AGNPH Stories

Reflections by shen


Coming Together

DISCLAIMER: All characters and properties are copyright their respective owners. All original characters, plot, and concept is copyright 2008-2010 Shen. The author is in no way associated or affiliated with any third-party. This original fiction was created with no intention of any copyright infringement against any third-party, and is purely for fan enjoyment. Do not redistribute.


And I'll take my time anywhere
Free to speak my mind anywhere
and I'll never mind anywhere!

Anywhere I roam
Where I lay my head is home!

-Metallica, "Wherever I may Roam"


A pure white Absol dashed through the fields, enjoying the feeling of the wind rushing through her fur. She didn't care where she was going, nor who or what she passed. She only cared about one thing. Something that she'd been searching for for a while...


With this thought in mind, she sped up her dash, bounding over rocks and weaving around the sparse trees. She saw a trainer or two, but didn't bother staying around out of curiosity; she couldn't deviate from her path now. Invigorated by the cool air of Springtime, she continued a mad rush. She saw that she was approaching something fast, and skidded to a stop and took in the sights before her. She stood before a large forest, with plenty of trees and bushes (as well as other undergrowth), though with plenty of room to roam freely. She gazed upon its dark depths, eyeing it with interest. Maybe, just maybe, she'd find the rebel group in there. Surely they'd lead her to Paradise...there was hope in this yet.

Smiling lightly, Kilia the Absol entered Oldenshire Forest...


Nakkura the Zangoose stared at the trees of the forest that now surrounded him and the other rebels with him. There were only a few, but they were looking for the main body of rebel Pokémon searching for Paradise. They were the ones in this group who'd not yet given up out of the increasingly shrinking group; others had decided to go off on their own, or had merely given up entirely. Nakkura scoffed at every one of them. Buncha babies...

He sat upon a rock, munching on a couple of ripe bluk berries he'd found on a bush nearby. He'd barely eaten anything all day, and his stomach was bothering him to no end. So he had to make due with what he had...especially after that weakling of a Treeko had taken off with all their supplies that morning. Nakkura was pissed, to say the least, and had given chase, but the Treeko had used his skillful tree climbing to gain ahead of the Zangoose and eventually pull away...

Still irked, Nakkura pounded the rock he sat upon with his paw, making a small crack. This brought the attention of an elderly Ivysaur. "No use worrying about the Treeko now, young Zangoose. What's done is done..." he sighed.

"That doesn't exactly help me out, old one..." Nakkura shot at him, but softened the blow of his words; he knew how old the Ivysaur was, and that his heart couldn't take much. His statement was enough for the rest of the Pokémon to leave him alone.

Finally, they were all ready, and resumed their trek through the forest. Nothing new happened, except for the eventful time the Treeko had decided to return and take anything else they had; he'd mistakenly brought the stolen supplies with him. He was flattened, rolled up, and tossed aside by Nakkura, who attacked immediately. As the Treeko ran away with that big-ass tail of his between his legs, Nakkura passed out food to the dwindling group.

Then they came upon a meadow in the forest...a meadow that seemed to have the scents of many Pokémon foreign here; maybe the main body of the rebels had come through here. So they decided to settle down there for the night and try their luck in the morning...


At the end of yet another, larger group of stragglers searching for the rebel group was an old, battle-hardened Sandshrew named Avaron. He was quite possibly the oldest there, and yet he knew he could whip any of these younglings around him. His abilities may've been weakened by time (and arthritis), but he was still a tough one to crack. However, time is the bane of all creatures, and it was wreaking havoc upon him. He was tired...dead tired. He used to be able to travel twice this far in the same amount of time, and he still wouldn't have been this tired. He cursed his old age at that point, the first time in a long time.

The mood in the group was a little dark, but slightly brightened by the day's magnificent sunlight. They'd not been attacked for a couple weeks now, and were thankful for that, too. The meadow they were in was decently sized, but visibly surrounded by forest in all directions; they'd come through a forest to be here, and most, having been thankful to get out of the forest into the open air, were depressed about having to go back in.

Avaron searched fruitlessly for some way to cheer the younger ones up, but nothing came to mind. This depressed him; they were already willing to sacrifice their lives for others, and this only made their willingness for suicide even greater. This alone was irritating to Avaron.

They had decided to stop here in the middle of the meadow, too depressed and tired to go on...


A young Buizel walked eagerly towards the forest looming before her. Shinko'd been so happy to be on the road, one might say; she wasn't one to settle down anymore, not since she left her home. She missed her family every now and then, but still the idea of Paradise kept her onward. She also didn't want to endanger them again, not with her demonic heart so eager for battle...

Don't think about that... she thought, depressed that memories came unbidden to her mind, reminding her of horrible things she never meant to do. She had run away to prevent that from happening again, to keep her from hurting more of them and getting herself banished forever. She'd avoided battles entirely, except that one trainer...and he'd gone home with a few scars of his own. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she shut them tight to ebb the flow.

That was kind of a mistake, as she walked right into a large pine tree.

Shinko fell on her rump with a startled squeak, rubbing her sore brown nose. She looked up, awed by the size of it. It was a beautiful tree. Feeling tired by the day's travel, she laid herself against it and promptly fell asleep.


A jeep careened across the plains, looking like it was going to fall apart if it kept the pace, and yet it still kept its course. One of the famous Officer Jenny's sat at the wheel, an expert about driving her jeep across such terrain. In the passenger seat was a young man with a worried face, frantically looking around for something. There was silence between them for a few moments, but then Officer Jenny spoke. "Are you sure that he went this way?" she asked.

The man nodded vigorously. "Yeah, definitely. I can't believe that Janos just all of a sudden attacked me and ran off!" He cried softly. "Please help me recover him...he's all I have right now..."

"You got it!" Jenny slammed her foot down on the gas pedal, spurring the jeep onward. Little did they know that there was a stowaway under some cloth in the rear of the jeep. A small Larvitar peeked out and looked around, hardly surprised that the jeep he'd been napping in was moving, nor at the speeds at which it was moving. He looked around the landscape speeding past him, and saw they were only about a hundred feet from a forest. Prepping himself, he leapt out of under the cloth and off the jeep, slamming his feet into the ground and skidding quite a ways.

The jeep shuddered as he jumped, causing Jenny to look around. "What was that?" she asked, but shrugged and continued driving, speeding away from her unknown passenger.

When the Larvitar came to a stop, he brushed himself off, looking unfazed by the landing. He looked to the forest, hoping that it'd be the beginning along his path to the perfect place he'd heard whispers about. Paradise, he hoped, wasn't far off now.

He dusted off his shoulder, catching a glimpse of his huge scar on his back out of the corner of his eye. He frowned; he had to reach Paradise. That'd be the only way he could ever escape the torment of his past. He'd only be free of the nightmare when he was happy once more.

Steeling himself, Shen the Larvitar waddled into the forest, ready to go to the ends of the Earth to find his perfect home away from that maniac...


Night fell upon the forest like a cloth draped over the sky, looking down as the five Pokémon entered without the slightest inkling as to what fate had in store for them. They may've had horrible pasts, and they may not yet know each other, but destiny was working in its own strange ways again. These Pokémon, unique by the burdens they bear, were about to begin the greatest story of their lives...


Chapter End Notes:Short, I know, but I promise the next ones will be longer ^
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