AGNPH Stories

Reflections by shen



DISCLAIMER: All characters and properties are copyright their respective owners. All original characters, plot, and concept is copyright 2008-2010 Shen. The author is in no way associated or affiliated with any third-party. This original fiction was created with no intention of any copyright infringement against any third-party, and is purely for fan enjoyment. Do not redistribute.


An elegant shape seemed to float away from the main body and toward Nakkura and Kilia as Nakkura approached the Absol's side. He managed to whisper, "Thank you... and you, Avaron," with a tiny nod at Kilia and the Sandshrew in turn. He then looked upon the shape coming towards him.

The Pokémon stepped into view. It was yellow-and-brown, a dented spoon held in one hand. The Alakazam's whisker-like mustache was short, giving evidence that it was female. She smiled briefly and bowed her head with a quick glance at Kilia. "My name is Celeste," she murmured. She reached her other hand out, as if to touch the Absol. Nakkura growled quietly, but Celeste took no heed of him. "Some Psychics are possessed with the ability to heal themselves via the move Recover. A few of those, however, are also able to use the move on other beings."

The Alakazam smirked nervously for a moment, but her kind and quiet voice continued to drift out, easing the tension in the air. "I could help you with your wounds," she stated. "We have some with the knowledge of herbs, as well, but I can quicken the process." She turned away, though she gave no signs of walking off; she needed an answer.

Nakkura frowned slightly and muttered, "Help her out... I'll manage with just a few herbs." He turned his head toward the woodlands, shuddering once as a brief gust blew and toyed with his thick white fur.

Kilia faced Celeste and smiled at her, then sat down and tilted her head back a bit, giving the Psychic better access to her wound. It was a humbling symbol of trust in any Pokémon to bare their throat to another, but Kilia knew how Alakazam were. They weren't at all violent or mean, and preferred fighting using their psychic powers when they were pushed into a battle. The Absol was comfortable with showing Celeste her throat.

"I think there may still be some pellets in there," Kilia told her as Celeste reached out and touched the bent-up spoon in her hand against Kilia's shoulder. At first, nothing happened, but then the spoon started to glow. Kilia watched as Celeste worked, then gave a little gasp of surprise when suddenly a few pellets popped from the wounded shoulder. There were quite a few pieces, which was surprising, even after Shinko's work at rinsing them out. The pellets fell to the ground, and Kilia watched as the wound slowly stitched itself up.

The Zangoose turned his eyes away from the woodlands and settled on Shen, sitting on the ground. He noticed the Bulbasaur Shen met when he first arrived was pressing some green, pasty substance into his shoulder...


Shen gritted his teeth together as Aya pressed the herbs into his wound. Those herbs may help, but without the numbing herbs, they can sting. He winced again as the female Bulbasaur pressed some more of the herb poultice into his gunshot wound. "Don't you have any Freiya Leaves?" he asked.

The Bulbasaur didn't even look up from her work to answer. "No, they're quite rare around here. We used the last two about a day or so ago, so I'm sorry. You're just gonna have to bear through the pain." She continued putting more stinging poultice on the wound. Shen gritted my teeth harder and went with it, refusing to let out another cry of pain.

"There, all done." Shen felt pressure lift from his back. She had finally lifted her paw and stopped pressing the poultice in the wound. "Oh dear..."


"Wh...where did you get that horrible scar? I mean... if it's not too personal..." Aya said quietly.

Shen sighed. "I've had that for a long time now, really. I don't really like to talk about it...maybe some other time." Shen looked back at her and smiled.

"Well, I can help get rid of the scar, if you-" She began.

"No," Shen said, stopping her, "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I want to keep it. It reminds me of how I came to be here."

"Well, if that's what you want, how am I gonna stop you?" She smiled warmly.

Shen gave a small giggle of delight, mostly to himself. "You're really nice." Before he could say more, he heard whispers from some of the rebel group behind him.

"Look at his size, so unnatural..."

"That's a gigantic scar on his back, he must've had a rough past."

"His eyes are red! He must be a dangerous one..."

Shen looked down, a hurt expression on his face. Yes, he was slightly smaller than normal Larvitar's, and he did have a rough past, but he wasn't someone dangerous, nor did he like people talking about it like that.

Suddenly, the Bulbasuar stared them down with a cold gaze. "Hey, lay off!" she snapped, abruptly stopping the whispers, "Jeez, that's just cowardly, talking behind someone's back like that. You know for a fact that not everyone is always as they appear." Aya narrowed her eyes. "Now stop." With her words, the other Pokémon went away.

Shen smiled at the small grass-dinosaur. "Hey, thanks."

Aya gave a smile back at him, her eyes sparkling. "No problem."

Nakkura watched the two, smiling slightly. He knew that they'd be good together, and it might do the little Larvitar some good to have friend, after what he'd been through. However, these thoughts of his were interrupted by a growl, and Nakkura stiffened. He faced the source to see the Luxray from earlier was giving him a foul look.

"We aren't finished here..." He growled low, electricity sparking on his footpaws.

Nakkura scowled at him and looked away. "Not only is this stupid, but it would be a waste of my time to fight someone like you."

"Don't ignore me!" the Luxray shot, the electricity sparking more.

The air was once more thick with tension. The group watched, wide-eyed, as the two fierce fighters faced each other down. A couple yelled out encouragement for the Luxray.

Avaron watched carefully as the Zangoose sized up his opponent. Nakkura was evidently fighting back a very powerful natural urge, and doing a rather good job of it. Avaron took in the lion's appearance in a long, withering stare. It was evidently a Luxray of reasonable size and power. His legs were spread ever so slightly, but pushed into the ground so as to spring better; a battle stance if you wish. But it wasn't the Luxray's fault completely. Nakkura had to shoulder some of the responsibility for starting off the feud. He seemed to shoulder the responsibility of a hell of a lot. If Avaron had to choose a leader out of their mini-group, Nakkura would definitely be his first choice.

True, Kilia was quite the Absol, and had many qualities that Nakkura lacked. She was a very brave warrior, although much too impulsive to be effective in a strategic fight against someone well versed in the art of war. She was good at talking, but even that could lead to problems in a fight. It was often better not to talk, and to wait for your opponent to begin the conversation. Also, Kilia seemed a lot younger, and less experienced than Nakkura. It may not be true, but this was the impression that Avaron gathered. The others? They were much more followers than anything else.

Avaron watched as the Luxray made a withering remark, and stepped forward.

"Nakkura-rah," he whispered softly to the Zangoose as he neared, hoping that he would notice the Sandshrew honorific, "Don't get into a fight with him just yet. We have only made acquaintance with the Mightyena moments ago. Let him threaten you all you want. Eventually he will calm down." Avaron then turned sternly to the Luxray, saying out loud; "Friend Luxray, come. Do not begin a relationship with a threat. Let us befriend each other. You may call me Avaron, and this is Nakkura-rah."

The Zangoose allowed himself to pull away, loosening his muscles and drawing his obsidian-colored claws in. His golden eyes continued to blaze as he stared at the lion, however. Avaron introduced him and the Normal-type as he spoke loudly to the Luxray.

"I-" About to suggest simply calling him 'Nakkura', the Zangoose cut himself off and shrugged slightly. He allowed his bad-tempered stare to cut through into the woodlands again.

The Luxray gave an odd stare at Avaron, then smirked darkly at Nakkura. "Need old codgers to talk your way out of battles, eh?" he taunted, "Fine, I'll leave you alone. You're the one who's not worth the time." With that, he stalked away.

Nakkura stared defiantly at the Luxray as he retreated. "Piss-off..." he muttered.

Shinko glared at the Luxray. "You shouldn't yell at people who try to make peace with you, you jerk."

The Luxray stopped before her and looked at her through the corner of his eye. In a flash, he snapped at her nose with his teeth, missing her intentionally by mere millimeters. Shinko, frightened, turned and bolted into the woods. "Heh...not so much of a tough missy now, are ya!" the Luxray yelled after her with a cackle.

Nakkura was about to go after him, but the Mightyena leader ran passed him before he could react and started berating the Luxray loudly. Sighing, Nakkura just sat down and scowled, his forepaws crossed.

"Shinko!" Kilia yelled, about to run after her, but Celeste put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. Kilia looked up to her with a confused expression.

"Let her go; she'll return when she's ready," Celeste said softly, "Let her gather her thoughts. Now, let me finish patching up your wounds."

Kilia hesitated, but then sighed and nodded, staying still for the Alakazam. She looked over her shoulder to see the progress, and saw the last of the flesh patch up. However, there was a scar that would always be there, silvery and raised. No fur would ever grow in that spot again, nor, she knew, where the knife had slashed her side open. As Celeste pulled the silver spoon away, she sadly reached up and patted the bare, silver flesh on her shoulder with her paw.

"It is better to have a scar and your life, than have neither," Celeste said, smiling slightly. "Let us rejoice that you have been healed, at least."

Kilia sighed softly and nodded in thanks, knowing she was right. Still, it was depressing. Absol are proud creatures, especially when it came to our appearance.

Celeste nodded and stepped back, seemingly pleased with her work. Kilia didn't have the heart to look at her side, where she knew a long stretch of fur would be missing. Instead, she thanked Celeste as the Alakazam walked off. Kilia smiled slightly and then stretched, glad that she was now healed and that, so far, everything seemed to be alright.

Nothing much else was said for a little while longer, save for animated chatter between Shen and Aya, so they were greeted with mostly a nice quiet evening. The sun had finally dipped below the horizon, leaving the sky beautifully painted with hues of orange and pink splashed together to make a wondrous panorama of the heavens. The sight was soothing to those who'd been through so much that day.

It was then, that things began changing for the worst.

There was a small bit of rustling, and a few Pokémon, including Nakkura and the others, looked over to see what it was. Out from the leaves of a bush floated a wicked-looking Banette. His eyes were blood red, just like Shen's, and he had a few faint battle scars on his body. One of his most stunning features was the double-edged sword on his back, just big enough for him. He didn't look ready for battle emotionally, though; he had a depressed look in his eye, and almost seemed scared. A few Pokémon nearest him of the rebel group shifted away uneasily, immediately beginning to fear him from his God-forsaken appearance...and the sword he carried on his back for no known reason.

Always the friendly one, Kilia immediately got up and sat before the Banette. "Hello there."

The Banette looked up to her white ones, and Kilia almost shuddered. His eyes were nothing like Shen's; while Shen's had a friendly, alive look, the Banette's only had a cold, dead look in them. "Is this the rebel group?" he asked timidly, "If you are, I'd like to join in. I don't have a home, or friends..."

Kilia smiled warmly. "I'm sure they'd love to have you. What's your name?"

The Banette gave a small smile. "I'm Seth. And you?"

"I'm Kilia," the Absol responded politely, "Seth, did you see a Buizel out there in the forest?"

Seth thought a second, then nodded. "Yeah, I actually did. She was sobbing to herself." Then he figured out something. "You were the friends she spoke of when I asked, then?"

"You talked to her and didn't try to bring her here?" Nakkura growled, a little irritated, "Seems rather cold of you to do that."

Kilia glared at the Zangoose. "Nakkura, that wasn't-"

"Waitasecond..." Celeste said, stepping forward, "Why can I not read your mind, Seth? What would you have to hide...?"

"You tried to read his mind?" Avaron asked, looking down on a practice like that.

"It's precautionary. You see, times aren't as friendly as I'd have hoped..." Celeste said with a small frown. She then looked back at Seth. "Now, please answer."

Seth's eyes took on a different look almost immediately. He pulled his sword off his back and pointed it at the Alakazam Healer. "Look, you. You have no right to read my mind, nor demand to know why I decided to block you. Try that again, and you'll end up like that stupid Buizel..."

There was a collective gasp, and all those present stared at him. There was a definite change to Seth. Not only did he sound slightly different, more gruff and dark, but also his body flowed with an aura that exuded anger, pain, and madness. He glared at Celeste, his aura strengthening.

"Seth, what the hell are you talking about?!" Nakkura yelled, his claws extended from his palms.

Seth glared at Nakkura next, then gave him a wide, insane smile. "Oh, yes, did I forget to mention that bit? Your friend Shinko is currently in Havoc Tower, screaming her lungs out. I'm sure she'll be as insane as me by morning!" Here, he gave a loud cackle.

"You sonuva-" Nakkura leapt at the Banette, but Seth gave another laugh as he shot forward in a flash and hit Nakkura in the chest with a Sucker Punch, knocking the Normal-type back. Nakkura landed hard on his back.

"Tsk tsk tsk..." Seth said, waving a finger at him, "I hope you remember that your Normal moves do not work on a Ghost-type like myself."

"No, but my attacks do!" Kilia yelled, jumping forward and striking at Seth with her claws, which glowed a mix of black and purple hues in a Night Slash attack.

Seth quickly brought up his sword and blocked Kilia's claws from reaching him, actually holding her back with the flat of the blade. He then pointed a hand at her and gave another insane grin before launching her back with a Shadow Ball attack. Kilia flew through the air and landed on her newly healed side.

"Well, I was hoping that I could get you to come with me without a hassle, but seeing as this isn't possible, I'll just have to settle with poor little Shinko." Seth cackled. "She will make an excellent follower, and even if she isn't, I'll have something to practice my attacks on!"

"You monster!" Shen yelled. He stood and took an offensive stance, his arm glowing with a Stone Edge attack. Aya stood by him, looking at the Banette furiously, "You won't get away with this, I swear!"

Seth gave him a furious glare, as his aura flowing more than ever. "Oh?" He then raised his sword to the air and yelled to everyone, "Just try and stop me!"

Suddenly, lightning struck Seth's sword, and the flash blinded everyone. Smirking at his brilliant use of his Thunder attack, Seth immediately bolted into the forest. His cackle followed after him.

Kilia shook her head and stared after the Banette. She then turned her head to the rebel group behind her. "We have to go after her!"

"No," the Mightyena said, plain and simple, "We're leaving first thing in the morning, and we all need our rest. Just leave her; it will only be a distraction from our goal of reaching Paradise, and as you could see, it would be a deathtrap for most of us."

There were tears in Kilia's eyes. "You're all so terrible! Fine then, if you're not, I will!" She then bolted after Seth.

Nakkura bolted after her, yelling to the rebel group as he left, "Cowards!"

Shen followed after them, refusing to talk more. He was too angry, and probably would have said something that would make the Luxray at least attack him.

"The fools..." the Mightyena said, shaking his head. He then looked up at Aya to see her glaring at him, cold fury etched into her face. "Aya, you know this is the truth. Ignore them, and let's just get some rest. You have some more healing to do."

Aya still glared, but walked over to the tree that her herb pack made of leaves and grass sat against, picked it up in her mouth, and ran after Shen with one last glare at all the rebels. As she ran, she threw the herb pack onto her back around her bulb. She even ignored Celeste calling her name after her, and sped up to catch up to Shen.

Ahead, Nakkura and Kilia were gaining on the Banette. Looking back, Seth cracked yet another grin and turned around, still floating the same way. He held out his hands, and orbs of fire materialized. He launched out his Will-o-Wisp attack, the orbs catching the trees and grass on fire. He then turned back the way he was facing and flew faster. Undaunted, Kilia and Nakkura ran quickly through the flames, easily avoiding the ones that could prove dangerous to them.

Seth grinned as he floated along. He made it into a clearing, and behind him, a Tower appeared out of the night sky. Perfect...they took the bait, and they will soon be under my power... he though as he vanished to the Tower's top.

Meanwhile, a ways behind Kilia and Nakkura, Aya had caught up to Shen, yelling for him to stop. "Aya, why are you coming? Aren't you going to stay with the rebels?"

"Pfft," Aya scoffed, "They don't need me, you, Kilia, Nakkura, and Shinko do. Against that maniac, you'll die without help." Aya then smiled and showed him her herb pack. "That's why I'm coming with you."

"What?" Shen was astounded. "That may not be a good idea..."

"Don't think you can stop me." Aya said matter-of-factly, "You'll need my help if you go to fight. I've got all the herbs we'll need in a situation such as this anyway." She shook her little herb pack. "That thing had powerful attacks, not to mention a sword. It will be dangerous, so a healer should be a welcome addition to the fight."

After some time thinking about what she had said, Shen sighed in defeat. " can come. Just...try not to get killed, okay?"

"I've been in a fair number of battles before, so don't worry. I know how to avoid being in direct combat."

They nodded at each other, then continued running in pursuit of Kilia and Nakkura, though the Banette had made it hard for anybody to come after him. They made it to the area he'd used Will-o-Wisp, the flames licking hungrily at the foliage and wood.

Stopping, Shen said, "Cover your eyes, Aya." She obeyed, then the Larvitar used a Sandstorm to whip up the topsoil and suffocate the fires. The fires flickered as the sand blew around the part of the forest it was used. It didn't take too long, cause the fires were still young.

Shen let the Sandstorm die down and took a look around to make sure he didn't miss any. Everything looked fine to him...but then he spotted another fire a little ways away, just out of the attack's range.

Shen prepared to get it, but a stream of water put it out before he could get over to that last tree. Confused, Shen looked around the tree to see who had done that.

It was Shinko.


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