AGNPH Stories

Sunset, From Innocent to Addict by sunset_drake


The 2nd Trainer

Sunset awoke a few days later, inside what, to him, was a glass case. He was a bit dazed and the air around him was comfortable enough to keep him from wanting to move. He looked around a bit, blinking the sleep from his eyes. He perked his ears just as the door slide open and a chancy walked in. Watching the chancy, he stared and tilted his head. The chancy smiled and ran off, leaving Sunset alone again. He looked around a bit more then looked at his back, noticing the crisscrossing black pattern on his back. He continued to stare at it till the door slid open again. Nurse Joy and chancy walked in and approached the case in which Sunset sat. At first, Sunset perked his ears back and backed up as far as the case would let him. Due to his first encounter with humans, he had a very low trust for them. Nurse Joy just smiled and opened the case. Sunset looked around a bit and stood, staring at Joy. Joy smiled again and put her hand out to the eevee. At first, Sunset just growled at it, but, noticing that she didn't try to grab him, he sniffed it a few times and backed up. Yet, Joy didn't move her hand. After a few more seconds, Joy reached out and started to gently pet Sunset, causing him to murr softly. After a bit, Joy carefully lifted Sunset from the bed and carried him out and into another room. Sunset noticed a little needle like sign above it but paid it no attention, as nurse joy just continued to pet him gently. As they entered the room, Nurse Joy brought Sunset over to a table and sat him down on it, then both Joy and the chancy left. Sunset was fully awake now and started to remember what Charmander had explained to him. He looked around for a bit before rolling over and looking between his hind legs at his pouch and balls. At first, he just nudged at them a bit, then he started to give his pouch a few licks, causing his cock to harden and slip from his pouch. He gave it a few licks before his ears perked, hearing the door slide open, meaning the return of Joy and chancy. Sunset quickly rolled over to hide his now hard erection as they came in with a tray of tools. Sunset looked at the tray with a bit of worry, but soon forgot about it as Nurse Joy started to pet him again. What happened next made Sunset whimper, for Nurse joy suddenly grabbed his hind legs and cuffed them to the table. Just as Sunset was about to try and escape, chancy grabbed his fore legs and held them down while Nurse Joy cuffed them. All Sunset could do was lay there and prepare for the worst. After a few seconds, chancy left and returned with something that almost looked like a muzzle but only covered the mouth and nose and was transparent. Sunset tried to avoid it, but nurse joy finally got it on him and chancy turned something on something else but Sunset couldn't see it. He was suddenly very tired and quickly fell asleep, at which time nurse joy began to remove the stitches in his back.

The next time Sunset awoke, it was morning. He yawned a bit and looked around, finding himself back inside the glass case. Sunset groaned a bit, not knowing what happened yesterday nor what might happen now. He looked at his back again, remembering the odd crisscrossing pattern then blinked a few times. The pattern was gone, completely. Sunset stared at it for a bit before hearing the door slide open. He perked his ears and quickly looked toward the door to see nurse joy coming. He crouched down a bit and waited, hoping she would open the case again. Nurse joy came up to the case and smiled at the eevee, beside her, chancy appeared, rolling what looked to be another case. Sunset groaned, wondering what the two were going to do now. Joy opened the case and Sunset leapt out, landing on the ground and running for the door, which slid open for him. Hearing Nurse joy and chancy behind him, he quickly found the exit and ran for it, running through just as another trainer was coming in. Once outside, he looked around and ran for the nearest forest, wanting to get away and hide. Sunset never wanted to see a human again, for every time he did, something bad happened to him, or so he thought. After running for a bit, he came to a crystal clear stream. Looking around a bit, and feeling very thirsty, he started to drink from the stream. What he didn't know was that there was a trainer watching him. Suddenly, his ears perked and he jumped just as a thunderbolt came slamming down. Turning, he saw the trainer and his magnemite. Sunset growled and jumped at the magnemite just as it attacked again and missed. He landed and pinned the pokemon to the ground, about to make a run for it. But it was too late, for magnemite called down another thunderbolt which hit directly, sending Sunset flying into a tree trunk and sliding to the ground. Slowly he tried to stand but ended up falling again. The last thing he heard was a 'Your Mine!' before a pokeball hit his back and pulled him in. He tried to escape as best he could in his weakened state, but to no success. He sighed and passed out in the little one room like pokeball.

In her room she sat, looking at her computer screen as she instant messaged her friend. She'd always wanted a pokemon, any would do, but she mostly wanted an eevee. Her brother, whom just caught Sunset, had said he'd get her one. Her friend knew of her love for eevee and had sent her to things at which she quickly looked at. One was an image of a male eevee showing his rear and hanging cock. The other was a flash to which she had the choice to jerk off the eevee or suck it and get cum all over supposed face. She found herself getting a bit wet at this and quickly closed the windows as her brother knocked on her door shouting "I got one!" Knowing what he had to mean, she quickly opened the door and grabbed the offered pokeball from him. Shutting and locking her door, she called out Sunset, whom appeared in a flash of red light, sitting on her bed. He looked around and then looked at her. At first he wanted to run, but then he noticed the slight differences in the boy that had raped him and her. He hadn't really gotten a chance to look over Nurse Joy, so he didn't seem to think that she might try and hurt him. She had just smiled and quickly hugged Sunset to her. Sunset squirmed a bit until she put him back down. Then she got curious, remembering what her friend had sent her. She smiled at Sunset and lifted him by his sides so she could she his underbelly. Sunset again squirmed as she looked him over. After a bit she sat him down and smiled, petting him a bit. After that, she turned and undressed. As Sunset watched, he tilted his head a bit, then moved as she came over and laid down, moving Sunset between her legs. He stared at her for a bit then sniffed the air, a quite arousing sent in the air. Within seconds, Sunset had sniffed out the source and was nuzzling her cunt before she knew it. Sunset could feel himself hardening and looked up at the girl, noticed that her eyes had closed a bit. He heard her let out a soft moan, which made Sunset curious. He started to lick at her cunt, believing that if the scent smelled so good, it might taste as good. His ears perked up as he heard her start to moan, he just continued to lick, pushing his muzzle against her and licking deeper. He heard her moan out a few words, although he barely knew there meaning. As he licked at her, she moaned out things like 'ohh.. eevee..' and 'mmm deeper eevee.. deeper..' He would have kept licking but the girl's curious mind got the best of her. She wanted to see and feel it, so she grabbed Sunset gently and lifted him, again revealing his underside. This time Sunset just blushed, as his cock was fully erect and clearly visible. She let out a small gasp and smiled, setting him half on her belly, his hind legs still on the bed. Sunset started to move down but stopped as he felt her cunt rub against his cock. Sunset let out a soft murr to himself and, remembering what he was told before, realized that she wanted him to fuck her. At first, Sunset thought about getting away now before he became a toy again, but his pulsing member got the best of him. He gently gripped her sides as best he could and started to pump his cock into her. He started to murr as she started to moan, his pace starting to increase as nature started to take its course. This suddenly felt normal to him, and immensely pleasing, causing him to thrust faster. The girl moaned out as the eevee fucked her, and Sunset started to murr and moan a bit himself. She could feel the cute little pokemon's cock twitching inside her and it set her off. Sunset was thrusting quickly and started to pump slower but harder as he felt his climax near. He was completely lost in pleasure as he came inside her. His cock shooting thick strands of his eevee seed deep into her cunt. He slowed to a stop and pulled out slowly, panting a little. Then, before he knew it, he was on his back and the girl's head was between his legs. She had flipped herself over and then positioned Sunset so she could suck him. Sunset squirmed a bit before pleasure took over, causing him to moan out in his cute little eevee voice. She continued to suck on the eevee until he squealed and came into her mouth. She started to lick and suck all over Sunset's cock, swallowing his cum as it flowed into her mouth. But that's when everything went down hill. She was just lifting her head when her brother bust through the door. He had gotten her spare key and unlocked it when he heard Sunset squeal, thinking she had hurt the eevee in some way. Instead he stopped and stared, his sister's head just inches from the eevee's wet cock. Sunset quickly rolled over and jumped down to hide under the bed, but the boy was quick and grabbed him by the tail, yanking him up into the air. Sunset yelped and tried to get down, but with no success. The boy growled and yelled at his sister, who was hiding her nudity with her sheets. "I catch you an eevee cause I thought you wanted to have one as a pet, not as a sex toy!" he screamed. Furiously he balled up his fist and slammed it into Sunset's crotch, causing Sunset to yelp loudly and pass out with pain. The boy dropped Sunset and cursed at his sister about 'releasing or hurting' the eevee to keep her from fucking it. After he left the room, she gathered up Sunset and snuggled him close, crying herself softly to sleep. She woke up in the morning and quickly got dressed, taking Sunset with her to the pokemon center. She told Nurse Joy that she couldn't keep him because of her brother's sudden hatred toward it. She never said why he hated the cute little eevee, but asked Nurse Joy to give it a full check up and try to give it to a kind and loving trainer. She left the center, crying to herself softly, leaving Sunset with Nurse Joy to recover and hopefully, be found in perfect health except for a few bruises.
Well, that's it for another chapter. Don't think its all gonna be Poke/human, cause it won't be. The next two chapters involve poke/poke and maybe a little poke/human. I hope your enjoying it so far, cause I've got plenty more ideas coming.
- Sunset Drake
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