AGNPH Stories

Reflections by shen


Bound By Blood

DISCLAIMER: All characters and properties are copyright their respective owners. All original characters, plot, and concept is copyright 2008-2010 Shen. The author is in no way associated or affiliated with any third-party. This original fiction was created with no intention of any copyright infringement against any third-party, and is purely for fan enjoyment. Do not redistribute.


The Larvitar named Shen walked along the forest floor slowly, thinking about the three (or, rather, four) Pokémon he had left behind back there. They didn't seem too bad... Though, I have to admit, that Zangoose was a little mean... Shen thought quietly to himself. Sighing, he stopped and looked up at a large Willow tree before him. The long tendril-like branches hung down like a curtain. The deciduous leaves along each thin branch shook and moved with every small breeze that drifted through the forest. These trees always intrigued Shen. These trees always intrigued Shen, because they always looked like they had hair from a distance, instead of branches and leaves. A few Tailow, Pidgey, and Spearow sat in the branches, conversing quietly, and a couple even looked down at Shen curiously.

Smiling slightly, he turned and walked around the great Willow, continuing on his lone path. However, as he walked, doubts entered his mind about his choice to go alone...and thoughts of those other four Pokémon he'd encountered. They really weren't bad company... I wonder if things would be much different if I decided to go with them... These thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something crashing through the leaves of a bush nearby. It sounded like a Heracross, or maybe an Ursaring, was stumbling through some branches haphazardly. Looking up, Shen noticed the branches of one such bush nearby shaking. He stopped, curious as to what could be making such a racket, and gazed at it.

When whatever it was stepped out, however, he wished that he hadn't...

Out from the bush stumbled a tall human male. He had dishelved, matted, dirty-blonde hair that stood out at odd angles. His eyes had large purple bags beneath them, as if he hadn't slept for days. The small, rugged beginnings of a beard he had on his chin showed that he hadn't shaved for a little while. His breathing was ragged and irregular as he gasped for air. His clothes were very dirty, ragged, and ripped in a few places. One hand was on his chest as he caught his breath. strapped to his back was a double-barrel shotgun, the butt of the gun visible over his right shoulder. After his breathing finally became regular, he opened his eyes and glanced around: they were a murky yellow color. The air around this man smelt strongly of alcohol.

When his eyes fell upon Shen, his eyes flashed and a grin stretched over his face. "I finally foundja..."

"No...not you..." Shen groaned, fear dripping from his voice. His eyes opened wide at the sight of the human, and Shen backed up a little. "NOT YOU!"

The gruff man chuckled and pulled the shotgun from his back, shouldering it. "'Larvitar, lar lar tar vi lar' t'yeh, too," he responded, laughing a little. "Y'know I can't understand yeh. Now, be a good little mon, an' come back with me."

Whimpering a little, Shen shook his head very slightly and very slowly. " after what you did..." Shen began backing away again, very slowly, and all the while shaking like mad. One of his paws drifted to the edge of his scar on his left hip; a nasty reminder of Shen's last encounter with this man...

A slight frown came over the man's face. He held the gun by the bottom and cocked the gun with one movement. He then pointed the gun at Shen and aimed, putting one finger onto the rusted silver trigger. "Now, I'm not gonna ask again. Come with me, yeh little creature, or you can join your parents."

A scream, a horrible, ghastly scream, leapt from Shen's throat as he turned and ran for his life, his small legs carrying him faster than he'd ever run before...except for one other time. However, this time he wasn't so lucky, and a sound of thunder erupted from behind him, causing the multitudes of bird Pokémon in the trees to fly away fitfully. Pain exploded in Shen's left shoulder, and the force behind it sent the little green Pokémon tumbling through the air. He skidded on his wounded back painfully, and a tiny knoll in the uneven ground caused Shen to flip in the air. He landed hard on his stomach and stopped. "AGH!" he cried in pain.

Rain began falling then, a downpour out of nowhere. Shen shakily stood on his feet and stared in hatred and fear at the man. The air around them was filled with the sounds of bird Pokémon's' wings and loud, fearful chatter as they flew away. Shen glanced over his shoulder to look at the wound. It was a small hole drilled into his rocky skin, with small pellet holes around it to show how it had spread. The rain did little to soothe the pain as the bucket loads of water washed away the blood gushing from the wound.

Hooting in delight, as if enjoying a hunt of sorts, the man walked closer. Shen heard his footsteps and looked up at his face, frozen to the spot in fear. Then man looked down at him, grinning insanely and laughing as he got near. He stopped and aimed the gun right in between Shen's eyes. "Since you decided to run, I'm gonna do yeh in. Oh, and just so you know...this woulda been your fate even if you'd come with me; you just woulda lived longer."

His finger squeezed the trigger.


Time slowed for Shen at that precise split second. As the trigger was pulled, a nearly pure-white Absol cut through the double-barrels of the gun with her horn, slicing them off cleanly; Shen recognized her from the earlier incident. However, she was too late to stop the shot, and her shoulder exploded open as the pellets buried deep within her skin. She was blown back a few feet, but landed upright on her paws. She turned to face the human, eyes furrowed in anger and teeth clenched in pain. Letting out an angry bark, she leapt forward again, unsheathing her claws and slashing at the stunned human's exposed arm holding the bottom of what remained of the gun. The man reeled back in surprise and pain, his blood droplets adding to Kilia's on the grass of the forest floor.

"Kilia!" A yell came from the left, and Nakkura, Avaron, and Shinko ran into view, staring in fear and anger at the scene before them. "Kilia, are you okay?!" the Zangoose yelled.

Kilia growled low at the human, who was looking around slightly at all the new Pokémon who'd arrived. "Leave!" she barked, baring her fangs. Blood stained the beautiful white fur around the wound as it seeped from the hole, dripping onto the grass at her paws.

"Idiot, he can't understand you!" Nakkura yelled, though he didn't mean it in that way. He unfurled his claws, taking a battle stance.

The human smirked again as he saw that he was half-surrounded by four new Pokémon. "Well well well, new friends, eh, Larvitar? Heh...too bad I have only one working Pokéball left." Indeed, on his belt there were a few Pokéballs, but three out of the four were cracked and chipped; one was even missing its bottom half. Grinning insanely again, he reached into his pocket with his right hand. He grasped something within and slowly began pulling it out. "That Zangoose looks like some piece a' work; he'd be a prize Pokémon, alright. However..." He turned his gaze. "I think I'm goin' for the Absol instead." He pulled something long and metallic from his pocket. Clicking a button, a wicked, slightly curved blade popped out. He pulled his wrist back.

Nakkura shot forward with uncanny speed as he saw what was going on. Leaping at the man's arm as it started to come forward, he latched his teeth on it and bit down hard. But he was too late, and the sharp steel flew at Kilia.

Kilia, still fatigued by her wound, saw the blade coming and drunkenly leapt to the side. However, her balance was off, and the blade sliced a long, shallow cut across her side as she crashed to the ground. She groaned in pain as her wounded shoulder hit the ground. She tried to stand, but saw a flash of red and white as she had no success. Crimson ran down her fur in rivulets.

The man was yelling in pain as Nakkura bit down harder on his wrist. He used his other hand and, balling it into a fist, began beating the Zangoose repeatedly over the head to get him to let go. All this did was strengthen Nakkura's resolve, though, and the next bite snapped the man's wrist, causing him to howl in pain.

All the while, Shen was watching from a detached sort of view. Shock and fear turned his muscles to stone, and seized up his lungs. He shook more than ever as he watched the others, whom he'd only met a few minutes before, laying their lives on the line to save him. No...this is my burden! No one else was supposed to get involved! he thought furiously to himself; he blamed himself for everything that had unfolded in a matter of seconds.

Off to the side, Shen didn't notice that Shinko the Buizel seemed to be in the same fearful state he was, but for her own reasons. I...I can't fight...I don't want to do it again...

Avaron, ignoring the water pouring onto his rocky skin and weakening him, slammed his foot into the ground, using an Earthquake attack in the human's direction. The ground shook and contorted, making the man stumble a little with the Zangoose still attached to his shattered wrist. The ground suddenly jutted upwards underneath his feet, and the man fell backwards, landing hard on his back. It was only then that Nakkura let go and backed out of danger. Blood trickled from his clenched jaws. He turned his furious golden eyes towards Kilia, willing her to just turn and go.

Steeling herself, Kilia clenched her jaws and practically threw herself to her paws, staggering and swaying unsteadily for a moment, but finally finding her balance. Letting out a soft growl, the Absol tottered forward, blood pulsing from her gunshot wound with each step. But she put it out of her mind, along with the cut on her side and the pain in her whole body. As she did this, she narrowed her eyes and focused her entire being, and within moments Kilia could see ghostly outlines of swords clashing and clanging all around her. As she got into the Swords Dance move, the Absol started to sway with it, and felt her spirit rising as her heartbeat increased. This caused her wounds to bleed more, but it didn't matter to her as her attack power grew with every move.

Nakkura and Avaron stood back, watching her movements with curiosity and fear. Shen stared at all before him, eyes still wide and a paw clasping at his bleeding wound. The human staggered to his feet, grasping at his broken wrist and groaning in pain. He looked up and saw Kilia swerving around a little. "The hell're yeh doin'?!" he yelled.

Finally, the swords faded, and Kilia now felt an anger course through her as she instantly lunged forward in a Quick Attack, slamming herself, horn first, into the man's middle. The human grunted in surprise as the air left his lungs. The Absol then started unleashing a volley of Fury Cutters, and with each blow that landed was increased her anger and strengthened the power of her strikes. With each hit, the man yelled and screamed in pain louder and louder, blood streaming from each slash in his body.

But the Absol couldn't keep it up for long, and before long Kilia found herself on the ground, panting heavily and feeling awfully dizzy. Head lolling, she tried to stand, but her strength had fled her body entirely. Kilia crumpled to the ground, her energy and fury spent. In front of her, the man staggered back, tiny breaths leaving his lungs as death began to work its cold, clammy fingers over him.

"Damn it," hissed Nakkura. He padded toward the fallen human and Pokémon. His blazing golden eyes lifted up to meet those of the man; the hunter Pokémon winced and looked away. The human would die here if no one found him. The red-streaked ferret turned to the Absol. Frowning grimly, he crouched next to her, scooping her up into his arms. This was nearly impossible, since he was only a little bit bigger than her. His strength failed him, and he kneeled, holding her head up. The Zangoose's gaze trailed back to the surrounding trees. Someone, help... he begged inwardly. He didn't know how long the Absol would last with two serious wounds. For a rare moment, his mind shifted away from himself and to the injured Pokémon as the man moaned behind him as his life slowly faded away.

Shinko just stood there, fighting the urge to kill, to deliver the finishing blow to this despicable human. She clenched her eyes and fought the impulse, walking up slowly to Nakkura and Kilia, eyeing the human warily. "I'm sorry, I couldn't." She bowed her head low to the Zangoose, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm just... to weak. Forgive me... please forgive me. I just...! I don't know..." The Buizel turned her head and looked at the unconscious Absol. She winced as she saw the wounds. "I could find... find herbs... in the forest, if it would help. I'm... I'm not going to run away any more. I just want to help her, to repay her." Shinko looked straight into the Zangoose's golden eyes. "And you. I want to be your friend, and help in any way possible." She then walked towards the Absol, new tears running down her tawny face. "If she dies... I won't forgive myself. So please, let me help you." Her cerulean eyes had a look of intense maturity. She was growing stronger. All I want is to stay with Nakkura and Kilia. And start a journey all our own. But if she dies... She couldn't continue the thought.

"If you can help, you have my gratitude." He bowed his head respectfully to Shinko. Nakkura glanced down every now and then to make sure the Absol was still breathing. Suddenly, Kilia began to stir, opening her white eyes slowly and shutting them again. Kilia moaned a couple inaudible words.

"Mama, Papa...where are you...?" she mumbled, blinking slowly. It took her a little while to grasp what was going on. She blinked slowly, then twitched. A flea was biting at her right hind leg, and it was beginning to drive the Absol crazy. Grunting with the exertion, she forced herself into an awkward sitting position and flopped until she could bite at the offending parasite with her sharp teeth. After seeing to the itch, she shook her head to clear it and managed to find the strength to stand.. She finally turned her head toward the Zangoose again, giving him a gentle smile and saying, "Thanks."

Nakkura frowned. "...You're welcome," he said after some hesitation. He watched her walk off, but she didn't get far; she finally lay down again near a stump.

"So tired," Kilia muttered to no one, closing her eyes with a pained, fatigued sigh. She seemed relieved to be able to rest again; the ferret sighed in time with her, wanting to sleep himself. Nakkura stood up slowly and shook his coat gently. The man bashing him over the head had hurt him, and he could feel his skull throbbing now. His smile faded, and his eyes narrowed suddenly. He turned his head away, staring out into the distance. He remembered hesitating before...before that fateful battle that had given him his scar. It had caused his trainer to abandon him. It had caused him pain, suffering. It had sent him on this long journey. He promised himself he wouldn't hesitate again; to win, he would have to be tough. Faltering at the ruby gaze of his Zangoose opponent long ago, he had altered his path forever. Nakkura shook his throbbing head at the thoughts, and he came to a decision.

I'm going soft. I have to go strangle someone tomorrow...

Avaron sighed as he looked over at Kilia, ambling over quickly, trying to get out of the rain he now noticed. "Nakkura," he called as he stumbled over to the Absol, while still looking at the Zangoose. "Kilia needs her wounds tended to." Avaron squinted down at the cut, and the bullet bruise. She was losing blood fast. Avaron quickly took the bullet wound as more severe, as it had gone deeper, and held her skin tight around there. "I need the Freiya leave, and some water."

Meanwhile, Shen had walked over to the dying man and stared down at his crumpled expression while Shen's own face gazed down with hate. The man got what he deserved...he was a menace, and only brought this fate upon himself... the Larvitar thought to himself. He didn't hear much of what was said behind him, with his attention entirely upon his former owner. He was turning to the others and was about to join them around Kilia when something caught his attention from the corner of his eye. He turned to see what it was, and gasped.

The man was slowly and quietly getting up, despite his many wounds and all the blood he must've lost. Shen stared wide-eyed at him, the air catching in his throat and making him unable to warn the others. As the man got to his feet, staring at the other four with a malicious look glazed on his face, he reached a hand into his left boot and slowly pulled out what looked like a long piece of metal. It took a few seconds for Shen's shaking mind to recognize what it was.

The sheet metal the human used on the Larvitar, giving him his scar.

Instantly, the scene before his eyes altered. They were by an old, ramshackle house, a broken tree littering the front lawn. Two large Tyranitar, one male and the other female, collapsed on the ground, lifeless and covered in blood. The man laughing...That scene filled Shen with rage.

"NO! get away from them!"

That instant, Shen shot towards him, his arm glowing with a Stone Edge attack. He slashed at the man, sending him flying into a tree, blood blossoming from where the Larvitar's attack had cut into him, the blade burying itself into his chest.

The human was finally dead.

The other three conscious Pokémon turned their heads in alarm as the yell brought their attention temporarily away from Kilia's limp form. They watched Shen strike the deadly blow, and the metal sink into the man's heart. They stared from the bleeding corpse to the Larvitar's wide-eyed expression. He brought his arm he attacked the human with to his front, staring at the blood on the appendage. He was shaking terribly.

"What have I done...?"


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