AGNPH Stories

David's Start of a New Adventure by triplex


Story Notes:

Hey everyone! I'm TripleX and I've been reading on AGNPH for a while now, and the stories I've read are awesome. Even though I love reading fanfics, especially Pokemon fanfics, I would like to write and publish my own ideas of pokemon stories to AGNPH. But I was too afraid that they were not good enough or too amateur for you readers out there.Anyways, as I was reading some of my favourite author's stories, I've notice that the some of authors are updating their stories less and less, or slowly and slowly, and/or even sometimes to the point that they have to postpone their stories for a long period of time. I and many others understand that they are too busy doing other important things, or having huge writers block. But it gets frustrating for me and other readers out there to have to wait and wait for the authors to update their amazing stories, and it has come to the point that I can't wait any longer for the authors to update their stories.So I bravely decided to write and publish my stories out to AGNPH and other fanfiction websites to see how good my stories really are and how well you readers like my stories. So please comment or give me a good review of my stories, and rate as well. Also if you have time, comment on my stories on how to improve on my stories better to other readers out there so that they would want to read more and more of my stories. I will try to do my best to write and publish my stories as fast as I can, but also try to make them as great as possible. It's going to take awhile for me to write and publish my stories, but I got ideas going and they come fast, so please bare with me with the whole waiting part and see if my stories are excellent for all of you readers out there. :)I'm going to be starting my first pokemon story; it's called, "David's Start of a New Adventure". Rated XXX for Romance in later chapters, OCxPokemon. WARNING: there is yaoi involved and probably some more of it, so try to bare with it. If not DON'T READ IT!! But there will be a lot of friendships in this story and heart warming events. So I would recommend you at least read some it and I also think it's worth reading.If you want more information about me or more info about my characters of my stories you can click here, TripleX's Profile..........


(Latios' POV)

Ever since the rest of the afternoon in the Sandgem Pokemon Center, Lucario has been 'very close' to my David and being super flirty around him. I tell you it was really irritating to see this dog like Pokemon rubbing its furry body against David's, or giving him surprising hugs every now and then. I'm not sure if she's just thankful for being saved by David or that she has a strong attraction towards my lover. But whatever it is, that Lucario is really starting to get my blood boiling.

Every time if I want to or even try to get close to David, like trying to kiss him, Lucario would somehow distract David before I get the chance to do anything with him. The feeling I've been getting towards Lucario is not out of jealousy. Like the time when Treecko was sleeping with David back in the Azalea Pokemon Center, oh it's far from it. It feels as though I want to...... protect David from her for some reason.

It's not that I don't exactly trust Lucario; she seems like a nice gal and all. My sister (Latias) and Treecko seem to like her, but something about this Pokemon is giving me a bad feeling from the start. It feels to me that Lucario has some kind of ambition towards David that I'm not aware of and I'll lose him forever if I don't do something about it, but that's just a feeling.

Anyways, me and everyone else are resting up in one of the rooms for trainers in the Pokemon Center, and of course I was sleeping or trying to sleep with David in my arms on this extremely comfortable bed. But with all of these thoughts in my head I'm wide awake. My sister was sleeping on the opposite side of the bed while Treecko slept on the foot of it, and Lucario was resting on the couch at the far end of the room, thank Arceus.

If Lucario ever slept with my lover or ever near him, I don't even want to imagine what that aura Pokemon would do. It's bad enough that Lucario is getting all the attention and being all lovey-dovey around my David, but him sleeping with my lover? I wouldn't be surprised if David chose Lucario over me. It will sure make me furious and feel hatred over the both of them (but mostly Lucario), and don't expect me to be all clam and content about the whole situation. I would probably let all hell break loose and do everything I can to get David back and make sure to destroy that Lucario. But then again I don't know if Lucario would even try to get David or even has feelings for him. Heck, I barely know the Pokemon and her sexual interests for Arceus sake! But it sure felt like she's trying to lure David away from me and keep him all to herself, maybe for something more.

I don't know what Lucario is trying to do with David, all I know is that it's not good. If Lucario even has ambitions or no ambitions for him, either way I'm going to get to the bottom of this and find out if Lucario's affections towards David have any meanings behind it or not, but I have a feeling it should, and not in a good way.

But that's not the point, if I want to figure out if Lucario 'likes' David or even has sexual interests towards him or any others, which I hope. I don't care if he likes anybody else, it just can't be David. T_T

I would probably go and ask her questions. They're obviously not going to be straight forward like ones like this, 'Hey Lucario do you like David, and when I mean like, I mean love him? Oh you do, then you better stay the fuck away from him, because he's taken from me bitch!'

Ummm...... ok I'll probably leave that statement out, but anyhow Lucario is going to undeniably be sceptical when I confront those questions, or she'll just freak out. I'm going to have to ask her very carefully, but not enough to make her suspicious, but not enough to make it obvious either.

So I have no doubts in my mind that this is going to be tough for me. Thus I'm going to have to take the old classical 'slow and easy' method in order to get what I want to hear from Lucario, and when I do. I'll destroy her or make her life miserable to no end if what I suspected from Lucario is true.

'Maybe...... just maybe that I could end up worrying over nothing and that I was just over exaggerating my worried thoughts.' I thought to myself as I attempt to try and fall asleep again by closing my eyes. 'But then again, I'll just keep a close eye on him, just in case.' I thought again while my eyes were still closed, trying to force myself to sleep.

I try my best to get to sleep and have my wonderful dream (about me and David of course XD) to consume me, but instead of imagining me and David in an open field. I saw the image of that damn bite mark on David's neck in my mind that kept on bothering me the past afternoon, and it still is now. I can't help but feel the fact that the bite mark on David's neck has something to do with Lucario.

'But that's silly, that bite mark David said was back from that Lake Verity place, and that was before we met Lucario. I mean it's not that Lucario was following us all along, she was washed up on shore on the beach! It's impossible, right?'

Those were my last thoughts before my mind and body finally relaxed and was being absorbed by darkness as the darkness surrounding my mind leads me to my dream.

(Lucario's POV)

The rest of the afternoon was just way too much fun for me. I mean every time that Latios Pokemon wanted to try anything with David, I would manage to distract the human and have his full attention on me. :D

One time when Latios was about to kiss David, I had to 'suddenly interrupt' their love-fest and ask David if he could hold me for warmth. Since I told him that I was 'cold' from the beach that I 'washed up' from it that afternoon, and of course I had to make it look good as I have to shiver and hold my arms.

As expected, David couldn't take down my offer, because he probably knew that it was true and that he can't just 'leave me in the cold' to suffer now can he? Part of it was true that I was a little cold, but not cold enough for someone to hold me (though I wouldn't mind if David would ;D). Although seeing Latios' face was just priceless, I knew he wanted to kill me right then and there while David was holding me in his arms as his body warmth radiated onto mine. And just to piss Latios off even more, I started to snuggle him in his arms as I return the human's gesture as it look like to Latios' eyes that we were a couple. During that time I felt like laughing through the whole situation, because I could feel his aura radiating off rage even though he seemed calm during the rest of the afternoon.

Right now it's nightfall as all of us slept in a place called a 'Pokemon Center', whatever that is. I think it's some kind of medical aid for Pokemon, I don't know. I wasn't really paying attention to David as he explained to me what a Pokemon Center is. I was too distracted by 'someone', if you know what I mean. (Snicker.....)

But anyways, everyone was sleeping in a room something about for trainers? Yeah, still wasn't paying attention as I was again distracted by 'someone'. (Shut up, don't blame me! I can't help to fact I'm strongly attracted to this human, ok?!)

So yeah, David and every one of his companions were sleeping in one bed as I slept on a large soft cushion at the far end of the room. I didn't really mind much as this was a...... entertaining day for me, and everyone of David's Pokemon sleeping with him won't spoil my pure feelings of delight I had this day. But all of my excitement is making me stay awake as I lay on my back on the large cushion with my paws behind my head.

Oh who am I kidding, I'm not much of a night Pokemon anyways. I usually meditate during most of the days and train some of my combat skills in the rest of the hours. That was all before I met David and his Pokemon. But I still couldn't help but feel proud that these past events worked out so well in the last few days.

I mean to the Lake Verity forest to this day went out perfectly as I planned out in the end! Now I've joined David's so called 'family'. And I get to travel with them, and to make things better, I belong to him as this ball called a 'Pokeball' makes me his possession. Though when I've been consume in that thing, it's very cramped and quite uncomfortable in there. But regardless I don't really care, as long I won't be put in there very often. Which I think is true, because I haven't seen David returning any of his Pokemon in those Pokeballs yet. So I guess I'll have more time to 'have fun' with David, if you know what I'm mean. (It's not what you think!...... Ok maybe it is.)

I looked back to the scene when I unexpectedly 'washed up' on shore, still couldn't believe that my scheme on the beach actually worked! Plus David giving me that mouth to mouth moment was just perfect.

Flashback (Route 201)

It seems as though I've overheard them again from the forest alongside of the path they were traveling on. They were changing their destination to a town called, Sandgem Town. Never heard of the town, but then again I don't really know much about this region. Considering I use to settle in an island that has mountains all over it, I think the island is referred as 'Iron Island?' That's what I heard from one of the human locals on the island during the time.

Anyways back on track, I heard again that David said that the town had a beach there. That's when everyone of his Pokemon went all excited and immediately started dashing on the path with David running from behind their trails.

'A beach, huh? I think I might have some use for it.' I thought while following David and his companions in the vegetation as I follow them in a much quicker pace to keep up. As well as I talked to myself to plan out my cunning scheme I have in store.


When I arrived to the town, I saw that they were heading into to some kind of building that had some sort of ball shaped circle that has a red and white design on it against the front of the structure. I just simply hid at the side of the building and wait for them to come out and head to the beach.

But once when they came out or when David did, now that he looked like he seems to be alone and went inside another building that was right beside the one he and his Pokemon went in earlier.

So when he came out of that building, he came out with a whole bunch of items I didn't recognize in his arms. As I kept on watching the human, he looked like he was struggling with them, but he then drop all of the items and let out all of his Pokemon again and it looks like to me that he told them to help him gather the items.

Once they did, they went to a direction I think is now the beach. So without delaying myself any further, I ran as quickly as I can to get to the beach before them in order for my plan to work.


As I finally arrive to the beach, I quickly dove in the salty water as I swam a good distance away for anyone to not detect me, but good enough for me to see who was on the sandy beach.

When David and his Pokemon arrived, they both went to a different direction as David's Pokemon went on the sandy floor while David went in the opposite direction, straight in a much smaller building. I soon draw my attention to his Pokemon as they seem to try to find a place to settle on the beach. I quickly follow them in the waters, not wanting to lose them.

In time, they found an area to settle at as the area was pretty far from any other human around the beach. Good thing too, don't want anyone else finding me on the shore.

After a few minutes, David came in a little while later with nothing but shorts on, and I must say that he looks mighty attractive without his shirt on.

As I would love to admire David's half exposed body, it's time to let my plan go to work. I took a deep breath and sunk my head into the waters as I then swam closer to the group. When I thought I was a good amount of distance from them, I just let the waves of the water push me closer towards David and his Pokemon until I hit the shore.

End Flashback

"Hahaha!!! Oh my Arceus, I won't forget those moments." I whisper to myself as I giggle quietly in the silent room, nothing but the sound of soft snores in the atmosphere. When I stop myself from giggling, I then went serious as I lift my head from the cushion and look across the room towards where David and his Pokemon were sleeping.

"You have your moment with David for now Latios. I will eventually have David for the taking...... and when that time comes. There nothing you can do about it whether you like it or not." As those were the last words I said as I slowly close my eyes to have at least a few hours of sleep.

Chapter End Notes:Ok that's the end of Ch.15 everyone!!! Victory is mine!!! XD

Yeah I know, not much has happened. It was basically just talking about Latios' and Lucario's thoughts and the past events and some bits of Lucario's past. But the whole point of this chapter is that Latios is starting to get furious with Lucario and getting suspicious with the aura Pokemon's gesture towards David.

So that leaves today's question. Is Latios going to find out what Lucario has been doing all along before it's too late? Or will Lucario continue to have her way and get what she desires?

Find out in Ch.16 of 'David's Start of a New Adventure!'

TripleX out!!! X)

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