AGNPH Stories

The Encephalon Isle Incident by chrishargreaves


Story Notes:


The arrival

10th October 2013

Hello again, readers. I see you're here to find what happened in the next case. And that's precisely what I'm going to tell you. The Encephalon Isle isn't any ordinary incident though... It's one of survival and drama, an escape from a forsaken isle. And escape... from hell. And it's not the living that will be trying to kill our heroes... it's those that are already dead. There are still mysteries to be found, the truth to be uncovered, and once again, one more character will die, and the other infected. So sit back and relax, and learn the story of the Encephalon Isle incident...

8:00 AM, Chris' apartment
It was a calm morning in the No More Heroes Apartment blocks. Chris sat on his seat with a cup of coffee in his hand, watching the news along with Rina. Kristy was lying on the settee next to Zach.

"Aw, you two look so cute together." Rina commented, giggling to herself. Zach looked up at her, annoyed.

"Shut it."

'The Encephalon Isle Pokémon is starting tomorrow! Contestants from all over the world are flocking to the tourney, where contests will compete for the grand price of Â�1,000,000! This is the first time the island has been made publically open, being a former research lab. Our live coverage begins tomorrow on the most popular contestants, and you can view all the matches online.' The TV blared.

"Ah, that reminds me..." Chris said reaching into his pockets to pull something out. "Check THIS out!"

He brought out a ticket to Encephalon Isle, holding it for everyone to see.

"Chris! You're entering the tournament with us?" Rina asked, surprised by this.

"That's the plan! The Cruiser will be leaving in a couple of hours, so we better get going."

"NOW? But we haven't had any time to pack any bags!"

"Oh don't worry; I've sorted everything out already." Chris responded, walking in his room to take out a bag. "It's got everything for the trip there - food, drinks, everything. We can pick up everything else on the ship. Come on, let's go."

"Wait, Chris, you've only bought one ticket." Kristy pointed out.

"Well yeah, obviously the trainer's Pokémon get in. Duh." Chris chuckled, walking out the door. "Come on guys, let's get going."

Rina looked at Kristy and Zach and rolled her eyes, as they followed Chris.

9:30 AM, Fairview Port
"I still wish you could have told us earlier Chris." Rina moaned, as they presented Chris' ticket to go on board.

"Yeah, yeah. Get over it already. Anyway, this boat isn't going to be reaching the island until about 5:00 PM, so meet me back over here then." Chris said, walking off to explore the ship. "Now, is there some kind of arcade around here...?"

"Well, see you two around then." Rina said to Kristy and Zach, before walking off as well.

9:40 AM, Encephalon Cruiser Arcade
"I KNEW there'd be one around here!" Chris laughed in joy, looking at the massive collection of games. Observing the room, he noticed a small crowd gathering in front of one of the machines. Moving closer to observe, he noticed a familiar figure playing on it. "Ed? You're taking part too?"

"Hah, you had to see it to believe it, didn't ya?" He said, gunning down several of the virtual enemies. "Care to join in?"

"Oh hell yeah!" Chris answered to the sigh of a few members of the crowd.

"So, you're taking part with Rina and Kristy, right?" Ed asked rhetorically.

"Yeah, you're just taking part with Jake, right?"

"Yup, but we've training for the past week. I'm not expecting to get that far though, but I know we'll at least beat you!"

"Save the arrogance for after the tourney, ok?"

10:00 AM, Cruiser Deck
Rina sat on one of the deck chairs, observing the rippling waves bashing against the side of the ship.

"Rina? Is that you?" A voice called out. Rina turned to look at who it was. Jake was walking up to her.

"Jake, you're taking part with Ed then?"

"Yeah. Let's just hope we don't end up fighting each other."

"I'm pretty sure that if Chris competes against Ed, that'll be a last resort. I see you like watching the sea then."

"Yeah, it helps pass the time. Nice and soothing."

"So uhh... anything you want to do? I'm free right now."

"Well, the ship has an aquarium on the bottom floor. Want to take a look at that?"


As they walked off, a blonde man in a suit put down his newspaper, and stared at them as they walked out. Bringing his watch close to his face, he held down a button.

"Yeah. They're here. I'm going to see what info I can get off of them."

Meanwhile, Zach and Kristy observed from the upper deck. Zach turned to Kristy and asked;

"Was the entire point of being up here to spy on Rina and Jake? This isn't even that high up!"

"It's the highest point we're allowed to go, so it'll have to do. And yes, it was to spy on them. Why do you think I told him where she was?"

"I don't understand you sometimes. Come on, Can we at least go inside? The ship is huge, I don't want to spend all of my time outside."

11:00 AM, Cruiser Aquarium
"I'm finding it kind of surprising someone like you would enjoy an aquarium, Jake."

"What, just because I'm a fire user means I can't enjoy the sea?" Jake responded, questioning Rina's logic. A click came from a camera behind them, but it was too quiet for them to hear. The blonde man in sunglasses turned to leave.

"Gotcha, one photo of Georgio's killer..." He whispered, checking his camera for the photo.

11:05 AM, Cruiser Arcade
"Heh, you're pretty good at this, Ed." Chris congratulated, shaking hands with Ed. "Alright, three down... what's next?"

"Let's try the one with the shotguns." Ed said, pointing a machine reading 'The creepy village in the middle of Europe.... of the dead*'

"Zombie games? Pah, easy as hell. Zombies are slow and stupid, they couldn't get you if you walked right past them, and they're so slow."

"Alright alright, how about the one with the machine guns?"

"What? You know I hate machine guns. Inaccurate pieces of shit, they are. I think I'll just go grab a chocolate bar. See you later." Chris said, walking off.

*Yes, a lot of the brand names I use in this are parodies of the actual brand. Guess them all and win something! Or not.

12:05 PM, Cruiser Deck
"Alright, where are you guys..." Chris said, looking for the others.

"Right behind you." Zach said.

"Heh. If you find Rina, tell her I'll be at the café." Chris said, opening his bag to get out some food to give them. Another click was heard from inside. Hearing this, Chris turned to see the man with the camera, checking his photos. "Hey! Who are you taking photos of?"

The man immediately began to run off.

"Christ, one of them saw me!" He yelled into his watch, frantically running through the crowd.

"Damn it! Who the hell was that guy?" Chris asked Kristy and Zach.

4:55 PM, Cruiser Deck
"Right, are we all here then guys?" Ed asked the group.

"Yeah, this is all of us." Rina said.

"Hey, you can see the island now!" Kristy called out, staring into the distance.

"Hey, that actually looks pretty nice." Zach said, nodding in approval. Kristy rubbed her head slightly against Zach, until he pushed her off slightly. "Knock it off, I told you not to do that to me in public."

5:15 PM, Encephalon Isle Port
"Well, here we are." Chris said, walking off the ship.
"It's a lot smaller then I thought it would be." Kristy pointed out, with a slight tone of disappointment.

"Hey there, welcome to Encephalon Isle!" A woman at the guide stand greeted them. "To the right, you'll find the hotel where you will be staying. To the left, is the research lab, which is off limits. And in front of you is the arena. You can check the board outside of it to see who you are facing next. Thanks, and enjoy your stay!"

"Thanks." Ed responded, walking towards the hotel, while the others quickly followed after him. "Looks like we're in the hotel then."

7:30 PM, Encephalon Hotel
"I think I'm going to get some rest a bit early today." Chris said. The room was divided into two bedrooms, and a living quarter. Chris walked into one of the bedrooms. "You can stay up a bit later if you want though."

"Alright Chris." Rina said back. She turned on the TV to see what channels there were on the island, while Kristy and Zach decided to go to sleep in the living room. Rina looked out the window and stared into the starry night sky. "Something just doesn't feel right about this place... why have they only just opened this place up?"
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