AGNPH Stories

The Encephalon Isle Incident by chrishargreaves


Story Notes:


The Outbreak

Chris sat in the waiting room along with Rina and the other contestants.

"I'd have thought Zach and Kristy would be here by now." Rina said, checking the time.

"Eh,don't worry, we've got about 20 minutes." Chris said casually, leaning backwards slightly. A middle-aged man watched the two from across the room.

"Don't count on winning against me. I know all your plans, and this is the best it's gonna get. My name's Sam, and don't forget it." He said, staring back to the front.

"Hey Rina, remind me what happened last time someone was arrogant about us." Chris joked. His joke was cut short as the receptionist burst into the room, falling onto the ground. She was covered in blood, with bite marks around her neck.

"What the shit?" Sam said, standing up to face her.

"You... you need to escape!" She said, immeadiately succumbing to her wounds. As the others in the room tried to figure out what had just happened, a shambling man creeped into the room, with nearly identical rooms.

"Christ, are these what I think they are?" Chris exclaimed, as the room erupted into panic. Kicking the zombie over, Rina and Chris ran out of the room.

"Oh no..." Rina whispered, an entire crowd of zombies had filled the room. Chris had already whisked out his gun, taking shots at the zombies.

"Head for the doors, Rina!" Chris said, forcing the infected personel out of his way, as they ran closer and closer to the door. Rina looked to the sides, seeing a man notice her as he was slowly being mobbed by zombies.

"HELP ME! HELP M-" He screamed, before one of the infected plunged it's teeth into his shoulder.
Chris smashed the front doors open, as the two of them ran from the horde into sunlight.

"Ah, crap." Chris said, as dozens of zombies shambled around outside. "That's gotta be nearly every single damn person on this island!"

"We need to find Kristy and Zach! They were heading off to the caves last time I saw them." Rina called out, as they ran for the coast.

"Bad idea!" Chris said, as even more zombies were focused around the cave. "They can't have survived in there, go back!"

A few of the contestants and spectators from the show had managed to break out of the arena as a group, one of them yelling out;

"Get to the hotel! We can barricade the top 3 floors!"

"Zach, he's not stopping!" Kristy said in fear, as the infected individual made gradual progress on smashing the door open.

"Rina, we need to think of something, or we're zombie chow!" Zach said, the door smashing open, and their attacker lifted his arms. As he slowly limped towards them, the two backed into a corner.
"God damn it, why did I have to be right?"

The zombie continued to move towards the operating table, until a burst of fire from the door tore him in half. As blood gushed from the man's wounds, Jake ran in, identifying the two instantly.

"Ed, I've found them! In here!" Jake called out to Ed, who was bravely fighting off zombies with a lead pipe.

"Fantastic, let's get the hell out of here!" He yelled, smashing his weapon into the skull of an infected man.

"He's injured, can you carry him for us?" Kristy begged Jake.

"Sure. Everyone's going to hold out at the hotel, let's get moving!" Jake replied, picking Zach up. Ed retreated slowly, whacking off any attackers, as the other three escaped. The four saw gun flares being fired from the top floors, acknoweledging that people had established a holdout there. Sprinting past the zombies, they kicked through the door, knocking over several infected. The elevator had crashed at the bottom, its cracked doors showing several dead people who had tried to use it to reach the rooftops.

"Christ, I hate stairs!" Ed muttered, as they dashed upwards, hoping they were ahead of the zombies.

"Come on, we need stuff for the barricade!" A man at the top yelled, looking down the gap in the stairs. "Hey, there's some people coming up! Looks like 3 pokémon and a guy!"

Hearing this, Rina ran to the top of the stairs, to see them for herself.

"Guys, you're alive! Quickly, before the zombies catch up!" She called out, noticing a group of infected beginning to traverse the stairs. The group ran straight through the 17th floor doors, as the other survivors looked for barricading materials.

"For the love of god, just knock down the stairs!" Zach said, as Jake began to light the stairs on fire. Controlling the fire was an easy feat, and before long, the floor was in-accessable. The survivors piled up furniture infront of the gap to stop any infected jumping the gap.

"Jake, you brought both of them back! Thank you so much!" Rina said in joy, nearly pushing Jake back as she kissed him.

"Uh, calm down a bit Rina, they were only across the street." Jake said, backing off. "We're all safe now."

"We just need to hold out until the military rescue arrives, in about 2 days." One of the survivors building the barricade said.

"3 days? Christ, we'll be here a while then. Best get to know each other then. I'm Thomas." Another said, but nobody was really listening.

"Well, there's more then enough room for all of us." Sam said, walking out of one of the rooms. Another man walked in, holding a rifle.

"And if we need an armoury, I'm all set for that."

"Wha? Why did you bring in loads of weapons?" Kristy asked, slightly worried about the man's state of mind.

"Doesn't matter. We're all safe now, and that's that."

"I.. I don't know about that..." Zach said in pain, hardly able to stand up now.

"What... what's the matter with him?" Kristy asked, expecting the worst.

"He has a gunshot wound right?" Sam said, looking regretful for saying this. "It's only a matter of time before he turns..."

"No... Zach! Isn't there anything we can do?" Kristy said, feeling hopeless.

"Well... there is one thing." Thomas said, looking at the lab from a window. "I was working at that lab, and yes - I was involved in the production of these damned things. We were given orders to release them at 11:15, but they got out 15 minutes earlier then expected."

"WHAT? You made these zombies? We should throw you out to them right now!" A young survivor exclaimed, hearing this statement.

"Please, hear me out! We were developing a cure, but it's still in very early stages. But I'm pretty confident that it can cure the infection. Only problem is, it's at the bottom floor of the lab. Where the zombies were being kept."

"So it's out of the frying pan, into the fire if we want to save Zach?" Chris asked in disbelief. "Hell, you might be lying, but right now we haven't got much of a choice. Hey, guy with the guns, have you got a shotgun I can have?"

The man nodded, running to grab it.

"I'll look after your pokémon for you." Sam said, signalling to them to follow him.

"No thanks, we're going with Chris." Rina replied.

"Rina, no! It's suicide!" Chris protested.

"Chris, I said that weapons training was a waste. Looks like I was wrong. I'll take a rifle, thanks."

"Ugh, you're relentless Rina. There's a fire escape at the rooftops, and that ladder is too high up for a zombie to reach. We'll take that in and out of there."

"Be safe Zach, don't turn into one of them on me." Kristy said, kissing Zach as she turned to leave with the others. "We're not coming back until we get you that cure Zach."
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