AGNPH Stories

The Truth Within by chrishargreaves


The Plan

2nd November, 2013
Rina yawned, opening her eyes slightly. To her surprise she was back at Chris' apartment again.

"Guess he took me back earlier." She mumbled, looking at the time. Shaking her hair slightly, she walked into the kitchen to make herself something to eat. Kristy and Zach were still in the living room, but Will had gone out again. As she sat down to eat her breakfast, the buzzer on the door rang. Opening the door, Dan was stood there with a folder.

"Sorry about yesterday. Christ, what ass hole would use me to send a god-damned BOMB?" Dan mumbled, averting his eye sight, looking slightly upset by this. "Anyway, here's the files on Alice. It's even better then any news clips, it's the official government record!" He said, passing Rina the file. 'Alice Moonlight' read the folder.

"Huh? You managed to get the government file?" Rina asked questionably.

"I may not look like it, but I'm a real whiz with computers!" Dan said proudly. He turned to continue on his daily routine.

"Thanks Dan." Rina whispered, walking inside.

"How did I guess you wanted to know about that girl?" Zach said, unimpressed.

"It's not like YOU would know much on her, even if you are an 'information gatherer'." Rina pointed out, sitting down with the file. "Let's see if she's really who she claims."

Name: Alice Moonlight

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Location: Fairview, Unknown

Looks like she managed to keep a low profile after all.

Time of Writing: March 2011

Risk level: High

Bio: Alice Moonlight was a college student studying in the degree of Art, until her parents were murdered in front of her eyes. Scarred by the events, she taught herself martial arts, along with the subsequent purchase of a Katana sword and a gun. She left school just aged 15, and took up freelance assassination as a job. Where her hideout was remains unknown to this date. She has been reported to have been in several relationships before, but all of them ended with her boyfriend dying.

Huh? ALL of them?!? Chris is in danger!

Recently she has been targeting government individuals.

Status: Deceased.

Wait, what? Rina thought, surprised. Reading through the file again, her eyes seemingly deceived her. It was there, clear as crystal. 'Status: Deceased'. That's impossible! Just what the hell's going on here? I think Alice just earned herself another chat with me...

Killed by: Ryuji Nakamora, her final boyfriend.

So Ryuji posed as her boyfriend and 'killed' her... Wait, RYUJI was listed by the government? What does this mean?

Rina placed the file on the table and ate her breakfast, staring out of the window. The TV called out an announcement:

"World famous pokémon trainer Ryuji Nakamora is due to make an appearance at an exhibition match tomorrow! The contestant is 'unknown', and Ryuji claims himself that 'It'll be the match of their lives!'. Tickets sold out within the first hour. In other news, police reports believe that the detonation of a bomb at the No More Heroes Apartment Block yesterday was somehow linked to Chris Hargreaves, the man in suspicion of starting the Encephalon Isle Incident."

"So, what did you think of the report?" Zach asked Rina, noticing she had finished eating.

"I think she just earned another chat with me." Rina said, staring back to the TV.

11:55 AM
Chris walked through the abandoned office building to meet Alice's source. It was going to be an interesting meeting, he was certain of that. Walking up the stairs, he heard people moving around upstairs, so he figured that the source must have already arrived. Walking into the room, quite a weird site confronted him. Alice was kneeling on the floor naked, with an Arcanine over her, his cock pushing in and out of her soaking pussy. The lucky Arcanine let out a roar, as sperm gushed out from his penis, spilling some onto the floor behind Alice. Having not noticed Chris, Alice turned towards the Arcanine, who rolled over for her. Licking all the cum she could off of his cock, Chris felt slightly inclined to announce his presence.

"Uh, Alice?" Chris asked, a bit freaked out by what he had just seen. Alice immediately froze still, the Arcanine staring at Chris surprisedly.

"Chris? One moment, please?" Alice asked kindly, as Chris obliged, waiting outside in the corridor. After waiting for what seemed an eternity, Alice stepped out. "It's ok, you can come back in now."

"You have sex with your pokémon?" Chris asked.

"So what if I do? I live here on my own Chris, with just my pet Arcanine for company. It gets BORING being alone up here. Surely you've thought about doing it with Rina before?" Alice said innocently.

"Good lord, no!" Chris exclaimed, completely disgusted by the idea.

"Besides, I wasn't expecting you to come early. Let's just say my source would have been a bit more... understanding." Alice continued, hearing footsteps coming from the flights of stairs. "That's probably him now." Chris leaned against the wall patiently, waiting to see who the mystery source was. He was surprised slightly when a very familiar Lucario walked in.

"WILL? You're her source?" Chris asked. "Well, I guess it makes sense, huh?"

"Yeah, I know more about Ryuji then anyone else. Anyway, what I'm about to tell you is really quite important. Ryuji is trying to start another outbreak, right here in Fairview." Will spoke.

"Another one?" Chris questioned. "Do you have any proof for this?"

"Chris, when he took me to Encephalon isle for the tournament, I did a bit of looking around in the labs. And that's when I came across the file, marked 'Plan B'. It was a small plan, involving an exhibition match, the Fairview Arena, and Ryuji."

"So the whole match is just a ruse set up for the outbreak!" Chris yelled. "He won't get away with this. Hell, I'm not gonna let him start it!"

"Chris, calm down!" Alice said, Chris' voice echoing through the building.

"I can't Alice. He must not succeed. Everything in my life I've ever had, I lost, through death and destruction. I refuse to let the town that supported me through my life fall to this bastard!"

"The match starts at 12:15, so we should meet up at 11:15. Here's the plan:

I'll unlock any doors that need opening. I know the main code Ryuji uses. Alice, you'll dispatch the zombies and the guards. Chris, you'll get Ryuji. You'll need to pose as the contestant, so bring along a pokémon to fight with." Will strategized.

"I'll lend you my Arcanine." Alice offered.

"Sounds like a plan." Chris replied, as he walked out the room with Will. Alice turned back to her laptop and continued working.

Rina pushed the old doors open, walking through the derelict building. Making her way up the stairs, Alice prepared her gun, in case it was a hostile, while her Arcanine got ready to fight. As Rina walked in, Alice lowered her gun.

"Oh, it's just you. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be at Chris' apartment?" Alice asked.

"I get around." Rina explained. "And I've got a lot of questions for you."

"Ok, shoot."

"Why does the official government record say you're dead?"

"Huh? Oh, THAT. I guess my little trick worked then."

"Little trick?"

"I feigned my own death Rina. There were loads of them chasing me through a warehouse. Stray bullets fired everywhere, the entire thing was an disorganised mess. Throwing some red paint on the floor, I yelled out a scream, and dived onto the floor. The trick worked, he thought I was dead."

"I take it 'he' is Ryuji, huh?"

"Yeah, he was my last boyfriend. Bastard, he was double crossing me the whole time. Led them straight to me, and then he tried to kill me himself."

"Give it up Alice. I know you're planning on killing Chris."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I know all about you. I know how every single boyfriend you knew died mysteriously soon after. All except Ryuji. It's just a matter of time before you murder Chris as well."

"Wha... How could you say such a thing Rina? I loved those people like they were family, mainly because they were the only kinds of people I had!" Alice protested, a tear starting to drop from her eye. Rina sneered at this acting.

"Spare me your lies Alice! Government or not, you'll kill Chris just like you did with the others! You stay away from him, or else, you... you slag!" Rina threatened, as Alice burst into tears. Storming out of the room, Rina went her own way. Alice remained in the room, crying to herself about what Rina had said, her Arcanine trying to comfort her.

15:00 PM
Chris walked through the apartment block, walking up to his room. Pushing the door open, he heard rummaging coming from inside. Pulling out his gun, he walked in to investigate. Everyone was out, and a young kid, no older then 15, was working his way through the apartment, reading Chris' files, muttering to himself.

"So that's who he is..." The boy mumbled. Chris pointed the revolver at him for about a minute, until the boy realised he was in the presence of somebody else.

"Move another inch and you can wave goodbye to your spinal cord. What are you doing in here?"

"I noticed your door was open, so I figured I'd find out what kind of a guy you are. You're an assassin, right?"

"Correct first time. But you're trespassing on my property, so give me a reason why I can't shoot you right now."

"You wouldn't. You'd never kill a young kid, and besides, the amount of noise coming from that Deagle of yours would certainly bring everyone running."

"That's a brave thing for a kid like you to say in your position. Get out of my sight." Chris said, putting his gun back in it's holster. The kid quickly disappeared out of sight, so Chris placed all his files back in order again. Thankfully they hadn't taken anything, because of the files meant the most to him: Chris' personal investigation into his father's death, which he had hit a dead end with.

22:00 PM
Will crept through the apartment, trying not to wake up. Slowly opening Rina's door, he found her staring out the window.

"Oh, you're still awake." Will said.

"Hey will..."

"What's wrong?"

"Do you ever just wish that things could just... go back to the way they were?"

"What do you mean?"

"Before we all got into this mess, when I still had my friends and family, when I didn't have this power..."

"Power? What power?" Will asked.

"Oh no... why did I just mention that." Rina said, covering her face with her hands in regret.

"Rina, what do you mean? What power?"

"I... I can't tell you Will." Rina said, staring out the window.

"Why? Why can't you tell me?" Will questioned, getting understandably annoyed with Rina.

"Because..." Rina paused, a tear flowing from her eye. "Because I'd break my promise. The promise I made Chris..."

"Promise? What about? Rina, you can tell me."

"No, I can't... I just can't Will..."

"Rina, just bottling it up like this won't make it any better."

"...Do you promise not to tell anybody else?"


"I take it you've heard about my past, right?"

"Yeah, let's not remind ourselves about that."

"Well, the ending of it is a lie."

"Wha? It's a lie?"

"Chris didn't take me home after that, he barely noticed me. He just left me to myself..."

"I guess this was back when Chris never trusted anyone, huh?"

"Yeah, but that's where the real part comes in. About a week later, the hunting party went after Chris..."

31 October, 2010
"Not so tough now, are ya? ARE YA?" The leader of the group laughed, kicking Chris across the ground. As he desperately struggled to get back up, the man kicked him again. "Don't you EVER cross me again! Actually, you won't ever cross me again!" He yelled, pulling out a pistol. Rina watched in horror behind one of the trees.

"Maybe now I can put that power to use..." She muttered. A psychic glow appeared around her, as she walked into view.

"...Hey look, that one's just like the one we didn't get to finish off!" One of the group called out. Firing a shot at Rina, she unleashed her power. A wall of pyschic energy erupted around her, throwing every backwards, including Chris and the hunters. Levitating off the ground by a few metres, the hunting group backed away slightly, scrambling onto his feet.

"How... how the hell..." He mumbled in astonishment, as another beam of psychic energy was thrown from Rina's hand into his chest, throwing him back again. With the group unconcious, her power deactivated, as she slowly touched the ground again. Collapsing from exhaustion of the power, Chris crawled to his feet, and walked towards Rina.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe now." Chris said, bringing out a pokéball to keep Rina in as he walked the long path home.

Present Day
"...That night, we made each other a promise. A promise that I would never use or mention about that power again... but it's already been broken once..."

"That was back at the island, wasn't it? When you saved Kristy, you collapsed after that as well."

"It's the one downside, and why I promised not to use it again... It causes such mental stress, it leaves me unable to use my powers for days."

"So where did you get it from?"

"It was a gift... a gift from Arceus."

"Arceus? Holy shit!"

"I was told only to use it in my most dire situations, when everything looked bleak. I never met him again, and I don't know why he gave it to me. I've just... always had it."

And so, we enter our Final day. Have you taken a guess at everything so far? Because it's your last chance to take your guess at the true villain. The one behind everything, the man who is the causer of the suffering. Be back tomorrow, for Chris and Ryuji's epic confrontation.
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