AGNPH Stories

The Truth Within by chrishargreaves


The Truth

Rina's eyes slowly opened to her surroundings. She was in a dark, cold room, with a steel door preventing her escape. Taking her mind back to the events earlier, she remembered who her attacker was.

"Jake... why the hell are you doing this..."

"So, you're behind this, huh Jake?" Chris called out. Jake laughed to himself slightly.

"Yup. I have to say you've made the whole thing very, very easy. Getting rid of Ed for me was the best thing that happened to me."

"Don't try your psychological bullshit on me, that was a damned mercy killing!"

"Was it Chris? Have you not taken into consideration that Ed was immune the whole time?"

"Wha... You're lying! It didn't even hurt him, he was already dead!"

"I'm the one who's lying, am I? I read it all in the database. Which, I must personally thank Rina later for bringing straight to me."

"You have Rina?!?"

"Of course. She was suprisingly complient when I asked her to yesterday. She made a great cover story. Who would have thought a simple Pokémon, one in love with another, could really be behind everything that happened? Every single thing you did Chris went according to plan."

"So you killed all these people... for money!"

"Open your eyes, Chris! How many people have you killed in cold blood just so you could get a paycheck off, ironicly, the same people that were trying to kill you?"

"What, and Ryuji? That was all about the money!"

"Ryuji was well payed for his part. Then he just got greedy. As for Rina, I don't know what we'll do with her. Probably 'dispose' of her later. Oh, I'm sorry, am I supposed to care about that bitch? If we keep her alive now, she'll know too much."

"So if it wasn't about the money, then why did you do it?"

"To kill YOU, Chris. You crossed the line the second you started knocking off Team Nile members!"

"So, Nile's a criminal organisation, huh?"

"Shame I have to kill you about it, though. This isn't the first time we've had to kill someone for knowing too much, and it won't be the last!"

"You... you're behind the earlier Fairview Outbreak too, weren't you?"

"Yeah, that was me. Your father was one hell of a man, Chris. Shame we had to kill him so early."

"You fucked with the wrong man, Jake. You killed my father! DESTROYED MY FAMILY!"

"Everything I have done has been absolutely necessary! Now, fight me with all your anger Chris, I'll take it all and KILL YOU WITH IT!" Jake said, throwing his gun to the side, fire enveloping around his hands. Chris raised his gun, firing several shots at Jake. Diving out of the way several times, an outburst of fire erupted from Jake, as he began to charge towards Chris. Throwing himself out of the way, Chris continued to stay on the move, Jake's speed making the fight a hard job. Jake fired a streak of fire from his hands, forcing Chris to drop his gun in the middle of the fight. Withdrawing his fire, Jake set upon Chris in hand to hand combat, trying to hook a punch to knock him over. Punching back with several jabs, Chris jumped over an attempted sweep kick, and rolled backwards when Jake tried a high kick. After several minutes, Chris was making no progress at even phasing Jake with his attacks. Making one last dodge, Chris ran for his gun, quickly turning to aim it at him. Firing a last second shot, the bullet made contact with Jake's stomach, causing him to trip over, and lay down on the floor.

"Is... is that it? Have I finally avenged my father?" Chris asked himself, turning to Alice, who still lay unconscious. As he slowly walked towards her, Jake grabbed Chris by the neck, throwing him across the floor. Picking up Chris' gun off the floor, Jake smirked evily.

"It's the end of the road for you, Chris!" Jake laughed, shooting Chris in the back as he tried to run away. The events seemed to go in slow motion, as Rina had emerge into the arena as Chris was shot several times by Jake.

"CHRIS! NO!" Rina screamed out, Chris' body slumping onto the floor. Jake immediately turned to Rina, firing another shot at her. A wave of psychic energy thrusted forwards from Rina, deflecting the bullet back at Jake. He could only watch in horror as the bullet pierced through his skull, his lifeless corpse hitting the floor. Running towards Chris, Rina picked up his body, his life fading away.

"Rina... I'm... I'm sorry..." Chris spoke coarsly, aware of his fate. Rina leant closer to Chris, desperate to hear her master's dying words. "Tell Alice... to look after... Kristy for me..."

"Chris, no, please, stay with me!" Rina sobbed, Chris smiling faintly.

"Listen... leave assassination... don't make... the same mistakes... I did... all I wanted... was revenge... don't pursue it..." Chris said weakly, closing his eyes for one last time.

"No, Chris, please, don't leave me on my own..." Rina cried, as Chris passed away, his final achievement gained, the world safe again. "Please... oh god..." Rina whispered, taking off her translator and throwing it to the side. Alice stood next to hear, tears running down their eyes. "What does it mean anymore Alice?
Why do we kill people? What's the point of it all?"


Chris was declared a pubic hero for his efforts in stopping the Fairview outbreak, but at what cost? The government lay in ruins, and was forced to take responsibility to the events that happened. Dan Millers caused the admittance by the use of the media, allowing him to unveil the truth of what really happened on Encephalon Isle. The government destroyed all records of Chris Hargreaves. Alice Moonlight decided to give up assassination to take up an office job instead, Chris' death too painful for her to continue the assassination. Rina took to the streets on her own, and her location has been unknown since. What she did next is unknown...
Chapter End Notes:So, what now? This certainly isn't the last you'll see of these guys, but for now I'm thinking of starting a new story arc with a different main hero focusing around Team Nile. Thanks for reading, and make sure you read my blog at
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