AGNPH Stories

Unorthodox Love by Eckon


Unorthodox Love

Unorthodox Love

I ran through the forest, a medium sized Ratata tightly held in my powerful jaws. My fur rippled with the power of the muscles that were hidden by my soft furry coat. The fur on my back was colored jet black, and glistened with the light of the setting sun that had colored the clouds in the sky the colors of cotton candy. My fur reflected the light so that it looked almost like the starry night sky that was sure to come tonight if it didn't start raining.

Every strand of fur was neat and well kept, except for the fur on the back of my neck, as it had a tendency to stick up from the rest of my fur. My soft tan underbelly was softer than a newborn pup's fur, and flowed through one's fingers like water. Every movement I made exemplified my perfect health. My body was perfectly built, I wasn't too fat or too thin. Around my neck I wore my Pokéball that had my name on it as a necklace, my trainer never put me in it anyway. He figured that as long as he had it, he might as well make some use of it, and so he made it into a necklace and gave it to me for Christmas.

"This should do for tonight, and then tomorrow we can go into town and eat some gourmet food." I thought to myself as I continued my trek back to camp.

I was eager to get back to camp, my fur needed a good cleaning and I needed some alone time desperately, I hadn't been able to have some time to myself for a week now, as I had been training from sun up to sun down. My trainer thought I had earned some time for myself, I had heard him say it. My plans were to eat dinner, clean myself in a nearby stream, and then relax.

At last the sight of a familiar red tent greets me as I continue walking towards the camp. I made my way to the campfire, the one I had started a few hours ago to cook lunch. Now that darkness was beginning to fall, getting some fresh food was the first priority of us. "Thanks Tyko." Chris says as I give him the rat and he pulls out his knife as he sits upon the log he had rolled over to act as his chair for our stay in the wilderness here.

Chris, my trainer, had light brown skin and short black hair. In the evening light mixed with the firelight I could see the black and yellow t-shirt he was wearing. The shoulders of it were black while the main portion of the shirt was yellow. On the left side of the chest there was as Pokéball sewn into the shirt.

"You're welcome." I reply with a smile as I sit by the fire and watch him gut and skin the rat before putting it to roast over the fire on a spit.

It wasn't too long before the scent of meat cooking filled the air as the rat began to cook over the hot coals of the campfire. It took the rat mere minutes to cook thoroughly, and once it was cooked I took a leg and bit into it, the warm meat filling my belly nicely. I finish the leg and move to a second one, once again biting into the meaty limb, enjoying the taste of the meat as it slid down my throat and into my belly.

I begin walking towards the nearby stream, eager to bathe and relax in the soothing gentle flow of the water. It wasn't far away, at most a five-minute walk away from camp, and I was still in earshot of Chris should he go into one of his episodes. He was highly susceptible to hypothermia, and as such I had to make sure he didn't get too cold.

Slowly I lower myself into the refreshingly cool water of the stream. As I sit in the stream I use the burners on my back to warm the waters of a calmer spot, the water flowing just enough to make my fur weakly point downstream. As the small area I was sitting in was away from the main flow of the stream.

I sit and soak in the warm water for a few minutes, the warm water soothing me to the bone as I soak. The water had a calming affect on me, and slowly I let my hands drift to the valley between my legs, absent mindedly stroking my sheath, my thoughts slowly drifting to the pornographic as I gave my furry pouch a light stroke.

The light brush sent shivers up my spine. I hadn't been able to get any release in at least a month now. My length was sensitive and had begun growing. Already I could see my red tip poking from its creamy hiding spot.
I move up my sheath, my paw pads rubbing against my sheath as I rub my ruby tip, a bit more of it sliding out at my touch. My mind was slowly being taken over by lust as my senses started to fog, the only thing I was aware of was myself, and a light drizzle that had began to fall.

I knew that Chris had low blood pressure and was prone to hypothermia, but he had a fire near him and so I didn't pay too much attention to the rain. I still tried to remember that it was raining though, in case Chris would need me.

I could feel my length growing and hardening as I continued to massage my sheath. It didn't take long for me to reach my full length; I was bigger than an average Typhlosion, but not by much.

As it grew the drizzle picked up a bit, and it turned into a soft, cold rain. I was a bit worried about Chris, but if he needed me he would call for me. I continue stroking my shaft, losing any concept of time. Suddenly I stop though, I don't know why, but I had heard something.

I keep listening, my paw resting on my shaft as I listen for any disturbances in the peace. Then I hear it, the distant calling of Chris. "Tyreese, help!"
That was my name, and it was well known it was never spoken unless in an emergency. Chris was in trouble, my relaxation time could wait, Chris couldn't.

Quickly I get out of the water and run back towards camp, my shaft swinging back and forth beneath me. I felt like I almost flew over the ground as I raced towards Chris. I felt as if I was taking too long and I wouldn't be able to help Chris once I got to him.

It took me five minutes to get out to the stream, but only two to get back to camp. Rushing into camp I go to Chris. Without even touching him I could tell what was wrong, and I felt bad about leaving him for my own personal wants. He was freezing because of me, and I was going to fix that.

I lovingly put my arms around him and pick him up and move him over to the tent. A quick unzip later and him, his soaking clothes, and myself are inside of the tent, my warm body warming up the tent nicely. If I was going to warm him back up I would need to take his wet clothes off, and so that's what I did. His clothing gets tossed off to the side into a wet pile that looked like a small Pokémon with damp patchwork fur.

With a now naked Chris lying beside me I close up the tent and hold him close so that my body heat would slowly warm him back up. Unfortunately this meant that he would be up against my exposed cock. This of course would mean that my shaft wouldn't slip back into its sheath as fast as it normally would which meant I was going to be embarrassed for a bit. But I didn't care about my problem at the moment; I was too preoccupied with keeping my trainer and my love interest from dieing.

I stroked Chris's back with my soft paw pads, the rubbing serving as a gesture of affection, and as a method of warming his cold body. Even at his normal body temperature, he still felt cold to me because I was a fire type, but I could feel he hadn't lost too much body heat.

That was a good thing, it meant that he would have a quicker recovery time. I cuddled against my trainer and listened to his heartbeat. It was slower than normal, and that only served to turn me on.

Whenever I hear a slower than normal heartbeat or a faster than normal heartbeat I found it arousing. This actually came from my younger years as a Cyndaquil and a Quilava. Whenever I felt scared Chris would hold me close to his chest and I would listen to his heartbeat, which was a very comforting sound to me, and still was to this day.

I couldn't remember the last time I had been this serious, it had to be at least three years ago. This was something I had done it in the past, and I was doing it now.

It was important to warm Chris up slowly, otherwise I would make him go into shock, and that was worst than him getting a little cold. Thankfully he wasn't too cold, so that wasn't going to be too much of a risk of permanent damage to him.

I could feel the signs of healthy life returning ever so agonizingly slow, the first sign being the slow increase in his body temperature once more. As it rose and got closer and closer to normal for him, I could feel him get closer to my body, his own nude sculpture forming into the contours of my body.

With one of exception of course, my length, which had recently began hardening again once I felt him returning to normal. Eventually, when he was no longer cold, he quietly says "Sorry to have interrupted your personal time Tyko. Maybe I can help you with that later, it would only be right."

I merely nuzzle him and lick his cheek as a sign of affection and showing him I didn't mind at all, after all, I did care about him and wanted him to be my mate.
"If you want I can make it up to you later, you do deserve some release." He then says.

This got a different reaction out of me, one that involved me looking up quite quickly and looking right into his eyes " sure?" I ask as I put an arm on his shoulder.

He nods and smiles as he replies "Positive."

"Chris, I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now, but haven't really felt for the moment to be right, until now. Chris, I love you a lot, and I was wondering if..."

"If I could be your mate? I would be happy and honored to be your mate Tyko, we've been together for a long time now, we couldn't get any closer without being mates." He says as he finishes what I was saying.

"Yeah...and I suppose you do have a point about us. You've had me since before I had hatched." I reply as I lick his cheek.

"You know I used to sing to you when you were in your egg, I couldn't wait for you to hatch. You already know that the gold photograph that you have in your Pokéball is a gift fro me to you, but that photo was taken on your hatching day. It is where are relationship began, but little did I know back then that I would become the mate of such a caring being." Chris replies as he kisses me on my lips.

That was the icing on the cake, I had never even imagined him to accept my request of him becoming my mate, but for him to kiss me, that was a whole new thing. I could feel my shaft harden once more, this time hardening into his belly.

With a smile he reaches down and rubs my member softly, his fingers trailing through my fur. I could feel him brushing the tips of my fur, only adding to the feelings that I was feeling at the moment.

I could feel every one of his heartbeats, and I could hear every breath. Time seemed to slow as I finally admitted my feelings for him. Each and every second dragging on like hours as I held my new mate close.

"Tyko, how long have you had feelings for me?" Chris asks as he caresses my furry orbs.

"A while now." I reply as I dribble a little pre.

"Let's go outside so we don't burn the tent down on accident." Chris suggests.

"Good idea, it sounds like the rain stopped." I reply as I nuzzle him.

And so I once again unzipped the tent flap and crawled outside with Chris close behind. A few small droplets of water were falling from the sky, but the rain had passed. It was perfect as I lit a fire with some still dry wood. The fire's dancing light illuminated the drops of water that clung to the leaves and trees, making the world around us sparkle like the night sky.

I moved over to a nearby rock that was curved like a crescent moon and sit inside the curve. It was comfortable as my fur provided padding against the hard rock, and sheltered my body from the cold of the damp rock. Chris arrived seconds later and sat in my lap with my length against his now hard member.

"Not one for foreplay?" I ask as he rubs my shaft with his.

"Not this time, I want you to mate me." He replies as he kisses my lips once more. "Maybe next time though."
Nodding I lift him up and position my hard length at his entrance. "You sure about this Chris?" I ask, this being the point of no return if we continue.

"I'm sure Tyko, go ahead." He replies as he rests his head against my furry chest.

With his consent I slowly lower him down onto my shaft, my tapered tip slipping into his tight anal ring after a little pressure. Once inside it began pushing deeper and deeper as I lowered him onto my shaft. His ass was tight and warm around my length, so much so that I thought it was hurting him as I pushed in.

"If it hurts too much we can stop, just tell me." I tell him as I continue to slide inch after thick inch of my Typhlosion pride into him.

"It isn't hurting too bad right now, but I'll tell you to stop if it hurts too much." He replies as he kisses my neck after my length reaches the halfway point.
I smile as I kiss the top of his head, my length spreading his tight ass wide as I continue, and only a few seconds later I feel my hips meet his as I hilt myself inside him. Noticing his slightly pained expression, I ask him, "Still want to continue Chris?"
Nodding, he looks up at me and replies "I'm fine, just give me a few seconds to get used to having you inside me."
Nodding I wait half a minute then ask him "You ready?"
Nodding he replies "Go ahead, slow at first though."

With him ready, I slowly lift him up off of my shaft, halting as my head becomes the only part of remaining in him, and then slowly lowering him back down onto my hard pole. I listen to any sound of discomfort, and do find it hidden amongst the loud moan Chris emits as he gets filled once more with my hard cock.

Taking it as a sign that he wasn't feeling too much pain I once again lift him up, stopping again as only my tip remains, then lowering him back down, this time slightly faster. Once again I'm rewarded by a hearty moan from Chris.

Slowly I pick up the pace, every thrust getting harder and faster until I can't go harder or faster without laying him on his back. Without missing a beat I lay him on his back, legs around my hips and begin truly mating him, my length pounding into his tight, warm muscled hole.
His ass was warm, and I moaned along with him, my prick spurting pre deep into his rump. It felt amazing to finally mate with the human I had had a crush on for a while now, and it was even better knowing that he wanted this.

We were a duet of love, our loving moans floating to the heavens as I mate my trainer and mate. It wasn't long before I could feel a pressure building in my loins, my knot building quickly as my length slips in and out of his rump.

"I won't knot you this time, don't want to hurt you." I say as my thrusts get faster once more, more and more pre pumping into his tight rump.

"I didn't think I would be ready for it, so that's okay Tyko." He says as he bucks against my thrusts.
Then I felt my climax. It was pure, uninterrupted bliss as the first rope shot deep into his bowels, the hot semen resting in his rump like stones in a desert. The first wasn't the last though, another rope rocketed out of my shaft, this one joining the first as my hot seed pooled in his ass.

Moaning as my liquid Cyndaquil pumped into him. The second rope was followed by a third, this one causing his ass to overflow a bit as my seed dripped out onto my knot and down my furry sack.

"I love you Chris." I say as I pump a fourth rope into him, this one much weaker than the first three as my orgasm dies down, his ass now full of my seed.

"I love you to Tyko." He replies as he kisses my neck once more. "Let's sleep outside tonight, it doesn't look like any more rain is coming."

Nodding I lay on my side next to him, his body in my arms as we drift off to sleep, our hearts beating in unison to the stars, who were the only witnesses to our loving actions.
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