AGNPH Stories

Sunset, From Innocent to Addict by sunset_drake


The 1st Trainer

Sunset was a cute little eevee, carefree and happy as he was finally out on his own. His parents had warned him to be careful, but he didn't care. To him, nothing could go wrong now. But how wrong he was. It had been 3 days since he left his parents, he was resting under a tree, napping slightly when he was suddenly hit hard by the attack of a growlithe. Sunset rolled and bounced across the ground before hitting a tree trunk and sliding to the ground. He looked around a bit, dazed and lost before his eyes shut and he passed out. The last thing he heard was a loud 'Yes!' and an approving 'growl!' from the growlthe which knocked him out.

Sunset awoke, dazed and confused. Looking around, he realized he was no longer in the forest, but what looked to be a room of some sort. Looking around a bit more, he noticed the boy who had caught him. Sunset slowly looked him over, a little worried at the fact that the boy seemed to have no clothing on. His eyes stopped as he stared at the long shaft like part between the boy's legs. He had no idea what was about to happen or what that could be. The boy smiled as he noticed the little eevee staring at his erection. He tought to himself that this could be it, that he might have finally caught a female for him to 'play' with. Sunset backed up a little as the boy reached for him and grabbed him. The boy smiled and sat on his bed, holding Sunset in his lap and petting him lightly. Sunset started to murr softly as the boy petted him, but he quickly stopped as the boy lifted his front end up, revealing his belly. Sunset started to squirm but stopped once the boy set him back down. He heard a soft sigh and looked up at the boy, who smiled once he noticed. The boy was dissappointed that this eevee was male, but he was ready for it. He picked up Sunset and moved to lay down on his bed, sitting up a bit and putting the eevee between his legs. Sunset looked up at him curiously and started to murr as the boy petted him with one hand. Once Sunset's eyes were closed, the boy carefully reached to open the little eevee's mouth. At first, Sunset held his mouth shut but stopped when the boy gave him a quick slap to his rear. Sunset whimpered and let the boy open his muzzle. Sunset sat there, his muzzle hanging open as the boy put one hand on his cock, the other on the back of the eevee's head. Sunset started to realize what the boy was going to do and shut his mouth, trying to resist, but again the boy slapped his rear and he did as he was forced to do.

The boy smiled as he forced Sunset's head down onto his cock. He smiled as the eevee's muzzle slid over his cock, at which he closed Sunset's mouth around it. Sunset whimpered as the boy started to force the eevee's head up and down on his rock hard erection. Sunset forced himself to hold back the urge he had to vomit as the shaft slid to the back of his throat then out again. The boy was lightly moaning as he forced the poor eevee to suck him off. Sunset could do nothing but be this boy's sex toy, or get hurt for refusing. He didn't know what the boy might do if he did anything to resist, his rear already stinging from the slaps. Sunset's eyes went wide a little as a bit of sticky goo seemed to leak from the boy's shaft, whimpering as he felt it rub against the back of his throat. After a bit, Sunset felt the boy release his head and he quickly pulled away. The boy let out a soft laugh as Sunset caughed a bit. Sunset watched the boy get up and go over to his dresser. Sunset tried to see what the boy was doing, but all he saw was what looked like a muzzle you'd see used on a dog or such, except smaller. He had no idea was it was for until the boy walked over and forced it onto his muzzle, latching it behind his head. Sunset started to paw at it but stopped when he felt another slap to his rear. Sunset whimpered and quit resisting, his tail area sore from slaps. The boy got on the bed and turned Sunset away from him, slowly getting onto his knees. The boy was plently ready to get himself off in a male, as his cock was covered with a condom. Sunset wimpered as he felt his tail lifted upwards, revealing his tight, puckered tailhole to the boy. The boy smiled, positioning his cock at the little eevee's entrance. Sunset's eyes went wide and he let out a loud yelp of pain as the boy rammed his cock into the eevee's tailhole. Sunset whined as he felt the cock rip his tailhole open, blood starting to run down from his tailhole and down his hind legs. The boy paid no attention to Sunset's whining, all he cared about was fucking his new sex toy till he came. The boy thrusted faster and faster, Sunset's whimpering and whining growing louder with each thrust. After a bit the boy stopped and pulled out, examining the condom he wore. Sunset sighed a bit, his eyes closed with pain, hoping it was over. He was just opening his eyes when he saw something fly past him. The boy had removed the condom and threw it away. Sunset looked back and went wide eye'd as the boy positioned himself again and forced his cock back into Sunset's painfully stretched tailhole. Sunset turned his head back around and whined in pain as the pain shot through him like burning hot daggers. Sunset was about to pass out from pain as the boy's thrusts became jumpy. He could feel the shaft twitching inside him, he didn't know what was about to happen intill the boy thrusted into him hard. Sunset yelped loudly and went wide eye'd as a warm liquid started to fill his tailhole. He whimpered as it stretched his insides before starting to leak around the boy's cock. The boy panted and pulled out, some cum leaking out with his cock. The boy smiled and got dressed, leaving the room and leaving Sunset to whimper in pain.

Sunset got up on shakey legs, weak and in pain from the raping. He waited for his vision to focus before looking for some way out. He noticed the window and went over to look at it from the bed. As he thought about how to get out the window, a charmader, fully erect, climbed up onto the bed and snuck up behind him. Sunset gasped and looked back as the charmander lifted his tail and proceeded to start to fuck him. At first, Sunset waited to turn around and bite him, but then he remembered the muzzle the boy put on him. Sunset whimpered a little, but stopped as he relized that this was different. The charmander was gently thrusting into his tailhole, he even started to like it a bit. He looked back at the charmander and whimpered a little. The charmander smiled and, to Sunset's surprise, asked if he could keep going. Sunset gasped a bit, not knowing how to reply. Here he was, getting another shaft pumped into his rear, but, instead of the painful pounding he got eariler, it was a nice, gently pumping. Sunset nodded but asked to have the muzzle removed. Charmander smiled and quickly undid the latch, at which Sunset quickly shook his head, making the muzzle fall to the floor. The charmander then placed his paws on Sunset's side and continued to fuck the cute little eevee. Sunset suddenly felt something under him that seemed to be growing between his legs. He quickly looked under him just as the head of his little cock poked out of its protective pouch. Sunset didn't know what it was but blushed sudddenly, confused but suddenly feeling rather shy. Charmander smiled and murred as he fucked Sunset, getting closer to adding his own seed to the boy's. Sunset felt charmander's cock twitch, and suddenly let out a soft, long moan as he felt a warm liquid shoot into him for a second time. He murred a bit as Charmander slowly pulled his cock from Sunset's tailhole. Sunset smiled and turned around and started to ask charmader about what just happened. Charmander explained sex , arousal, the male and female gentials, gay, bi, and straight, and he explained why the boy did what he did. It seems that the boy had no luck at all with women, so he found the next best thing. Weak female pokemon, to the boy, they were nothing more than heartless pets, except for his beloved growlithe. He believed that pokemon had no feelings and just obey'd whomever caught them. Charmander then motioned to two other pokemon, both looked to be in bad shape. The pikachu, he said, had been fucked almost to death and then became the boy's toy of choice for trying a new fetish his friend told him about, Scatplay. Charmander explained that it was the vulpix that saw it, the vulpix said that, after fucking the poor pikachu, he laid him down and squatted over him. He said that he turned away as he saw the boy's scat start to fall onto the pikachu. The vulpix saw the boy ridding of the big chunks but turned away when he started rubbing the rest into the poor pikachu's fur. He never did get cleaned up after that. The vulpix, however, was raped horribly, leaving his tails ruined and his fur a mess. Charmander said he was lucky because of his tailflame, said the boy couldn't find a way to avoid it without killing the pokemon. Sunset gave the charmander a quick hug and told him his plan to jump through the window. Charmander asked him not to, tellling him he may hurt himself to much, but Sunset said he'd rather take that chance than remain here. Charmander sighed and wished him luck. Sunset, then, backed up, ran, and jumped, flying through the window. The resulting hole had a piece that cut a gash into Sunset's back and a few smaller pieces that cut up his paws a bit. Once on the ground, Sunset ran, not caring about his wounds. He ran until he was going through the yard of another house. His body grew weak and he swayed, falling to his side and passing out. Blood was running down his sides from the gash. He would soon bleed to death, but, as luck would have it, a young girl was just leaving the house of which the yard belonged. She quickly wrapped Sunset in a towel and ran him to the nearest pokemon center. There, he was left with Nurse Joy to be stitched up and hopefully to recover.

There ya go! Some of the good stuff. I hope you enjoyed it cause theres more to come. As you can see, Sunset isn't very lucky at this time in his life.
-Sunset Drake
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