AGNPH Stories

The Truth Within by chrishargreaves



31 October, 2014
The gloomy graveyard sat dim in the night sky. The trees whistled through the slow wind, mist covering the gravestones. It was entirely empty, the city of Fairview sleeping overnight. Nearly a year had passed since the actions of Chris Hargreaves, who had once again descended into the back of people's minds, destined to be forgotten forever. Shortly after exposing the true events of what had happened on Encephalon Isle, Dan Millers was killed in a tragic accident, leaving only one reliable source of information...

A lone figure walked through the cemetery, dressed in a black coat, a hat covering their face from vision. Under this coat and hat lay Rina, who had come to pay her respects to the final resting place of Chris. Not saying a word, she passed the graves of the deceased, their lives forgotten by history. A lone grave keeper walked around, performing maintenance work.

"Hey, are you all right over there?" He called out. Rina payed no attention, continuing her walk through the maze of grave stones. Having lived on her own for an entire year, Rina had spoken to nobody, met nobody, and trusted nobody during this time. As sad as it was true, Rina had done this out of pure despair for her fallen master, and had only seen Alice once in the whole time, and that was to check on Kristy. Stopping randomnly, she pulled a locket out from the coat pocket, containing the last picture of Chris, as she continued to walk along. A tear rolled across her cheek as she stopped infront of Chris' resting place.

Chris Hargreaves
Died aged 25
Killed by criminal acts

The 'criminal acts' had been covered over by tape, replaced by white paint saying 'our corrupt government'. The grave keeper had been a good friend of Chris while he was still alive, and had kept it up in respect. Rina fell onto her knees, bursting into tears. His final words still lingered around in her mind, with every single time she reminded herself of them hurting more then the last.

"Rina... I'm... sorry..." She heard the voice of Chris relay through her mind. After all this time, she could not put up with his loss. Holding her head with her hands, she wiped the tears from her eyes, setting off back to Chris' old apartment where she stays.

Rina walked up the stairs alone, her depressed expression still reflected across her face. As she reached for the doorknob and opened the door, she thought deeply to herself, before walking back outside and closing the door. Walking onto the rooftops, Rina stared out to the dark sky above. A tear fell from her eyes, as she moved towards the edge of the roof. Stepping onto the edge of the roof, she spread out her arms. As she did, the door opened behind her, as Alice ran in.

"Rina! What are you doing?"Alice panicked, running towards her. Rina felt a strange force surround her, as her eyes faded to white, her body moving by itself, as she jumped off the rooftops. "RINA!"

The world froze in place at this moment, and her location changed to a spacey corridor, a location familiar to Rina. She was at the Hall Of Origin. She moved by herself, unable to control her actions, as a mysterious voice came from all directions.

"Time, Rina?" It said in serious, slightly sympathetic voice. "Is it really that time again? It seems like you've only just arrived. You've done a great deal in a small time span... so why have you decided to end it all with a plummet to your death? It's a sad anti climax to what you just survived, isn't it? I fully understand your reasoning behind it, as Chris meant absolutely everything to you. You took a vow of silence after all, staying in the shadows, with nobody to support you." By this point, Rina had reached a large, open field. At the other end of the field, Arceus stood there, turning around to see her with his own eyes. "So I have decided to give you a gift Rina. A gift of life. Use it well Rina, because while Chris has played his part in the quest to stop Nile, he is no longer of any... use... to us. Secronom has been disbanded, only Team Nile remains in it's place, and trust me when I say that Violence will get you no further now. I was unable to for-see Dan's death, which I must apologise for. Rina, while you will have no calls to action for a while, some day you shall be needed again, particularly by the man who shall eventually bring down Nile. Who is this man? I'd love to tell you, but it would be no more then a guess. But for now Rina, you have a mission to do. Bring back Chris, because his life could possibly be of greater importance then we currently suspect..."

Rina nodded at this, feeling a strange force around her, acknowledging the new power Arceus had bestowed upon her. The environment around her slowly started to zoom outwards again.

"But for now... this is where you get off."

Rina was transported back to the still world, as reality slowly started to take it's path again. Rina felt weightlessness for a few seconds, before suddenly being grabbed by the arms and pulled back onto the rooftops. Alice was standing over her, with a depressed look on her face.

"Rina... it doesn't have to end like this..." Alice said, as Rina got back onto her feet. "Here. You left this back at the arena." Alice passed Rina the translator she threw away earlier. Putting it around her neck once again, Rina felt like she should talk once again.

"...What was I thinking?" She said. Alice smiled at this.

"Finally decided to talk again, huh? You'll need to thank Kristy for telling me to check on you."

"Thanks Alice. Right now, I have a more important thing to do."

"Really? What's that?"

"That would be telling, wouldn't it?" Rina said, walking off the rooftops. Rina was saved by the woman she had hated a year ago, her fate changed by a simple pokémon's request. Rina travelled through the city once again, this time with the determination to bring back her master. As she entered the grave yard once again and walked up towards Chris' resting place, she 'borrowed' one of the nearby shovels. Digging as fast as she could through the ground, the click of a revolver brought her attention away from the grave. "Nile, huh?"

"Yup. Step away from the grave and I'll kill you quickly." He said in a cocky accent. He wore a black suit and trousers, with an emblem on his sleeve."Otherwise... you're about to have a really bad day."

Rina smiled at this, holding still to give the illusion of not being able to do anything about it. Aiming his revolver at her, the man grinned, pulling his finger down on the trigger. Quickly picking up the shovel, she blocked the bullet in it's tracks with the head, followed by running towards the man and knocking him out cold with it.

"Nice try, but I'm not about to just drop down and die." Rina taunted, continuing to dig Chris' grave. At last, she made her way to his coffin, and wiped the dirt off the wooden casket. Carefully pulling it the surface, she opened the box to find Chris perfectly preserved after all this time. Holding her hands out in front of her, she felt the psychic energy within her flow through her finger tips, a beam of light travelling towards Chris. After a year of being deceased, Chris' eyes opened for the first time, staring up to see Rina's relieved face. He was too weak now to do nothing more then smile, as Rina helped him up on his feet, only to nearly knock him down again when she hugged him, pressing her head against his chest. For the last time, a tear splashed from her cheek, but not from despair, but happiness instead.
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