AGNPH Stories

The Truth Within by chrishargreaves


The Deal

7:40 PM
"Uhh, I'm not really sure I follow what you're saying Alice." Chris said uneasily.

"Don't lie Chris. I just want to have a bit of 'fun'." Alice replied seductively, leaning towards Chris.

"Have you always been this... forward?" Chris asked nervously, backing away slightly.

"Not really, I guess it's just you." Alice answered, moving towards Chris again. Now that she was close to Chris, he faintly saw the outline of her breasts through the dress.

"You... you aren't wearing anything under that dress, are you?" Chris said, backing into a wall.

"Well spotted Chris." Alice replied, rubbing around Chris' crotch. As her hands passed over his involuntary erection, she giggled slightly. "Come on Chris, I'll make sure I'm nice to you."

"I don't know Alice. I only just met you yesterday!"

"But you want to find out about Ryuji, don't you? Perhaps you need a little... convincing." Alice said, crouching onto her knees, and slowly unzipping Chris' trousers. Pulling them down past his thighs, his erection made his boxer shorts stick out in front of Alice. Chris remained silent, letting Alice get to work. Slowly pulling down his boxers, Chris' cock stuck out in mid air. "Mm, nice and big..." Alice sexily spoke to Chris, licking around his balls slightly. Placing her lips at the tip of Chris' penis, she licked steadily around the top, working her way down.

"Aah..." Chris moaned slightly, allowing Alice to know she was doing a good job. Starting to increase the speed of her licks, she pushed her head down his cock, sliding her mouth up and down. "Alice, stop, I'm about to cum."

"Already?" Alice said, slightly disappointed. Standing up, she slipped out of her dress, revealing her naked body. After carefully removing the rest of Chris' clothes, they started to kiss passionately in the middle of the derelict office building. Walking over towards one of the desks, Alice bent over on it, giving Chris full view of her pussy. Placing his dick between her pussy lips, Chris thrusted into Alice for several minutes. Her wet juices wrapped itself around Chris' dick as he thrusted each time, feeling sensational to him. After a while, knowing he was about to cum, Alice crouched onto her knees again, and rubbed Chris' cock rapidly, causing him to shoot his thick seed onto her. Licking her lips of Chris' semen, they got back into their normal clothes again.

"...Guess I really needed that." Chris chuckled, kissing Alice. "Anyway, now it's your part of the deal."

"All right, I was just getting onto that."

"But first, where are you getting all this information from?"

"I have a source. A VERY reliable source. If you're interested, I'm meeting him here tomorrow at Lunch time. That was the other thing you'll have wanted to know. As for Ryuji, he'll be meeting with one of his co-conspirators below Fairview Arena, in two days time."

"What is it with that guy and arenas?"

"I don't know, but my source thinks he knows why he's there. Almost certainly though, he's meeting about you Chris. You'll have the upper hand though, because he definitely wont see It coming."

"Thanks Alice. I haven't asked yet, but where do you live anyway?"

"Me? Here, actually. I made this place my own little hideout, safe from any people out to kill me. The only guys who know about me living here are clients, you, and my source. And even then, all the clients have to swear by an oath towards my secrecy."

"Wow, no wonder I hadn't heard of you before. If you want, you can stay by my place if you want tonight. I'll introduce you to the others."

"Sounds like a plan." Alice said, as Chris led her back to the apartment block.

8:00 PM
As Alice and Chris approached the block, a pillar of smoke rose through the sky.

"Oh shit!" Chris yelled out, realising it was directly above the No More Heroes Apartment Building. Running through the crowds of onlookers, several members of the police force surrounded the area, with fire engines parked outside. To Chris' relief, Rina and the others were outside the building. As the group walked towards Chris and Alice, they started to walk to Alice's hideout instead. "Huh? Where's Will?"

"He's out somewhere, but he didn't say the location." Rina said, as Kristy stared back at the building.

"So what the hell exactly happened?"

"Dan delivered a package addressed to you..."

2 hours earlier, 6:00 PM

Rina stared outside the window at the city below. Staring back at the parcel that was delivered, she couldn't help but wonder what was inside. Slowly opening the wrapping, she heard a beeping noise come from inside. Throwing the paper off, it revealed itself as a motion-activated time bomb, counting down from 30 seconds.

"What the shit?" Rina exclaimed, picking it up, desperately panicking as to where she should throw it. Bursting onto the rooftops, Rina threw it across the roof, and sprinted down the stairs. The roar of the detonation alerted everyone inside the apartments, as one of the people inside recognised the sound of a bomb, immeadiatley phoning the fire department.

8:05 PM
"...So that's what happened." Rina said, after doing her best to explain the events. "But why would Dan do that to us? Was he trying to kill you?"

"Dan's a good kid. He must have been completely unaware what was inside Rina. I've known him for a while now." Chris said, discounting Dan as a villain. "Anyway, that was some quick thinking on your part Rina."

"Thanks. So where are we going?"

"My place." Alice explained, as they entered the old office block.

"You live in HERE?"

"I have my reasons. It's the second-top floor." Climbing up the stairs, Chris picked up a few chairs for Rina and him to sit on, while Zach and Kristy curled up on the floor.

"Rina, this is Alice. Alice, this is Rina, Zach, and Kristy." Chris introduced them to Alice.

"Nice to meet you all." Alice said, shaking Rina's hand.

"So you're an assassin as well, huh?" Rina asked.

"Yeah, and I'm working with Chris to help him take down Ryuji."

"And Rina, you're still not coming along." Chris pointed out. "I'm dealing with this on my own. Not even Alice is going to help." While Alice was slightly surprised by this, she shrugged it off.

"Are you working with the government as well?" Rina questioned.

"No, I'm freelance." Alice replied.

"Something is just out of place here though. How did Ryuji find out where Chris lives?" Zach asked, Kristy nodding along.

"This has got to be much bigger then Ryuji. MUCH bigger." Alice commented.

"Well, he'd have to be someone I know if he was able to know our address like that. So that leaves me a small handful of suspects once again." Chris said, pulling out a piece of paper from his pocket. Alice passed his a pen, and he began scribbling on the sheet:


"And that's about it. Will hasn't come back to the apartments, and he's at an undisclosed location. Dan because however unlikely it is, he could have intentionally delivered it. And Ryuji because he's been behind most of the things so far."

"I don't know about Will..." Rina pointed out, but accepted the reasoning. "Anyway, we really ought to get some rest by now."

So, who is the sender? I'll let you have a guess. But two chapters from now, Ryuji and Chris make their final confrontation.
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