AGNPH Stories

The Encephalon Isle Incident by chrishargreaves


Story Notes:


The cure

Chris and Rina picked up their weapons, and turned to leave.

"Hey, hold up a second, I've got something for you." One of the snipers said, turning towards Chris. He threw a transceiver to Chris, turning back to the window. "Me and my men here have a pretty good lookout over this island. I'll let you know if anything pops up."

"Chris, if you find any survivors out there..." Kristy said, turning from Zach. "...Then please, bring them back."

Chris nodded in acknowledgement, and gave the signal to Ed, who picked up an assault rifle. They walked past the rooms the survivors were in, on the way to the fire escape.

"Oh god... She was looking right at me, all I could do was run... Claire, why?" One of the survivors wept, another staring at the group of four. As they reached the rooftops, Chris located the fire escape. They walked down the steps, seeing that it was impossible for any infected to traverse the system. Shooting the zombies that were close to the fire escape, they jumped down onto earth. The gunshots from the snipers were taking out many of the outdoor zombies, making the walk to the lab easier. Fighting through the mobs of undead, their transceiver called in.

"Hey, there's some kid near the arena. He's young, has a bag, and seems to be carrying an SMG. Sound familiar to you?"

"I now a young with a bag, but certainly not one with an SMG. I'll check it out." Chris said, as they shot anything in the way, moving towards the clearing. The young boy was certainly familiar to Chris. "Hey, isn't that... Dan?"

"Hey, Chris! You made it out alive! Man, this outbreak is just as fun as the games make it out to be!" Dan shouted in glee, gunning down several zombies from the rooftops. "I'll be alright for now, this place is unreachable by them."

"That's great kid, but you can't stay up there forever. Remember when the people in those games had to escape?" Chris shouted, sniping a zombie with his pistol.

"Nice shot! Yeah, why?"

"There's a reason for that. We've got a military chopper coming in two days, and there's a safehouse on top of the hotel if you want to rest. Just go out the fire escape behind the building."

"Well, I suppose everyone's gotta rest some time. Can I still shoot zombies there?"

"Yeah, we've got a whole bunch of rifles up here!" One of the snipers yelled out to him.

"Sweet, I'm in on this!" Dan said, shooting zombies to clear a path for him to run through.

"Just remember to pull the ladder back up!" Chris said, as Dan ran through the gap he created.

"It's nice to see he made it out in one piece then." Rina said, shooting off the zombies with the others. "As for getting in the building..."

"Yeah, that's a problem alright. Zombies will be flooding the area. Thing is, they're mostly coming from the caves, so we might actually be safer off inside. Just check the flank, and remember - this is NOT an extermination mission, this is a find mission." Ed said, aiming for a group of zombies. "Also, how many freaking infected people are on this island?"

"I'd say several hundred. Let's move!" Jake said. Bursting through the front doors, several undead were brought to the attention of their arrival. Ed gunned down the groups, while Chris and Rina took out the stragglers, with Jake knocking back any that got too close. Working through the entrances, Chris took a look at a wall map.

"Let's see: Take two lefts, and go down the stairs. Doesn't mention how to get to the bottom of the basement, but that's for obvious reasons."

"I can see what Dan meant when he said this was fun." Ed said, using a Rambo-esque technique on the infected. The group were making rapid progress through the lab, until they heards gunshots down the hallway.

"Another survivor?" Rina asked, as the gunshots began to get closer. A middle-aged man smoking a cigar turned around the corner, surprised by their presence.

"Ho ho, well I'll be damned, someone's trying to get to something, aren't they? I bet you came to kill me as well, didn't ya?" He said in a gruff accent, checking his back for any zombies. He was carrying a pump shotgun with a large operating knife taped on top. "I don't care if you send god damned armies to stop me, I'll kill ya'll!"

"What the hell? We're just passing through!" Ed said in protest.

"Bullshit. You don't need that much firepower to go through this place!" He laughed, shooting a zombie behind him. "I ain't never gonna give up to you people. I'll kill you, just like I killed the others!"

Chris grew rapidly tired of this, pulling out his gun and firing a bullet into his chest. The others quickly turned to him.

"We haven't got time to deal with people like him. Let's get back to our mission, okay?"

Kristy laid down in the same room as Zach, who smiled as she walked in.

"I knew you'd come here, even if I am about to become one of them."

"Don't worry Zach, you'll be alright, they'll get that cure, I know they will. But there's one thing I need to know, why aren't you turning yet?"

"Well, he's certainly infected. I can garuntee that, the infection's spreaded into his leg. But it just seems some people take longer to become infected. Perhaps it's something to do with his genes?" Sam said, interested in this as well.

"Well, at least I get to stick with her a bit longer, huh?" Zach chuckled, unable to move his leg at all. "This thing still hurts like hell though."

"You should be worrying when it STOPS hurting sonny, 'cause that's when you start zombifying. They don't feel pain at all, their nerves are one of the last few things to kick out. This is all what that doctor's told me, by the way."

"What?" Jake said, failing to believe what he was seeing.

"Bloody typical! The power on the elevator's busted! We'll need to re-activate the generators." Ed said in disbelief and anger. "This place is huge though, so let's split into groups. Jake, go with Rina, and I'll go with Chris."

Chris tossed Rina his Desert Eagle, saying;

"Rifles are next to no use indoors Rina, take this instead." The number of zombies had thinned out from upstairs, with only a few in the general area. Rina and Jake headed to the left, while Chris and Ed headed right.

"Finally, we get some time to ourselves again." Rina complained, slightly disturbed by the lack of zombies in the area.

"Christ, tell me about it. Ed's so tied up in his government work nowadays, there's nothing I can really do about it." Jake agreed, as the two set off together.

Chris and Ed checked each room carefully for the generators, staying on the lookout for the strange lack of infected. As Ed turned around a corner to investigate another room, Chris felt a hard object hit the back of his head, knocking him unconscious. Ed ran back after hearing this, only to be greeted with the man Chris shot earlier, even angrier then usual.

"Ha! Y'all thought I was dead, huh? You thought a badly aimed bullet would kill me! Well you're wrong, and that's what you're gonna have to pay for!" He said, grappling with Ed, his assault rifle being knocked to the floor. Ed was seemingly winning the fight, attempting to throw the psychotic man into one of the rooms, until they did a reversal, throwing him into storage. Hearing the door lock behind him, Ed tried to smash his way out. "See ya in hell!"

Ed picked up a flashlight on the floor next to the body of a dead man, and shone it's light into the room. All he saw was zombies. A massive mob of them, all contained in the same room, heading straight for him.

"Well, shit."
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