AGNPH Stories

The Encephalon Isle Incident by chrishargreaves


Story Notes:



13th October
9:15, 4 hours 15 minutes to Military Arrival
Chris finally woke up from his long rest. Rubbing his eyes, he slowly stood up. He still wasn't done with that database, so he sat down at the table and made his search on Sam. As the computer scanned for Sam, Chris thought forwards. In just 4 hours, the military helicopters were arriving. They'd abandon this island, and the clean up operation would begin. Chris was just glad to living life like normal again. He didn't want to be credited as a saviour or hero, he just did what was necessary. He had always hated being in the spotlight since he was young, much preferring to work in the shadows, away from attention. Sam's speech was still lingering in his head. Was Chris really doing the right thing working as a group? He thought back to the times where a dead man was just a dead man to him, where he worked solo and kept it like that. Had he really lost the pace he had before?

"Match found." The computer said, interrupting his train of thought. As he scrolled through the lists of Sams, he found one that looked like the guy he was looking for.

Sam Hatchel

Age: 29

Rank: Mercenary

Info: Sam was born in Boston. Abandoned at a young age, he was forced to fight, feed and look after himself. A life of violence and Crime transformed his job into a mercenary, killing had become the norm for him. Soon, he began to hear news reports about unsolved assasinations, and decided to solve the case himself. He found the killer to be Chris Hargreaves, the largest threat to our organisation. He idolised Chris, always looking out for what his next kill would be. He began expressing fustration once he had 'lost his grip, and started to refrain from the shadows', and that Chris had started working with Ed Wood, putting others before himself. He has currently been assigned to project Neurotonin 4, along with Ryuji Nakamora.

Latest Report: These idiots are planning to use the cure on a god damned pokémon. Chris Hargreaves is with them. I don't think it's going to be wise to attack him at this date, but I should think about planting those charges underground later. I have had no reports from Ryuji.

Chris read this over a few times. It appeared Sam had begun to despise Chris, but wasn't exactly eager to kill his idol. Chris then typed in for Ryuji Nakamora. It was an instant match.

Ryuji Nakamora

Age: 31

Rank: Undercover Agent

Info: Ryuji is the region champion at pokémon fighting. His motto 'No Mercy' has been respected and feared by other trainers throughout the globe. He decided to put his skills to use as an Undercover Agent, reporting for Greybaum, before transferring to Secrenom. Not much else is known about him.

Latest Report: The release of the subjects will go ahead earlier then planned. This punk, whoever the hell he thinks he is, has stolen my chance for that goddamned million. He won't make it out of this alive, I'm sure of that. And if he does... I know how to get him to come to me.

Chris read through this a second time, before the shock of the last sentence dawned upon him. "And if he does... I know how to get him to come to me." Chris walked into Zach's room, who was lying on the bed, still recovering from his wounds.

"Where's Rina and Kristy?" He asked Zach, who was staring out the window.

"Kristy is going to have her breakfast. Rina's on the roof." Zach answered, standing up to go see Kristy. Chris jogged up the stairs to talk to Rina. He should have expected what he saw: Rina wasn't there.

"Shit... what the hell are you doing Rina..." Chris mumbled. He knew exactly what Rina had done: She had gone back for Jake. Walking back downstairs and grabbing his Deagle, he walked through the familiar route to the labs. The strange lack of zombies greeted him again, and he still hadn't figured out where they had gone. Walking slowly throughout the research facility, the emptiness echoed any movements endlessly. Walking down the steps, he pressed the button to bring the elevator back up. Waiting slowly for the lift to reach the top, he was unable to hear the slow movements towards him, followed by sparks of electricity being drawn. Chris was alerted by the sharp jolt of electricity in his back, throwing him onto his knees, following by being hit on the back of the head with handle.

"Too late to play it safe, Chris!" Ryuji said in a menacing tone, laughing maliciously ashe continued to tazer Chris' unconcious body. "Ha ha ha!"

11:00, 2 hours until Military Arrival
Kristy, Will, and Zach sat in the same room, waiting for any kind of announcement from Chris' transciever about his status and location. They had been waiting for well over two hours now, and were starting to get anxious.

"Where are they?" Kristy asked the others, as the other survivors took note of the lack of Chris. After what seemed like an eternity, the radio signal came through. The group walked towards the reciever, anticipating the response.

"Ladieees and Gentlemeeennn, Heeee's a Hero, He's a Killer, and he's going to be reduced to zombie feed, because he didn't have the guts to kill me! Ha ha!" Ryuji laughed in a sinister tone, Kristy busting into an outrage.

"Where is Chris? What have you done to him?!?" Kristy demanded.

"Oh, he's alright... for now. I have to say, using Rina as bait was... suprisingly easy. But they won't be safe for long. I have something you want, and now you're going to get something I want."

"Alright... what do you want then?" Zach replied.

"Oh, you'll know what it is - it's the money. The money that one of you fuckers stole from the arena! The money that should be MINE!" Ryuji yelled in outrage. Will laughed at this, picking up the radio to respond.

"Ok, we'll play it your way then. We get the money, you hand back Chris and Rina. And if you don't... then you're going to have a really bad day."

"Huh? Will? B-but... but how! You're supposed to be DEAD!"

"Let's just say you weren't very good at trapping people."

"Very well then. Is the crowd ready for some OVERTIME? Because they look like they're just ready to eat them up!" Ryuji called out, cutting off the phone. Will sat down, looking bleakly around the room.

"So... one of us has a million. But who?" Zach asked rhetorically, until Dan walked in with a briefcase.

"Did somebody call for an express delivery of... �1,000,000?" Dan said, making the most of his cue. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief at this, until the obvious question arised:

"Wait, what are YOU doing with the money?" Kristy asked suspiciously.

"Well, I suppose I should be honest with you guys... I'm actually a news reporter. Delivery boy was just a cover job for me. The thing I was actually here for... was Chris." He said, producing his camera.

"So YOU were the guy spying on us at the ship!" Zach said.

"And you nearly got me too. You see, Chris isn't on the best of terms with both sides - 'The Common Enemy', if you'd like to call it that. I was jumping at the chance to get a report on him. I had a feeling whoever was responsible for this would be after that money, so I decided to take it myself, hence why it took me so long to get out of the arena. I'll make you guys a deal. I return the money with you, and you get me an interview with him." Daniel explained casually, tossing a coin.

"The press is the last thing we need, but if you're going to help us, we haven't got much of a choice." Kristy said, staring towards the arena. Dan stopped throwing his coin and stretched his neck, picking up his weapons from his room. Skating in via a pair of slider shoes, he turned towards them as he spun at the door.

"Then let's rock." Dan said, heading for the rooftops. They looked towards the arena from the rooftops, as a large gathering of zombies moved towards it. Dan took out his camera and started taking a few photos of it.

"So Ryuji was controlling them! The bastard..." Will said, moving towards the fire escape. As they touched down onto the ground, Dan prepared his gun, and they sped off towards the arena. Dan's bullet spread knocked down multiple infected at once, while the others held back any that got too close.

"There's an escape route behind the building, we can get in through there." Zach said, putting his
information skills to work. There were next to no zombies behind the arena, making it an easy walk inside, Dan skated through the familiar rooms, shooting down some zombies while the others followed behind him. Arriving at the back of the spectating area, they stared past the rows of seats to see Chris and Rina dangling helplessly above the infected. Ryuji stared at them with a sickening smile from the commentator's box, speaking into his microphone.

"Well, you were pretty damn quick getting here. Hand over the money and this entire thing will be over quickly." Ryuji spoke, as Dan walked towards him with the briefcase. Entering the room, he placed it on the table slowly, staring at Ryuji. Ryuji snatched it off of him, opening the briefcase, only to find pieces of paper flutter out. "Is this some sort of joke?"

"I'll tell you where the money is Ryuji: At the bottom of the ocean." Dan said, kicking Ryuji across the room. Scrambling to his feet, he pulled out a PDA, and slammed down on a button to slowly bring Chris and Rina towards the mob of undead. Dan began to fight with Ryuji, pulling out his baseball bat.

"There's a lever over there! We can use it to pull them back up!" Will pointed out, running towards it with the other two. Barely inches away from it, he smacked across the head with a lead pipe, knocking him unconcious. Kristy stared in horror at him, as two men in uniform walked from around the corner. Looking surprised and angry to see the two of them alive, one of them burst out;

"I'd have thought infecting our bullets would have been enough to kill you two. Looks like we'll have to finish the job ourselves..."

"So THAT'S how Zach got infected!" Kristy exclaimed. It all made sense now: The bullets were infecting Zach, and since Sam was on Secrenom's payroll, he knew all about it. He told Chris about the cure in a hope to kill them, but obviously that backfired in killing himself. The guards drew out two swords: A sabre and katana, and prepared to strike.

"Split up!" Zach yelled, as the two began to run off. The mercenaries sprinted after them, only slightly slower. Chris and Rina watched in despair, as Dan was thrown through the window by Ryuji, onto a row of stairs. Struggling back onto his feet, Ryuji pulled out a magnum revolver and took shots at Dan. With a smirk on his face, Dan reached into his bag and pulled out a grenade. Pulling the pin out, he tossed it right at Ryuji.

"SON OF A-" Ryuji shouted, diving out of the room. The grenade detonated at the exact moment, propelling him into a wall, leaving him knocked out. Dan nodded at Chris and Rina, and began to make to make his way towards the lever. The first of the guards was still in pursuit of Zach, and had caught up with him. Taking constant swipes that failed to make contact with him. As he swung for another attack, Zach bit him on the hand, forcing him to drop his sword. Slamming his body into the guard, he was thrown over the railings and into the crowd of hungry infected below. Zach looked in slight disgust, before running to help Kristy.

"Hold still, damnit!" The other henchmen yelled, thrusting his sword towards Kristy. Rina stared at her, wondering why she wasn't attacking.

"Ever wondered why she only fought once in the tournament? She's a pacifist Rina, she just can't bring herself to hurt other people." Chris explained, staring at their possible fate below, which they were no only about 5 metres away from. "Oh yeah, guys! When you get the chance, can you get us the hell out of here already?"

As Kristy struggled to avoid the mercenary's attacks, Rina began to focus herself. In an incredible feat of her powers, the sabre was lifted from the guard's hands.

"What the hell?" He exclaimed as the sword began to rotate. Kristy stared at Rina in amazement, as she began to turn the sword to face the mercenary with her powers, thrusting it straight through his stomach. He fell to the ground, impaled by his own sabre, as Dan raced for the lever. Slowly cranking it upwards, he called out;

"Don't worry, we've got you!" He said, Rina opened her eyes and turned to Dan.

"Dan, look out!" She cried out, as a charging Ryuji smashed him against the railing, battering him with his fists. As he prepared to throw Dan over, a deafening yell came from behind him, as a fist to the head threw him to the side again. Will stood by Dan, helping him off the floor. Ryuji ran back towards the centre, as a helicopter ducked down into the arena to pick him up. Shooting the lever, he taunted the others as he flew off;

"Well, I'd love to stay, but I've got better things to do. Adios!" He laughed, as he escaped by the chopper. The lever span uncontrollably, lowering Chris and Rina twice as fast. Will had no time to lose, and struggled with all of his might to push the lever back. Using all of his strength, the captives were raised just as a zombie jumped to grab onto them. Rina breathed a sigh of relief, as they were brought back to up to the platform, and began to swing themselves. Bringing up momentum, Chris caught his feet on one of the rails, and pulled them both back onto safe ground once again. Rina collapsed in exhaustion, so Chris picked her up as the group walked out of the Arena. Dan pulled out his watch to check the time. 12:55.

"Shit! They're going to arrive any minute now!" He yelled, as the group began to run back to the hotel, several military helicopters passing overhead.

13:05, Military rescue
The soldiers checked the apartment rooms for any final survivors. One turned to the others.

"8-Ball, any sign of these so called 'saviour' pokémon the others talked about?" One of the group said.

"Negative Charlie Six. Do you think they really existed?" He replied, as they began to board the final helicopter. As they were just about to take off, Dan quickly ran onto the building.

"HOLD UP!" He yelled out, as the soldiers turned around to see the group walking from the fire escape. Chris passed Rina to will, and ran back inside to get the laptop. "You weren't planning on leaving without us, were you?"

As Chris boarded the helicopter, the final military chopper left Encephalon Isle. One of the younger members of the force turned to Chris.

"So, you're Chris Hargreaves, huh? I recognise three of you, but where's this Ed guy and Jake?" He asked. Chris turned to the island in sorrow.

"...We lost a good man out there today. As for Jake, we don't know what happened to him."

"Sorry to hear about that. Who are the other guys?"

"Survivors, plucked right from the depths of hell."

"Hell, huh? So, what exactly was going on down there?" The soldier asked, as the helicopter flew off into the noon sun.

"Oh, where do I start..."

So, another story has been told. But there is still one final case in our trilogy, one final climatic battle, and the true villain shall finally reveal himself. Chris and his friends shall be back at Halloween for the final story of the Fairview Chronicles: The Truth Within. Don't miss it.

On the military cleanup operation several days later, Ed's body was found and stated as murder. Jake's body was never found. Whether he escaped, died, or succumbed to the infection remains ambiguous to this day.
Chapter End Notes:Start taking your bets on the true villain! New or Old, friend or foe
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