AGNPH Forums

Why I don't go on AGN-PH as often

    Date:Oct 24, 2015 3:03 AM(Edited:Oct 24, 2015 3:05 AM) Title:Why I don't go on AGN-PH as often
    1.  Looking at the pictures here is like drinking. Once you drink it once, you will think "Oh it isn't that bad" and then you would try another drink later on and then you will start to get obsessed with it. This applies to hentai. I don't wanna get too obsessed with it and if I do, I will start thinking of that one pic where Pachirisu fucked a Pichu and I don't want anything like that invading my life...

    2.  Liking Pokemon hentai (Especially about the Pokemon themselves) is not normal I will admit.  I feel strange when I see a pic even when I saw like thousands of them since my first visit, I am still not used to Snivy getting it on with Braixen yet (But it's kinda cute tho).

    3.  Some of it could be illegal... I am not a  lawyer or a professional law buster or anything but isn't certain parts of the gallery uhh, illegal? To me, I don't think anything here is illegal since it isn't causing no harm to anything (Except for the artist's hard work lol), it's not canon, it's too cartoony and silly to be that bad, and it isn't breaking any amendment whatsoever, and it isn't copyright infringing (as long as it isn't profiting) but I think there might be some dumb lawyers who will think all of it is illegal because they don't know about weird fetishes and can't tell the difference between real harm and cartoony drawings on sites (like E621) or probably make up a story on why e621 is illegal just so they can get more profit...

    So what do you think? Do you agree or you wanna debate?

    Illusionairy Fox
    Date:Oct 26, 2015 2:37 AM Title:Re: Why I don't go on AGN-PH as often
    I think most people don't go here as often is because of the huge changes made to the site during the last update. The forums are dead, and most any piece of art here can be found on other, more prominent furry sites like e621, FurAffinity and InkBunny, among others.

    The Oekaki is basically the only selling point of this website, since most everyone else almost exclusively uses the IRC to communicate instead of PMs. There was an integrated chatbox in the last site build, which helped maintain the look that the site was alive, but obviously its not here today.

    How alive the site is today can easily be seen by the "Most Online Today" counter at the bottom of the main forum page. Today, there were 7 people online, including myself. The most this year was 46, back in FEBRUARY. Most likely bots, or anonymous users.

    The site has fallen, and I don't think the owner/Head Admins are willing to accept their blunder.

    Why do I keep coming back here? I don't really know. The memories, perhaps, since I never use the PM system anymore, and use the IRC instead. But I never talk on the main #agnph channel, it's quite dead there, too. Maybe I'll figure out why I still have this site on my Bookmarks/Favourites and decide whether to keep the link...

    Or delete it.

    Friendly resident Cyndaquil
    Date:Oct 26, 2015 8:47 AM Title:Re: Why I don't go on AGN-PH as often

    But I never talk on the main #agnph channel, it's quite dead there, too.

    Maybe you're not getting on at the right times of day? If you start a conversation, I'm sure people will chat.

    ~My fire shall always burn eternal~

    Date:Oct 27, 2015 10:14 PM(Edited:Oct 28, 2015 12:56 AM) Title:Re: Why I don't go on AGN-PH as often
    It sucks to see one of the first websites about Pokemon to die out like that. 90% of the Pokemon fansites seem to have just die out comparing to their popularity back in the early 2000's... Sure, Agn PH still has people and fic/pic uploaders but it's not 2007 anymore...

    But for real,is some of pokemon hentai "illegal" in the US? I'm a bit paranoid. Just wanna know so I can dodge those pics for my own legal safety.

    Edit: As soon as I made this post, 2 hours later my internet got cut off for unexplained reasons... Hmmm.... Whatever it was, I am not sure. However I am just gonna move to Furaffinity for my PAchirisu, Emolga, Gardevoir, Riolu, Meloetta, etc. hentai needs since it has a favorites feature. For now, I am unsure if this is legal or not.

    I gooby
    Date:Mar 12, 2016 10:35 AM Title:RE: Why I don't go on AGN-PH as often

    The legality of child pronografy when the character is fictitious and doesn't exist, is a legal grey area in the US it seems, with laws being different state to state. The overturning of laws seen as unconstituational in regards to this can be described as an "unfinished or abandoned project" where only some were changed for certain cases in court according to le wikipedias.

    I for one think that law has very little place in the art world and that obscenity doesn't equal immorality. If no ACTUAL existing parties were involved as content for such obscene forms of art, then it should be fine. But the government clearly feels it has a say on what is right or wrong to take into your brain storage. Please. If i want to delve as deep as possible via artistic expression into the darkest corners of the mind, i most certainly should be allowed to do so.

    Because drawing such things is in no way the same as actually committing such acts in real life. If you can get arrested for drawin child pronografy, then you should get arrested for drawing a person getting murdered. But that isn't the case is it?


    Also just realised i replied to some OOOOOLLLDD shit xD

    Date:Mar 18, 2016 10:59 PM Title:RE: Why I don't go on AGN-PH as often

    Anime or not, CP is very uncomfortable to look at and I think it's awful. If anime loli R34 is legal, fine by me  but I am gonna avoid them at all costs. Just my personal tastes. Pokemon generally have no age or if they do, it shouldn't follow the human age rule. So I don't have much of an uncomfortability from Pokeporn anymore... In that side. What I wanted to know from the time is that if it was in general illegal or not. I've been viewing Pokeporn for a long time now and I have not been legally shut down or anything so I guess it proves that Pokeporn is not illegal. Also I've been harassed on YT about it not being illegal in the U.S (The US has some confusing laws) so I guess it's not bad here. (Geez, did I really need to ask permission from Uncle Sam to view a pic of Emolga taking it from Minun? Haha)