AGNPH Stories

The Fairview Asassin by chrishargreaves


13th September [Final Day]

13th September
5:00 AM, Greybaum HQ
"Three days. And they still haven't come for us. Sir, I have reason to believe they didn't fall for our trick..."

"Patience is a sharp razor to swallow. They'll be coming here. They don't have much of a choice, do they? They're a lone group of three, and only one of them can actually use a gun. Chris won't ever get away with this..."

7:30 AM, Chris' apartment
"We can't just sit here waiting Chris. After 3 days, you'd have thought they would reply to one of their top agents..." Rina said, distressed.

"Great. What else can we do?" Jake asked. "Are we just going to have to walk right in there, and hope for the best?"

"Ed wants to kill me personally. He's not the kind of person to go for a cheap kill; he'd rather fight face to face. He's not a coward." Chris said, standing up from his chair. "It looks like that's our only option. But I can't let you guys use guns, it's far too dangerous to even consider."

Chris pulled open the armoury, and pulled out some weapons: His trusty 12-gauge combat shotgun, a revolver, and some bullet-proof body armour.

"Let's rock." He said, turning to leave the door with Jake and Rina.

7:40 AM, Fairview
As Chris' car cruised through the city, all remained silent in the car. Chris pulled open the glove compartment, and took out a picture of Kristy.

"We'll make them pay Kristy. We'll make them pay." He muttered, as Jake nodded at Rina. As they drove along, a pair of shadowy eyes observed from the rooftops, before walking off towards the headquarters.

8:10 AM, Greybaum Headquarters, Outside
Chris parked his car in the parking lot. Grabbing his equipment, and putting on the armour, they went to walk through the main door. Kicking it open, they were greeted with a dozen guards.

"Hold it right there!" They shouted, opening fire at first sight. Diving behind one of the pillars outside, Jake turned to Chris.

"You said there'd be no guards!" He exclaimed.

"It's weird; Ed isn't one to take cheap shots. Rina, can you try and use psychic to knock something down on them?"

"I'll try." Rina said, closing her eyes to concentrate, and focusing on a chandelier. She let out a psychic burst, sending it crashing down on all but one of the guards. Jake looked around the pillar in shock.

"You just did that yourself?!"

Chris raised his gun at the lone guard.

"Don't shoot!" He yelled, dropping his weapon to the floor. "The boss is on the 36th floor! Take the lift in the next room to find him! Just leave me alone!"

Chris kicked him in the stomach, knocking him onto a pillar, rendering him unconscious.

"Thanks." Chris said, as they walked through the entrance. He furiously kicked the door open, and walked inside the lift. "We all ready?"

"Let's do it." Rina answered. Chris pressed the button for floor 36. As they waited for the lift to finish it's slow ascent, Jake turned to Rina.

"How the heck did you do that? Psychic Pokémon aren't meant to be that strong!"

"She has a higher level of psychic energy then in other Pokémon, she's had it for ages, but never used it." Chris answered. The door beeped, and they turned back to the front. As the door slid open, they saw Ed walking through, staring at the office.

"ED! THERE YOU ARE!" Chris yelled, as Ed turned to face him.

"CHRIS NO! IT'S A TRAP!" Ed called out, as two guards whacked the three of them in the head with their guns, knocking them out. "God damnit!"

6:45 PM, Greybaum HQ, Leader's room
The world began to fade into Chris' eyes once again. They were locked inside a room, with nothing but some speakers.

"Ah, I see you're awake again, Chris. How nice it is to see you here. Arrogance and Vengance go well together, don't they?"

Chris jumped up and looked at the security camera.

"ED! COME OVER HERE AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN, YOU COWARD!" Chris furiously screamed at the camera.

"Ed? You mean that other man who tried to kill me? I'm afraid not. That would be too obvious now, wouldn't it? Why don't you turn to the door and see for yourself?"

A video feed was projected onto the door, revealing a man with flat, dark hair. And beside him, was Zach.

"Zach... I should have known!" Jake said. Zach just looked down at the floor, as if he felt sorry for himself.

"I... am Georgio Livencho. And I have a score to settle with you, Chris. Leave your friends behind, and meet me at the helipad. Don't be late." The screen flicked off, and the door opened. Chris picked up his weapons, which were outside, and turned to the others; Ed, Rina and Jake.

"Stay here guys. I'm not coming back until that bastard is dead." Chris said, walking towards the exit. As he shut the door behind him, he heard it lock.

"What the hell?" He shouted. Georgio's voice came back onto the speakers.

"Oh, I forgot to mention: That room is being filled with neurotoxins." He laughed.

"WHAT?" He screamed in outrage.

"You'd better hurry up, Chris."

Without delay, Chris sprinted off towards the helipad.

6:50 PM, Greybaum Helipad, 10 minutes remaining

"THERE YOUARE!" Chris shouted, smashing open the door in rage.

"Took you long enough Chris!" Georgio cackled.


"Did you not think you could kill so many people without suffering yourself? Does this place even show any reminder to you at all?"


"I'll take that as a no. This helipad was your first case. And do you know who the man you killed was?"

"Can't say I do. The only thing I remember was it being easy as hell."


"You've crossed the line, you've signed your fucking death warrant, and I've got a shit load of anger to work out on you! Quit stalling for time!"

"That's what I like to hear! It will be your blood spilled this time, and I will avenge my father! THIS IS THE ULTIMATE VENGANCE!"

Chris pulled out his combat shotgun, and fired a few quick rounds, scattering around Georgio's area.

"It's going to take more then that to kill me Chris! I'm wearing my company's best armour, and it's resistant to any bullet!" Georgio taunted, pulling out a modified revolver: A beast of a gun, with a modified fully automatic firing rate, and a 20 bullet clip. Holding down the trigger, bullets flew everywhere, and they continued their fateful battle.

6:58 PM, Greybaum, Killing Room, 2 minutes remaining
"Hurry... up chris..." Rina choked, the toxins beginning to suffocate them.

"Rina... if we don't make it out of this alive, I want you to know... that I love you, Rina." Jake struggled to speak. Suddenly, a miracle occurred, a small space for crawling through opened up. They looked up at a monitoring room, where Zach was stood.

"What are you all waiting for? MOVE!" Zach yelled through the speaker, as the group frantically crawled through, inhaling as much of the oxygen as possible. They surfaced in the monitoring room, and immeadiately slammed the trap door behind them.

"Zach? But you're on their side, aren't you?" Ed asked.

"Not anymore. I've seen the error of my ways, and I'm going to let this all end now. We need to get to the helipad, Georgio is wearing the strongest armour known to man!"

"So he had to cheat to win!" Rina said. "The bastard! Let's get moving!"

The four of them sprinted out towards the helipad, where Chris was grappling with Georgio at close range, trying to knock him over. Georgio over powered Chris, knocking him backwards, and pulled out his revolver.

"Revenge is mine!" He gleefully screamed, slowly pressing down on the trigger.

"CHRIS!!!" Rina screamed, as Zach slammed himself into Georgio, making him drop his weapon.

"ZACH! YOU TRAITOR!" He yelled, being thrown off balance. Chris climbed to his feet, and ran at Georgio at full pelt kicking him squarely in the chest. As Georgio was forced backwards, he tripped over the edge of the helipad, barely clinging on to the curb.

"Help... help me!" He begged, dangling for his life, 35 stories high into the sky. Chris handed his revolver to Rina, indicating for her to finish him off.

"We don't help murderers..." Chris explained, as rina shot Georgio in the hand, causing him to plummet to his death. As he hit the ground below with a large thwack, Chris looked up at the sky. "We kill them."

"It's over..." Rina said, falling onto her knees.

"Not yet." Chris said, turning his shotgun towards Zach.

"Chris! What are you doing? He just saved our lives!" Jake protested, as Chris ignored him.

"You have 10 seconds to explain to us why we should be keeping you alive. You were part of this, you backstabbing rat."

"Kristy..." Zach stuttered, As Rina turned to hear what he had to say. "Kristy... she's still alive..."

"HUH?" Chris said, lowering his gun. "That's impossible! We saw her body! Except Ed, he wasn't there."

"I think it's a fake." Jake said. "A bloody good one, as well. Something just felt out of place about it, until just now. If Kristy was dead, why had she stayed where she was lying if someone pointed a gun at her?"

Hearing this, Rina scrambled onto her feet.

"You have to show us where she is! How is she still alive after 3 days on her own?"

"Heh... That would be because of me." Zach chuckled. "I smuggled in food to where she was instead of monitoring her. Georgio would never kill a Pokémon, he's a coward. He decided to neglect her instead, thinking that you would never find her. She'd still be dead, but he didn't do it. He didn't expect me to save her, though. Come on, follow me."

Zach lead off, as Rina, gained a puzzled look.

"Zach, you did that because you loved her, didn't you?" She giggled.

"W-w-what? No!" He denied. "...Maybe..."

Zach led them back into Georgio's office, in one of the side rooms.

"She's in here."

Chris slowly pushed the door open, the light pouring into the room.

"Chris... is it you?"

"Kristy! You're ok!" Rina called out, running in to hug her.

"I was so scared... Zach's the only reason I'm still here." Kristy said, looking at Zach.

"Don't give me the credit, we worked together on this. Georgio's dead, Greybaum is finished. Let's just head home."

"Wait, that reminds me. Zach, if your master's dead now, who's going to look after you?" Ed asked.

"Don't worry, we'll look after him Ed." Chris said, as they walked into the lift to leave. As they reached the ground floor, a man in a suit with a briefcase stared back at them, with government agents by his side.

"I have to say... that was... most spectacular of you three." The man said. He had a calm, slightly monotone voice. "Zach, Rina and Jake... You worked considerably well on this case together. It was quite the thing to watch, I can tell you that. I've come to offer... a propostion for you all. I'd like you... to join us as government agents along with Ed and Chris. Especially you, Rina... Your work was simply outstanding. Taking out an entire squad of guards, and killing one of the biggest criminals in the world, is certainly something to be proud of. So what do you say?"

"Hell, why not?" Jake laughed.

And so our story ends here, with our stereotypical happy ending. Or does it? You read this story assuming it to be one off. But it's not. You have just read the first instalment in The Fairview Chronicles, and it only goes up from here. From assassinations and criminal organisations, to the sake of the universe - things are only just getting started. Our next chapter in the chronicles is about to be told. Make sure you look out for it.
Chapter End Notes:Thanks to all the guys that reviewed and supported me throughout the week, and our next story begins saturday at 10:00 GMT! Don't miss the next installment; The Encaphalon Isle Incident
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