AGNPH Stories


A Misdreavus who desires what she can't have shares a close bond with a lucario. But on one morning, a threat from the past re-emerges in an attempt to reclaim what was lost.

A story in 6 chapters. Adult content.

Story Notes:

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

  1. Chapter 1 (1449 words)

  2. Chapter 2 (1637 words)

  3. Chapter 3 (1566 words)

  4. Chapter 4 (7324 words)

  5. Chapter 5 (4093 words)

  6. Chapter 6 (943 words) [Reviews: 2]

No comments posted
    Befuddling since 1985, when the Cows came home
    Reviewer: Raw19
    Date:Oct 8 2012 Chapter:Chapter 6

    Aww, i wanted to see the wet dream.

    This was a great story, though. Strangely deep and pretty sweet. I found i couldn't stop reading it.

    Most excellent.




    Author's Response:

    I'm glad someone out there enjoys it. :)

    Reviewer: qualske98
    Date:Jan 21 2018 Chapter:Chapter 6

    Tbh I wasn't sold by the beginning it kinda dragged, but I got invested by the middle then I get to the end and I just got really angry. Leon should've been given a second chance and not have been forced to move on. Everyone makes at least one bad story to me this is your bad story...