AGNPH Stories

The Fairview Asassin by chrishargreaves


7th September, 2013

"... You're safe now. I'd sacrifice a million people if it kept you safe..."

Its funny how things can change so drastically, isn't it? One minute, you're living life as normal, without a care in the world. next, well; I shouldn't spoil that part now. You won't need to refer to me anyway. I am here to tell you this story; A story of love, secrets and death. For our five heroes, this will change their lives forever. I shall let you in on one detail: One of the six protagonists in this story will betray the others in an attempt to destroy another, and one more person will sacrifice their life to keep that individual safe. But be warned, this is no conventional story. This story holds more secrets and deception then you'd think, and very soon, you'll begin to doubt who really is telling the truth. I'll be talking to you before each section of the story, so we can recap the events. I'll be seeing you moments before our mysterious traitor is revealed, to give you one final guess. But enough of the introductions, we have a story to tell...

It was a special night in Fairview. For the first time in 23 years, snow fell on the peaceful city. It was a sign of a change, both beautiful and deadly, was about to happen. As the bustling population returned to their homes for a night's rest, a small apartment block in the centre of the town was only lit by the moderate lights from its inhabitants. Room no. 17, is the one home to our protagonists. Chris Hargreaves, and his two Pokémon; Rina, a female gardevoir, and Kristy, a female espeon, inhabit this residence.

No More Heroes Apartments, 9:07 PM

Chris was sat down on his settee, watching the dull chatter of Fairview at 9 News recap the day's events. It wasn't much interesting, just some stories on a petty burglary, and an upcoming Pokémon tournament. Kristy was lying down on one of the chairs, in a blissful sleep, while Rina read one of Chris' old books. Rina and Kristy usually cared for themselves during the day, as Chris' job as a technological programmer in the field of Pokémon meant he was out most of the time. He had managed to bring home one of his newer inventions recently though, which bridged the gap between human and Pokémon communication: effectively a Pokémon to Human translator.

"Gah, they never have any interesting news anymore, do they?" Chris asked rhetorically, taking a sip from the drink he had on the table. Rina looked up, nodded, and stared back at her book again.

"What were you doing at work today?" Rina asked, turning the pages of the book as she carried on reading.

"Uh, not much; just brainstorming for our next project. No particularly great ideas yet. What did you do today?" He responded.

"Went out for a walk earlier with Kristy, then I just read this book for a while." She stated, closing her book, and gazing up at the clock. "Anyway, I'll probably go have a bath now. See you in about half an hour."

"Rina, can I just ask you one thing?"

"What's that?"

"Why do you act like a normal person so much?" Chris pondered, as the question had been in his head for a few weeks now.

"I just like acting that way, I suppose; A habit." Rina answered, leaving the room to turn on the bath.

"Whatever." Chris muttered, turning back to the TV.

"News just in! It seems the serial killer behind the death of many public figures has struck again! Crime-lord Nathan Copeland was found dead in his mansion earlier today, with what police describes as a ranged attack. He was found with a 9mm rifle bullet inside his head, and police have determined from examining the rifling marks, that this is the same gun that killed John Adams, the book author sharing some controversial views. Once again, the police have found absolutely no clues to the killer's identity; Police reports say that it was almost like the killer wasn't even there, and there was no eyewitnesses. More information will be given later as it arrives."

By now Kristy had woken up, and was paying eager attention to the news on the story.

"How on earth is this guy getting away with all of this?" She questioned, concerned about the rate the mysterious assassin was managing to kill these people. "You would have thought there would be a government investigation into this already..."

"Yeah, it's really strange. Perhaps they're caught up in more important things? But even then, not a word has come from the government about this. It's like they don't want to talk about it for a reason."

"No traces or anything that could give a hint to who this guy is though. This guy has to be a professional, there's no other reasoning."

"You'd have to be a pretty good shot if you were able to operate a 9mm rifle. Must have taken years worth of practice to be that good."

Meanwhile, Rina was sitting in her bath, staring out into the city through their window. 'You know, it's a really good thing you can only see OUT this window' she giggled to herself, until something caught her eye. On one of the rooftops, a figure she couldn't quite make out was staring in the apartment block's direction, and appeared to be writing stuff down. 'Artist.' She assumed, and slipped out of the bath to get back into her clothes.

"I'm going to get some rest now. I'll see you in the morning." Chris said, turning off the television, and leaving the room.

"Okay, see you later Chris." Kristy replied, curling up to sleep for the night. As Rina passed by Chris' room, she noticed him quickly shutting his cupboard door. She thought nothing of it, and went into her own room. Chris had lied in his bed for about 30 minutes, until he got a phone call.

"Who the hell calls this late at night?" He mumbled, feeling his way through the darkness to pick up the phone. He switched the lamp on, and answered the phone.
"Hey Chris. It's me, Ed. From work." The caller spoke.
"Oh, hey Ed. What do you want?"

"I've got a job for you tomorrow. Meet me at Burger Suplex, no later than 1 PM."

"Alright then. See you tomorrow Ed."

Chris put the phone down, and wrote down on his to-do list to meet Ed,and returned to sleep.
Chapter End Notes:Updating at least weekly
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