AGNPH Stories

Zephyr and his Pokémon's story by lunarmon


Prologue: Off to fight, happy childhood away from home and return home again.

Prologue: Off to fight, happy childhood away from home and return home again.

"Please Shora if something should happen to us please watch over and protect our son." A tall man in black-blue clothes said to a young Shiny Milotic, her eyes became moist with tears as she looked at her master.

"Master Renorld, please don't go" she cried as the tears began to run down her cheeks then a soft hand touched her head and she looked up at a human woman.

"You know we have to go, for anyone's sake as well as for our son. If anything goes well we'll soon be back but if it goes bad we need to know that you'll watch over our son." The Woman said as she carefully caressed Shora's head.

"I promise that I'll protect him and raise him as if he were my own, Mistress Merinian." Shora promised as Merinian kneeled down to her and gave her a hug.

"And I know that you'll raise him to be a good man" she then looked Shora in the eyes "one day you'll know what it's like to hold your very own child to your heart." She then gave Shora a soft kiss before standing up to follow her husband.

As Shora looked at them leave with their other pokemon she caught the wish for the same promise from the eyes of four of her friends, she bowed her head and said. "I promise." They closed their eye for a moment before bowing to her with tears in their eyes before following after their Master and Mistress into an uncertain future.

After many hours of waiting Shora suddenly raised her head as tears began to run down her cheeks and she began to sob while saying to herself. "They are gone... they are gone, oh Master and Mistress," she began to cry for a few moments before getting up "I'll keep my promise." She then went to the room of her Master and Mistress as fast as she could to get their child but as she looked down at him she began to cry again. While taking him up coiling her tail around him before going to her friends children to get them as well after that she ran away from the manor as fast as she could to get as far away as possible before someone could get to the children.

After many days she found a seclude valley where she could raise the three children in peace away from humans, she then looked at the three sleeping children in her coils a human boy, a female Shiny Ralts and a female Shiny Absol she then whispered to them in their sleep. "We're home, this will be our new home." Before moving further into the valley to find a place for them to make a home.

As the years went by Shora watch over her children as they played in the meadows and swam in the lake. As they grew up all three children forged a strong bond together and were never far from each other as they grew old they all understood that Shora wasn't their real mother but to her surprise and happiness they continued to see her as their mommy and kept calling her mom.

But one day Shora looked at them and realized that they were growing up Yerial was still the same Shiny Absol as all ways although she had grown larger over the years while Merissia had evolved in to a Shiny Gardevoir.

Shora then looked at Zephyr at how much he had grown over the years. "How old is he now?" She thought to herself as she put her tail under her chin "how long time as it been since that they?" She began to count the years in her head "hmm...7,8,9,10,11 a bit over 11 years" she then looked back at the human and the two pokemon who were cuddling together on the grass below, she then closed her eyes to think after a short while she opened her eyes wide "Zephyr will be 12 in three days," she then looked down at the sleeping young human and sleeping pokemons "then it'll soon be time to leave this place and go home." She laid down on the ground, sad to leave the valley but knew it had to happen, it had been a perfect place to raise the three children but it was time to return to their true home once Zephyr reached the age of 12, time to return to Westwind Manor.

Three days later Shora, Yerial and Merissia celebrated Zephyr's 12 year old birthday, while all three were having fun Shora got their attention by waving her tail at them when they all three looked at her she said. "As you know we're celebrating Zephyr's 12 year old birthday but I'm afraid I have some news you might not going to like." They looked at her then at each other before looking back at her.

"What do you mean mom?" Zephyr asked her, she sighed before begin to explain.

"You all three like it here right?" She asked and they all nodded their head before she continued "I've never told you three why we're here and what happened to you parents but it's time you learn what I know" she looked at them all one at a time "around 12 years ago something happened I'm not entirely sure what as I too were young back then but Zephyr's parents had to fight something, something really evil but they were afraid that they won't survive the battle and asked me to watch over and protect their only child if something should happen," she then looked at Yerial and Merissia " your parents followed Zephyr's just like all their other pokemons and they asked me to take care of you as well if they won't make it," she then closed her eyes for a few moments "I waited alone for many hours until I got a feeling that my Master and Mistress were no more, I cried for the loss of my Master and Mistress but I kept my promise at took you all away from our true home because it wasn't save anymore at that time, in the end we ended up here where we have live since but now it's time to return to our true home as Zephyr is now old enough to reclaim Westwind Manor as his home." They all looked at her in shock.

"But mom we like it here!" Zephyre said as he held an arm around both of his sisters, Shora sighed.

"I know this has been good place for you to grow up but not to live in for the rest of our lives, I know it can be hard to moved from the only place you have really know in many years but you'll have to return to you families old home and take it back as yours." Zephyre looked at her in thoughts before saying.

"But didn't you say that our old home wasn't save?" he asked and Shora could see that he was more afraid that something should happen to her and his sister, Shora went over to them and gave him a small kiss on his lips.

"Not anymore once you return and reclaim it as yours it'll be even more save than this Valley," she saw the confusion on his face and smiled at him "truest me on this I don't know how I know but I know that it's true." They all three smiled at her and hugged her.

"Of cause we truest you mom always." They all three said as the same time she then coiled around them and said.

"We leave in two days so pack what you want to take with you and we'll go home."

After few weeks of travel they reached Westwind Manor and Shora let them in and helped them find a room each that they like although she was sure that they were going to keep sleeping in one bed cuddling together as all ways she just smiled at them.

The authorities were surprised that the lost heir of the Westwind family had returned of being lost for 12 years but a DNA test confirmed that he really was Zephyr Wildes Westwind sole heir to the Westwind family fortune. Although they never got any answers on where he had been for the last 12 years his case was considered solved and he moved into the Manor with his Pokemon family.
Chapter End Notes:Hope it wasn't too bad.

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