AGNPH Stories

The Truth Within by chrishargreaves



1st November, 2013
8:15 AM
Chris was up early, packing his bags to set off. Packing his clothes, money, and food, he slowly zipped the bag up and placed it to the side. Rina stood at the doorway.

"So, you're really going through with this, huh?" She asked calmly, taking care not to wake the others up. Chris said nothing, just simply nodding.

"We still have some unfinished business though, especially with that prick Ryuji." He replied. "Only problem is... we don't know where he is."

Rina acknowledged this fact, going back into her room where Will was. Chris thought to himself. Perhaps the woman he met last night knows something about Ryuji. A check he had done last night discounted any possibility of her being with Secrenom, and Ryuji's whereabouts had been removed. He certainly didn't want to be found, where ever he was. Chris crouched down by his bed, pulling out a dusty box, with a slip, which contained the words 'Memories'. Blowing the dust off, Chris sat down on his bed and slowly opened the container. It contained photos of him as a kid with his parents, taking him back to his childhood days. He always went to the beach with his parents in the holidays, enjoying the ocean waves, staring out at the sunset later. He remembered when he first got Kristy as nothing more then an Eevee, and training her to fight with other kid's pokémon. His parents always supported him through his life, and he had the perfect life. With nothing to worry about, he just enjoyed the life he had as a family. Until they had to be taken away. Chris also reminded himself when his mother received the news of his Father's death, this day, 15 years ago. She was weeping, devastated, crying out for hours 'Why? Why us?'. 3 months later, He was walking home from school, winning a small school tournament. Running into the living room to tell his mother, and only to find her corpse hanging from the ceiling... The moments scarred his life for ever. Taken into foster care, Kristy was the only thing he had left in his life.

It was at this point his phone began to ring. Sprinting over to turn it off, he picked up the reciever.

"Hello?" Chris said. A slightly familiar voice came from the other side of the phone.

"Morning Chris. Get a nice sleep?" Alice said in a quiet voice.

"Oh, hey Alice." Chris answered. He was slightly surprised she was phoning him, let alone knowing his phone number. "How did you get my number?"

"I told you I knew a lot about you. But I didn't think you'd be the guy that started that outbreak on the island." She replied.

"Damn, you saw that report as well? I'm being god damn set up here Alice, and I have the evidence to prove that!"

"Calm down Chris, I know. I was at the island as well. You probably didn't notice me, but I was on the second floor."

"Now that you mention it, I think I did see you there. So, why are you calling me?"

"You're a lot more talkative today, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I was thinking pretty hardly yesterday. I'm thinking about taking a break for a while to gather my thoughts. I've been having some pretty rough times lately, and I just want to be on my own for a while. But first, I've got some unfinished business to do."

"With Ryuji, right?"

"Yup. Do you know where he is?"

"Not right now, but I DO know where he will be in a few days. Meet me inside that office building again later, and I'll let you know all about him. And maybe even a few other things you'll be interested to know about..."

"Alright then. Bye Alice." Chris said, placing the phone back on the slot.

"Who was that then?" Rina asked, having listened in on the conversation.

"Just someone I saw when I was out yesterday. Nothing else."

"She's another assassin, isn't she?" Rina asked rhetorically, using her psychic powers.

"Stop reading my mind damn it!" Chris whispered angrily. Calming down slightly, her turned to face Rina. "So, how are things with Will?"

"He's a really nice guy. Kind of suprising when you consider how much of an asshole his trainer was. Guess Alice has got a lead on him, huh?"

"Rina... I want you to stay out of this."

"...Huh? Why?"

"I need to do this alone Rina. Please... This means more to me then it ever could to you."

"What do you-" Rina began to say, before stopping abruptly. Realising why Chris was doing this. Chris stopped looking at her, and walked out of the door. Rina shook her head slightly, walking into the living room, Where Zach and Kristy were sitting together.

"This whole thing means so much to him, doesn't it? His entire life has been filled with death of his loved ones... I feel so sorry for him. Losing Ed must have been too much." Kristy said in sorrow, Zach looking around the room. He felt like commenting on this, but decided against it, and decided to comfort Kristy.

1:30 PM
Chris sat alone on top of the cliff next to the beach. The danger he put everyone else through that day... Chris can't continue like this. Every day has become a struggle for survival, a struggle just to be able to sleep at night. A fight for survival not worth fighting, Chris' only real point in living now was to avenge his father; his last wish. It was unlikely, even possible that the killer was already dead, but Chris would never stop. His mobile suddenly burst out ringing.

"For the love of-" Chris muttered, checking the phone. 'Unknown Caller ID'. "Hello?"

"Ah, Chris. Man of the month!" A man laughed.


"So, how's being the most wanted man in the Greystable region going?"

"Listen here you son of a bitch, why are you trying to frame me?"

"Isn't it obvious? I can't have the man who started the outbreak running free now, can I? You know Chris, I always thought of people like you as the silent type. The VERY silent type."

"Don't play your god damned psychology games with me! You're framing me because you didn't get your damned money!"

"And pay for it you shall Chris."

"If you're so desperate to kill me, then why the hell can't you just find me your own damn self!"

"Because that's not very sporting, is it Chris? You'll pay for what you did, and I want to watch you rot! Goodbye Chris!" Ryuji said in a very sinister tone, cutting Chris off. Chris threw his phone off the cliff in anger, walking off back to town. He wanted Ryuji dead, and he wanted it to happen in the worst way possible. Alice was his only lead, but how could he trust her? How did she come to know all of this? He certainly had a lot of questions for her later.

Rina sat alone in Chris' apartment, staring out the window. She knew she couldn't just sit back as Chris could potentially be killed; she had to do something, but what? Was there somebody who could help? A knock burst from the door. As rina slowly stood up to answer the door, wary of who might be on the other side. Slowly opening the door, she asked;

"Who is it?"

"It's me, Dan!" Dan said from the other side. "I got a delivery for Chris here."

"Oh. Thanks Dan." Rina said, taking the box from him. "Hey, could you do me a favour?"

"Ok, what is it?"

"Do you know anything about an assassin named Alice?"

"The name rings a bell, but nothing comes to mind. I'll look it up when I get home."

"Thanks Dan." Rina said, as Dan walked off to continue some deliveries. Rina stared out of the window in the apartment, and then walked towards the laptop. "There's got to be SOMETHING on here..."

7:30 PM
Chris checked around him to make sure nobody was following him. Opening the crooked doors of the derelict office building, he made his way through the darkness up the stairs. Reaching the floor below the roof, the bright light of a laptop lit the room around him, allowing him to see what was going on. Alice was sat on the laptop, reading some files about Chris.

"Doing a background check, huh?" Chris called out to a surprised Alice.

"Chris. I didn't expect you to be here this early."

"I had nothing better to do."

"Great, because I have a lot to talk to you about. I'll get to Ryuji later, because right now, I just found out about your past."

"Great... that's the part I'd rather you DIDN'T know about..."

"I can see why you do this job Chris... it's for them, isn't it? You just want to live in peace with your pokémon, and these guys are stopping that. As long as your killer is still alive, you'll never be at rest. I want to help you Chris."

"Thanks, I didn't want anyone close to me getting involved."

"I've also got a few clues I picked up on while I was researching you. A couple of very, VERY interesting ones. But I don't want to tell you those now."

"Huh? Why?" Chris asked suspiciously. Alice got up from her chair, her thin dress following her as she walked up to Chris, placing a finger on his chest.

"Because... where's the fun in that?"
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