AGNPH Stories

Rare Collector by product59


Chapter 1-The Journey Begins

Rare Collector
Chapter One-The Journey Begins
By: Product59
Author Note: That's right, I'm not even going to start the story before I start talking! Well...this is my first (real) attempt at writing a Pokemon story. I had a much different one started, but that was lost when my comp crashed. However, the main character of that may appear later. Now, I would continue to talk, but Matt Flynn is threatening me with a lead pipe...apparently, he really wants me to get back to work on Top of the Food Chain...

It was a war zone. Veilstone city was in ruins. Any building that hadn't crumbled, was either on fire, or at least showing the marks of numerous attacks. The meteor pits had become bunkers for mortar teams comprised of both humans with explosives, and Pokemon launching attacks. The Galactic Warehouse's roof was shattered, and the soldiers flying by on numerous Pokemon could see the stacks of crates, as well as the fighting happening inside the warehouse.

This is were we find a young man, scared out of his mind, yet galvanized into action by the adrenaline pumping through his veins. He darted from crate to crate, dodging bullets and Pokemon attacks.

He rounded a corner and came face to face with a Sceptile who had been attempting to sneak around and flank his teammates.

The Sceptile responded quickly, slashing the young man with leaf blade.

The soldier leapt back as the Sceptile's attack cut through his uniform like a knife through butter, lightly grazing him across the chest.

The soldier continued to back away from the now approaching Pokemon, while holding the cut on his chest that was beginning to ooze blood.

Without warning, the Sceptile attacked again, charging up another leaf blade.

The soldier barely managed to draw his knife and block the beasts attack in time. However, now the two were locked face to face in a duel to the death. Eventually, the human was able to use his size advantage to force the Sceptile back against a crate, while pinning it's arm across it's neck. He slowly pressed harder, attempting to cut off the Pokemon's air supply. He was triumphant, and a little later, the Sceptile fell to the ground, where the young soldier delivered a quick killing blow with his knife.

The soldier stood, cleaned his knife, and was preparing to continue on his way, when he heard a click behind him. The soldier felt the force of the high caliber handgun round punching through his back, before exiting through his right lung.

The soldier fell to the ground, gasping and drowning in his own blood, while as his vision faded. As coldness of death crept over him, his last vision was the soldier who killed him crouching above him, than standing up, than crouching again.


Jeff Tull stared at his television screen, forced to watch the other player continually tea bagging his dead players face, while listening to the quiet laughter of his Absol, Ares, who was curled up on a chair across the room.

"You find this pretty funny don't you Ares?" Jeff asked.

Ares simply gave him a look that said "You mad?" before going back to watching the screen. Jeff's Vulpix, Frost, looked up at him from where it laid next to him on the couch.

Jeffrey Tull, who went by Jeff, and was occasionally called Aqua as a joke, looked at the clock on the wall (which read 2:00 PM), walked over to the TV, shut it off, and started putting on a light grey, hooded sweatshirt.

"Well, off to work again. You coming with today Ares?" Ares responded by rolling over so his back faced Jeff and faking sleep.

"Jeeze, someone likes having fun. Come on Frost," Jeff said, picking up the fire fox Pokemon and placing it in a small sling inside his hoodie, so his head popped out of the collar just below his head. Frost yipped happily and wiggled around to get comfortable.

Jeff began walking out of his apartment, but first he stopped to check his appearance in the mirror. The 21 year old was of average height, with the build of a runner. He had short cut black hair, with a stripe of white along the left side of his head. He had bleached the stripe in once as a joke, but the look had grown on him. He wore long camo pants, and a light grey hoodie, which currently had Frost poking out of the neck. His parents had gotten him the hoodie for his birthday the year before, reasoning that it would be easier on Frost in Jeff ever decided to take the Pokemon League Challenge. Jeff knew they really just wanted him to take on the challenge because they thought he hadn't done anything with his life. They had been that way ever since they had given him Frost on his twelfth birthday. Needless to say, they didn't talk much.

Jeff added a navy blue beanie to his attire and exited the building, and went on his way to work.

Jeff lived in Eterna City, in Eterna Condominiums. Recently, the city had been growing, and that meant two things. First, housing was increased, the formerly modest four story complex had been torn down and rebuilt with ten floors. Second was that the Poke Mart next door had grown as well. Now the mart, which had once had a limited selection, had more than tripled it's inventory, as well as adding a contest oriented section, and a small café. Jeff was employed here as an assistant manager of battle items, which meant he dealt with items like protein, carbos, and the x-series of battle enhancers.

Jeff exited the Condominiums, and walked the short distance to the Mart. The weather was chilly, which was expected from the time of the year, which was late September. As such, the usual cries of Pokemon enjoying the weather were replaced by a slow, mournful wind.

He entered the front doors of the mart, and squinted as his eyes adjusted to the harsh fluorescent lighting. As he had hundreds of times before, Jeff made his way to the employee lounge to punch his timecard, and get his I.D. out of his locker.

"Mornin' Jeff." An older man said, from where he sat across the table from an Alakazam, with a chess board laid out between them.

"Morning Lou," Jeff said, before acknowledging the Alakazam, "How's it goin' Yuri?"

The psychic simply nodded his head before returning to studying the board in front of him.

Jeff punched in, left the lounge, went to the counter in the battle item section, and placed Frost on the countertop.

"Well buddy," Jeff started, scanning the purchase sheets and inventory summaries, "Looks like we have another boring day ahead of us."

Sometime later, as Jeff and Frost sat at the counter, absentmindedly batting an old poke ball back and fourth, a bell chimed, heralding the entrance of a customer to their section.

Jeff promptly straightened up, placed the poke ball under the counter, and watched as the customer moved about the isles of merchandise.

The customer was a young man, about sixteen or so, and dressed in a pair of faded jeans, and a camouflage jacket. On the right arm of his outfit, one gym badge was pinned, along with one contest ribbon. He wore a backwards baseball cap, with the original stickers still on it. To put it harshly, he looked like a d-bag to Jeff.

Without even a 'good afternoon' or 'how do ya doo', the young man walked up to the counter and began making his demands.

"I need stuff to make a Pokemon better."

"Well." Jeff began, "vitamin regiments vary depending on the Pokemon and desired status changes. May I see the Pokemon you would like to improve?"

"Sure, whatever," The young man said, pulling out a poke ball, "get out here, Commando."

A red light flew from the poke ball, forming the silhouette of the Pokemon. As the light faded, Jeff found himself staring into a pair of threatening eyes. The beaked face in front of him featured a pair of eyes that burned with courage, with a blue tipped comb partially obscuring one of them. Jeff could hardly believe what he was seeing, a shiny Starraptor.

"Well?" The young man asked, clearly growing impatient.

"Oops, sorry sir," Jeff responded, snapping out of his stupor, "What stats would you like to improve?"

"Everything, damn thing is useless. Seriously, he can't even win against grass types."

"Okay, and how recently did he evolve?"

"Couple of weeks ago, now can we cut the chatter and get this done with, I have to make it to a challenge against Gardenia, and I need this loser to battle one of her Pokemon."

"Well sir, you said Commando only evolved recently, so odds are it still isn't used to it's new powers. He is, in-fact, a very powerful and rare Pokemon, just give him some time to adjust and he should be one of your most powerful in no time." Jeff blatantly lied.

"Whatever man, I'm out." The trainer responded, returning Commando, and walking out of the store.

"Pix?" Frost yipped, giving Jeff an inquisitive look.

"Yeah, he could have used some vitamins, but the guy just wanted to boost that Pokemon's power for his own needs. You know I hate people like that."



The rest of the day went uneventfully, with Jeff helping a few more trainers pick out items. Around 8, a voice came over the PA system.

"Attention, due to a challenge to Gardenia, we will be closing early today so everyone may see the battle. The match will begin at 9:30, with visiting trainer , Cyan Azure, challenging Gardenia to a one v one battle. Please make any final purchases, exit the building, and enjoy the battle."

"Oh, no wonder he was a douche, eh Frost?" Jeff joked, looking down at Frost who let out an amused yip.

What Jeff was referencing was how so many families at the time, named their children after colors. All in the hope that their kid would become the next Red, or Blue. In reality, all it did most of the time was give the kid a sense of entitlement.

About an hour later, Jeff sat in the front row of the Eterna City Gym, flanked by both Frost and Ares, who had finally decided to stop sleeping on his chair.

"Ladies and Gentleman, now introducing Cyan Azure, from Sunyshore City in East Sinnoh."

The young man from earlier walked out to the newly renovated grass field, casually tossing a poke ball in the air and catching it.

"And introducing, the Grass Type Specialist, the Lady with orange hair and a green thumb, Gardenia!"

With that, Gardenia descended to the floor on the vines of one of the Weepinbells that adorned the ceiling of the gym. She bowed to the applauding crowd, before turning to face her challenger, as the loudspeaker broadcasted the rules of the match,.

"This match will be a one v one match. Each trainer will be allowed only one Pokemon. Items are forbidden, with the exception of held items. The battle will be over when one Pokemon is unable to continue. Competitors, please send out your Pokemon."

"Let's go, Roserade!" Gardenia yelled, throwing a poke ball into the air. Her signature Pokemon appeared in a burst of petals and leaves. It flourished it's bouquet hands before standing by to receive orders.

"Get out here, Commando." Cyan said, calling out the Starraptor, who appeared in a shower of sparkles, as shiny Pokemon will do. He hovered about three feet above the ground, occasionally flapping his wings to maintain his position.

"As Cyan is the visiting challenger, he will have the first attack." The announcer called, "Begin, now!"

"Commando, use aerial ace."

The Starraptor swooped through the air and dove at the Roserade, the air around it visually distorting from the speed and power of the attack.

"Roserade, dodge and grass knot." Gardenia said, as if she had dealt with the same move many times.

The Roserade side stepped the attack, as the grass around it came to life, and began tying itself into knots. As Commando sailed by, the knotted grass snagged both his claws and beak, and promptly brought him crashing to the ground.

"Roserade, finish it with Magical Leaf."

Roserade lifted its hands, as an enormous number of leaves materialized around it. It than lowered its hands, causing the leaves to shoot at Commando, who was unable to move.

The dust, and grass clippings finally appeared to reveal the much expected outcome.

"Commando is unable to continue, Gardenia wins."

The light applause that had started quickly came to a stop as Cyan began to shout.

"No fair, you used your best Pokemon! It's not fair! My stupid Pokemon can't even do anything."

With that, he lashed a foot out at Commando, who was still only semi conscious on the ground.

Quick as a Metagross' mind, Jeff had vaulted the barrier between the stands and the arena and was barreling toward Azure. Before Azure had a chance to do anymore harm to the bird Pokemon, Jeff slammed into him, knocking him down, and placing Jeff between him and Commando.

"I swear to Arceus," he began, "if you lay one more finger on that Pokemon, I will lay a beat down of unseen proportions on you."

Azure wiped a bit of blood from the corner of his mouth, "He's mine, so I'll do what I want. Who do you think you are hitting me? You probably don't even understand how to train Pokemon. You don't even have any badges do you?"

"I don't have any badges, but I know how to train Pokemon."

"Pfft, your just a wannabe trainer. You wouldn't even be a problem for someone like me."

Jeff quickly took advantage of the statement, and spoke loud enough for the crowd to hear.

"If I am no challenge for you, than why don't we have a battle? I'll personally buy enough vitamins to max out all your Pokemon if you win. However, if I win, Commando is mine."

Azure quickly composed himself, and with a sneer, said "You're on. It'll be nice to not have to buy any vitamins."

Jeff jogged over to Gardenia, who was still on her side of the field.

"Sorry about this Ms. Gardenia. May I borrow your field for a little bit?"

She simply nodded and said, "Do what you must. But make sure you whip him. I won't have a trainer from my town lose to the likes of him."

Jeff thanked her before returning to Azure.

"So, same rules as your last battle?" He asked.

"Whatever." Azure replied, walking toward the far end of the field.

Jeff motioned for Frost and Ares to join him at the other end of the field.

"Okay, Frost, I'm gonna use you in this battle okay? Ares, I want you to make sure he doesn't try to bolt without paying up."

Frost replied with a happy yip and bounded out toward the center ring of the arena, while Ares simply sat down next to Jeff and stared, unblinkingly, across the field at Azure.

"Seriously, not even an evolution? This will be easier than I thought. Let's go Adele!"
Azure tossed out his poke ball revealing an Espeon. "You can even go first, so you can at least get one attack in."

"Frost, use will o' wisp."

A small blue ball of flame appeared above each of Frost's tails, before flying toward Adele.

"Dodge them." Azure said, almost lazily.

Adele took off across the arena, dodging almost all of the fire balls, but being grazed by one of them. Which was enough to burn him.

"Good job Frost, but don't let your guard down."

"Adele, use Zen Headbutt!"

The Espeon took off toward Frost, the gem in his' forehead glowing brightly.

"Frost, dodge the brunt of the attack, but take a small hit."

Frost did as told, waiting until the last second to dodge, and getting clipped along the flank by the attack. Adele continued on, unable to stop the momentum he had built up.

"Perfect, now use payback and end it!"

Frost took off after Adele, while a black aura formed around him.

"Dodge it Adele!"

Adele tried to do as it was told, but was suddenly immobilized by the pain his' burn.

Frost slammed directly into Adele, first doubling the power of the attack, because he was hit just before, and doubling it again by exploiting the psychic type's weakness to dark type moves.

Adele flew a few feet through the air, before hitting the ground and rolling another few feet. He stood slowly, on wobbly legs, before falling to the ground in defeat.

Almost as soon as Adele fell, Azure recalled it and was sprinting for the exit.

"Ares, pursuit."

Ares took off like a shot, promptly catching up to Azure and pinning him to the ground. Azure tried to fight Ares off, however, a quick snarl and a baring of teeth was all it took to stop Azure's struggling.

Jeff strolled over, reached down, and plucked Commando's ball off of Azure's belt.

"Next time you decide to assault a Pokemon, or insult a trainer for trivial reasons, remember this." Jeff said, before walking toward the exit, flanked by Ares and Frost, and rolling Commando's poke ball around his hand.

"Oh I won't forget this event," Azure began, picking himself off the ground, "in fact, I won't forget you, or the embarrassment you caused me. Consider me your rival, for lack of a better term."

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind in case I ever take the League challenge. So, I should look for you to be hiding outside of tough areas to attack me after all my Pokemon have been weakened?"

"Ha-ha, very funny. No, I won't be waiting to battle you. I will be waiting to extract my revenge."

"Oh no, not revenge! I'm so scared." John replied sarcastically, before walking out of the gym.

The next day started very much like the one before. Jeff woke up, around eight, made breakfast for Ares, Frost, and himself, took a run with his partners, ate a light lunch, got destroyed in more videogames, and left for work, sans Ares as usual. However, today he took along Commando, who was still in his pokeball.

As usual, Lou and Yuri were at the same table when Jeff entered to punch his timecard. However, their game of choice today appeared to be Chinese Checkers. As he had done on many days, Jeff punched his time card, and greeted Lou and Yuri. Than, as he usually did, Jeff went to his counter, released Frost, and began to scan the various product sheets.

"Damn Frost, you ever feel like we're in a rut?"

"Pix." Frost replied, nuzzling the same old pokeball over to Jeff.

Like most days, there was a small trickle of trainers looking for vitamins and other battle items, but no real rush.

However, around six or so, an older man, wearing a formal business suit and carrying a small metal briefcase, entered. Jeff had just been about to release Commando to give him a more thorough stat check, when he noticed his new customer.

Figuring the man had entered his section by mistake, as he had no visible pokeballs, Jeff greeted him an offered to help him find the section he needed.

"Are you Jeffery Tull?" The man asked.

"Yes sir."

"Than I am in the right department. Because I have been sent to talk to you."

"Sent? By who?" Jeff inquired.
"I am Gregory Fischer, vice president of research and design at Silph Co."

"Okay, and why do you need to talk to me?"

"I was in the audience at the gym battle last night," Mr. Fischer began, "And I played witness to your little battle. I must say, you have quite a pair of well trained Pokemon, or is it a trio of them now? Either way, I contacted the higher-ups back at the main lab, and we decided to chose you to field test two of our new products."

"Field what the new what? My apologies sir, but I have no intention of taking the league challenge just to test some new equipment that I'll most likely end up selling in here next year."

"That's the thing, you don't need to take the challenge. Just go on an adventure to test the durability and reliability of our new products! And, there's a handsome check in it for you."

"Well," Jeff said slowly, weighing his options, "What are the new items, and just how handsome of a check are we talking?"

"Let's say the check is handsome enough to get all the prettiest girls, plus there's an opportunity for permanent employment as a tester if you do a good job."

"Hmmm... What are the items, and how soon do you need an answer?" Jeff asked, thinking of getting Ares' Commando's and Frost's opinions before committing to anything.

"Glad you asked," Mr. Fischer said, plopping the briefcase on the tabletop, where Frost sniffed at it curiously. "These are revolutionary new items that could change the very world of Pokemon training."

With that, he opened the briefcase, and turned it to Jeff. Inside were two things. One was a small wristband, with one miniscule black lens. The other was an even smaller, bean shaped item, that was completely see through.

"Umm, what am I looking at?" Jeff asked, honestly stumped by the objects in front of him.

"What you see here, are the P-59 Pokedex, and the T-1000 Organic Translator."

"English please?"

"This," Mr. Fischer said, picking up the small wristband, "Is the newest Pokedex prototype. This small lens here, projects a holographic screen. The P-59 is lightweight, efficient, and best of all, solar powered, with a battery life to last for over twenty four hours!"

"Okay, that's cool....but what's the other thingy?"

"This 'thingy' is a revolution! Before, only very few gifted psychics could understand what Pokemon were saying, with the exception of Pokemon that learn human tongue. The T-1000 uses just a few cells from a Ditto, and injects them deep into your ear, where they coat the eardrum, and essentially act as a constant translator! It's just so amazingly wonderful!"

"Well, that sounds cool and all, but one question still remains. Why would I want to change my life and, more or less, start anew?"

"That is not something I can tell you. However, I'll be in town for a few days yet, so take a day or two to think about it, and give me a call with a yes or no. Here's my card."

With that, Mr. Fischer took his leave from the store. Leaving Jeff to mull over the offer.

"Well Frost, what do you think?"


"You know, this would be a lot easier if I could understand you."


Some time later, Jeff found himself punching out, and, as usual, saying goodbye to Lou and Yuri, who had scarcely moved.

"See you tomorrow Lou, Yuri."

"Hold on a second Jeff." Lou said.

Jeff pulled up an extra chair and sat down at the table with Lou and Yuri, Frost sticking out of the neck of his hoodie.

"What's up Lou?"

"Just wanted to talk to you about that offer, as Yuri pointed out, you have become quite the collector of rare Pokemon."

"Well, I can understand Yuri thinking that about Commando, but what's rare about Frost and Ares?"
"Yuri pointed out that Absol are only found on Mt. Coronet, and I believe you found him on the outskirts of the city. As far as frost goes, Vulpix are almost non-existent in the Sinnoh, with rare exceptions on routes 214 and 209. Also, Frost is a male, which makes him rare, as the gender rate for Vulpix is three to one female to male. Also, his breeding line could yield some interesting results."

"Well, don't we learn something new everyday. But why should this persuade me to take this offer?"

"Well, Yuri thought that such a group should not be hidden, and he may have a point. I've barely ever seen Ares, and I haven't seen Commando since last night. However, I have a much better reason to take the offer."

"What reason is that?"

"Tell me, what did you do today, before that man made you the offer?"

Jeff recounted his day.

"And what did you do yesterday, before that whole gym bit?"

Jeff recounted that day.

"And the day before that, and before that?"

Jeff recounted both days, all of them sounding almost exactly alike.

"See Jeff, you're in a slump. You just recounted four days that all sounded the same."

"Okay, so my life isn't a ball of excitement, but what's the point of this conversation?"

"Jeff, let me tell you a story about a man I met once. It was back before you started working here. We had a fine man working for us, but one day he just up and quit for no apparent reason. When he was leaving, I asked why he just up and quit, and he had quite an explanation for me.
'Well Lou,' he said, 'I'm about 23 now, and I have an older brother, around 28, who has cystic fibrosis. It's a nasty disease passed through genes. The average lifespan nowadays, is only about 30. So my brother only has about two years left, at most. Right now, he's bed ridden, but I still talk to him every day. Yesterday, I told him about my day, and he said it sounded exceptionally boring. I agreed and we had a laugh. Than he told me to live my life to the fullest, and do whatever I wanted, because life is a fleeting thing. Well, I went home, and mulled it over, and I made a decision. This morning, I asked my brother what his dream was. He told me he always wanted to be a field researcher for one of the professors. So I told him that I would live his dream in his honor. He thanked me, and than I left to turn in my resignation here. I'm going to live my brother's dream for him. Because, if he taught me one thing, it's that life is to short to sit behind a counter all day. I can do that when I'm older and can't make long journeys anymore.'
Last I herd he was working for Professor Rowan, studying the effects of evolutionary stones."

"Well," Jeff began, "that's quite a nice story, but what does it have to do with me?"

Lou reached over, and smacked Jeff in the back of the head.

"Were you not listening? The moral of the story is that life is to short to spend it behind a counter. You are living in a set schedule! For Arceus sake, you're twenty-one and you have never gone on an adventure! Even Yuri and I went on a journey when we were younger, and it really is one of the best things a man and his Pokemon can do. Even if you're not challenging gyms, just the thrill of adventure with your friends is worth it. And you're even being offered money to do it! Think about it, you wouldn't have to battle, you could afford any supplies you needed, you could see new and strange Pokemon, and who knows, you might just make some new friends."

"Wow, those are some good points. However, I'm gonna give you the same answer I gave Mr. Fischer, I need to talk to Frost, Ares, and Commando about it. It's not just my decision."

"Well, I'll be waiting here tomorrow morning for your answer. Goodnight Jeff."

"Goodnight Lou, Night Yuri."

With that, Jeff left the room.

"Think he'll take the offer Yuri?" Lou asked, turning back to the board and moving one of his pieces.

Yuri simply nodded, and made his own move.


Jeff walked slowly back to his apartment, the events of the day swirling about his head. Frost appeared to notice some thing was wrong, and gave a little yip of concern to get Jeff's attention.

"Wondering what I'm gonna do huh buddy. So am I."

A little later, Jeff arrived back at his apartment, where he was greeted by Ares using his horn to throw a food dish at Jeff.

"Dinner in a bit Ares, first we need to have a talk."

Jeff, Frost and Ares gathered in the living room, and Jeff took out Commando's pokeball.

"I guess you deserve a say to, since you are part of the team." Jeff said, releasing Commando.

The Starraptor appeared and looked around, slightly confused. Jeff realized that Commando didn't know he had a new trainer yet, so he explained it, which seemed to calm him down quite a bit.

"Now, Frost already knows about this, and I wanted to run it by all the members of this team before making a choice. To keep it short. A business man has offered me a position as a field tester for new equipment. What this means, is that we would go out, and more or less, just have an adventure, and get paid for it. We wouldn't have to battle or challenge gyms, unless we wanted, and we would make a fair amount of money. Now, I don't know about you guys, but I really think this could be a good idea. I mean, we really have never gone anywhere, and our lives are pretty stagnant. What do you all think?"

Each of the Pokemon voiced their opinions, which Jeff couldn't understand, so he came up with a new idea.

"Okay, if you're in favor of this adventure, raise your left paw, or wing, if you're against it, raise your right paw or wing."

Two right paws, and a right wing rose up.

"My right, not yours."

Two paws and a wing lowered, as their counterparts rose.

"Well, that settles it. We leave tomorrow. However, tonight, we celebrate, with take out!"

With that, Jeff ordered a variable feast of takeout, featuring everyone's favorite dishes.

After ordering, he made another call.

*ring ring*

"This is Gregory Fischer, may I ask who I am speaking to?

"Mr. Fischer, it's Jeff Tull. When do you want to meet and get this testing underway?"

End-Chapter One-The Journey Begins
Chapter End Notes:It may be a while before the story is continued, I have two other series and I'm trying to cycle all three. Thanks for reading
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