AGNPH Stories

The Virus by ube_chief


Story Notes:

I don't own Pokemon. Nintendo, Game Freak and its affiliates do.


"But you won't be getting there alive."

We whipped around and stood face to face against two Pokemorphs. One, a Hypno 'morph, and the other, an Alakazam 'morph.

'Lily, I thought you said five humans?' I projected towards her.

'I seemed to have picked up their human side - their Pokemon DNA didn't register with my senses,' she replied.

"So," I said audibly, "What happened to your buddies?"

"Same thing that happened to the Lopunny you faced earlier," said the Alakazam 'morph. Seems he was the one who threatened us earlier.

"Consumed! Consumed by the threat looming over all of the Regions!" cried the other, whose voice I determined to be a female.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but considering you saw us destroy that Lopunny," I began, reaching behind my back for DI, "you won't be offended...if we deny you your prize!" I shouted, tackling the Alakazam 'morph to the ground, DI shoved in his face.

"Aha," he said. "But there's only one problem with your strategy."

"And what would that be?" I retorted.

"You're already dead."


A sudden stab of pain shot through my chest. Looking down, I saw a green appendage sticking from it. Gasping in pain, I looked behind me and saw Sarge with a grin that would wipe any others from their respectful faces.

"S-Sarge? W-why?"

"Easy. So I could take...her!" he said, grabbing Lily from the rest of the group as they stood in shock.

'Wha- NO! Don't - Daemon! Help me!' she screamed as Sarge brought her down to her knees.

"Hehe...shut up, girl, and take what I'm going to give you." At that, he forced her torso to bend forwards and he brushed aside her gown. I knew what would happen next, and I couldn't do anything about it, as I collapsed onto the floor, watching the scene unfold.

"No..." I mumbled, wanting to do something - anything!

'Daemon, please, stop him! No, don't put that there; I was saving myself for - AAAHHHH!!!'

Her scream shattered the air, shooting through my skull as I watched Sarge take my Lily for his own.

"HA! Now that that's over, I think it's time to give you the full treatment!"

"No..." I said weakly, feeling my muscles protest against use.

'Please, stop! Daemon, I was saving myself for you!'

Rage filled my heart and my mind as I watched, watched as I felt around for the one thing that can ease my suffering.

Divine Intervention.

"Just about...finished...AAHH!"


Finding the weapon, I struggled into a kneeling position, tears flowing as I stared hard at the scene before me.

"Now that I got my fun, it's time for you to die, bitch!" Sarge said, bringing a blade down to pierce through Lily's skull with a sickening crack.



Lily's POV

We watched as Daemon tackled the Alakazam 'morph, only to grip at something at his chest and keel over onto his knees, staring at some invisible scene. I knew then, that he had been Hypnotized by either one of the Psychic 'morphs.

'What have you done to him?!' I shouted at the duo.

"Him? He's relieving a nightmare that we constructed out of reading each and every one of your minds the night before. Soon, that nightmare will drive him into insanity, and he will kill himself," the Hypno 'morph said in a sing-song voice.


My eyes were pulled over to Daemon, who was now on the floor, twitching in apparent pain.

'You will pay...and suffer as much as he is suffering right now!' I shouted, focusing my powers into a Shadow Ball. Hopefully it will knock out whoever is controlling his nightmare so that he can escape its clutches.

The Hypno 'morph laughed, a high-pitched, cold laugh. "Silly girl, do you really think that KO'ing one of us will end his suffering? We both control the nightmare, melding it to our hearts and minds desires!"

"No..." I heard Daemon say again, this time weaker than before.

"You see," the Alakazam 'morph said, "You cannot save him. He is doomed to die."

"No...NO!" I heard Daemon shout out.

"And it seems his time is now."


The Alakazam's head exploded as his body collapsed onto the ground, blood and gore flying everywhere. From behind the collapsing body stood a figure, holding a weapon single-handed.

"Not at this point in time, and not for as long as I retain my sanity," we heard the person say.

The Hypno 'morph screamed and rushed at the person. In retaliation, the person used the stock of the weapon to smack her down to the ground as the figure tossed aside the rifle and approached the 'morph.

It was then, that I recognized the weapon thrown aside.

Divine Intervention.


Daemon slowly approached the 'morph, reaching down to his ankle and withdrawing a glittering blade.

"You made me suffer," he started. "You made me watch as the most important person in my life suffered at the hands of another. You are going to pay for this...with your LIFE!" he shouted as he plunged the blade deep into the 'morph's body. She screamed as it went in, and screamed even louder when he twisted the blade before ruthlessly ripping it out from her body.

She coughed up blood. " think this even matters? You cannot save those who are around you. NOBODY CAN!" she shouted as she coughed again. "The Virus will spread, consuming everything in its path. I know it. My lover knew it. And...she knows it as well," the 'morph said, turning her head towards me. A look of understanding shot between the pair of us, and I turned away, knowing what would come next for her.

"That may be so, but people like you aren't going to stop me from trying to find a cure. So I hope that Giratina has saved a space down in the Distortion World alongside your lover, because you're going down the most painful and horrifying way possible."

I threw up a soundproof Protect as she began to scream again, Daemon exacting revenge and justice to the one other being who caused him so much pain in a short amount of time. I heard Alex retch behind me, as Elaine gasped and Seth growled at the carnage. Five minutes passed, then I felt another presence enter the barrier.

"Let's go. Don't look back there, any of you. She's just food for the infected."

'What did you do to her...?' I projected over to him.

'I didn't kill her,' he replied.

'Oh, good, beca-'

'But she won't be able to move from there or protect herself aside from her limited abilities as a Psychic-type.'

'So...what did you do to her?'

'You don't want to know.' At that, he closed off the connection between us and moved forwards, towards the annihilated city of Jubilife. As we moved along, following him, I slowly removed the Protect I had thrown up. Halfway down the hill, I could hear fresh screams as the infected found their meal...still alive and unable to move.

At the bottom of the hill, we had stopped to wash our hands and refill our containers. Daemon had gone off by himself a little further on, so I got up and moved to his side.

'Daemon?' I asked tentatively, reaching out to touch his shoulder. He jerked it away, and I saw he was wracking with fresh sobs, cleaning the blade he used to mutilate the Hypno 'morph.

'Daemon, tell me. What did you see?'

"You don't want to know that, either," he said, his voice hoarse. Without warning, he broke down, crying, almost leaning on me for support.

"Damn, Lily, I never want to experience something like that ever again. So realistic, I I can't let you know. What happened in that horror of a mindfuck will stay with me," he said, choking with repressed sobs.

I knew that I was going to get repercussions from doing what I was about to do, but my curiosity got the better of me. I focused my Psychic powers into letting him relax, then dove into his mind.

What greeted me was not pleasant.

I watched, from Daemon's point of view, how he was betrayed, how I was taken and brutally raped, then murdered by Sarge, just before Daemon broke the Hypnosis and blew off the Alakazam morph's head with DI. It was then that I was forcefully shoved out of his mind.

I waited for his berating.

"Lily," he started, breathing heavily. "You are not to tell anyone - and I mean anyone - about what took place within my mind. Understand?"

'Yes...' I said meekly, still awaiting punishment.

Instead, I felt his embrace. I squeaked in slight shock as I wasn't prepared for this kind of contact.

" matter what happens...I'll be there."

I felt the sincerity in his voice, and felt calmed.

'And I'll be there if you ever need me,' I replied, returning his embrace.

Military Installation, Location: Classified. 2100 hours.


"What is it?"

"Sir, the group we sent out to detain the TNS member has been...eliminated."

*sigh* "Bring me our AoD."

"Sir, the AoD? Is he even worth using over one person?"

"Yes. That person is too much of a risk to either get infected or to reveal our secrets. That person must be brought in, dead or alive. Our AoD will see to that."

After everyone had gone off to sleep, I walked back to the cliff edge. Earlier, I felt that I was missing something, and I remembered what.

Divine Intervention.

I had forgotten to pick the AA-12 up after I had tossed it aside to exact my revenge upon the Hypno 'morph. If I had lost it, I would only have the hunting knife and the pistol from the dead soldier...which reminds me, I needed to check the calibre of the pistol.

Taking out the pistol from my waist, I turned it over in my hands. It was hefty, so it had to be a pretty big calibre. Ejecting the magazine only confirmed my suspicions. The round was the same thickness as my thumb. Going by this comparison, I deduced it to be a .45 Magnum round. No wonder why it managed to stun me while I was in my rage. This pistol could be handy in a tight situation.
Putting it back into its spot, I looked around. Ah, there. Picking it up, I was just about to shoulder it when...

"Couldn't sleep either, huh?"

I spun around, only to find myself looking at Sarge, sitting on the cliff edge, legs hanging over.

"It's a good thing you found your weapon, I don't have anything other than my XM29." He sighed, then looked over, his red eyes gleaming in the moonlight.

"It's ironic, isn't it? This much peace, only at night. In the daytime, it's almost impossible to relax, what with all the infected people - and now Pokemon - running around."

I huffed. "Yeah, I know what you mean."

Sarge turned back towards the moon. Sighing again, he said, "Man, I remember a night like this. My first night with my mate, together, as one. I had a hard time trying to figure out what was more beautiful: her, or the moon."

"Really?" I was wondering why he was opening up to me.

Sarge chuckled. "You really need to figure out how to close down your thoughts. I'm opening up to you because I see the same bond that I share with my mate in you and Lily. I doubt anything can tear you two apart."

"B-but, we - we haven't..." I stuttered.

Again, Sarge chuckled. "I know, relax. I'm just saying you two have the potential to become very close, and you two are just dancing around the subject."

I was stumped. Sarge looked at me again, his red eyes piercing through me. "Don't worry when you'll have to ask. Both of you will know when the time is right. Now, how about we both get some sleep?" At that, he leaned forward, only to flip himself backwards and land gracefully at the foot of the path.

"Come, I'm sure a certain someone is missing you by their side."

I followed, musing over what he said.

I did not have a good sleep, unfortunately. Over and over, I replayed the nightmare I was forced to watch under the combined Hypnosis of the two Pokemorphs. I couldn't break out of the repeating nightmare, until -


"Huh? Whuh?"

It was morning, and Lily was bending over me, her face filled with worry. I groaned, pulling myself up into a sitting position.

"Morning, Lily."

'Daemon, what's wrong? You look as though you haven't slept a wink.'

"Far from it. I slept, but not well. I kept revisiting the nightmare I was forced to watch yesterday."

'I can help with that...' Lily began.

"No, Lily. I don't want you helping me with something like this." I stood and stretched, cracking a few bones in the process. "Damn, what'd I sleep on, a rock?"


I turned around, and saw a flat rock. Apparently I didn't care where I slept, so long as it was beside Lily and comfortable enough. Looks like I picked wrong.

"You did pick wrong. And you still need to practice shutting down your thoughts."

"Stop looking into my head, then!" I retorted.

'He wasn't looking into your head, Daemon,' Sue said, jumping down from a tree onto my head. 'I heard you too,' she finished, purring.

"Aww, damn. Well, we better get moving if we want to get into that military complex, right?"

"We have a long trip ahead of us," Seth said, stretching himself. "We still have to go through Jubilife City."

"And I don't fancy walking through the mass of infected to get there. Is there any transport nearby?" Elaine asked.

"Well, we can search," Alex said.

"We can take our time. It's not as though the complex is going to move, is it?" I said.

"No, but we better start moving before something finds us talking about it," Sarge replied.

At that, we began walking down the path to Jubilife.

Continued in Chapter Six...

Chapter End Notes:I began to run out of ideas towards the end, so I think it appears sort of rushed as I tried to pull it all together for the end of the chapter. Did I do the right thing, or should I have waited a bit longer for more inspiration? Let me know.

Also, the first one to correctly guess what AoD means gets a cookie.

What, can't a serious author throw out some random humour every now and again?

- Chie
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