AGNPH Stories

Black Butterflies by galalithial


Story Notes:

I wrote this for FanFiction, but feel compelled to put it here for you! I'm told this is a good story, and I like to get reviews... can you guess where I'm going with this? Read and leave your comments! If you really want to read more about Leo and Terra and their crazy adventures, then go to fanfics! If your a little patient, then all the chapters will be here eventually.

The Wacky Professor


I nearly ran into Terra when I entered the lab. She had stopped suddenly and was looking around. I looked around too and my dropped in shock. The lab was in total disorder. Interns were running and screaming, some on fire, machines were shooting electricity, papers were scattered across the ground, mysterious fluids flowed between our feet. The definition of 'total disorder' has a picture of this scene next to it.

In the center of the madness was a clean lab table. A pokemon was sitting on it being examined by, who I assume was, the professor. For some reason he was wearing a pair of Groucho Marx novelty glasses and had a cigar in his mouth. He was talking calmly to a gibble when we walked up, avoiding the mayhem as we went.

"... now don't stress that trainer of yours, he has an anger problem. And don't step on anything on your way out, you don't know what it is." He spoke softly to the small pokemon. The gibble nodded and headed out the door, dodging flaming interns and puddles of questionable liquid. The professor turned to us and scowled. "Who the hell are you?" His gruff greeting was a stark contrast to the compassion he showed his previous patient.

"Are you the professor?" Terra asked.

He grinned. "Correct! I must be, nobody else wants to be." He ripped off the Groucho Marx glasses. "My name is Professor Redwood, but my friends call me Professor Redwood. My enemies call me, but not often." He held out his hand for Terra to shake. She grabbed it, I heard a buzz, and she jumped back with a shout. Hand buzzer. "That will teach you to shake someone's hand without checking for germ's first!" He shouted. Ember started laughing hysterically. The professor turned to her. "A,h this must be my patient. Just in time too, I thought I was losing my patience." He reached into his lab coat and pulled out a rubber fearow and handed it to me. "Here, hold this." He put Ember on the examination table. I stared at the rubber fearow for a solid minute.

"Why?" I asked.

"It was in my way!" He responded, turning back to Ember, who was now freaking out at being poked and prodded. Shrugging I hit Scar over the head with the rubber fearow and tossed it to the bedlam.

"Hey!" He protested. "What was that for?"

"It was in my way!" I yelled mimicking the professor. The professor had finished his 'examination' and was talking to Terra.

"Your pokemon is completely healthy, all I need is a match." He grinned.

"I know," Terra said, "I didn't come to get treatment for Ember, and why do you need a match?"

He wiggled the cigar in front of Terra's face. "Forgot to light this thing before I came in." Terra pointed at one of the fires burning in the lab. "Thank you!" He ran over and started puffing. I turned to Terra.

"Well," I said, "he is completely bonkers. Can we leave now?" Terra shook her head, she looked over to Professor Redwood, then huddled us together. "I still need a license and pokedex. And I want to know what happened to Professor Pine, you said he was the professor here." I shrugged.

"I make mistakes too." Professor Redwood coughed to get our attention. We all turned to him, he was standing next to Scar, actually leaning on him, arm over his shoulders like they were good buddies. "What?"

"Professor Pine is dead. Upon his death the lab became what it is now. I haven't even tried to restore order, I don't want to die." He was speaking seriously, total professional. He looked around sadly, then turned to Terra. "Here is your pokedex and license. If the police ask, Pine gave it to you." He whispering now, all professionalism lost. Raina stared at him.

"How the hell did you get in our huddle without us noticing? Wait, second thought. You killed Pine, didn't you." She frowned, everyone turned to stare at her. Professor Redwood grinned evilly.

"Of course, the bastard was screwing my wife! Wait, maybe I was screwing his wife..." He began to wander aimlessly, but generally away from us. Terra stared at her equipment.

"Well," She said, "Let's go!" She pointed to the door. Somewhere from the second story we heard shouting. We looked up and I was scared mentally. Professor Redwood was bare naked doing pull-ups from the second story railing. Lets suffice with saying that Redwood isn't exactly in shape. He crashed to floor. He landed in a cloud of dust. "We are not staying any longer!" Terra shouted over the noise. Behind her, Professor Redwood had jumped up. I shielded my eyes, but he was somehow fully clothed. What the fuck is wrong with this man?

"Good bye!" He yelled as we ran out of the lab. "Such a nice family of rattata."

It was a physical relief to be out of that god damned hell hole. It was worse then anything I have seen, and I have seen lots of bad things! I turned to Terra.

"Can we please leave this place? If anything else happens, I swear to Arceus, I will kill everyone in this damn town." Everyone took a step back. "And it is raining again!" It was true, the skies had opened again to release an unforgiving torrent.

Terra braved my anger. "Sure, we just need to stop at the pokemart. I need a town map and pokeballs."

I grimaced, "If we have to go to a place full of people, something will happen, and the largest mass murder in the history of this town will take place." I took a step away from the group. I spoke just loud enough to be heard. "Gods, if you have any sympathy for this town and its people, do not let me go to that pokemart." To answer my prayers a lightning bolt shot down from the sky. It somewhere on the edge of town. We heard a scream, and with a curse I was off running.

I am far faster then anyone else in our group and reached the unfortunate sight of a crumpled body. I walked over to it and flipped it over. The person was covered all in black, but on the center of their chest was a big, burnt, red R. Team Rocket. Next to the person was a bag, also a little burnt, but it looked relatively unharmed. I opened it to find a town map, about thirty pokeballs, and several potions of varying type and strength. I looked up at the sky, where a hole in the clouds had opened. In the sunlight a blue figure was spinning happily. I grinned and shouted into the air.

"I owe you own!" I grinned when Mew did another flip.

"I'll remember that." Mew disappeared and the holed sealed into impenetrable black. Just at that moment the rest of my group ran through the trees. They were frozen in shock at the remains. I frowned.

"Rocket grunt." I said simply, "He had it coming to him. On the good side," I held up the bag. "we don't have to go to the pokemart!" I grinned. Everyone around me frowned.

Aditi spoke up. "We can't take that, it is stealing. Even if we need exactly those things." I shook my head.

"I would rather give an arm or a leg then go into another building full of people. This is my prayer. We are taking this, or I am taking this and will meet you at the next town." I turned on my heel and headed towards a gap in the trees showing a street out of town. I heard every one following me after a moments pause. I stopped on the street and grinned at them, despite the rain still falling heavily.

Terra stared at me strangely but I dismissed it. Handing her the map I asked, "So, which town is first?"

She looked up from the map and started walking, without saying a word. Everyone followed with quick looks at me. Raina ushered me forward. They were all acting strange. Must be the encounter with the wacky professor back there.
Chapter End Notes:Isn't Professor Redwood the best? Imagine writing his part, and when I write a characters lines I do my best to get 'into' the character. It is so much fun! Thanks for reading, review please
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