AGNPH Stories

The Encephalon Isle Incident by chrishargreaves


Story Notes:


The Setup

12th October, 2013

6:15 AM

The sunlight pierced the clouds, bringing an end to the gloomy night. Below the island, a man in a labcoat read a sheet of instructions given to him.

"Uhh... are you sure this is ok? I man, our cure has barely even been finished ye-"

"I don't care. You have your instructions. Release them at 11:15 exactly. Those fools don't know what's coming. Don't forget to schedule the subject tests on him later, ok?"

"Yes sir!"

8:30 AM

Zach lay awake in the middle of the room. He was scared, even he could tell that. His usual pessimistic attitude had seemingly been amplified by what he heard yesterday.

"Every single one of them... that can't possibly mean I'm next, can it? No, there's no concievable way. I'm sticking with Kristy, I'll be fine..." He worried, paranoid of his own fate.

"Zach, you'll be fine."

"Gah! Kristy, don't do that!" Zach said, his head immeadiately twitching to face her.

"Stop being so scared Zach. You made it out before, didn't you? The trend's only been happening with the NEW people." Kristy comforted him.

"It's just... do you ever get the feeling we're just practically sitting on a mountain of trouble?"

"Can't say I do. Why?"

"It's just a hunch, but I really don't think we should be on this island..."

Kristy sighed momentarily, rolling her eyes.

"You know what? If it's any consolation, I'll stick with you the whole time then."

9:45 AM

"Alright, be at the arena by 11:30 latest, ok guys?" Chris said to Kristy and Zach, as they walked out the door. He turned towards his bag, checking to see if his Desert Eagle was still there.

"Chris, why did you bring a gun along?" Rina sighed.

"I'm a government assassin Rina, it's for self protection."

"Alright then. Do you know anything about this island?"

"Not much. It's government owned, but it was rented to a group of researchers. Dunno what they were up to, but nobody at work knows any more."

Kristy's feet padded along the shoreline, as she stared out at the seemingly endless blue ocean. Kristy turned to face Zach, with a sympathetic look on her face, as they walked along the beach.

"You were pretty good out there yesterday." Kristy complimented Zach, in an attempt to cheer him up.

"Thanks." He mumbled. Kristy stopped for a second, kissing Zach before walking along again. They reached a small cave, echoes of other pokémon coming from inside.

"Huh... where's this cave go?" Kristy asked, slowly walking inside.

"Kristy! Wait! You don't know what's in there." Zach whispered to her, stepping backwards.

"Oh come on Zach, you're with me. Nothng's going to go wrong!" Kristy said, using her powers to generate a light.

"Kristy, I hate to say this, but your constant optimism is starting to get on my nerves..." Zach mumbled, walking after Kristy.


"How long does this cave go on for? This can't be natural." Zach complained, as they padded through the darkness. They soon reached a large metal fence, with two men standing infront of it. They were wielding shotguns, but were too busy talking to each other to notice Zach and Kristy.

"What are they doing here?" Kristy asked, as they hid behind a rock pillar, as she listened in on their conversation.

"Yeah, so we need to get the hell outta here by 11:15. Do ya think that outfit replica we made will trick the media?"

"Probably. Let's hope those freaks behind the fence don't get out before then."

"Oh my god... Zach... look at that person." Kristy whispered to Zach. A man stood behind the fence, limping aimlessly. He noticed the guards on the otherside of the fence, and turned towards them, lunging at the gates. He was more resemblant of a monster, blood dripping from his body and mouth. Cut and bite wounds were littered over his body, almost as if he was already dead. His strikes at the fence did nothing to it, the guards laughing at it's pathetic attempt to break out.

"We've got to tell Chris." Zach told Kristy, as they slowly turned to leave.

"Hey! What the hell are they doing here? Shoot 'em!" One of the guards exclaimed, noticing the duo.

"Shit, run!" Zach yelled out, as they sprinted out towards daylight. Bullets rang out around them as they tried to escape the persuers, many missing by a few inches. One of the bullets connected with Zach's leg, causing him to yell out in pain.

"Zach!" Kristy called out, as Zach stumbled to the floor.

"Can't you just teleport us out of here?"

"I don't know how to!" Kristy replied, lifting Zach's paw over her neck, so thy could run out together.

"Did you hear that? I think we got one of them!" One of the guards said to the others.

"That'll teach them!"

Zach fell onto the beach as they exited te cave.

"Zach... I'm... I'm so sorry..." Kristy tried to apologize, seeing that Zach's bad feeling was correct after all.

"I'll be alright Kristy, it just stings like hell..." Zach said in pain, limping slightly.

"Don't worry Zach, I'll take you to the Lab. There's definately going to be someone there that can help." Kristy said, assisting Zach to walk again. "I should have listened to you..."

They soon reached the huge structure, and walked in through the door.

"Hey! This is a restricted area!" A security officer said to them, until he noticed Zach's wound. "Oh."

Seeing this, he picked up the phone next to him, and dialed to somewhere else in the facility.

"Uh, we have an injured pokemon by the entrance, he seems to have a gunshot wound to the leg, can we have someone to take care of him? Ok." He said, putting down the phone. "If you can follow me, I'll take you somewhere where they can patch you up."

Obliging to follow him, the two entered into a white room with a doctor in it. As the doctor inspected Zachs wounds, without any warning all the lights went out.

"No... they can't..." The doctor yelled out, sprinting outside the door.

"Kristy, I did NOT like the sound of that one bit." Zach said to her.

"What does he mean?" She said, staring at a clock. It was 11:15, and the realisation on what was truely happening dawned upon her. "Zach, we have to leave. NOW."

They quickly turned to leave, but they heard banging on the door from outside. It was slow, relentless, but it couldn't break in.

"Zach... I think we just landed ourselves into an outbreak."
Chapter End Notes:Be sure to check my blog, at
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