AGNPH Stories

David's Start of a New Adventure by triplex


Story Notes:

Hey everyone! I'm TripleX and I've been reading on AGNPH for a while now, and the stories I've read are awesome. Even though I love reading fanfics, especially Pokemon fanfics, I would like to write and publish my own ideas of pokemon stories to AGNPH. But I was too afraid that they were not good enough or too amateur for you readers out there.Anyways, as I was reading some of my favourite author's stories, I've notice that the some of authors are updating their stories less and less, or slowly and slowly, and/or even sometimes to the point that they have to postpone their stories for a long period of time. I and many others understand that they are too busy doing other important things, or having huge writers block. But it gets frustrating for me and other readers out there to have to wait and wait for the authors to update their amazing stories, and it has come to the point that I can't wait any longer for the authors to update their stories.So I bravely decided to write and publish my stories out to AGNPH and other fanfiction websites to see how good my stories really are and how well you readers like my stories. So please comment or give me a good review of my stories, and rate as well. Also if you have time, comment on my stories on how to improve on my stories better to other readers out there so that they would want to read more and more of my stories. I will try to do my best to write and publish my stories as fast as I can, but also try to make them as great as possible. It's going to take awhile for me to write and publish my stories, but I got ideas going and they come fast, so please bare with me with the whole waiting part and see if my stories are excellent for all of you readers out there. :)I'm going to be starting my first pokemon story; it's called, "David's Start of a New Adventure". Rated XXX for Romance in later chapters, OCxPokemon. WARNING: there is yaoi involved and probably some more of it, so try to bare with it. If not DON'T READ IT!! But there will be a lot of friendships in this story and heart warming events. So I would recommend you at least read some it and I also think it's worth reading.If you want more information about me or more info about my characters of my stories you can click here, TripleX's Profile..........

Just a Figure of Your Imagination?

(David's POV)

It was early in the morning that I was woken up by some movement in the sleeping bag where all of my companions were sleeping, including me. I soon find out quickly that it turns out that the cause of the movements was from, my new lover, Latios.

He just shifted closer to me and was giving me a tight embrace, which was nice, and heart warming and all, but the hug was giving me an uncomfortable feeling. Like I was being squeezed by a professional wrestler, not a good feeling.

So I was looking up at the sky where the azure atmosphere was surrounded by tall luscious trees and beyond them I saw a feint color of yellow and orange in the morning sky. So I know that the sun won't be coming up for a while and that it's way too early to wake up.

With now being fully awake, there's no doubt that I'm not going back to sleep. So I try to wiggle out of the blue Eon's grasp, to see what I can do to pass the time and wait for the others to wake up. Besides, Latios' love embrace was making my midsection a little sore.

In time I was surprised that I got out of my lover's embrace and didn't wake up in the process. It was even more surprising that I it didn't wake anyone else up.

'Hmmm...... What should I do to pass the time?' I thought to myself as I got up and look for anything to keep me distracted as I looked around my surroundings, but didn't see any of the sorts. So I decided to walk around the lake, nothing else better to do and thought to myself that this would be a good time to look around the scenery and what Lake Verity has to offer.

As I walk around the crystal clear lake, it was quite breathtaking that I saw some Pokemon wondering around in their habitat, doing their normal routines in their everyday lives. I saw a group of Bidoofs, some at their nest near the lake and some grinding their teeth against trees, I'd made sure to keep my distance away from them, not wanting to disturb them. Those huge front teeth can get intimidating if you think about them getting forced into your flesh, so I don't want to mess around with them. I also detected some Starly Pokemon perched on trees chirping into the upcoming morning day as I looked upwards while I was walking around.

It may not seem impressing to trainers or anyone else here for that matter that in the Pokemon world they are used to seeing Pokemon. But for me, it's not every day I get to see Pokemon up close and to know that they're actually REAL to the touch of their fur, feathers, or scales. I'm actually still overwhelmed that I'm actually in the Pokemon world and get to experience my own adventure with my Pokemon companions that I would be proud to call them my new family.

I bet it's every Pokemon fan's dream out there in the real world to do what I'm experiencing here in the Pokemon world. I wouldn't give this up for anything, because I get to experience what I love and what I've dreamt to do. It also feels like my life is changing for the better, cause I didn't like the life I have before in the real world. But coming here is probably the best thing that happen to my life and as I said before, 'This is a chance to change my life and have a better one', and I strongly believe that.

But anyways, I was still walking around the lake until I unexpectedly saw a short river that was connected to the lake and I travel my eyes along the river and saw in the distance that there was a small cliff that had a waterfall coming off of it. But what made me kept at looking at it was that their looks to be an opening behind the waterfall. I was curious to what could be behind the waterfall, so I made my way towards it.

When I arrived there, I look behind the waterfall and what I saw astonished me. What I saw was a small cave and in it was a pool surrounded from it, but that scene didn't what amazed me. It was that the light reflecting off from the pool made the rocks on the cave walls shine like crystals, making the pool shine brightly as well.

"Wow...... you don't get to see this very often." I said to no one in particular as I kept on watching the luscious scenery before me.

This scene somehow made me remember that I haven't bathe for awhile. I was aware that I kind of smell without bathing for a few days. I was wondering why anyone didn't tell me, but I guess this would be a good time to hygiene myself. Additionally, I felt dirty anyways. (Not that way you perverts) XD

So I discarded my clothes near the entrance of the cave while still having my Pokemon translator in my ear, because I read in the description that it should be water proof so I didn't bother to take the translator out. I then gently place myself in the pool, which was surprisingly not as cold I would expected it to be, but I wasn't complaining.

As I was washing myself, I had this odd weird feeling, like something didn't feel right. Do you know the old saying, 'Do you have the feeling your being watched?'. Yeah, that's what I felt.

(Unknown POV)

I was perched on a branch of a tree near the human's campsite as morning slowly came along. It was lucky of me that there was a branch in front of me, covered with thick leaves. A good thing that it was covering me, because I would of stick out like a Gyarados on dry land, considering that most of my fur is too noticeable for anyone to see so I took precaution in the situation last night.

So, I previously found out yesterday that the human and that dragon Pokemon had more company than I had expected. I was expecting that it was just the two of them, but I was wrong as there was another dragon looking Pokemon that looked like the blue one, but red and had more female features to it, and a Treecko with what looks like a bandage wrapped around its head.

Being aware that it was early in the morning, I had a reason to wake up early. Don't want to waste my chance if the human wonders off by himself now do I?

Turns out I was right as I saw in the distance that the human was heading towards the waterfall connected to the lake.

"Perfect......" I said quietly as I started to stealthily jump from tree to tree towards where the human was heading.


As I quietly landed on my padded feet with ease on the grassy surface, I quickly hid myself in the vegetation of bushes and trees as I follow the human, making sure I was a good distance away from him, but close enough to see what the human is doing.

I saw that the human was observing a cave behind the waterfall and looked at it for about a minute or two. I was not expecting the human that I was attracted to, to strip off his clothes as he then went in the cave.

"Oh my......" I said while my face started to burn up as I look at the human with my mouth agape in awe. But my muzzle slowly turned into a devilish grin as I started to chuckle to myself. "He's making this way to easy for me." I said as I follow the human in the cave while I plan out how to take advantage of him.

End Flashback
(Normal POV) (WARNING: Lemon/rape alert)

David was still washing himself in the pool as he was close to finish cleaning himself. While finishing, he could of swore heard, but barley that there was a feint slash not far from where the trainer was positioned. He started to look around and saw nothing, but when he looked behind himself where the entrance of the cave was, he saw a disturbance in the water just a few feet away from him.

'Probably just a Water Pokemon.' The trainer thought to himself as he turns back to finish what he was doing, but he had this nagging feeling that said it wasn't a Water Pokemon, which made him a little distressed.

He suddenly felt movement in the water near him and awareness as there was a presence behind him. So the trainer turned around but didn't get the chance to do anything or see who the presence behind him was as the only thing he saw was a yellow, blue, and black blur.

David was then pinned against the cave wall with black and blue arms as the trainer was a bit dazed from the impact. He try to refocus is vision, but whoever was pinning him forced its lip to his aggressively and rubbed its furry body against the naked exposed skin of the trainer, making the sensation turn him on almost instantly. Also there was something stabbing him in the chest, but not enough to hurt him, just a little irritation.

The trainer finally got his eye sight adjusted and what he saw could only wish that he was experiencing a nightmare.

'Oh my god, this can't be happening!' David thought frightfully as the one responsible for pinning him and basically fondling him to death was a Lucario.

The Lucario was at eye level with the trainer as the canine Pokemon was kissing him passionately, but the trainer guess the water in the pool was helping the aura Pokemon reach David's height.

David knew it was a female Lucario because it's wet and moist lips started touching and rubbing against the trainer's now hard member and also the fact that there was something very soft and cushiony against his chest as the trainer can only guess that it's the aura Pokemon's breasts.

Gasping at the sudden pleasure the aura Pokemon took advantage of the trainer's open lips and she slip her long canine tongue in the trainer's maw as it explores around.

Lucario picked up the trainer's shudder and the feint audible moans and smirks through the kiss as David's reactions only encourages the aura Pokemon to keep going. David couldn't even fight back as the aura Pokemon's strength was too much for him. Even if he could manage to escape the Lucario's grasp, he knew there was a small chance that he would escape and run all the way back to the campsite and won't get caught by Lucario. The thought made the trainer whimper as the aura Pokemon continues to pleasure both of them.

The aura Pokemon's wet tongue slid along the trainer's teeth and then slithered along the roof of his mouth as the trainer try to wiggle out of Lucario's hold, but to no avail. Then the canine tongue came down and coax the trainer's frighten one as the trainer let out a louder moan from his throat.

It felt like eternity to David as the kiss felt endless as it was making him heave while Lucario's lips suckle roughly but caress the trainer's coaxed lips.
Lucario finally parted away from the trainer's flushed face as their faces were only a few inches apart.

"Did you like that?" The aura Pokemon said rather seductively, making the trainer blushes more and turn away quickly, eyes closed. Lucario only snicker to the trainer's reaction, thinking it was cute. She knows that David likes the pleasure he's been given, 'He's just shy.' Lucario thought.

While David was looking away, he didn't expect the aura Pokemon to suddenly lick his neck, all the way to his cheeks as he grinds his teeth together, not wanting to give in the Lucario's desires. Then the trainer opened his eyes wide while he gasps from the canine Pokemon kissing and suckling his neck, hitting a sweat spot.

The trainer moaned louder than all the previous ones as Lucario kept on kissing the sweat spot on his neck. The aura Pokemon mentally noted to herself that the neck was a turn on spot for the human as she evidently heard the loud moans coming off from the trainer.

Lucario then sink her canine teeth to the trainer's vulnerable neck, making the trainer belong to her as there was a noticeable bite mark on David's neck afterwards. The wound oozed out a small train of blood as it trails down from the trainer's neck, but the red liquid was soon licked away clean from the canine Pokemon as a soft moan wasn't meant to be released in the process while panting from the aura Pokemon's tongue sliding along his neck. Lucario detected the trainer's panting and start to kiss the sweat spot again on his sensitive neck again, making the trainer moan some more.

'I can't believe that this human is exhausted already.' Lucario thought as she moved her lip from David's neck to his mouth. 'And I didn't even take his virginity yet.' As the aura Pokemon started to kiss the trainer more roughly. 'He still must be very...... 'fresh'.'

David was close to tears as the pleasure the Lucario was giving him was too much for him. This is not how the trainer wanted to encounter a Lucario, let alone get raped by one either!

'This-is-not-real, this-is-not-real, this-is-not-real!' The trainer deniably thought, hopping he's just imagining things and that he's back in the sleeping bag, sleeping with his lover Latios and the rest of his companions and that he's just having a nightmare.

But the sensation felt so real and pleasurable to him, how can this not be real? Then again most dreams felt real to him, but this is different. He tries and keeps telling himself that this whole experience was not real and that he doesn't like the pleasures he's been receiving from the aura Pokemon. But he knew deep inside that he liked it and that he craved for more.

'Oh my god, what the hell am I thinking? I'm in love with Latios not this...... this Lucario.' David thought. He's in love with Latios and devoted himself the blue Eon Pokemon. What would Latios think of him if he caught him making out with another Pokemon? This upset the trainer more as the tears bottled up this whole time came flowing down his face as the consequences hit him like a brick wall.

The thought made David try to escape from the Lucario's grasp again as he knew couldn't. He was getting desperate, so he tries kicking around making splashing noises, hopping to get something out of this. But this gesture made the aura Pokemon pin the trainer's legs by wrapping her own legs around his. Thus making the trainer paralyzed and not be able to do anything whether he liked it or not.

David was losing hope and if this continued on, he knows that whatever Lucario was doing, the aura Pokemon would eventually take this to the next level and mate with him.

"David's is that you in there?" A familiar voice said as the trainer recognizes who the voice belongs to.

"Shit!" Lucario whispers loudly as she quickly let go of David, making the trainer paid his attention to the floating shadowy figure outside the waterfall.

"Uhhh...... yeah it's me Latios." David said, somehow manages to speak as well as calmly while the feeling of relief washed over him as the horrible experience was over.

"Are you ok? It sounded like you were in trouble." The Eon Pokemon said through concern.

(Latios' POV)

I was having this wonderful dream about me and David. We were lying on a grassy field on a sunny day as there was a gentle breeze coming though the field. Then I crawl my way on top of my lover and we started making out. I then start to unzip David's jeans as one of my claws went down to rub the slowly growing bulge coming off of David's underwear and then I...... (Ok I'm not going into detail of what I'm about to do next. So let's keep moving on!)

While I was sleeping, I felt a huge amount of space in the sleeping bag as I try to hold David, but ending up hugging empty space. So I abruptly had to wake up from my wonderful sleep and saw that my lover wasn't in the sleeping bag with me, this got me a little worried. I then start to look around, to see if my lover was anywhere in sight.

'Where did he go?' I thought, not seeing where David is. "Guys wake up!" I whisper loudly as I shook my sister and Treecko.

"Auhhhh!!! What is it brother? It's too early to wake up." Latias said tiredly while Treecko nods in agreement as the gecko Pokemon rubbed his eyes.

"I know it's too early, but have you two seen David? He was not in here when I woke up." I said, pointing to the empty space of where David was previously sleeping.

"No we haven't brother, we were sleeping the whole time, right Treecko?" My red Eon sister questioned to the gecko Pokemon as he nods his head.

"Maybe he's just taking a walk?" The Treecko suggested, probably makes the most sense as I thought about it.

"Ok I'll be looking for him then." I said as I floated out of the sleeping bag and took off.

"Alright we'll start off breakfast." Latias yelled to me in the distance.


As I looked around I saw this waterfall and it looks like there was a cave behind it. So I decided to take a quick check to see if my lover was wondering in there.

When I arrived there, I heard some splashing noises behind the waterfall. Whoever was in there sounded like they were struggling, which made me somewhat suspicious.

"David is that you in there?......"

End Flashback
(Normal POV)

'Come on David think of something!' The trainer thought, not wanting Latios to find out what's been happening behind the waterfall. "Ummm...... I uhhh...... accidently slip when I was about to go in the pool." David hesitantly said as he's hoping the Eon Pokemon would believe what he's been told.

"So you're sure your ok in there?" Latios said as he was about to come closer.

"Yeah! Yeah! I'm fine, you can go back to the campsite. I'm almost done here anyways." David said as he starts to wash himself quickly.

"Well...... if you say so." The blue Eon Pokemon said as he turns around and leaves, but not without the feeling of uncertainty that came across his mind.

Right when Latios left, David abruptly stop washing himself and signed in relief. He then suddenly realizes that Lucario never left, so he looks around frantically, looking where the aura Pokemon might be at. But didn't see the canine Pokemon as she was gone without a trace.

Not wanting to wait and find out if Lucario was really gone or not, David quickly swam out of the pool and went back to where his clothes lay and clumsily put them on. Once that was done, he quickly made his way back to the campsite, praying that whatever happen back there in the waterfall and about that Lucario, was just a figure of his imagination. But it sure as hell felt real, no doubt about it.


Back behind the waterfall, the aura Pokemon revealed herself out of the water surface, panting to get oxygen in her lungs.

"Damn it that was a close one. So his name is David, eh? Well David if you think that this is over, it is just the beginning." Lucario said to herself.

She then swam her way out of the pool, out of the entrance of the cave and watch David as the trainer was quickly walking back towards to campsite.

'If I want to make this perfect and have no more interruptions. Then I'm going to have to do something about this 'Latios' Pokemon.' The aura Pokemon thought as she went to follow David in the shadows of the trees and bushes again and starts to plan out what she should do next and what do with Latios.

Chapter End Notes:Ok that's Ch.13 for you guys! Awe Yeah! XP

So you guys now know that Lucario was the 'mystery character' and also has this huge attraction towards David. (Oh no! what pairing is it going to be? DavidXLucario or DavidXLatios?) XD

To be honest with you guys, I intentionally was suppose to have Lucario as a male. But since a lot of you guess it was female and that you guys were probably hoping it was. I just had to make Lucario a female. Because one, I don't want to disappoint anyone. Two, I actually got a few ideas when most of you guessed Lucario was a female.

So I actually want to say thanks to the people who guessed that Lucario is a female and I'm looking forwards to write my ideas down. Although if you want to read the male version you can click here: Lucario: Male Version

That's another website where I posted this story, but since the story here and the one on FanFiction are going to be different now, because of different genders of Lucario. Some or most scenes are not going to be the same with each other later on, but the plot still remains unchanged.

But anyways, what do you think Lucario is going to plan out her next plot to 'woo' David? And what is she going to do to Latios in the process? (Oh man this is starting to get interesting) ;)

Find out in Ch.14 of 'David's Start of a New Adventure!'

TripleX out!!! :D

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