, "....I guess it's nice to meet you."

Sol couldn't help chuckleing, "You think trying to kill one another is nice? I'd hate to see your definition of bad."

Luna giggled, "I suppose I should rephrase, It's nice to meet you on a none attempted killing encounter."

Sol, despite himself, smiled, "It's nice to meet you too. And still, I'm sorry."

She shook her head, "I'm sorry too. I know what you went through."

He nodded, "Only you stopped yourself before doing it. I didn't, I also didn't let go of that hatred long enough to save an enemies life."

She was smiling now too, "I just thought it a waste for such a strong opponent to be killed by such a small thing like a tree."

A brief silence passed, broken by Sol's next question, "So what do you plan to do now Luna?"

She shrugged, "I'm not sure. Maybe I'll go and watch over my clan's old land." She looked in the direction of the area, "But then again, someone might have gotten it already."

Sol shook his head, she was without a home, "I guess, as thanks for saving my life, you can stay here."

She looked at him, a bit surprised, then managed a weak smile, "Uhhh thanks."

He shook his head, "Like I said, it's thanks for saving me." He tried to stand, but his injured leg wouldn't allow it, causing him to collapse back to the ground. Luna sprinted to his side, examining the leg, "It looks pretty bad, you'd better not try walking on it." She inspected it further, "I know someone who could help you, but'll have to wait till the morning."

Sol shrugged, "Fine." He looked up at her, "Thanks."

She shook her head, "It's nothing." With that both layed down, soon fading into a quiet sleep.

When Sol woke up it was to a bell chimming. He opened his eyes and saw a chimecho above him, using it's healing bell, Luna right beside it. When the chimecho's healing bell ended it turned to Luna, "There he should be able to walk on it, but I wouldn't advise doing to much. I couldn't make all the damage go away, but the breaks been mended." The chimecho smiled at him, "You sure are lucky Luna knows me." She, from the sound of the chimecho's voice it was obvious, turned back to Luna, "I must admit, I didn't think you'd ever let a houndoom live, let alone want to help it. Maybe you have a little crush on him huh?"

Luna growled, "No! Thanks for the help, now please go, before you say something that forces me to rip of your mouth." The chimecho smiled, chuckleing, then took off. Sol carefully rose, testing out the leg, and it, while still a bit painful, was working fine. He looked up at Luna, "Thanks again, this is a lot better."

Luna smiled at him, "Don't worry about it. I'm more than happy to help." Sol smiled back at her, then his stomach let out a massive growl. She giggled, "Hungry huh? Well I guess I could use a bit of food myself, what do you have to eat in this part of Kyoko?"

He got up and began walking, "This way." She followed him to a small gathering of berries of all sorts. Luna let out a delighted bark and rushed in, snapping up the food with reckless abandon. Sol would have done the same if not for his leg, so he resigned himself to eating a bit more slowly and carefully.

Luna smiled when she was full and laid on her side in the sun. "That was nice. Been awhile since I've gotten to enjoy a meal of any kind."

Sol finished up his own meal, then sat a little way away from her, "I guess you were to busy hunting me down huh? Gee I'm flattered I was so important."

She growled at him, "Watch it bub. Don't think that just because your injured I won't disipline you."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm so scarred." She lunged at him, and began to playfully snap. He responded in kind. They continued to snap at one another, until Sol managed to roll them over, puting himself on top. From his new vantage point he had a clear advantage, "Oww."

He brought his head back at her cry, "I'm sor.." his apology was cut short by her flipping him on his back, herself pinning him, smiling devilishly. He glared at her, "That was low."

She giggled, "But it worked. I will say I'm glad you care so much." Sol just huffed, turning his head. She giggled some more, rising off of him.

"That was just so low."

"Ohh stop complaining. What's done is done." He didn't stop glaring at her, "What? You want something? I hope that look isn't a plead for my gorgeous body."

Sol shook his head, "I have so many responses to that, but all would render me with one less head."

"Smart move to stay silent then." They both broke out into laughter. They regained their composure after a good minute of it, when Luna streached out, "God that sun feels good." She layed down on her side, her eyes closed as she felt the warms rays of sunlight cascade down on her. Sol's gaze fell on her, and he had to admit she was attractive. Despite her hardships her fur looked so fine and lush, her body was in perfect shape, and in it's current position, she looked amazing. Her form, it was just so astonishing, Sol forced himself to look away before he was caught staring, slowly bringin his head down and forcing himself to keep himself from saying something stupid. "So now what?" He looked back at her, confused, "Now what do we do?"

He shrugged, "I usually just went about the day keeping an eye on the area." His face went bright with an idea, "I do know of a rather nice place."

She got up exitedly, "Then let's go." He got up and went, Luna not far behind him. They made their way to a small little pond, surronded by flowers. Luna gasped, "Wow. It's beautiful."

Sol nodded, "yeah it is." he was tempted to add a so are you, but stopped himself in time. His gaze returned to her, he couldn't stop himself, and he let out a small sigh. She was so god damn beautiful, what would his family think about him now, he found their life long enemy enchanting. He sighed again, this was all so unfair. "What's wrong Sol?"

He was brought out of his train of though, "Ohh, uhh...nothing."

She didn't look convinced, "Are you sure?"

He nodded, fakeing a smile, "Yeah, just got lost in thought for a moment there." She still didn't look convinced, but let it go. He kept his gaze off of her, through much effort. After a while she asked him to take her to more places, he nodded and lead her. Every spot he could think of he brought her, until nightfall came, cutting their expedition short. She sighed, but smiled when Sol promised to show her the rest of the area the next day. Sol quickly drifted to sleep, but Luna stayed up a bit longer.

Her gaze travled along the length of his body, "Good god, he's rather, impressivly built." she thought to herself. His body was muscular, but not too so, and it was also lean. And he was nice, very nice all things considered. Luna couldn't help but feel guilty for what happened to him, not only the loss of his family, but he really did feel sorry about the death of innocent pups, even with his deep desire for revenge. And her fight against him was amazing, not many could stand against her like that, and it was only through the narrowest of margins that she even won, if you could call it that. She was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion, she was certain she would die. She was still amazed by how well he fought, how strong he was, and how kind he was deep down. She had to admit, she found him attractive, but she couldn't tell him that. No matter what had transpired, they were still blood enemies, he was a houndoom, how could he love a mightyena, one of the very mightyena that killed his family, and even took pleasure in slaughtering pups. She shook her head, he could never care about her, so no reason to waste her time.

When morning came around they both awoke and, after some pleading from Luna, set off for the rest of the places of the area that Sol found to be nice, each one was magical to Luna. Sol guessed it was because she had spent most of her life not able to enjoy anything. The last spot they visited held an unexpected surprise. They came across a bizarre object. It was wooden, but is was in small beams, Luna's eyes went wide, "I think this is one of those things, it's called a....a...crate? Yeah, humans use them to transport things, I wonder what this had." She went up to the crate and looked at an opened end, "Ohhh, what did you call these Yeah I think it's torches."

Sol shook his head, "What the hell is a torchaz?"

"Tor-ches, and they're things the humans use to...well since night's coming I'll just set these up and show you." She grabbed the crate, and carefully set it upon her back. It was heavy but not too much so. She carried back to the spot of their battle, where all the cherry blossom trees were. She carefully dropped the crate and began taking out and placing the torches. When she was done she smiled at Sol, "Now if you would be so kind as to send a small flame to the tips of each of them. Sol nodded, and began liteing them one by one. When the whole process was complete night had fallen, and Sol looked stunned. The sight of the area, lite by the torches was amazing, more breathtaking then anything he had seen before. Then, without warning, the cherry blossoms began to fall. The sight before was amazing, but now it was multiplied by a thousand, no a million.

Luna was just staring at the sight, "My god it's so beautiful. Isn't it the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?"

Looking at the sight, Sol felt a courage in him, he sighed, "No."

Luna looked at him shocked, "Then what is?"

He took a deep breath, "You."

Luna's face went blank, "W..wh...what?"

Sol took in another deep breath, "You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my whole life."

She just stared at him, " didn't..." She was at a lose for words, then just threw those words out of her head, choosing instead to plant a kiss. Sol's eyes went wide, but slowly drifted shut. When they broke it, they just stared at one another, not saying anything. Sol was the first to break the silence, "Luna, I really...I love you."

She smiled, nuzzling up to him, "I love you too. I didn't think this could be though."

He nuzzled her back, "Neither did I." They kissed again. "Luna, I'm sorry for what I..."

She shook her head, "Don't be. If you hadn't, then I would never have gotten you. As far as I'm concerned, maybe it was a good thing that our family's hatred was destroyed."

Sol felt a rush, "I think your right, I'm glad." They began to stroll through the trees, enjoying the sight of the trees and torches, as well as each others company.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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