AGNPH Stories

Zephyr and his Pokémon's story by lunarmon


Chapter 1: Itirah's story

Chapter 1: Itirah's story

"There it is hurry." A human shouted and Itirah opened her eyes wide in fear and she cried *Leave me alone* as she flew away as fast as she could.
For the last many days a pack of pokemon trainers had been hunting her never leaving her much time to rest, she hadn't even been able to get any sleep in the last three days and she could begin to feel the effect in her body as it felt heavy, she didn't know for how much longer she could handle it but just as that thought went through her head she passed out from exhaustion and she fell from the sky.

As she began to wakeup she heard shouting not too far away, she forced her eyes open to see the pack of trainers standing outside a tall iron gate with a young man standing on the other side. "That mew is ours, we have been after it for days." One of the trainers shouted at the young man while the other gave him right, she then felt a soft hand on her.

"It's okay" a voice said and she looked up in fear to see a Shiny Gardevoir kneeling beside her then she noticed other pokemons standing around her she saw a Blaziken, a Lucario, a Ninetales, a Suicune, a Lugia, a Latias, a Absol, a Lapras, a Dragonair and a Milotic and all of them shiny herself and the Gardevoir she then looked back at the gate as the young man turn from the trainers and walked over to her where he kneeled down in front of her, she looked up at him in fear and tried to get away but her body were too fatigued to move.

"Relax I'm not going to do anything to you" he said as he examined her. She saw in his eyes a rage for what the trainers had done as well as compassion for her "I can help you but you'll have to let me catch you," she stared at him with wide eyes while shivering in fear "relax as soon as you've regained you strength I'll release you if you want" he then pointed over his shoulder at the trainers trying to get through the gate "they won't do that, you'll have to serve them for years against you will and you'll probably never get the chance to be free again but if you can trust me just this once, you'll be free again in a couple of weeks if you want, do we have an agreement?" He asked her in a whisper Itirah looked around at the pokemons around her who all gave a small nod to show that what he said is true and that she could truest him.

She then looked over at the gate and saw all of the trainers trying to get to her first and she shuddered before looking up at the young man *I agree please save me from them* she told him with telepathic, he took a pokeball from his pocket and lightly tapped Itirah with it once and she was sucked into it in an instant. The pokemon trainers groaned in defeat when Itirah was sucked into the pokeball and didn't break out again the young man then turned to the gate and shouted to the trainers.

"Get away it's over" after a few minutes all of the pokemon trainers were gone from the gate, the young man then turned to the Shiny Lucario "Lushine here, take her inside and find her a room she can be in while she's her, I'll talk with her later." Lushine nodded and took the ball and went inside of the Manor and after finding an empty room released the Shiny Mew onto the bed where she just lay too exhausted to move.

"You'll be safe here no one can get to you here unless you want them to." Lushine said to the mew as she sat down on the bed beside the Mew, Itirah looked up at her.

*I'm his Pokémon now, he caught me I know that he said that he'll release me by I don't think it's true. No human will let a Mew go after catching it and definitely not a Shiny Mew* She hid her head in the bed and Lushine could hear her sob *I'm caught and I'll never be free again, I guess that I can only hope not to be treated too badly* Lushine tried to comfort her by placing her hand on the Mew's back.

"It's okay Zephyr isn't like that if he said that he'll release you then he wi..." Lushine said to her before Itirah interrupted her.

*Just leave me alone* she managed to get away from Lushine's paw and curled into a ball *Leave me alone you're just saying that to comfort me I don't believe you, I know humans I'll been hunted by them for a long time now all of them wants to catch me, to show me to other humans to show them how good they are and now I've been caught. So just leave me alone with my sorrow.* She said as she closed her eye but even curled as she was Lushine could see the tears running from her eyes down her cheek to the bed as she fall asleep, She carefully caressed the Mew before whispering.

"You're safe now I'll make sure of that." With those words she got up and left the emotionally hurt Mew alone in her room and went to the library where she found Zephyr sitting with a book in front of the fireplace. He looked up as she walked over to him.

"How is she?" He asked and saw the sorrowful look in her eyes.

"not good" she sighed and sat down in front of him "She's hurt quite hard emotional after being hunted by humans for so long," she put her left paw in front of her eyes for a moment "She doesn't truest humans and maybe not even Pokémons caught by humans. It might be best if you wait talking to her for a few days and let us talk with her and try help her over this, if we can't I fear that she'll never be able to be happy again even when she's free again." Zephyr nodded his head.

"I think you're right I'll let you and the others talk with her, if you think it'll help I won't get close to her unless she seeks me out until she's strong enough to take care of herself," Lushine nodded and clenched her paw, Zephyr looked at her for a moment "you're angry, angry at the trainers that did this to her unaware of what they have done right?" He asked her and saw her grind her teeth.

"Yes they've made her suffer so much and who knows if she'll get over it again while she's here, if they return I'll make them regret it." She said but then felt Zephyr's hand on her shoulder and looked up into his eyes.

"Let me handle them if they return just stay by the Mew side and make sure no hurts her I'll take care of them," he then smiled at her "but if any of them gets by me and is foolish enough to get close to the Mew just give them a piece of you mind just don't kill them or hurt them to much ok?" After a moment she smiles up at him.

"Ok I'll protect the Mew if anyone wants to hurt her." Zephyr gives her a small kiss on her cheek making her blush.

"Good then go to bed now Lushine I'll see you tomorrow," with that Lushine stands up and bowed to Zephyr before going out of the Library to get to her own room lost to the world at the memory of the kiss he gave, her holding her paw where he kissed her, after she left Zephyr stared into the flames for awhile before muttering "You're safe now Mew, I promise."

The next morning Itirah awoke not sure where she was for a few moments until she remembered the day before and her deep depression returned, for a long time she just lay still on the bed with wide open eyes staring into nothing as the sun slowly moved over the sky until a rumble from her stomach broke her trance. "So hungry," she slowly levitated her body "must find something to eat." She mumbled as she open the door to her room and flew out of her room in search for something to ease her hunger.

After a few minutes her nose led her to a dinner room, where she found the other Pokémons of the Manor sitting around eating lunch. As she entered the Lucario looked up at her and waved to her. "Hey, come over here and get some lunch, I'm sure you quite hungry by now, right?" A rumble from Itirah's stomach answered her question and she smiled at her "come sit down over here then I'll get you some food," Itirah sat down beside where the Shiny Lucario sat eating before, as she went and got the Shiny Mew something to eat soon returning with a plate with a lot of good food on "eat up there's more if you need more." She said as she sat down again and began to eat her own food, after staring at the food for a short while Itirah began to eat as the other Pokémons looked at her now and then.

After Itirah was done eating Lushine placed her paw on Itirah's shoulder. "It's not so bad here, I really hope you can enjoy you time here." She said but Itirah just looked at her before looking down at the floor.

*I guess so but what does it matter I'm still trapped here how should I enjoy that, enjoy being captured and forced to do things I don't want to.* She said as she just kept looking down at the ground in her depression until she heard a new voice say.

"We pretty much all had the chance to be free, and still have, but we choose to stay here by our own free will and so will you." Itirah looked up to see how spoke and saw a silver furred Shiny Ninetales with blue tail tips sitting curled up on a couch while looking at her, Itirah looked at her in surprise.

*What do you mean?* She asked in confusion and saw the Ninetales smile before tilting her head to tell the Mew to come over to her.

When the Mew was resting between her paws she smiled at her again. "My name is Usuria" she said and gave the Mew a gentle lick on her cheek before continuing "we were all saved by Zephyr from one thing or another, except Shora, Merissia, Yerial and Derisa" the Ninetales began and gave the Mew another lick at her cheek "after we had recovered from our injury, or ordeal, we were asked if we wanted our freedom but we all declined and choose to remain her with him." Itirah looked up at her in wonder as Usuria gave her another lick.

*But why?* She asked still not getting it, Usuria nuzzled the Mew kindly.

"It's not my place to speak for the others but if you want to hear it I'll tell you my story." Usuria said and looked at the Shiny Mew between her paws.

*Please tell me, I need to understand why* Usuria smiled at her and gave her another lick.

"Okay my little Mew" she said but Itirah interrupted her.

*My name is Itirah, miss Usuria* Usuria smiled at her before continuing.

"Then I'll tell you my story of how I got here and what happened.
Chapter End Notes:Hey hope this chapter is at least a little better that the first please tell me what you think and also the next chapters are going to be each of the girls' story which mean that this chapter isn't over but the last part will come when all of the girls' has told their story hope it'll be good, see you.

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