AGNPH Stories

The Fairview Asassin by chrishargreaves


10th September

10th, September
5:43, Greybaum Headquarters,???
"You... have... to be fucking... kidding me." The vicious words from the leader of Greybaum erupted with the sense of frustration. "You failed... to kill... a fucking POKEMON..."

The board members looked at each other nervously, until one brave but never the less foolish one stuttered out;

"W-we don't know what went wrong sir... It's like they saw it coming..."

The leader slammed his hand down on the desk.


"B-b-but sir..."

"And yet you still failed. Do you know how long it took me to build this corporation from the ground? And now they are THIS close to finding out our plans." The leader stared out the window, shaking his head in disbelief. "...You have one more chance. Do what you must, but I want them to have a REASON to hunt us down. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes sir!" The entire board replied in unison.

"Good. Don't show your sorry asses around here until it's done. Dismissed."

Have you guessed who our assassin is yet? You better hurry up, time is running out. One chapter is left until our killer is discovered, so I'll give you some time to check your notes. But now, he most drastic event of their lives is about to happen, and our case will change from a mystery case - into something much, much deeper than that. But let's get back to our story...

10:30 AM, Chris' apartment

The three of them sat silently in the living room, with only the news bringing any sound to the room.

"Chris... is you sure it's safe to go to work? What if they come after you again?" Rina questioned, with a concerned look.

"Rina, stop worrying. They've all been arrested; they would be stupid to try that again."

"I hope you're right Chris..." Rina spoke quietly, staring out of the window.

"Anyway, I'm off now." Chris announced, walking towards to the door.

"Chris..." Rina said, and Chris turned back to look at her. "Please... be careful out there."

Rina turned to Kristy, who had curled up on one of the chairs.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, ok?"

"Bye Rina." Kristy nodded.

The city was no longer a happy, snowy landscape. Dark clouds loomed above the city, their ominous presence dampening the mood. Jake walked down from the roof, and turned to Rina.

"Morning Jake." Rina asked him. Jake turned and walked onto the rooftops, as Rina followed. Jake turned to her, with a puzzled look.

"Why... why are you always so worried about Chris?" He asked, only to be greeted with a sad and painful look on her face.

"It... it hurts me to remember it." Rina replied, staring out into the gloomy city, with a look of seriousness. "It was three years ago..."

23rd October, 2010
"Ha! Looks like we just bagged ourselves a whole group of them!" One of the group laughed. Rina knew what they were. Hunters. People that killed Pokémon for sport and bragging rights. There was no hope of fighting back, many of them were carrying weapons.

"Oh, don't worry, we'll send you guys back home..." The leader mocked, turning away from them, with an evil laugh. "...In body bags."

He clicked his fingers, signalling for the group to fire. Bullets rang out, many of the Pokémon perished in the first wave of bullets. Hidden out of sight, Rina could do nothing but watch in despair as the people she once knew as best friends were practically torn apart by the guns. As the group reloaded, the survivors fleeing, they began to take aim again.

"You hear that? There's still one here." One of the hunters, pointed out, beginning to face at Rina's direction.

"No... please no..." Rina begged, closing her eyes. Surely she was to meet her fate along with her friends.

"Hold it right there." A voice called out.

"Who the hell are you?" The leader called out turning to face a man in his early twenties.

"I know who you are. Hunters. You've probably heard of me before. Does the name Chris Hargreaves come to mind?"

The manical smile on the leaders face quickly turned into a shocked realisation.

"Chris... but you're supposed to be an urban legend..."

"And I take it you four know what I do to hunters, right? No? I'll tell you then." Chris leaned closer to the group. "I kill them."

"Ha! Don't bluff. Four of us beats one of you!" He laughed, as the four of them picked up their automatic rifles.

"Maybe on my own..." Chris smirked, pulling out a fully automatic combat shotgun. "But I have an ace. I'll make a deal with you. Drop your equipment, and leave now, and I won't have to waste the 12 gauges on you psychos. Or, you die. Easy choice to make, don't screw it up."

The leader slowly dropped his gun to the ground, and took off his backpack, signalling the others to do the same.

"Get out of my sight." Chris whispered, and they proceeded to bolt off. He aimed his shotgun at the equipment and rifles, and fired 6 times, destroying everything they owned.

Rina crawled out of hiding, turning to the bodies of her past friends.

"Guys... oh god..." She cried, tears flooding from her eyes. Chris held her hand out to her as she kneeled on the floor, weeping for her friends.

"...You're safe now. I'd sacrifice a million people to keep you safe."

11:05, 10th September, 2013

Rina burst into tears after recalling the events.

"All my friends... I lost everything. Chris and Kristy are the only people I have left now... I don't want to lose anyone else..."

Jake looked down in the floor, shocked at the dark past behind Rina.

"I'm... I'm so sorry Rina..." He said out of sorrow for her.

"...It's ok. You couldn't have known."

"No... after everything you've been through... I can't believe those bastards did that..."

"Chris never did kill anyone. It turns out they were rumours he spread with his friends, in an attempt to stop them. Luckily for me, he called the right time to make an appearance... just... not for my friends..."

"Come on Rina, let's get you inside now." Jake said, as rain started to pour down from the sky. As they walked back downstairs, Rina looked up.

"Why... why is the door open now?" Rina said, slowly pushing the door open. "Kristy? Kristy are you there?"

Turning the lights on, she turned around the corner to the front living room. And screamed.
Chapter End Notes:Also, does anyone know why AGNPH keeps going down so much? It's really getting on my nerves, I barely managed to get this out on time
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