AGNPH Stories


Brock and May have been boyfriend and girlfriend for quite some time now, but they can't always see each other. Stupid things like long distances between them keep them apart, but not always...

Story Notes:

Okay, first a bit of explanation: I've been writing for a long time now, but I haven't written any lemony stuff in several years now (not because I forgot how, it's just that I've been busy with other projects). But anyway, I've had an idea like this in my head for a while, and it's been too long since I sat down and wrote something like this. So here we go...The characters are from the Pokémon universe, yes, but for the sake of this story, they are several years older.Also: I would have Brock listed in the "Characters" section if his name were available. But since he isn't, then...yeah.

  1. Chapter 1 (4637 words)

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