AGNPH Stories

Pushed to the edge by bubba


Story Notes:

My Prologue just to get me back into the mood of writting, feel free review... would make me really happy for some feedback, just don't attack me with insults :).


"Get up boy!" a voice deep intimidating voice came from outside a closet room. "Boy? Get the hell up kid!" The voice came again followed by slamming on a door. "I hate this place..." a smaller nicer voice came from inside the small room. The owner of the small voice got up out of his small room. The owner of the voice was a Pikachu named Spark Ashen, your average Pikachu, but he had black stripes instead of brown. "Get your ass in here!" The deep voice yelled again. "Alright alright I'm coming." Spark walked through his home into the kitchen. "About time you got in here!" a Sandslash, the owner of the voice yelled. "What do you want?" Spark asked the Sandslash. The Sandslash got up and struck Spark with his claw cutting deep into the surface of his face, causing him to recoil back in pain, "Don't get smart with me boy! Now, get your ass outside and get some water from that well." The Sandslash ordered. "But sir... the well is at the oasis at the other end of the desert!" The Sandslash raised is claw up to strike again. "Do not argue with me kid. Now get that water before I kill you!" Spark in fear for his life ran out of the small cave in tears. "Stupid kid..."

Spark lived in a desert village of Sandshrew and Sandslash, strange place for a Pikachu 'eh? On the way to the well, which was a good hour away from Sparks so called "home" he would be teased and attacked by the other Pokémon whom lived in the village, he was alone in the only world he knew. Well honestly, no one was sure why Spark lived in the desert, I mean really? Why are his parent ground types? So many questions, and no real answers.

While Spark was on the way to the well, rubbing the side of his face which was all bloodied up by the punishment he had received that penetrated deeply beneath his skin, he walked past 3 Sandshrew who had upon sight began to approach Spark. "Hey guys look who it is!" the voice came from one of the Sandshrew. "Its little cry baby Spark! What's wrong Sparky boy? Family beating on you again?" another voice rasped. Spark tried to ignore them but he was cut off by the third Shandshrew who had come at him with a slash attack that caught him off guard and cut deep into his left side causing heavy bleeding and causing Spark to cry out in pain and collapse on the hot desert sand. "Heh he's not going anywhere anymore, let's get outa here before he wakes up." The first Sandshrew's voice came again. It was the last thing Spark heard before his world went completely black and he passed out.

Several hours later when the sun had set, Spark had a last regained consciousness but had noticed that he was no longer where he had passed out, he had awoken under a shady tree near an oasis. Spark took a moment to gather his bearings before noticing a bundle of Oran berries resting on some leaves in front of him with a note written in unknown placed on top, the note had read: Eat up and restore your strength. From ???

Spark not questioning the rare kindness of others, gladly eat the berries restoring all of his lost strength. He stood up and stretched his limbs that had gone stiff due to being out cold all day and regretfully and filled with much dread started off for home. 2 hours of slowly walking and wishing the inevitable wouldn't happen, Spark returned home to a rather pissed off Sandslash whom looked ready to kill. "Why the Fuck are you so late boy? And where's the water you were suppose to get?" Sparks' father raged. Spark closed his eyes in sheer terror, he had never seen the Sandslash this mad in his life... at which by this point he had though would be just about ending. "I'm... I'm sorry... I couldn't get it... I passed out on the way..." Spark's fear had reached an all time high as the Sandslash slowly closed the gap between the two. The next thing Spark knew was nothing but sheer pain and a lack of air flow to his lungs. He began to panic as his world slowly began to turn black again... but it didn't... the Sandslash who Spark had realized had his neck in a firm hold while his claws had dug into his flesh, had thrown Spark onto the ground. Spark gasped for air in a desperation to stay conscious. But his relief was short live as the Sandslash was on him again, Slashing deeply into the Pikachu's back... then it all stopped. Spark tried to stand back up, but was pushed back onto his chest. "You think I'm gunna just let you go boy? No... I have something much better in mind..." the Sandslash grinned evilly. Spark felt something prod his tail hole. He looked back in fear and saw that his own father was about to rape him! "Please... Please don't!" The Sandslash ignored Sparks cry for mercy and started to push in. Spark cried out in fear as pure instinct took over. Sparks' tail began to glow a metallic crimson, Spark swung his tail at the Sandslash successfully catching him off guard and throwing him off. Spark got up, his eyes burning with a fiery passion for revenge. He began to walk towards the downed Sandslash his tail beginning to glow crimson again, he stood over his father and glared down at the frightened figure. "P... Please... have mercy son..." the Sandslash pleaded. "Mercy!? Did you ever show me mercy? You have done nothing but abuse me my whole life! I thought it was always my fault I had been abused or that I had done something to deserve it, I had always tried to please you... but no... I was never shown love or compassion by anyone!" Sparks' tail came down and impaled the Sandslash through the chest, killing him instantly. Spark turned away and saw someone in the window who had walked by just as Spark had killed his father. The Sandslash that had seen the murder ran off to find the authorities. Spark panicked and ran out of his home and ran for the end of the dessert, and to the beginning of his new life.
Chapter End Notes:So this was the 1st thing ive decided to write in a while. SO again, reviews are welcome, but don't flame me with them :3
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