AGNPH Stories

Sunset, From Innocent to Addict by sunset_drake


Team Rocket's New Recruit Part 1

Sunset had escaped once again, but his freedom wouldn't last long. Little did he know that a Team Rocket recruiter had been watching him lately. Now, his job wasn't to recruit new members, it was to recruit new pokemon. He was equipped with 3 master balls that had been stolen earlier. 2 of these had already been used, the 3rd about to be used as well. Sunset had just stopped and was panting a bit from his run when the recruiter made his move. Sunset turned as he heard something and was hit smack in the face with the master ball, which promptly opened and yanked Sunset's form into it. Sunset growled and begun to try and break out, with no success. Oddly, Sunset felt himself weakening rapidly, and was soon laying spread out on the floor of the master ball, barely able to move. Reluctantly, Sunset forced himself to sleep, cursing himself that he'd been caught yet again.

A while later, Sunset was rudely awakened when a rock smacked against his head. Sunset growled and shook his head only to find himself looking up at a rather tall and dark person. Looking to the left and right he saw two other pokemon who seemed ready to knock him out if he fought. He had already learned not to get into a fight he might not win, and since he was still adapting to his new form, he was no where near ready to fight. He let out a slight whimper and let his ears fall back as he looked up to what he believed would be his next trainer. His ears perked as the guy started to talk. "Rather dominant you said? Well.. throw him in with that stuck up Pikachu and see if he can get him to cooperate."

Sunset was then pulled back into the poke ball and then called out into a well lit room with a rather pathetic looking pikachu huddled in the corner. When he noticed Sunset, he ran toward him, thinking he was either another prisoner or might get him out of here. Sunset smirked a bit, having read the 'boss's' mind to find out just what he was to do, then reading the Pikachu's mind. It seemed this pikachu was the only one who knew where his trainer was, and his trainer was once a part of Team Rocket but had ditched it after having his secret thefts discovered. Team Rocket wanted that trainer for reasons Sunset would have rather not known, as for the chu, he had a part of his mind heavily blocked from everyone but himself. Sunset grinned and pounced on the pikachu, smiling down at him. Sitting on the pikachu's chest, he smiled and flicked one claw out and placed it on the pikachu's chin. "Seems you know something the boss wishes to know.." he said coldly. Sunset didn't like what he had to do but would prefer it to another 'fuck toy' session. Pikachu's eyes went wide, then slammed shut, "I won't tell you!" he yelled. Sunset giggled a bit, "stubborn? Well I can change all that.." Sunset quickly turned himself around atop pikachu, pinning the electric rat's paws with his hind paws, his forepaws on either side of the chu's waist. "And don't try to shock me.. I can easily ground you out.." Pikachu whimpered at this remark, noticing the forked tail and how easily it could be used to ground his assailant. Sunset leaned forward a bit and gave the chu's pouch a few licks, stopping as he saw the head of pikachu's cock. He smiled and pushed the pouch back with his paw and then ran the extended claw up the underside of the pikachu's member. "Now.. you can tell me now.. or I'll just have my fun with you and then tease you till you break.." Sunset said in his rather cold, serious voice. Pikachu shuddered "I won't tell you!" he yelled again. Sunset shook his head "your choice..." he said then hopped off, holding pikachu down with his psychic abilities. Sunset sat on his haunches, just a foot away, and flipped the chu with his mind. Pikachu gasped and whimpered as he was flipped, laying on his chest, spread out. Sunset smiled and moved toward Pikachu's face, stepping over the chu a bit till his pouch was right at the pikachu's face. "Lick till I'm hard or I'll crush you where you lay" Sunset said, his voice cold and uncaring. Sunset was determined to make sure this was all he'd have to do for his new 'trainer'. Pikachu whimpered but closed his eyes and let his tongue flick out across the Espeon's pouch, doing just as told. Sunset murred softly as he felt himself hardening from the chu's lickings. Once his cock was hard and fully erect, he moved behind the chu and forced him to raise his rear. Pikachu whimpered, sweat starting to form on his face as the Espeon started to mount his raised rear. He felt the eon's paws wrap around his legs between his hips and waist, felt his hind legs press up against his own. But what he felt next surprised him. Instead of feeling the pain of something being forced into his tight tail hole, he felt a warm, wet liquid flowing onto his rear and down his legs. He looked back and gasped as he saw the light yellow urine forming a puddle under his, and Sunset's, hind paws. "wh..what are you doing?!" pikachu asked, squeaking a bit as he spoke. "Relieving myself before I fuck that tight little pika ass of yours.." Sunset replied coldly, his urine now slowing to a stop. "I hope your ready.." Sunset said, but before pikachu could reply, he felt a sharp pain shoot through his body as the Espeon rammed his large cock deep into the little pikachu below him. A bit of blood formed where Sunset had over stretched the chu's tail hole, but He just murred. "Such a tight little bitch rat aren't you?" he said as he started to force his cock in and out of the pikachu. Pikachu started to scream as pain continued to shoot through him, but the Espeon just continued to fuck the little electric rat, murring softly, completely ignoring his screams. After a bit, Pikachu just lay there, whimpering quietly as the Espeon pounded away into his ass. Sunset was moaning softly, ramming his cock deep into the tight tail hole of the pikachu below him, he could feel himself nearing his release and increased his thrusting, causing the chu to whine with pain. Sunset suddenly let out a loud moan as his cock shuddered and shot his thick cream deep into the whimpering pikachu. Pikachu felt the warm cream enter his rear and started to cry, having been forcefully raped by the Espeon. Sunset murred and slowly pulled out, a bit of cum and blood leaking from the pikachu's tail hole and running down his legs. "Are you ready to cooperate? or should I ram a few other things into that right little hole of yours?" Sunset asked. Pikachu's eyes went wide, he couldn't take anymore or he'd pass out, so he let out a soft 'cha; of a yes. Sunset smiled and went over to the door, giving it a slight knock with his tail. He stepped back as the grunt walked in and grabbed the rather messy pikachu and left, then the 'boss' walked in. "Well.. he did dominate that poor pikachu and get him to cooperate.. Even if his methods are .. questionable.." the 'boss' said. Sunset smiled slightly, looking down to hide it. "ok then.. he's are new interrogator." The boss said and left.

Sunset was guided out of the room and lead to a rather nice looking room. He looked around a bit before the grunt spoke "this is where you'll stay, the member staying in this room will show you your own room.." he said then left. Sunset smiled and went over to the nearby couch, making himself comfortable and falling asleep. Sunset was rather happy to remain here, by the way it seemed, he was equal with the other members, had no trainer, and might actually have himself a nice place to rest. Sunset murred as he slept. While he slept, oddly he began to dream about that eevee. He watched himself pin her to the ground and take her, watched her squirm then give in. He suddenly woke up a while later, blushing a little when he felt his now hard erection rub against the couch. Looking around, he made sure no one was around, which, luckily there wasn't. Slowly he rolled himself over, sitting up a bit to see his pulsing erection. He slowly leaned forward and gave it a gentle lick, suppressing a soft moan. He brought his tail around and wrapped the forked ends around his cock, starting to slide them up and down along his pulsing member. He laid back and moaned softly, trying to keep himself quiet. Little to his knowledge, the TR member who was staying in the same room had just gotten out of the shower before he awoke and now stood watching him from the bathroom door. She'd never seen a pokemon's genitals before because she never wanted to look, but she oddly found herself turned on by watching this new espeon jerk himself off. Sunset's eyes were closed as he stroked his cock with his tail, never knowing that his roommate was slowly approaching. Sunset stopped and looked around when he heard something nearby. His roommate had stubbed her toe against a coffee table leg, too focused on the masturbating espeon to watch her step. Sunset blushed and quickly rolled over, hiding his erection. He looked down and laid his ears against the back of his head as she moved closer and soon sat down beside him. "Horny lil espy aren't you?" she asked softly. Sunset looked toward the ground then nodded slightly. He looked up a bit when he realized the tone of her voice was gentle rather than mad. When she could see his face, she smiled "would you mind if I ... helped you with it?" she asked slowly, starting to blush herself. Sunset gasped a bit, shaking his head as if he hadn't heard correctly. He decided to try something that mew had did to him and tried to speak to her mind. "W.. what .. did you .. just asked.. " he asked slowly, looking up toward her and perking his ears a bit. His roommate got an odd look on her face for a second then giggled a bit "I asked.. if you'd mind .. if I helped.. you with it.." she replied slowly. Sunset slowly rolled himself back over, unsure if he could trust her. He watched her slowly lean down and give his prick a few licks, resulting in a few soft moans from him. She smiled softly and got up "lemme make sure no one walks in on our fun, ok my cute little espy.." she said, heading to the door. After locking the door she came back and picked Sunset up, cradling him in her arms "lets play in the bedroom.. more room there.." she said slowly as she carried him into her bedroom. Sunset gasped as he saw the large and warm looking bed. She slowly put him down on it and started to undress. Sunset sat and watched, shaking his head again to make sure he wasn't dreaming. It seemed perfect to him, from what he saw, his roommate was a rather sexy human female and all they wanted him to do was force information out of other pokemon any way he could. She then picked Sunset up and got onto the bed, setting him against a pillow and laying on her chest. Sunset let himself lay on his back, spread out a bit for his roommate. He watched her give his prick a few licks then leaned his head back, closing his eyes and letting out a few soft moans as she engulfed his espy cock, gently suckling on it. Sunset murred and squirmed a bit, moaning softly as she sucked and licked as his throbbing member. Precum began to leak from his cock and she eagerly licked it up, causing sunset to moan a bit louder. He could feel himself nearing his climax, his seed building up inside him. Sunset looked down at her and let out a soft whimper as she suddenly stopped and pulled her mouth off his cock. "lets try something.. " she said softly, blushing as she moved and sat in front of sunset, her legs spread out. She gently pulled sunset between her legs and used her free hand to get his cock tip into her wet cunt. Sunset gasped a bit as he felt her hand touch his member then let out a soft moan as he felt the tip slip into her warm wet pussy. "you .. know how to ..fuck.... please.. fuck me.. you sexy espy.." she said, panting a little with excitement. She was about to have her pussy filled with a pokecock, this made her even wetter. Sunset nodded slowly and gripped onto her legs with his paws, repositioning his hind legs and pushing his cock into her fully. She let out a soft moan and smiled softly, leaning back a bit and stroking Sunset's head with her free hand, the other holding her up. With this, sunset closed his eyes and started to thrust rapidly, moaning as his cock slid easily into her wet cunt. She was moaning loudly and was soon gripping her bed behind her with both hands, leaning back quite a bit, Sunset thrusting his cock deep into her wet pussy. His climax was nearing quickly, he didn't think he could hold out much longer. Just as Sunset's thrusts increased in speed she moaned out loud and Sunset felt her spray her cream all over his crotch fur. This just made Sunset pump his cock into her faster, his climax seconds away. She laid back fully, panting, closing her eyes a bit as Sunset rammed his pokecock deep into her pussy. She gasped and let out a long soft moan as Sunset came, ramming his cock deep into her cunt and holding it there as he came, moaning loudly as his seed shot from his cock in long thick strands, deep into his roommate's pussy. After a few seconds, Sunset fell atop her belly, his cock starting to shrink and slip from her pussy back into his pouch. She smiled and petted his head slowly as he panted atop her belly. They both fell asleep that way, a large smile spread across both of their faces.
Well that's it for chapter 7, but it's just the first part. I decided to break it into 2 parts to make it easier on myself, as in there is quite a lot happening at this point. I should have Chapter 8, part 2 up soon.
- Sunset Drake
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