AGNPH Stories

The Fairview Asassin by chrishargreaves


10th September Part II

10th September
Rina stood speechless infront of the most horrifying sight of her life: Kristy was lying on the floor, a bullet wound to the head. Dead.

"Kristy... no... oh god no... Krist..." Rina begged, imeadiately falling unconscious.

"Rina!" Jake shouted, picking her up.

Well, well well. Here we are again. I said there would be a bigger case, didn't I? It seems our humble mystery story; has turned into a murder case. Things can change so quickly, can't they? It almost creates a sense... of déj� vu. Rina was unable to save her friends three years ago... and history has repeated itself. All five of our remaining main characters: Ed, Chris, Zach, Jake, and Rina will have to work together to find the killer, and avenge Kristy's death. Sit tight: Things are just about to get good.

4:15 PM, Chris' apartment
Rina lay on her bad, slowly regaining conciousness.

"Kristy... no..." She sobbed, burrowing her face into Jake's chest. "Why? WHY HER?"

Jake could do nothing except hold her.

"It's all my fault..." Rina cried.

"Rina, don't say that!" Jake protested.

"I could have saved her! But I can never save anyone... just like three years ago..."

"Rina... We'll find the people that killed her. And mark my words, we'll make them pay for it. Who ever the hell it is, they just crossed the fucking line." Jake comforted her.

"But... but what about Chris? Kristy was his first ever Pokémon, what's going to happen? He'll think we killed her!" Kristy worried, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"Chris is a logical man Rina. We don't have any motives for killing her, there's no way he could even consider us."

As soon as he finished his sentence, they heard someone walking up the stairs.

"It's Chris!" Rina said, running into the living room, still in tears. Chris turned to walk into the apartment, when he saw Rina.

"Rina, what happened? What's going on?" He asked, running into the living room. "..."

"They killed her Chris! They killed her while we were gone!"

"No... fuck..." Chris said, falling onto his knees. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!!!!!"

Chris ran out of the room, stumbling over several times as he ran onto the rooftops.

"KRRRRIIIIIIIIISSSSSSSSSSTYYYYYYY!!!!!!" He screamed, the rain pouring heavily down around him, his voice echoing throughout the city.

Back in the apartment, the phone rang.

"Who's calling us now?" Jake questioned, picking up the phone. "Hello? Who is it?"

"Jake... I take it you're at Chris' apartment."

"Tom? What do you want?"

"I've got a message for Rina: Look inside Chris' cupboard." Thomas said, hanging up almost imeadiately afterwards.

"Look... inside his cupboard?" Rina asked, daring not to find out, but curiousity winning over. As she slowly pulled the door open, a horrible realisation dawned upon her.

"That's not a cupboard..." Jake gasped. "It's... it's..."

"An armoury... No... It's not possible! Chris wouldn't kill anyone!"

"Rina... this is... this is the same rifle used to kill Nathan Copeland!" Jake exclaimed. "It... It was Chris all along! He was the assassin!"

"Who..." Chris asked in utter shock. "Who... told you... about this..."

"Thomas Wood."

"THOMAS WOOD? GOD DAMNIT!" Chris yelled, slamming his hand down on the desk. "I should of known all along!"

"What's my master got to do with this? He's just a normal guy working at Greybaum!" Jake asked, with a worried look.

"Thomas... Is Ed's middle name. Ed Thomas Wood. He... is the only other person in existence that knows about my armoury. I should have known he was back-stabbing rat after all. Jake, this is going to hurt you to hear this, but Ed... is a criminal."

"Wha- How... WHAT?!?!?" Jake was stunned.

"My 25th asainment was to kill the leader... of Greybaum. What you just told me has revealed so much... it all makes sense now...

My first case. Kill Harry Wood, leader of Greybaum. He was a psycho, hell bent on destroying life itself. His company... were making zombies."

"ZOMBIES?" Jake shouted.

"That's right. But that's not the beginning of it all...

Kristy's death just signed Ed's death warrant. She was the first Pokémon I ever had, I treated her like family. Because she was my only family. My dad was a high ranking man in Greybaum, but when he found out about their projects... he was killed. My Mom couldn't take the news, even after several months. She... she committed suicide. I was always tormented when I was younger because of it. I took up Pokémon training to get my own back on them.

Eventually, I landed in a job at pokétech. My work colleagues laughed sometimes when I went to the rifle range at lunch, until one of the people there noticed... a talent in me. He must of known about my parent's deaths, and my motivation to kill people to get my own back. He came to me with a proposition. Work as a government agent, and they'll give the equipment, weapons and locations to kill the men who murdered my dad. I couldn't refuse. Greybaum headquarters is a very sealed off building, meaning the only way to get in was by brute force. My determination to avenge my parents led me to kill every single prick that got in my way.

3rd April, Greybaum Headquarters, Harry's office, 2011

"Hold it right there you son of a bitch!" Chris yelled at Harry Wood.

"No... this can't be happening... It's impossible! I built this company from the ground... no!!"

He never had a chance to do anything. I emptied the entire clip of ammo on him, and sent him falling out of the massive window behind him to his death. It was done. My parents were avenged. Ed must have held a grudge against me the whole time... So he went undercover as my new contact. We became quick friends, and that's how he learnt about it all."

"But what can we do?" Rina pleaded.

"I'm going to call HQ. Chances are Ed wants me to fight him." Chris said, staring out the window at the sky. "If I'm right, we can take the rooftops, and get straight to him."

"Sounds like a plan." Rina said.

"My master... all this time... the attempted shooting, and now the murder... He was behind all of this..." Jake muttered, before standing up and facing Rina.

"Let's get that bastard."
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