AGNPH Stories

Perceptions by boss_snikrot


Story Notes:

I feel I should mention that I made somewhat of an effort to write in the "internet style" where there are generally gaps everywhere. It's not something I'm used to since I tend to write my stuff as a text wall. Figured I should mention that for those of you unfamiliar with my work, and those of you who read it and go "WTF with this gap here?"************************************************************


Kane stared into the river he was sitting by, letting the current play around his claws. He looked down into his own distorted reflection, seeing the face of a Charmeleon staring back at him. His reflection certainly looked happy, and given his own vanity he though pretty damn good. And why shouldn't I be happy? he thought to himself. Breeding season is here.

The Charmeleon glanced over his shoulder, to where the human town was only a short distance walk from where he lived in the forest. He had always lived here, finding the gatherings of humans and their pokemon easy enough to find a companion when breeding season came around each year. All he had to do was walk into the building the humans called a pokemon centre, and he was indistinguishable from the pokemon who accompanied the trainers. Simple.

Oh, most pokemon frowned upon this practice, to be sure. He didn't care what they thought. It was much easier getting laid there than trying to perform some complex mating dance to woo someone. Besides, trained pokemon were generally unwilling to have offspring. Another plus.

On top of that, before the last mating season he had received a scar across one eye, sliding vertically down his right eye. The girls at that time were clamouring to comfort him, and it was all too easy to play worried about his future looks and get some sympathy sex.

Kane let a smug smile play across his lips as he reminisced. The crop of girls was always different each year as well, offering a week of fresh young faces that had no clue as to his methods. Some liked a challenge when they were in heat, but Kane felt it wasn't worth the trouble when sex would come so easily from such a willing source.

"You are a devil, aren't you?" he said to his reflection, a frown creasing his features. It disappeared quickly enough, to be replaced with a leering smile. "But all the girls love a bad boy."

He got up from where he was sitting, turning to where he could see the red roof of the pokemon centre through the trees. He would have to spend a day or two wandering the human town, to give the impression his 'trainer' was there. He couldn't shake the feeling that he may have to move to a different town after this season. The pink haired human and her Chansey were beginning to get suspicious of him. It wouldn't do to have them warning the trainers about his presence, especially with such a defining and attractive scar to single him out.

In the long run, it didn't matter. He would just find another town and call that home until they connected the dots. Then it would be time to move again. No problem.

Grinning to himself, he set off for the pokemon centre.


A couple of days later, Kane was standing amidst the hustle and bustle of the pokemon centre, inhaling deeply. From where he was he could catch the scents of at least a dozen girls, all of which were moving through the crowd looking for a prospective partner. It was the way things worked here, where a female would chase after a male instead of the other way around. The Charmeleon liked it that way, since it meant less work for him. All he had to do was screw some hot young piece of ass, rest for a few minutes, and then repeat the process. It was only enjoying his freedom to do so that kept him from just letting a trainer catch him. He could find the pokemon centres easily enough on his own.

Looking over the heads of the crowd he could see girls of all kinds checking out each of the males in turn, seeing which would return their interest. He leaned against the wall, out of sight of the meddling pink haired human, and waited for one of the girls to give him the go ahead. Then they would leave the centre, find a nice quiet spot and get down to business. Kane didn't know why anyone would want to live any other way.

Then, above the heads of the various pokemon, he saw her.

She was just under a couple of feet taller than him, with wavy blonde hair drawn back into a pony tail that still fell to her shoulders. Her hair was spilling out of a gap in her black cap, accentuating her lovely hazel eyes and fair complexion nicely. She was wearing a tight blue shirt and a loose black skirt that came just down to her knees and didn't quite hide her wonderfully curved hips. When he noticed the belt that ran around those hips and the backpack she wore, his eyes widened as he realised the nature of girl that had him so enthralled.

She was a human! A trainer!

As he stood rooted to the spot, she called out three pokemon from the poke balls attached to her belt. She knelt down to their height, talking to each of them. Even above the tumult of noise he strained his ears to listen to what she was saying.

"Okay guys." She was saying, Kane believing she had the voice of an angel. "I'm sure you don't need me hanging around watching you all do what you need to. Marowak, I'm trusting you to look after Plusle and Sentret. Just make sure that they're okay every so often." The Charmeleon took no notice of Marowak's response, watching a smile grace her sculpted face. "Thanks. I'll be in the room if you need me."

He watched her depart, feeling a powerful urge to follow her. He felt a sneer twist his face as she turned the corner and he could now focus on the pokemon all around him again. It was unfair that he had been given a glimpse of perfection and now had to sully himself with the view of pokemon- no, creatures- no, things!- that were now infecting his vision.

What the hell?! he screamed angrily at himself. Listen to yourself! You're pining after a human! You sick bastard!

Whilst berating himself he felt a hand slide around his waist, pressing a body against his. He looked down to find a Wartortle smiling up at him suggestively, the movements of her rubbing herself against his side sending shivers through him. What was strange was that it made him feel uncomfortable rather than horny.

"Hey there," she said, winking and tilting her head. The movement made the short grey curl in the middle of her forehead bob enticingly. "I noticed that hot looking scar from across the room. Wanna come with me for some fun?" This was more like it. Now he could forget that goddess of a human.

"Sorry, but I promised the first go to someone else. I'm just waiting for them to arrive." He said, seeing her grimace at his refusal.

"Whatever." She replied. "Once you're done with that, come and find me. I can't let that tasty looking tail of yours go without getting some." She wandered off, swaying her hips and tail invitingly. He watched her go, only now realising what he had said.

Now what in all of hell's name had he said that for?!

He considered going after Wartortle, but that would mean having to admit that he lied, however unintentional it was. If he did that, it would show he was untrustworthy and that would spread like wildfire in this crowd, stopping him from getting any action at all. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, he went outside to try and clear his head.

"Great." He muttered to himself as he left the pokemon centre. "I'm losing it."

He set off for nowhere in particular, letting his feet take him wherever they did. A walk around the centre, and then I can go back in, he thought to himself, a shadow of a smile appearing on his face. Besides, disappearing for a while will mean Wartortle will think I did screw who I was waiting for. It's all good.

Kane wandered around the pokemon centre, tracing one hand along the wall. He took in the windows, placed in groups of two an even distance apart. He had been in these rooms before, a Weavile coaxing him in by fondling herself in the press of pokemon to get his attention. He was particularly pleased with that memory, having spent a whole hour with that talented temptress last breeding season.

"Oh, damn it." He heard a voice mutter softly, the sound carrying out one of the windows he was approaching. It wasn't the first time that he had heard voices as he walked, though none of them had intruded on his thoughts like this. It was a voice he recognised, a melodic voice that made each sentence sound like it was part of a song.

He peered into the window where the voice had come from, his eyes widening when he saw that blonde beauty again. She was standing in a room that had a lot of metal things around, along with twice as many strange looking handles. He didn't take in any more of the room, shifting his attention back to the girl. She was frowning, even her expression of frustration seemingly beautiful to him. In her hand she held some kind of cloth, holes that had a torn look about them across the edge she was looking at.

"I guess I'll need to tell Nurse Joy the shower curtain is ripped." She said to no one in particular, taking in a deep breath through her nose. Stopping mid stride, she cautiously sniffed at her arm, jerking back with her eyes wide.

"Bloody hell, I stink." She said, giggling to herself. Kane let in a shuddering breath at the sound, her laugh like music to him. "I guess I can do without a shower curtain, just this once." He stood, rooted to the spot, as she let the curtain fall to the tiled floor of the bathroom. Next was the cap, placed next to the sink, letting some loose strands of hair fall along her cheeks. She kicked off her sneakers, bending her legs in turn to peel off her ankle socks. They were left on the floor beneath where her cap was sitting. She then gripped the bottom of her shirt, arms crossed, and peeled it off over her head. He gasped as her lacy black bra was revealed, showing quite more of her generous carriage than the shirt ever could.

Kane felt something rough against the tip of his penis, sparing a quick glance down to find that he was already completely erect from just the beginning. It had brushed against the rough wall of the pokemon centre, and he reached down with one paw to hold himself away from the wall. This is insane, he thought to himself, looking back up to where the goddess continued to remove her clothing, unaware of her audience.

Her skirt was gone, and Kane vaguely realised that she had removed it while he had been fiddling with himself. Now she was clad in only her underwear, a similarly lacy black v-string and her bra the only things keeping her from the elements. He continued to gawk, watching her reach up behind her to undo the clasp keeping her bra on. Once that was undone she simply let the bra fall on top of her other clothes, her breasts stealing Kane's attention without seeming to try. His eyes bulged at the sight, and time seemed to stand still as he feasted them on the most incredibly rounded pair of breasts he had ever seen. He could just imagine himself lying on her naked form, head resting comfortably in between those soft looking mounds of flesh while she ran her fingertips against his neck and whispered her love for him in that heavenly voice of hers.

Kane snapped himself back to the present, noticing that she had now gripped the sides of her v-string and was pulling the scrap of cloth down her legs. She did so quite slowly, though why that would be was beyond Kane. Does she enjoy how it feels? he wondered, his vision of her body blocked momentarily by her hair. When she stood back up, he was treated to the best sight yet. He had a clear view of her whole body now, and was mesmerised by the sight of her immaculately shaven slit. He couldn't help but grin at the sight, almost as though it were the first one he had ever seen. No hair was good; Kane had been with furry girls before and licking the carpet wasn't something he enjoyed. Not the activity itself, but that sometimes fur would come off and slip down his throat, staying there for a day or two and generally being uncomfortable.

Now she turned around and started fiddling with the strange knobs on the wall, sending water cascading from a metal thing higher up, though Kane paid scant notice to this. He was too busy staring at the girl's tight rear, so soft and inviting. Once she seemed happy with the water, she stepped over the side of the bath tub and into the stream, almost causing Kane to lose it.

The Charmeleon felt only the most tenuous grip on his self control now, just enough left to stop him bursting through the window and screwing her on the spot. Unconsciously, the paw gripping his penis had increased in pressure, and was now running itself along his rock hard shaft. He kept his pace steady, feeling that simply jerking himself off all over the wall would be insulting to such a beauty, even if she didn't know he was there.

He kept his gaze fixed on her, watching as she squirted a generous amount of soap onto her hand and began to run it over her equally generous chest. Exerting a level of self control he didn't know he had, he managed to keep his strokes lengthy and even, feeling the sensitive nerves tingling as his paw brushed against them. His other paw was planted on the window ledge, keeping his eyes up and firmly on the girl rubbing soap on her body. She finished up with her breasts, sparing a moment to catch her nipples between thumb and forefinger, Kane letting out a shuddering breath to go with the sudden and unwilling quick jerk on his penis. Tease, he thought ruefully.

Her hands passed along her midsection, rubbing it thoroughly before one hand went to her right leg. Once that reached her thigh, she turned around and bent over to give her better reach. Kane was treated to an incredible view of her pussy as she set about washing her statuesque legs. His paw rubbed on his shaft more vigorously, imagining himself burying his muzzle into the soft, pink flesh between her legs. He watched the water run down the sides of her slit, his grip tightening further.

Straightening up, she began to run her hands along her backside, leaving soapy foam on her well rounded derriere and gifting the peeping Charmeleon with a quick glimpse of her anus. He stroked himself ever harder, his breath coming out in short gasps now as the pleasure built in the organ he held firmly in his paw. She moved her hands to her back, washing everything she could reach. Next were her arms and face, finishing these with much more speed than the other parts from where Kane stood.

He was getting much closer to his own finish too, feeling pressure building up in the base of his penis. The Charmeleon was now rubbing himself as hard and fast as he could, hoping to finish off before she put her clothes back on until he noticed the soap was back in her hand. She squirted more onto her right forefinger, coating the digit in the pink liquid. Turning her back on him again, she now spread her legs apart, careful to keep her soap coated finger out of the water. Cautiously she reached down with her left hand and placed it on her rear, spreading her backside until her anus was visible to him again. Before he could react, she brought her finger in between her legs and inserted it into herself, letting out a short moan as she did so.

Was it for the pleasure? Or was that just a welcome addition to cleaning herself?

Kane didn't know, or particularly care at that point. All he knew was that watching her thrust her finger into her ass was sending him into a frenzy, and he stuffed his free paw into his mouth to stop from crying out and startling her. He reached his peak, paw covering every inflamed nerve in his penis until the pressure at the base grew too strong to resist. The pleasure exploded along his shaft, shooting through his body at the same instant he released, spraying the wall with a great deal of seed. His paw still continued to work along his penis, causing him to shiver at the residue of his orgasm.

Completely spent, Kane collapsed back onto his haunches, breathing heavily. He couldn't even bring himself up to keep watching the golden haired goddess explore herself with her fingers, using what little energy he had left to wipe himself clean on the grass. A contented smile was still plastered on his face, leaving him satisfied that he didn't even mind how strange this was.

A thought occurred to him, that what he had seen was perfection. Now if he had seen perfection, did he really need his eyes anymore? He glanced down at his claws, flexing them in thought. If I do that, I would never be able to see her again, he thought to himself, wondering if his reluctance was through greed or cowardice.

It didn't matter to him. Not anymore. After the week was out, she would leave this place and continue her journey. Kane smiled regretfully, realising that if she were leaving, he would leave with her. He wanted to be with her, with all of his being.

"Aha! I knew you'd be hanging around!"

Kane froze at the shout, recognising the voice. Turning, he barely had time to dodge the broom that Nurse Joy was swinging at him, fully intent on chasing him away. He scampered away into the woods, vowing that he would follow his angel to the ends of the earth.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow

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