AGNPH Stories

The Encephalon Isle Incident by chrishargreaves


Story Notes:


The Tournament

11th October
9:05 AM, Encephalon Hotel
"Right, are we all ready to go?" Chris asked enthusiastically.

"Yeah, let's get going." Zach answered. Chris locked the door behind them as they stepped out in the corridor, and were greeted by Ed.

"Hey Chris. Best of luck in the tourney today!" Ed said, shaking hands with him. "I don't really expect to get far with just Jake, but we'll try our best."

They headed as a group to the leader boards. There was 5 Panels next to each other, with 20 contestants on each, totalling up to 100 contestants overall. Chris crouched down, looking for who he was up against.

"Ah, shit." He mumbled, standing up.

"What's wrong?" Ed said, staring at where was looking at. "Oh, you're up against HIM. Sucks to be you."

"Who is it?" Rina asked Chris.

"It's Ryuji Nakomora. He's the top trainer in the entire region, and we're against him in the first round. Don't worry, we'll beat him."

"Beat him? Are you high? That guy's got a perfect record for battles!" Zach exclaimed.

"He hasn't fought us though, has he?" Chris smirked confidently. Zach and Kristy stared at each other with a look of doubt. "Come on, let's head inside. It's going to start in a minute."

A woman at the receptionist desk greeted them as they walked in.

"If you're competing, please head to the waiting rooms until you are called up."

"Thanks." Chris said, noticing a snack bar to the left. As he slowly edged towards it, the others walked to the waiting room.

"Err, why's he heading to the left?" Ed asked Rina.

"He loves chocolate." Rina explained, shrugging. As they walked into the waiting rooms, they saw a man with thick lines of red face paint above his cheeks, wearing a white jacket, shirt and trousers.

"There's the guy. Ryuji." Jake muttered to Rina. Ryuji sat still with his eyes closed, his ear twitching slightly as he heard Chris walk back in.

"Man, there's only one thing I like more than winning; Chocolate!" Chris said, taking another bite into his snack.

"You. Man with the chocolate bar." Ryuji spoke, his eyes opening. "You're my opponent, aren't you?"

"Yeah. Chris Hargreaves." Chris replied.

"Shame. I thought my first match would actually be a challenge." He grinned.

"We'll see about that..." Chris said, sitting back. Ryuji acted surprised to hear this.

"Hah! Some nobody like you has no chance against me."

"Save it for the battle." Ed said under his breath. A man walked into the room with a checkboard.

"Let's see... fight number 13.... Ah! Ryuji Nakomora against Chris Hargreaves. But first, there's some different rules to this tournament to standard tournaments: Due to the amount of people contesting, only one Pokémon can be chosen to participate in the battle."

"Looks like I'll go with you then Rina. Do you still remember our strategy?" Chris looked over his shoulder to Rina. Rina thought for a moment, and nodded.

"Yeah." She responded. Ryuji pondered his choices for a moment, and selected the fifth pokéball on his belt. He smirked, and stood up to leave.

"Look after everyone else for a minute, will you Ed?" Chris said, getting up to leave. They walked up to the man.

"Ok, Chris, you'll enter the room on the right. Ryuji, you can go in through the left."

"Right." Chris said, walking with Rina into the right room. "Looks you'll have to be in your pokéball for a second Rina."

Chris returned Rina into one of his pokéballs, and stood on an outlined square. He heard the speakers above him click into action.

"Aaaand now, ladies and gentlemen, it's the fight many of you people have been waiting for! On your left, hailing in from Fairview city, it's Chris haaarrrgeaaaveesss!" The speaker blared, as the platform began to raise. Light poured into the room as the steel doors above him slid open, bringing him onto the stage. He looked up at the crowd, and turned to face the opposite end.

"And now, the tournament favourite to win, the champion of the region, give it up for Ryujiiii Nakomora!" The announcer yelled, as Ryuji was elevated onto the stage. He gave a long, cold stare at Chris, and turned to the crowd.

"Don't worry, this won't take too long!" He shouted arrogantly, turning towards Chris again, grinning. Chris was annoyed by his over-confidence, but turned to the referee.

"Alright, you guys know the rules. Begin!" The referee called out, stepping off the stage. Chris immeadiately tossed his pokéball into the air, jumping to catch it. Ryuji laughed at this, mocking Chris, and sent out his Pokémon the simpler way. A lucario was released from the ball, and nearly simultaneously Rina was released from hers.

"Rina, you know the plan!" Chris said, making a gun symbol with his hands at Lucario. "You'll never be able to hit... what ain't there!"

The Lucario ran in to try and attack Rina, but to Ryuji's surprise, she instantly teleported behind him. She rapidly teleported around the Arena, baffling Ryuji's Pokémon as he tried to keep up with her movements. Finally, she teleported behind him.

"Go! Use secret power!" Chris said casually, as he watched Rina's psychic energy wrap around her hand, and pounding into the helpless Pokémon. Sending him flying, Rina teleported back to Chris, as the Lucario fell to the ground in instant defeat.

"WHAT THE-" Ryuji yelled, in complete disbelief at what at happened. His hands shook, his eye twitched, as he slowly fell to his knees. "B-b-beaten by some n-n-nobody... this... this can't be happening! My record! My... my money..."

"Not so quick with words now, are you?" Chris chuckled, turning to the crowd to raise his hand in victory. As he stepped back onto his platform with Rina to return underground, he took one last look at Ryuji. Revenge glistened in Ryuji's eyes, the anger seemingly erupting from his face. As the podium sent Chris back to the waiting room, he was met by his ecstatic friends.

"I never doubted you Chris!" Ed said, overjoyed. "Hell, if you can take HIM down, you can take everyone down!"

"Nice work." Zach smiled, staring back at the monitor. "That guy's practically in tears now."

"Anyway, you're up next Ed. Good luck you two." Chris mentioned, sitting back down with the others. Ryuji stormed through the room, daring not to take a look at Chris. Kicking the door open, he walked off towards the right. For the rest of the day, they continued fighting and watching the others, switching their Pokémon after each fight, making it essentially a game of Rock Paper Scissors.

9:45 PM, Encephalon Isle Hotel

The group recollected the day. Chris had successfully won his five matches, putting him into the semi-finals. Ed hadn't been as lucky, getting knocked out on his fourth match.

"Man, I'm starving!" Chris said, picking up the phone. He picked up a sheet for a delivery service they did on the island, pressing the digits to ring them. "Hey, can I have two pizzas; one pepperoni, and the other extra cheese. Also, four portions of some Pokémon food would be great. Deliver it to apartment 17 on the fourth floor. Thanks."

"You did greatly out there Rina." Zach said to her, with Kristy once again leaning on him slightly.

"That was everyone's victory Zach. The second guy had come up with a strategy just to beat me, and his face when you fought instead was quite the thing to watch." Rina said humbly. Within minutes, the doorbell rang, as Chris stood up to get the order.

"Geez, that was quick." Chris said, opening the door to the face of a young boy. He was about 15, wearing a t-shirt and jeans, with a baseball cap and backpack. He was holding their order, and was going about business as usual into he realised who he was delivering to.

"Heyyy, you're the guy that beat Ryuji! You were incredible out there!" The boy complimented, handing the meal to Chris. Chris placed the food to one side, getting out his wallet. "I'm Dan. It's nice to meet you, sir!"

"Thanks." Chris passed Dan the money for the order, and stuffed his wallet back inside his pocket.

"Good luck with the semi-finals tomorrow! You're the talk of the entire delivery chain here." Dan said, walking off. Chris shut the door, and picked up the food and passed it to everyone.

"He's a nice guy." Kristy commented, beginning to eat her dinner.

"Yeah, it'll be a shame if he gets caught up in the metaphorical tornado of trouble that seems to follow me around the whole place." Chris agreed.

"Huh?" Zach said, surprised by Chris' words. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, I forgot to mention that. Ya see, whenever I meet someone that's genuinely a good guy on my missions, he always ends up dying."

"..." Zach looked back down, worried. Kristy stared out of the window, noticing a small cove near the beach.

"Hey Zach, do you mind if we go outside tomorrow morning?" Kristy asked.


"I just feel like exploring the island a bit."

"Alright, whatever..."

As the night sky hang over the island, the competitors lay still in their slumber, their minds preparing themselves for the tasks tomorrow. But no amount of preparing was going to help them...

So, our second stage and cast list have both been introduced. Our story is about to begin it's rollercoaster ride of events, and I can tell you one thing now: Two more characters shall leave our growing cast list. One will die, the other left behind by the others. Who? You'll have to figure it out yourselves, but there are still many twists to come...
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