AGNPH Stories

Lost and Found by servussmith


Story Notes:

A request by Decaf. I was flattered as fuck he thought I could do it, and I liked the idea.For the record, I will only take on one request at a time, and only if I really like the concept plotwise. because I CANNOT write short lemons (tried several times), and apparently I can't write anything JUST a chapter in length (this one looks to be about three to five chapters long if i can keep it short).mostly dead. However, to keep it from going away, I don't own pokemon, nor do I make money from it.

Chapter 1

I set my pack down on the side of the road and shake my head. It is going to be a long trip up the
mountain. I'd heard about the spring at the top from some of the old men in the town we just left. They
told me that the pristine waters have a healing power for pokémon, like a natural hyperpotion. That and
the fact that the view is supposed to be spectacular were enough to pique both Lexi and mine's

However, from looking at the way up to the top, a steep path broken up by sheer walls of rough rock
that goes up several thousand feet, it is obvious why the waters are pristine and nobody has tried to
make a business off of bottling the stuff. Because it is damn near impossible to get there. But that has
never stopped us before.


I turn to smile at Lexi; my raichu companion since forever. What has it been? Ten years since she
hatched? I was ten at the time so... Yeah, we've been best friends for around a decade now.

She looks up at me curiously. I reach down to ruffle the fur on her head, and then turn around to open
the pack, "Just need to put some precautionary measures in place."

"Raiiiii." Lexi complains loudly when she sees me pull out a large aerosol can of repel.

I chuckle, beginning to spray the repel over my pack. "I know, I know. I don't like the smell either. But
there are supposed to be a lot of rock type and ground type pokémon around here. If at all possible, I'd
like to avoid running into them."

Lexi rolls her eyes and throws a few punches, "Rai!"

I chuckle, starting to spray myself with the aerosol. Good lord, this stuff reeks! No wonder pokémon stay
away when they smell it!
"I know, I know. You probably could handle anything that comes our way.
However, that doesn't mean we have to." I close my eyes as I spray my head, nearly gagging from the
smell. "Besides, it looks like it is going to be hard enough getting to the spring even without having to
beat down every single geodude and rattatta with an attitude problem along the way."

"Chu." Lexi sighs in resignation, holding out her arms and shutting her eyes tightly.

I smile and get down on one knee in front of her. "Deep breath." Lexi inhales deeply and puffs her
cheeks out. I put my thumb over her nose and quickly spray her down with repel. "Okay done."

Lexi exhales loudly and makes another face as she waves a paw in front of her face trying to diffuse the
scent of repel that lingers on us and in the air. I give her ear an affectionate tweak before giving her a
quick kiss on the cheek, "Don't worry, before long you won't be able to smell it."

"Chu." She replies dubiously.

I laugh and stand back up before slipping my pack on again with the repel secured in a side pocket in
case we need to reapply it before we reach the top. "Let's go!"


Three hours of climbing and hiking later I call for a rest stop.

"Hold up Lexi!" I call out, leaning against the rough rock wall of the large ledge we have reached for
support. Lexi turns around to look at me from the boulder pile she has already started to scale on the
way upwards. I take a few deep breaths then let the pack drop off my shoulders with a loud clattering of
pots and pans. I stretch and roll my aching shoulders with a groan, Why the hell did I think packing a full cooking complement was a good idea? I should have left the unnecessary crap at the pokémon center.

"Lunch break." I gasp, squatting down next to the pack and removing a couple dishes, some cooking
wares including a miniature electric stove, and cups from where they are attached to my pack.

Lexi scurries back over to where I am and sticks the plug in her mouth with a grin. I quickly dig a bottle of
water and a pack of instant soup out of the pack and pour both into the small travel pot. The electric
stove is already hot as I place the pot on it after a quick stir. I lean back against the rock wall and look
out over the landscape stretched out before us. We're already about a couple thousand feet up I would
guess, and my god, you can just see forever.

"Hey Lexi." I smile and gesture to the broad landscape before us. "Take a look at this."

Lexi turns around and looks out over the land with me. She can't exactly say much anyway, not with a
power plug in her mouth, but from the way her ears slowly press back against her head I can tell she is
impressed. "Imagine what it will be like at the top."

"Mraiuu." Lexi mumbles around the plug in her mouth.

We sit in silence watching the clouds roll by until the smell of soup fills the air. A quick look in the small
pot confirms that fact that lunch is ready. I'm about to reach for the small ladle hanging from my pack
when Lexi's ears perk up suddenly. I'm about to ask what it is when I feel it.

The entire ledge is vibrating, rumbling. Something big is coming.

With a loud roar, a steelix bursts out of the pile of boulders that made up the path ahead. Lexi and I
stare at the enormous pokémon in shock. There shouldn't be any steelix in these parts. It is rare to find
them in the wild even where onix are common! That means this is probably a pokémon that someone
released into the wild for some reason or another. That is bad, very bad.

We are also cornered. Stuck out here on a broad ledge with the easiest route of escape being the
boulder path the steelix is sitting in. for a moment, neither of us does anything. Then the steelix roars
and starts flinging boulders.

Lexi and I scramble to avoid being crushed by the big stones sailing through the air. We manage to just
barely avoid being squished but our lunch and gear is not so lucky. For just a split second I lament the
loss of several hundred dollars worth of material that I am going to have to replace. Then the fact that
we need to survive this for any of that to matter quickly gets my mind back on task. Lexi is already
charging forward to get within range of the steelix for a direct attack.

"Brick break!" I shout to Lexi, diving out of the way of a boulder that is easily bigger than me.
Unfortunately, my dive nearly carries me over the ledge. I scrabble wildly for a grip on anything as my
legs slide over the edge and start downward. I hear the steelix roar in pain as Lexi's attack lands. Even as
I keep slipping, I can't help but smile proudly, Give'em hell, Lexi.

I mutter grateful prayers to whoever may be listening as my fingers finally find something to grip that
won't slide with me. Still, I'm hanging on a precipice with the edge digging into my armpits and my feet
dangling in space. Naturally, I'm not happy with my position. I struggle to find a way back up by gripping
the rough rock wall with my knees. I manage to rise up an inch or so before my fingers slip and I start
sliding back again. My eyes go wide and my mouth opens to start screaming when something long and
powerful wraps around my chest and starts pulling me back onto the ledge.

I look up to see Lexi using her claws to grip the stone and pull me back up on the ledge. "Raiiii."

I manage to get my left leg up on the ledge when the entire ledge booms and fissures rocket through the
entire mountainside. Earthquake!

Lexi cries out in pain and her tail goes limp. I try to pull myself the rest of the way up only to find that I
am still going down! "LEXI!" I scream as the ledge crumbles away underneath me and I slide with it into
open space.

Lexi whirls around to see me falling away and her eyes go wide. The last thing I see before I fall out of
sight is Lexi leaping towards me, "RAAAAIIIIIII!"

I'm in free fall for what seems like lifetime, then mind shattering pain followed by blackness.


Something is in my throat! My hands fly up to my face and I feel a sharp pain in my left wrist as I start to
struggle with the plastic tube that has violated my throat. I scream wordlessly as I feel the end of the
tube sliding up my esophagus and then into my mouth bringing the taste of bile and vomit as it drags
across my tongue. As soon as the tube is out of my mouth I take a long deep breath and my arms drop
to my chest, all strength gone.

I open my eyes to see white ceiling tiles, a white curtain, and an assortment of equipment. I think it
might be medical equipment. Whatever kind of equipment it is, it is giving off an urgent, shrill alarm that
is hurting my ears. Something warm and wet is soaking through the thin paper gown that is covering me.
I struggle to lift my head and manage to see a growing red blotch spreading from where my left hand is
resting on my chest.

My head falls back against the pillow again. Why am I so weak?


I turn my head to my left and find myself staring into a pair of black eyes set in a furry orange face, a pair
of big pointed ears flattened against the back of its head. I open my mouth, uncertain of what I should
do, whether to scream for help, say 'hi', or some mysterious third option. Fortunately, I don't have to
pick as a nurse and several pink, round pokémon with nurse caps throw wide the curtain to stare at me.
For just a brief moment, there is complete silence as we all stare at each other, and then I decide to
break the ice.

"Hello." My voice is dry, cracking halfway through the word, and weak, as though I haven't spoken in a
long time. However, that seems to do the trick, and suddenly the nurse and her pokémon attendants are
scurrying about, patching the bleeding wound in my wrist from my having the IV torn out and checking
all the equipment and finally physically examining my body. The nurse shakes her head with an
astounded smile on her face, "A miracle."

All through this the orange furred pokémon hasn't moved from immediately beside the head of my
hospital, because I think that is where I am, bed. It lets out another questioning, "Rai?" this time looking
at the nurse.

The nurse nods, "He seems fine physically all thing considered."

The orange pokémon lets out a joyous cry and leaps up onto the bed, throwing itself across my chest
and nuzzling my chin affectionately. I frown and look up at the nurse, "What is this thing?"

The thing on my chest sits up with a surprised expression. The nurse's smile vanishes, "She is your
raichu. Your records indicate that she has been registered to you for twelve years. Do you not remember
any of that?"

I think for a moment, Can I remember anything before today?

It only takes a brief moment to answer that question. "No, I don't remember anything."

The raichu sniffs loudly, and I look back to her, "I'm sorry."

I put a thin arm around her as she begins to sob, and just hold her, because that is all I can do for her
right now.
Chapter End Notes:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
They have a long road ahead of them. Recovery is a bitch.

Anyway, read, review, enjoy, etc
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