AGNPH Stories

Lost and Found by servussmith


Story Notes:

A request by Decaf. I was flattered as fuck he thought I could do it, and I liked the idea.For the record, I will only take on one request at a time, and only if I really like the concept plotwise. because I CANNOT write short lemons (tried several times), and apparently I can't write anything JUST a chapter in length (this one looks to be about three to five chapters long if i can keep it short).mostly dead. However, to keep it from going away, I don't own pokemon, nor do I make money from it.

Chapter 2

So, according to the nurses, it is a straight up miracle that I'm alive. They don't know how much time
passed between my accident on the mountainside and when I actually arrived in the pokémon center,
but by the time I arrived, I was in sorry shape. The nurse at the front desk thought that my raichu, her
name is Lexi by the way, was dragging a corpse into the lobby and she didn't look much better. A quick
trip in one of those rejuvenator machines had Lexi back in order, but me... well, even if I had been a
pokémon you wouldn't have been able to just stick me in the rejuvie.

The rejuvenator works by digitizing a pokémon and based on either the basic layout of that pokémon
species or past scan data the machine repairs any 'errors' it finds. However, if there are severe injuries
such as eviscerations or major bone breaks, those injuries must at least be patched up first before the
rejuvinator can work its magic. I had numerous compound fractures, the most dangerous being my skull
and the messiest being my right femur which snapped in half and turned my quads into hamburger.
They were able to patch me up pretty good, though my right leg has one hell of a chunk missing and I've
got a sexy starburst scar covering half my forehead. Add to that the fact that all my muscles have
atrophied to the point that I resemble a cadaver with long white hair, and you have yourself one sexy
son of a bitch.

I can't complain really. I should be a corpse. My family pulled the plug on me not long after I arrived.
Apparently, I was completely brain dead. Absolutely nothing going on upstairs. An empty shell kept alive
by machines. My family didn't feel that there was a chance that I was going to get any better, the
doctors told them so, and would prefer to pay for a funeral than ongoing medical care. Lexi clearly felt
damned different about the whole situation. With the help of a kadabra translator, she worked out a
plan with the pokémon center that used the money in my trainer account to pay for the cost of the bed
and the power to run the machines. There wasn't any money going to pay for medical care because Lexi
was doing all that herself. Hell, she even powered the machines part of the time. That right there is
some dedication, and makes me wonder what I did to deserve it.

At the moment, Lexi is pushing my wheelchair down the path to the house where my parents live. Even
with a trainer card, a room at the pokémon center costs money, and after the quick meal that Lexi and I
had at the pokémon center I am fresh out of money.

So let's recap. I have no memory, money, or possessions beyond a trainer card and the clothes on my
back, which are just a pair of those paper throwaway outfits that they give to patients. My family has
long since considered me dead. I am nothing. I have no connections and no real reason to have
returned. No real reason to stay.

Suddenly Lexi begins humming behind me. Immediately, I am reminded that even if I cannot remember
her, Lexi has refused to leave my side even for a moment since I woke up. Obviously, I did something to
earn such devotion, and how could I possibly reward that devotion by leaving her again? It just wouldn't
be right, because as much as I don't have, she has lost that and more.

Lexi stops suddenly, jarring me from my musings. I glance back over my shoulder at her, "What's up?"

"Rai." She says pointing ahead of us.

I turn back to the path ahead of us and see a largish two story brick home. There is a colorful pair of
flower beds that flank the walk up to the front door. A front door that is wide open and hanging by only
a single hinge. This can't be good.

Lexi begins to run ahead but I manage grab onto her tail and she stops in her tracks to give me a
questioning look. "Take me in there with you. In case there is trouble in there."

Lexi shakes her head emphatically and tries to pull her tail out of my hand. I hold tight, "If there is
trouble, it would be good to have two pairs of eyes."

Lexi gives me a long look, then nods. She moves back behind me to push the wheelchair up the walk.
The wheelchair bumps up onto the front step and rolls inside. "Watch out for the broken glass." I warn
Lexi as the wheelchair crunches over the shards littering the front hall from the windows that used to be
set into the door. I can't help but notice that some of the larger shards are tipped with a dark substance.

There aren't any lights on and find myself scanning all the dark corners of the room that we slowly roll
into. At first I can't see anything of note. Just some living room furniture and a television, but then I spot

"Lexi, look over there by the couch." I whisper, pointing to a dainty looking red shoed foot sticking out
around the back of the couch. "Roll me over there." We very slowly move around to the side of the
couch and I can feel the blood drain from my face at what I see.

It's a severed leg, and it's pretty fresh. The pool of blood around the end of the limb is dried, I think, but
I don't even see any flies on it yet. I think it might be a woman's leg. I swallow back the bile that rises in
my throat and whisper, "I think we should probably let the professionals handle this."

"Chu." Lexi says with a nod, and we roll the hell out of there.


I stare over my cup of coffee at the policeman sitting across from me in the pokémon center lobby. He
sighs, "It must be tough waking up after so long only to find your entire family has been murdered like

I nod dumbly, though it isn't all that tough emotionally. My parents were essentially strangers to me
since my memory is blank. The tough part is the fact that Lexi and I have no money and now no family to
go to for financial support. I know for a fact I can't be the bread winner for Lexi and me. I don't even
know if I can walk. At least we have a home though, and I think a stocked fridge. "When will we be able
to return home, officer?"

"Well," the man takes off his cap and runs his fingers through a thick head of brown hair, "Our crime
scene crew is has roped off the entire house to prevent further loss of evidence. So, until they finish you
can't go home."

I glance down at Lexi sitting on the floor next to my wheelchair nursing her own little cup of coffee. She
seems content with the current situation. I look back to the officer, "When will that be?"

"Sometime tomorrow probably." The officer replies, "You'll just have to stay in one of the pokémon
center trainer rooms tonight. I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"Officer, I have no money, at all. I can't stay here." I reply dryly.

"Actually," a new voice contradicts, "You have a lot of money."

I turn to see a tall man in a blue suit, "You are Raff Temples, right?"

I nod, "So I've been told."

"Well, your parents had a lot of insurance. Just their life insurance alone amounts to about a million
dollars each."

I chuckle, "Mister, I don't think I'm entitled to any of that."

"The name is Maihim, Lotso Maihim, and you are the next of kin to the deceased. Even if they did
already cash in your life insurance policy." The man replies pulling a PDA out of his coat, "So, you
currently have... two million dollars in your trainer account, more to be deposited once our team
finishes their analysis of the damages to the property. That should be complete some time tomorrow."

I stare up at him dumbfounded. Two million dollars? Sweet mother of... something. That's a lot of
money! I mean, I'm probably going to have to pay for some kind of a funeral or something, but still!
Wait, they cashed in my life insurance policy before I was dead? Good grief, I don't think I'll be spending
much on a floral arrangement for them. "Well, I guess I'll just stay here tonight." I lean over and scratch
Lexi behind the ears, "What say you and me head up to our room?"


A short trip down in an elevator finds us at the end of the hall where all the trainer rooms are. We roll
down the hall to our room. I lean forward and swipe our key through the electronic door lock. The little
light on the handle turns green and I push open the door.

It's just a single trainer room, consisting of a single bed and a bathroom. "Well, the bed is going to be
crowded tonight."

Lexi laughs as she pushes me into the room before kicking the door closed. She then makes a beeline for
the bathroom leaving me sitting by the door. A few moments later I hear the shower running. I would
imagine that Lexi didn't have much time to bathe; what with watching over me and powering the
machines all by herself. She deserves a little time to enjoy herself. But damnit, I am tired of sitting in this
damn wheelchair. I hate feeling like an invalid.

I lean forward in the chair and set my feet on the ground. I pause. I haven't walked or even stood up
since I woke up this morning. I wonder if I can even remember how to walk? Only way to know is to try.

I throw myself upwards onto my feet. For a very long moment I wobble on my feet, unsure of whether I
will stay standing or fall on my face in failure. I finally manage to stabilize myself, and it occurs to me
that relearning how to walk is what physical therapy is for. Bah, physical therapy is for pussies, I'm
standing now. Taking a couple steps shouldn't be too hard.

I lift my left leg. And swing it forward, simultaneously I lean forward. My foot lands and I stop. Woohoo!
One small step for me and... well I guess it's just one small step for me. Now for the next step.

I try to repeat the same process with my other foot and the fail comes so fast and hard all I can see are
stars. I must have screamed or something, because next thing I know Lexi is standing over me with a
frightened expression. "I'm fine." I wheeze out as I roll over onto my back. I sit up on my elbows and try
to assess where the hell the walking process fell apart. I stare at my legs, my eyes eventually come to
rest on my deformed right thigh. There is the problem. I'm missing muscles.

"Fuuuuuuuuuck." I moan as I allow myself to fall backwards onto the carpet. I glance over at Lexi who is
looking at me in concern. "I fell down. No permanent damage though. Not physical damage anyway. My
ego is feeling a bit bruised though."

"Chu." Lexi nods, and then her tail wraps around my ankles.

"Uh, what are you doing?" the mischievous look she gives me in response is more than a little
unnerving. "Lexi? Lexiii? OH GOD!"

Lexi takes off, sprinting across the floor and I get pulled along with her like some sort of toy on the end
of a string. The carpet yanks my paper shirt right off and is giving me one hell of a paper wedgie.

I stick my hands under my head as the carpet changes to tile. And then Lexi stops. Before I have time to
even register what is going on, Lexi has stripped me of my pants and is starting to pull me into the tub.
In seconds I am seated in the tub with my back to the wall and my feet pointed towards the drain. Lexi
gives me a huge grin with her paws on the knob. "No, Lexi. Don't -"

I let out a very unmanly shriek as icy cold water blasts over my crotch and legs. Lexi falls over in the tub
laughing as the water quickly warms up. I can't hold onto my indignity for long and soon I am laughing
with her. I jump a little as Lexi suddenly darts forward and wraps her arms around my chest and
squeezes me tight in a hug. I smile and gently scratch her behind the ears, "Thank you. For everything."

"Rai." Lexi replies as she releases me. she then leaps up and kicks off the shower wall to land on the
curtain rod. She uses her tail to close the curtain before running to the end closest to the shower head.
She turns back to me and points to her eyes which she clenches shut, "Chu! Rai-chu!"

I sigh and shut my eyes. Moments later I am being sprayed in the face by the shower. Lexi jumps back
down into the tub with a thump, and then scrambles up me to sit on my shoulder. I'm about to ask what
she is doing when she starts messing around with my hair, making sure that it is all getting wetted down.
Once she is satisfied that my hair is completely wet she jumps back up onto the curtain rod and directs
the water back down again. I let out a loud oomph as she jumps down into my lap and then scrambles
up onto my shoulders again. Her tail snatches up the courtesy shampoo bottle and lifts it to her paws.

"Lexi I can wash my own hair. I'm not a complete inval-mph!" my protest is cut off by Lexi pressing her
furry body against my face. I sigh as she begins to work the shampoo into my hair. It feels kind of nice
actually. Her working my scalp over with her paws I mean, not being smothered by a wet, furry body. A
body that actually smells pretty bad I might add.

She redirects water onto my face and leaves it there as she returns to me and takes a seat in my lap. The
next thing I know she is taking me hand, placing some soap in it and then using my hands to begin
working the soap into her fur. "Rai. Rai. Rai."

I chuckle as I start to blindly working the soap into lather on her head and work my way down. Lexi sighs
and relaxes against my chest as I gently knead her narrow shoulders. Lexi seems to melt in my hands as I
work my way down her back and around her sides. To my surprise, she actually tenses up again as I work
my way up her chest, which I find odd. But that's not all that is odd. Her waist had been a fairly level
surface, rising up when I reached her rib cage, but at just below shoulder height I encounter a pair of...

I gently massage the mounds of flesh, a bit baffled by their presence. What are they? It isn't until my
palms brush over something hard under her fur and Lexi gasps that I realize what I'm holding. I lean
forward out of the shower stream and open my eyes. Looking down I find my fears confirmed. Lexi has
tits, and I'm groping them. To add to my embarrassment I am also getting a boner.

"Okay! Bath time's over!" I shout, picking Lexi up and dumping her roughly on her butt, and out of my
lap. She squeaks in surprise as I scramble out of the bath tub. I nearly land on my face as I flop like a
magikarp onto the cold tile. I try to crawl quickly away from the tub, but I forgot my right leg doesn't
completely work and end up on my belly. Now it's my turn to squeak as my sensitive dick is pressed
against icelike tile floor.

I quickly pop up again onto on to one knee and change my strategy, using my good leg to hop-crawl my
way forward. I make my way out of the bathroom before I run out of steam and collapse on the carpet.
Fuck this is pathetic.

I hear the pitter patter of Lexi as she walks out of the bathroom. A moment later a towel drapes over my
butt. I sigh, "Thank you Lexi. Sorry for all that... awkwardness back there. I didn't mean to, you know,
grope you."

I turn to look at Lexi as she starts toweling me off with another towel me off. Water is still running off
her fur. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. What do you think you are doing?" I say, pushing myself up so that I am
sitting on my knees. I snatch the towel out of her hands, "Give me that!"

Lexi sort of shrinks back from me, "R-raichu?"

I sigh, "Come here and let me towel you off."

Lexi tilts her head to the side and gives me a questioning look. I roll my eyes and lunge forward as best I
can. Lexi yelps as I wrap her in the towel and begin roughly drying her off. As I reach just above her hips
she squeals and squirms in my grip. I laugh, "Oh so you're ticklish there? GOOD!"

I wrap my arms around Lexi, dragging her underneath me, and continue to tickle her mercilessly until we
are both out of breath. I roll over onto my back, chuckling breathlessly as Lexi curls up against my side.
"Lexi, I'm not a complete invalid now, and I intend to only get better as time goes on. So don't try and
do everything for me. I want to eventually be able to do things for myself and even for you. Will you
help me do that Lexi?"

Lexi moves to rest her head on my chest, "Chuu."

"That sounds like a yes to me." I say with a smile, scratching her head gently. "What do you say we make
our way to the bed and get some sleep?"

Lexi giggles and grabs my arm with her tail. Here we go again. A split second later I am rocketing
over the carpet again, fortunately I managed tyo hold onto the towel that was under me or I'd be
getting a seriously rugburned ass. When we stop by the bed I chuckle, "We have got to figure out a
better way to get me from point A to point B."

Lexi waves a paw dismissively, "Raaaaai."
I chuckle and climb up onot the bed, a bit more of a challenge than I'd like to admit, but I got up with out
help. I lay across the bed and lexi hops up beside me. I think back as far as I am able, life has been full of
ups and downs in this one day alone, and I have no idea what is ahead of me. But... I'm not worried. I'm
really not. Because I know that I have someone who is going to beside me every step of the way. Yeah, I
think I'm gonna stick around and maybe try to find what I lost.
Chapter End Notes:So we get the human in the bed together, naked, and moist. Not XXX rated yet but we are getting there.

On another note, I am looking for beta-readers for my contest entry. Contact me if interested
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