AGNPH Stories

The Darkness by coshepard


Story Notes:

it took me about 2 weeks to write this... not straight though i started it in the summer so i guess more like it took months to do the 1st chapter... yeah i'm lazy meh.

Chapter 3- Drugged and confused

Morning came, or at least what seemed like morning, the forest was still as dark as ever. Everyone was eating breakfast calmly except for Langlas who was shivering and it wasn't because of how cold the forest was getting. The voice in the wind had him spooked, but he wasn't going to turn back. He promised he'd get home and nothing; not some voice or this ancient evil would stand in his way. He needed to calm his nerves and knew of one sure way to do so. Taking his pipe from his jerkin, he put a bit of Old Toby inside and lit it. The smoke filled his nostrils as he started to smoke. It wasn't his favorite but he ran out of most of his pipe weed a few days ago. Old Toby was still able to calm him down though. He got up and started packing the supplies as his team was just finishing. Instead of running like they were doing yesterday they decided to walk instead to enjoy the forest around them and also because Langlas can't smoke and run at the same time. Bryult was still leading the way but he seemed to be getting a bit confused on where to go, getting worried that they may get his new friends lost he ran to Langlas and pointed at his pipe. "Huh? You want to try it?" Bryult nodded. 'I can't see the harm in it, might calm him down.' Langlas reached into his jerkin for an extra pipe. He always kept spares just in case he ever lost or broke his original pipe. He lit it and gave it to Bryult, who took a deep breath of the pipe. The smoke came out his nose as his eyes seemed to turn red instantly. Giving back the pipe he started leading the team but was a bit off balance. The wandered a bit further into the forest before Bryult fell down, knocking himself out as he fell. "Perhaps the weed was too much for him, humans and Pokemon have different systems after all I guess the weed amplified in his body." The others looked on, worried about their new comrade. "No worries guys he'll be fine in a few hours... I think." Returning Bryult to his ball the team proceeded further into the forest stopping once for lunch under a comfy tree. The smoke must have been getting to Langlas's head because he started thinking about his own world. The smell of home, the sights of the lands of the Free Peoples, the taste of wondrous food and delicious drink, he missed it all terribly.

(Whoop! Flashback time going to put this in 1st person)

I was sitting near Buckland watching the roads and the area above me. It was pretty normal for that day; dull, boring and not much to do. I have seen travelers passing along the Bree-land road but nothing was very evil about them. Always thought this was a waste, that "no evil would come from the Shire", but orders are orders and Strider is not someone you want to disappoint. But that day I had a visitor well actually 3 and I knew them before. A dwarf, an elf and a man were traveling on foot as usual and were going down the road but turned up to my camp instead. "Langlas," the Dwarf cried, "wonderful to see you again Ranger." "Quiet Odrim! Do you want to alert those Crebain down the road to our good friend's presence?" The elf looked at Odrim in anger and huffed when he burst out in laughter. "Fonwind, tell Narrock to cool it, will you? If those birds come then we'll just strike them down as usual." I laughed at their old ways, "You three cause more commotion then the Yule-festival." "Ho-ho your tongue has gained some wit, I must be rubbing off on him," Odrim said proudly as he stood on top of a rock near the cliff. Fonwind chucked as he pulled out his pipe and shared his pipe weed with me. "Fonwind, any news from Bree or your family?" "Emily is doing a fine job as the Blade master of the Mercenary Company, Aaron is still getting in trouble and Mother is still as cheerful when she's with everyone." "Have you visited your father?" Fonwind looked down, "I was on my way to his grave when we were coming down the road." I knew a little of his father, Byron started the company that now his family runs. He was a great man until he died a few years back during a mission; he was fought to cover for the rest of his team. He died a noble man if not by title but by respect he led for his men. "What about you, Odrim how is your father?" Odrim sat on the rock he was on, "He hasn't been the same since my brother's death, he used to be cheery but now... now all he wants his revenge against the Dour hands." "Isn't that what you want as well?" "Yes but I already found and killed my brother's killers and given them both an honorable burial, but my father has a grudge that may never be satisfied." Narrock turned, "Enough about us Langlas. What about you anything to 'report'?" "Ha unless a hobbit running carrying a pie down the road is suspicious then no nothing." Odrim stood up, "Come Langlas join us in Bree we were just heading over." "Odrim you know he can't leave his post-" "Unless he has something to report. In that case he does, come with us we'll report what's happening in the world once we arrive." I knew once Odrim had an idea in his head it would be hard to dissuade him. "Gods fine I'll come but you better have some good news." We traveled down the road stopping off at Aslo's camp to see how construction was going. Aslo never really like us rangers but welcomed us still thanks to Odrim's help against some ruffians in the past. "How is Bree anyway?" I had turned to ask the fellows I was with. Odrim spoke first, "Well for one thing Strider isn't in Bree anymore he's off in Riverdale. Uh there's an increase in orcs up by the North Downs and the Lone lands are filled with trouble." I was amazed the Strider left without sending word but it didn't matter right now, since we started walking towards Bree again. I knew we were close since I could smell cooked food in the air; turkey, stew and other delicious foods, I must admit that I haven't had a good meal in weeks. I quickened my pace towards Bree while the others stayed right behind me, Odrim laughing most likely at me, Fonwind and Narrock sighing and quickening their own pace. And there it was Bree, one of many bases of the Free peoples and one with a rich amount of trade coming in and out. Its walls were both hedge and stone and its buildings are as sturdy as its people. It always made me speechless no matter how many times I came here. "Come on Langlas, I need at least three beers in me before I start talking," Odrim called already making his way to The Prancing Pony. "You're like a child, Odrim. Why can't you ever calm down?" No response came as Odrim kept running for the Pony. I arrived outside and as expected there was a few spars happening outside the Pony while a small group to the side, playing various types of music. I went inside to find Odrim on what looked to be on his second pint, while Fonwind and Narrock were ordering food from the innkeeper. Sitting down beside Fonwind, Odrim brought at least 5 pints with him, 3 for himself. "Ahhhhh," sitting down with all beers in hand, "So, Langlas what do ya want to know?" "What is occurring with the enemy? What is Strider doing? What is the good news you spoke of?" Odrim laughed, "Alright one at a time geez, the enemy are being douches as usual. The stuff in Angmar is getting pretty bad with those living statues. Uh Forchele is cold and full of enemies but no real danger there so far, the Misty Mountains are filled with Dour hands and giants and oh I met up with Gloin there so that was a good day." Fonwind interrupted, "Their were Black riders near Riverdale but we and a few others were able to boot them out" "and me and fellow guardian were able to defeat the Leader of the Dour hands and the Ring wraith." Odrim said proudly, with bits of food in his beard. "Yeah woo good for you Odrim and sit down and shut up," Narrock said while eating quietly. "WHAT?!? You wanna go you dumb elf?" The innkeeper looked over, "We've got another Odrim fight guys place your bets now!" Several scrambled over betting silver on either Odrim or Narrock. "Fine come face me you stone-headed Dwarf." Narrock getting up and heading for the door, "Oh it's on you wise-ass elf!" Fonwind sighed, "I'm off to visit my father I'll be back later, make sure they don't injury themselves too badly." He left quietly as I went outside to watch. Odrim was more experienced but tended to lose whenever asked for a duel. Narrock on the other hand didn't really care duels but participated in them anyway. The front yard cleared for the fight giving Odrim and Narrock plenty of room to fight. "You're going down elf!" "Not unless for your stone-headedness takes me out that is." The crowd roared for combat but I stayed at the top of the stairs just waiting for this to be over. The innkeeper walked out, "Alright ladies and gentlemen we have another fight by the famous Odrim Stonewall vs. the quiet judging Narrock Rockshock. Let the battle... begin!" Right off the bat, Odrim charged at Narrock, his axe gleaming in the sun. Narrock drew his swords and took a defensive stance. Before striking with his axe Odrim shield bashed Narrock's swords, breaking his defense and hitting Narrock on the side. The audience cheered as Narrock stumbled back. "What's wrong elf? Am I too tough for you." Narrock regained his footing, and charged at Odrim with great speed, sending Odrim off his feet. "Fool, don't mess with my power." The fight was getting boring since it was more insults than actual fighting so I left for the graveyard. No surprised to see Fonwind there but his herald was there with him. "Hello Kaiden nice to see you again." The young man turned, having black hair, black eyes and standing a few inches shorter than Fonwind. "Hello again, mister Langlas, how have you been?" "Meh being a ranger is boring work but for the defense of Middle Earth it's worth it. How is your memory, remember anything else yet?" "Snippets of memory looking to be either friends or family I can't tell but it doesn't matter too much, I'm with Fonwind now through and through." Fonwind stood up, a look of sadness on his face, but brightened up a bit when he saw me. "How did the fight go?" "I got bored and left but it was the usual, mostly insults than fighting." Fonwind sighed, "Might as well stop this we still need to talk." When we returned both Odrim and Narrock were lying in the street, we ran over but they were only bruised by the looks of it. "Another tie?" Odrim opened his eyes, "The crowd got impatient and beat the both of us up." Fonwind looked up, "I'm not surprised, come we still have news to talk about, we'll walk and talk." We turned while Odrim and Narrock caught up. "The Lonelands are stable thanks to Radagast the Brown being there with the Eglain, so it's well under control no need to worry." Narrock spoke, "There were trouble in the Trollshawls but we and Legolas sorted it out." We turned down the road when Odrim spoke, "I went up to the Misty mountains to hunt a Rider up their and with a backup from one of our fellow officers we were able to take down the Rider and kill Skorgrim." "And that's it... what?" I turned in shock, "Wait we've wasted hours just so you could tell me 3 things that you could have said at my camp?" Odrim kept walking, "Yep now come on were getting food and it's late so you can leave for your camp tomorrow. Before I could object Kaiden came up from behind and started pushing via Odrim's command. We had a lovely night, the food was so good in contrast to what I had been having for weeks, and the beer dulled my mind to have more fun. I couldn't remember most of the night but I somehow ended up on top of a house without pants on. Although I got easy since Odrim ended up stuck in the hedge wall, Fonwind and Kaiden were in a stranger's house (Kaiden without any clothing and Fonwind with only his underpants on) and Narrock somehow ended up all the way in the town of Stock in the Shire. All in all it was a good night except for the whole lost my pants thing. I did find them though; they were being sold at the auction house. The only one to send me off from Bree was Odrim who was still stuck in the wall. All in all it was a good day.

(End flash back, gods that was long)

Langlas awoke from his drug induced dream to see all his pokemon seemed to have recovered from the drugs and looked ready to go. He also realized he was face-down on the ground with bits of dirt hanging off his face. He should be used to this but the taste of dirt isn't something he really can get accustomed to. "All right guys, I'm good. I've wasted enough time. We're only supposed to be a days' journey before we reach this 'evil." They started walking deeper into the forest and deeper into 'The Darkness'.
Chapter End Notes:Uh yeah there it is give me your opions and stuff also a thank to that reader who gave me a boost of confidance on the chapter 2 review. Also before posting this i was sleeping and had really f-ed up dream of a cross-over between Batman and Dragon Age 1&2. Looked like a great horror/mystery. Might write but i doubt they'll let me post it on here so i'll think of something
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