AGNPH Stories

PokéRape by dracoflamulas


The Trainer is First


(c) Dracoflamulas
Pokémon (c) Nintendo

WARNING: This story contains NC (non-consentual) sex between a human girl and various male fire type pokémon. If you continue to read on, I will not be held accountable for any mental anguish you may incur. This is your only chance to hit the back button on your browser. Thank you, and enjoy the story.

The Trainer is First

She awoke in a daze of sorts, her body ached from some unknown source, and as she tried to move and stretch, she found she could not. Her body had been tied up, her arms held behind her back with a rope wrapped around them. Her body held aloft in the air by the same rope wrapping around her shoulders and waist. At the very least, it was comfortable, but as she looked at herself, she noticed she was completely naked, and as she attempted to kick her legs, she discovered they were bound too. A brace was strapped to her knees, keeping her legs spread apart, and her ankles were tied to the floor, keeping her entire body in an "L" shape.

More lights came on, each one close to the one keeping her on display. Underneath each light was a different pokémon, and from the looks, they were all fire types. There was a surprise waiting for her as she looked at each pokémon, for each one was a male. This was obvious to her by the raging hard-ons each one had, but all she could see were maye half of the ones around her. Suddenly the contraption she was in, began rotating, floor and all, slowly spinning her around to view each individual male that was around her.

The first she saw was a charizard, a large beast with a just as large cock. It had to have been the biggest she'd seen so far, an impressive 10 inches.

Next she saw a ninetails, graceful, lithe, and giving itself fellatio for a few seconds before looking up at the girl with a demanding look in his eyes. This ninetails wasn't as impressive as the charizard, but the 8 inches he had was more than enough for her.

Next to the ninetails was a growlithe, just as big as a horse, but not as well hung. A 6 inch cock graced this canines loins, but it was a fat dick, at least 3 inches thick by the girls estimate.

Then there was the pokémon of anyones dreams, a rapidash. This creature was the personification of male fertility and female wants. Power, grace, stamna, and a 24 inch cock with a thickness that made the girl gulp in nervousness.

A magmar was next in line, as tall as a human male, but with much better equipment. He was stroking his cock, staring at the girl with a level of lust that scared her. His dripping 9 inch rod looked just like that, a rod, smooth and rounded at the head, and evenly thickened all the way to the base.

There was a flareon as well, this fox like pokémon wasn't very impressive as far as cocks go, but it looked like a male that would be perfect for anal sex. 5 inches of cock with a 1 - 2 inch thickness that looked like a regular dog dick.

However, the typhlosion licking the flareon's dick was more than a mouthful. His dripping tool was humping at air in anticipation of the girl, and this cock made her shiver in fear. It looked like something a masochist would use, there were prickly looking spines around the shaft, but at least it was tapered.

Finally, there was a blaziken, tall, handsome, reagal, and endowed. Taller than a human male, by standards, with his shaft jutting upwards into the air. It looked like perfection, 9 inches long, close to 2 inches thick, curved slightly, it was almost designed to penetrate and pleasure a female.

The girl, however, was not impressed, enticed, or even aroused, she was scared out of her mind. A few momments ago she was walking on a road with her combusken, and the next she was here, hanging in the air like a side of beef with an array of male pokémon around her just waiting to do gods know what with her, but it was obvious by the looks in their eyes and the throbbing of their dicks what they wanted to do.

The blaziken suddenly started speaking to the other males, deciding what to do right now, and what to do later on. When he was done talking, he was the first to step up behind the girl, and wasted no time getting his hardness inside of her. She screamed at first, but the almost instantanious humping of the blaziken sent her screams into moans. He didn't stop or even slow his pace, he was in deep need of the girl below him. He leaned over on top of her, grabbing her bare breasts harshly, digging his claws into her flesh only enough to leave bruises. The blaziken's thrusts wer becoming forceful, hurting the girl as he pleasured only himself. The blaziken began speaking again, as if he was grunting, and then he rammed himself into the girl with a final lunge, pumping his cum into the girl. It felt like it was burning her, the blaziken's seed was searing hot, but it cooled almost instantly, and she was releived when the blaziken dismounted her.

The girls relief was short lived as another male got up on top of her, and this male spoke as if only to let her know which pokémon was taking her next. It was the ninetails, and just as with the blaziken, he wasted no effort in digging his cock into her now wet pussy. The ninetails wrapped his forelegs around her waist, and thrusted his dick into the girl, causing her to wince in pain as the blaziken left her sore. Ninetails was hammering into the girl, spilling copious amounts of precum into her cunt as he simply rode her as fast and as hard as he could. Thrust after thrust, balls slapping against the girl's now exposed clit, making her groan in pleasure, even though she was feeling pain. Nintails started growling, something was now popping in and out of the girl, and he didn't want to tie with her, not yet, so he shortened his thrusts, pummeling her pussy lips with his knot as he howled, spilling his watery cum into her depths with great delight.

Ninetails got off of the girl only to be replaced by another of the male pokémon. This one just roared, and the smooth hide she felt against her ass told her it was the charizard. He was gentle compared to the first two, sliding his tapered cock into her depths, slowly going deeper, stretching her out as he did what he could to fit all of his ten inches into her. His gentleness lasted as long as his first outward pull, then just like before, her pussy was abused again. Long, hard, body jarring thrusts made her begin crying at the pain she was feeling, it was almost too much to bare, but as she looked ready to pass out, the charizard held his tail flame close to the girls clit, causing her to scream out as she had her first orgasm, her juices gushing out around the charizard's dick just seconds before he added his seed to the mix of cum already inside the girls body.

Before leaving, the charizard pulled on some of the ropes that held the girl in the air, lowering her to the ground. She first thought it was going to be over now, but another weight on her body changed that thought. Very soft fur covered her back, warm and soothing, but the constant proding from a sharp feeling dick made her wince. The pokémon spoke to one of the others, obviously asking for help and letting the girl know it was the flareon, and the typhlosion answered his call. Lifting the flareon up, he helped aim the flareon's dick right into the girls anus. She was in a bit of discomfort, but at least it wasn't in her cunt again. The flareon hammered his dick into the girls ass, making the thrusts long and fast. The typhlosion stood near, knowing that he was going next no matter what. The flareon kept up its pace, fully removing his cock from the girls anus a few times, and slamming himself back into her. He didn't last long though, even his knot wasn't big enough to fully tie inside of her as jets of his cum began filling the girls bowels.

Flareon announced he was done, and the typhlosion helped him off the girl, only to take his own cock and force it into the girls anus, replacing the flareon'sdick and plugging up the hole so that none of the cum with gush out. The prickly spines the girl thought would hurt, were just fleshy nubs that felt good inside of her, even though the typhlosion was far too thick to fit inside of her ass. He continued the steady preassure of pushing into the girls anus, stretching her out painfully as the typhlosion leaned down on top of her back, resting his forelegs on the ground and his back legs dug into the ground and began pulling out of her body and slamming back into her. Now it was time for her ass to be abused, just like her pussy, the typhlosion taking his time in pleasuring himself in the girl. Each if his thrusts felt like they were taking hours to pull out of her, but only mere seconds to shove back into her, it was a horrible pleasure that agonised her mind and body. Soon enough though, the typhlosions thrusts became erratic, moving faster as heavy balls slapped against her entire pussy. The typhlosion called out as he finally started cumming, thick globs of sticky cum mixed with the flareon's watery cum inside the already full bowels of the girl.

As the typhlosion pulled out, all the cum from inside her anus came gushing out, she couldn't it all in, not that she wanted to. The girl sobbed in despair, she didn't know what she had done to deserve this, but it wasn't over yet. The next pokémon picked up her head and jammed his cock into her mouth, it was a smooth, slender cock that didn't stop pumping into her mouth and throat. She started gagging, the creature in front of her was the magmar she saw, and his cock didn't seem to fit down her throat and this caused her to bite him slightly. The magmar cried out and hit the girl in the head, only hard enough to let her know she had done something bad, and he crammed as much of his dick into her mouth as would fit until her throat opened up and let the entire shaft inside. The magmar kept up his wild thrusting, obviously very close to cumming from watching all the other males have their way with her. The magmar yelled out, pulling back and letting the girl choke on his cum. The taste was vile to her, she didn't want this happening to her, but she had no choice.

The magmar pulled back, his cock beginning to soften and become flacid, but he rubbed his dick on the girls face to wipe it clean. The ropes were pulled on again, this time raising her up only half way from the original height. A very heavy weight rested on her back, and a single thrust was all it took to get his cock into the girls cunt. The thickness made her scream and cry in pain, but it wasn't very long. The growlithe growled and thrusted heavily into the girl, his forelegs held onto the girls waist tightly as he jarred the girl violently. He bit the back of her neck, pulling hiself as deeply into the girl as possible, something popping into her body, thicker than the growlithe's shaft, and then her pussy was flooded with his cum. She felt like a pregnant whore, and as she looked at her body, she actually looked pregnant. The amount of the growlithe's cum was stretching her womb. The growlithe then yanked his knot from the girls body, making her scream again in pain, and shiver in disgust as all that cum poured out of her cunt.

The girl wanted to die, it was all she could think of doing at this point, but one final pokémon made her stop all thought. The rapidash approached the girl from the front, she started shaking her head, there was no way that monster of a cock would fit in her mouth, or anywhere else inside her body. The rapidash nuzzled her shoulder, being soft and caring, even though his dick was throbbing and dripping precum. He slowly made his way down along her back with his chin, comforting the girl. As his muzzle reached her cunt and ass, he softly licked at her openings, making her gasp. He was cleaning her up, soothing her body, relaxing her. The rapidash whinnied to the girl, and though she didn't want to do this, she knew she couldn't refuse. She said she was ready, and the rapidash reared up onto his hind legs and moved forward, his cock head meeting with her cunt and diving right in. He rested his weight on the girl, the ropes even straining with his large weight, but somehow she wasn't hurt at all. He thrusted into the girl hard and fast, driving inch after inch of his maleness into her body. She was abused, raped, and used by all these pokémon, but this rapidash made the effort to comfort her, and so she opened her body to him. The rapidash continued thrusting into the girl, half of his cock was inside her, and steadily, more of it was being engulfed by her pussy. Before long, the flare at the head of the rapidash's dick grew in size, reaching it's full girth in a few seconds. The girl was screaming out, not in pain, but in orgasm, she was filled beyond any means of pleasure. The rapidash grunted and neighed loudly, his cock throbbing hard with each gush of cum that rocketed out from his cock.

The girl passed out as the rapidash finished, dismounting from her and snapping the ropes that held her up...

Later that evening, the news report stated that a girl was found early in the morning, covered with what appeared to be dried semen. She was taken to the nearest hospital, and police are undergoing the investigation of who may have done this to her...

"This just in, the police have revealed that the girl is awake, and after some questioning, she relvealed that she was raped by ... ... ... pokémon. The police advise that all women remain inside until the pokémon rapists can be found."

The girl laid in the hospital bed in the fetal position, all visitors were banned from seeing her, but she suddenly sat up in her bed, wondering only one thing...

Where was her combusken? ...
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