AGNPH Stories

Sunset, From Innocent to Addict by sunset_drake



Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon, Sunset is an espeon of my own creation, Espeon is not mine. This story involves several things from rape to watersports, so please only read if you don't mind those.

Sunset was what seemed to be your normal average Espeon, Walking the forest without a care in the world. But his life has not been one of ease, as you will soon discover. Sunset has had a total of 3 trainers.. 2 of which he hated for how they treated him, the other he almost misses. See, Sunset started out as your normal innocent, cute little eevee, but as time went and he went out on his own, the world changed that.

From Innocent to addict, Sunset changed into the sluttly like Espeon he is today, from several past experiences which made him see the world in totally different ways. At first, he knew nothing of sex, cum, rape, straight, gay, or bi. All he knew was that the world was full of other pokemon and humans out to catch them. What he didn't know was what some humans might catch them for. Besides battling or keeping as pets, some saw them as nothing more than toys for fucking. As you may have guessed, Sunset will become a bit of everything.

The things he will see, feel, and experience will shape his life and future. But his past is not for the light of heart, as it involves an innocent, sexually dumb eevee being introduced to it in a rather forceful way. We'll start at his first trainer, a few days after he left his parents....

This is only an introduction, nothing more, the next chapters with contain the good stuff, just keep a watch.
-Sunset Drake
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