AGNPH Stories

Sunset, From Innocent to Addict by sunset_drake


The Innocence Fades

Now, Sunset had been in a lot of pain after that boy punched his genitals. He remained in a bed for about 3 weeks before finally being free of the pain. He was extremely lucky that his balls had not been shattered by the blow, which was found out by a rather dirty examination by Nurse Joy. For the next month he became the pokemon center's personal pokemon. He helped pokemon who were left in the center as well as nurse joy. He started to trust humans again as he was played with by those who were waiting on their own pokemon or visitors. Quite a few interesting things happened during this stay, as he was to watch and help the other pokemon in the center during the night. This was when he started to change, his innocents lost amongst his desire for sex. You could almost say he was spoiled with it. But lets just find out how it all happened shall we?

It had been a week since Sunset had started to walk around and actually interact with other people and pokemon. At first, he would only comfort pokemon whom missed their trainers or owners. But that changed when he ran into a cute vulpix who was both, to Sunset's surprise, a pet for battling and a pet for sexual play. Sunset heard her whimpering a bit and went to try and comfort her, but what he found was completely unexpected. As he hopped up onto the bed, he stopped and gasped a bit, for he saw the vulpix laying there, her paw posed between her legs, her eyes locked onto him. He blushed, the sight making his member harden almost instantly. He looked away and tried to apologize, but, when he tried to jump down, he felt one of her tails wrap around his own. He looked back and saw her, on all fours, 6 of her tails up, the other on his. He gasped but knew what she wanted. At first he tried to decline, but then he caught her scent. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, sniffing her scent as it just made him even harder. Before he realized what he was doing, he was up on her back, her tails around his sides, his paws wrapped around between her hips and sides. He heard her let out a soft 'vul', causing him to give her neck a soft nuzzle before he started. He let out a soft moan, followed by her own moan of pleasure as he pumped his cock deep into her tight pussy. As he started to pump his hard, pulsing eevee cock into her tight pussy, his mind was lost in a world of pleasure. His eyes closed slowly as he let out soft moans which were drowned out by vulpix's loud moans and squeals of pleasure. They were lucky that most of the other pokemon and center employees were heavy sleepers. As they fucked, Sunset's mind slowly changed. Thrust after pleasuring thrust of his cock made him start to want more of it. As he pumped his thick meat deep into the moaning vulpix, he became more addicted to the pleasure which sex brought him. Vulpix started to moan and squeal louder as Sunset's cock twitched deep inside her. He was close to blowing his load deep inside her, but he didn't want it to end, not yet. He started to slow down and began to thrust into her hard but pull out slow, letting his climax settle before he started again. Vulpix was lost in pleasure, Sunset was making her feel like her trainer never could. She began to moan loudly again as Sunset gripped her tighter and pumped into her faster, his cock slamming deep inside her with each thrust, making her rock forward only to be pulled back by the eevee's forelegs. Sunset was moaning as he fucked the horny little vulpix, his cock pounding into her wet cunt. That's when he felt it, the vulpix let out a loud, long moan as she came all over Sunset's cock, her cum running along his cock, some of it spraying onto his pouch and balls. This sent Sunset over the edge, with a few quick, hard thrusts, he came, slamming his cock deep inside her wet pussy, thick threads of his seed shooting deep into her. She collapsed under him and he carefully laid atop her, giving her neck a nuzzle before falling asleep, his cock still buried deep within her. Now, Sunset was a light sleeper, and slept very little, so he awoke a few hours later, the sun just starting to rise, the tip of his cock against the vulpix's cunt. As he slowly, carefully, got up, his cock slipped back into its pouch and he got ready to jump down. He gave the vulpix one last look and smiled as he saw the cute smile on her face. Sunset jumped down and quietly left the room as the sun rose. No one but Sunset and Vulpix knew what happened that night, except for a raichu, who had been watching from his own bed. Through out the day, raichu followed and watched Sunset, watching him play with chancy and a few of the other pokemon that came in, watching the trainers adore him. Nurse Joy had grown use to having Sunset around, so she had stopped asking if anyone wanted him as their pokemon. It was now nearing another night, and Sunset was rather horny. He couldn't stop thinking about that vulpix, he kept hearing her moans and seeing that cute smile. He slipped into a room that held most of the pokemon at the center, all of them were asleep, except for raichu. Sunset rolled over and begin to lick at his bulging pouch, coaxing out his throbbing member. Raichu watched and silently got closer and closer, his own pouch starting to bulge. Sunset's ears perked up suddenly and he looked right at raichu, who stared back, unsure what to do now that he'd been found. Sunset smiled a bit and rolled back over, walking over to raichu and smiling. "so.. " Sunset started, looking over the rather sexy raichu. Raichu just stood there, to embarrassed to move, he was hoping to rape the cute little eevee and escape without being seen. Sunset giggled softly and raichu gasped as the eevee gave his bulging pouch a few licks, coaxing out his hardening member. Sunset smiled and looked up at the blushing raichu. "Such a sexy .. fellow.. " the eevee said softly, smiling. "Quite horny too.. care to .. join me?" Sunset offered, smiling softly. At first, raichu was stunned, but after a quick lick and nuzzle from Sunset, he quickly agreed. Sunset smiled and told raichu to follow him, which he did. Sunset quickly lead raichu to a rather private part of the center, where no one should find them. He smiled and pounced raichu, kissing his cheek a bit. "So, would you like to fuck me first? Or shall I fill you first?" Sunset asked, a gentle lick following. Raichu murred a bit and smiled "i.. I'd like to .. fuck first.." he said. Sunset giggled softly, rather glad he found raichu. The eevee smiled, licked raichu once more, then got off him. Sunset murred softly as he rested his head on his for paws and lifted his rear to raichu, his tail raised high. At first, raichu wasn't sure if he should, but after a few, almost begging, sounds from Sunset, he quickly got behind the eevee and gently pushed his cock in. Sunset let out a soft, long moan as he felt the raichu's cock slide into his tight tailhole. His own cock pulsed under him as he clenched his ass around raichu's cock, causing raichu to start to pump his cock in and out of Sunset's tight, eevee ass. Raichu placed his paws on Sunset's sides and started to thrust harder and faster into the moaning eevee, his tail whipping behind him with pleasure. Sunset was lost in a world of pure bliss, feeling raichu's rather large cock sliding deep inside him then back out, only to be pounded back in. Sunset's body rocked back and forth as raichu fucked him. Sunset could hear the soft slapping of raichu's balls against his own, the slick sounds of his tailhole being filled and emptied with each thrust. His cock was leaking precum all over the floor, pleasure causing his hind legs to shake a bit. Raichu had fucked before, but only females. This was the first time he'd had sex in a while, and the first time ever with another male. Raichu suddenly pulled the eevee back onto his cock, pumping his deeper into Sunset's ass as he came. A loud "CHUUUUU!" could be heard as his seed was pumped into Sunset's tailhole. Sunset let out a soft, long moan as he felt the warm cum fill him. Raichu started to pant above him and pulled out, falling onto his back. Sunset smiled and turned around "my turn.. " he said. But raichu hadn't planned to let him, but he didn't realize that Sunset got him lost to. Slowly, raichu got onto all fours and lifted his tail so Sunset could see his tight, puckered tailhole. Sunset murred softly and quickly mounted the posing raichu. With one quick, pre-cum lubed thrust, his cock slid deep into the virgin tailhole of raichu. Raichu whimpered a bit as he felt himself stretched open, but was soon moaning softly as Sunset thrusted into him. Sunset closed his eyes and pulled raichu into his crotch, pounding his ass with his cock as he fucked him. Raichu had let his head fall to his arms and was moaning softly as Sunset pounded his tight ass. Sunset was lost in pleasure, thrusting away at this sexy raichu's rear, his cock pounding deep inside. Sunset could feel it coming, his climax nearing rapidly, and decided to make it known to raichu. Raichu started to let out moans that were lost in his groaning as Sunset pounded his cock deeper into raichu's tailhole. Finally, Sunset gave one last hard thrust, shoving his entire cock and even some of his pouch into raichu, his seed shooting forth and covering raichu's insides with his warm cum. Raichu groaned as he felt it, the warm substance filling him. Sunset murred and pulled out slowly, panting a little. Raichu was just getting up when Sunset moved around and mounted him backwards, his cock right at raichu's face. Sunset didn't like the sight of his cock covered in just his cum so he growled a little and told raichu to clean it off. "I want you to lick it clean.. or I'll leave you here.. lost.." Sunset growled. Sunset didn't really wanted it clean, he just wanted his cock to be licked. He was addicted to the pleasure, and was out to get it any way possible. Raichu whimpered but did as told, licking the eevee's seed from his cock. Sunset murred softly as raichu cleaned his cock and got off, smiling as he finished. He smiled, gave raichu a soft kiss, then lead him out. As Sunset got back into the room which he should have been watching, he heard something near the back. When he got there, he saw that it was a whimpering chikorita. Sunset hopped up next to it and asked 'whats the matter'. It's response surprised him, as chikorita replied 'I'm .. clean..' At first, Sunset tilted his head, but then he asked it 'why is being clean so bad?' Chikorita sniffs and looked at Sunset 'could.. could I show you .. what I like better than being.. clean?' Sunset nodding slowly and chikorita got up. Sunset saw a pouch between his legs, noticing that this was a male. Chikorita smiled a little and looked at Sunset 'if I show you.. promise not to get mad?' Sunset thought for a second then nodded. Chikorita slowly moved toward him and lifted his paws onto Sunset's head. 'don't get mad..' he said just as a stream of urine shot from his cock and splashed onto Sunset's muzzle. At first Sunset wanted to pull away, but then a bit of it leaked into his mouth. He could taste the bitter chikorita piss and suddenly felt himself start to harden. He stopped chikorita and thought for a second, it didn't feel dirty having it splash on his muzzle, didn't really taste that bad. Then Sunset smiled and laid on his back and giggled a bit "go ahead.. and finish all over me.." Chikorita smiled and quickly got over him on all fours and let loose, his piss shooting onto the eevee's chest, tinting his tan fur yellow. Sunset murred softly and reached over to find out what it felt like to rub it in. As he started to rub the foul smelling urine into his fur, his member grew harder and he murred. Then, chikorita stopped and smiled a bit, but Sunset whimpered. Chikorita sighed, "but I'm still clean.." Sunset giggled, "lie down and you won't be for long" Chikorita smiled and did so, and a few seconds later, Sunset was over him, letting his eevee piss cover the grass pokemon's underbelly. Chikorita rubbed it on himself with his vines as Sunset relieved himself on the grass type. A few minutes later, both were covered in urine and smelled like each other. Chikorita smiled and kissed Sunset before curling up to sleep. Sunset, however, decided it was time to leave and head back into the forest to find more pokemon to 'play' with. From then on, Sunset would fuck whenever he could, and he would try and get others to 'play' with him.
There ya go! Chapter 4! Sunset is now a lover of watersports, and a addict to sex. I hope your continuing to enjoy this, because there's still more to come!
- Sunset Drake
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