AGNPH Stories

What happenes when your reborn?: by ninjatommy21


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners.

Chapter 1:How it began

I opened my eyes, and quickly glanced over at the clock, a bit after four o clock, 'how wonderful' I thought . "Yes, early enough to watch me some Pokemon, and still be ready in time for school."I said, not to anyone, but just to myself.

I'm just an average, well less then average teenage boy, with problems like anyone else. You can say I'm goth if you like, some call me Emo, but to me I'm just well, me.

I leaned up, and turned, so my legs hanged over my bed. I bent over and picked up my night shoes. I slipped my right one on, then my left one. I rubbed my head, and stood up, then I stretched my arms, and yawned.

I ran over to my computer turned on the screen, and tower, logged in, and double clicked on the Internet Icon. After it loaded up, I went to my favorite Anime web site to watch Pokemon.

After watching episodes seventy three through seventy seven. I looked down at the time on the computer, almost six thirty.

I sighed, I hated school, and almost all the people inside it. I wasn't much a people person, and never would, but I still had a love, and that's got me up and heading to school everyday.

Her name Jessica, how I love that name, two weeks we've been dating, how I just love how her eyes sparkle in the light.

I took a quick relaxing shower, dressed in my black skull shirt, and black pants, ate, combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and any other thing I would do. I looked at my nails, just the other day, Jessica had made them black.

I slid my black shoes on. I grabbed my book pack and slung it over my shoulder, grabbed my id, and ran out the door.

After making sure it was locked behind me I walked up to my bus stop. I was lucky,my bus stop happened to not have any body else at it, like always, and I loved it like that.Soon the bus was there, ans within minutes it dropped us off at school.

Three floors of pure boringness, I ran into the black front doors, turned left, and walked down the rest of the half barren hallway. I opened the door to the pool area, and got dressed.

I swam my laps and made a total of 18, more then most people did. After I finished swimming, and class was close to ending, I ran to the boys locker room, I dried off, and put my clothes on. I waited by the door, for Jessica to come out the girls locker room and soon she did.

She grabbed her stuff and walked over to me,"Hey Thomas, how's your day going so far?"She asked in a kind, yet worried voice.

"Great, what about yours?"I asked back tying to figure out what seemed to be wrong. She answered, but not with words, but instead by turning her head slowly away from me and looking down at the floor beneath us..

"What's worrying you Jessica?"I asked, I wanted to know, I wanted to make sure she was okay.

"I'm sorry, this isn't easy for me to say."

"Ohhh, come on, what is it."I begged and pleaded for her to tell me.

"We need to break up."
I stopped, frozen in place, not sure if what I heard was true.

"I'm sorry Thomas."
I held back tears, and kept a false smile on my face, "No, No, it's okay, I'm fine with it."

The bell rang, and she hurried out the door. I hated the rest of the day. She broke my heart, she left me with nothing, and I hated it.

The rest of the day went my, I did no work, I showed no emotion, I hid it, to afraid of the fact.

I got home, to find no one was there, and no one would for hours.

I cried in my room, and when I heard footsteps above, I hid under my cover, I hid the sounds of my tears.

Time ticked away, and in what seemed like minutes, I heard my name coming from upstair. I walked up to the kitchedn,"Hey honey were going out to eat, think you'll be okay."

I nodded,"Yeah I can cook something for myself."I said to them, I watched as the walked away.

After they left, I sat in my room, fiddling with my razor in my right hand. I starred at it, I quickly flipped it open, the bottom of it was shaped like a skull, and the actual blade had a motorcycle design. A tear trickled down my eye, as I slowly lifted the cold steal to my neck. I closed my eyes, I mentally said goodbye, to those that I hated, to those that I knew, and too anyone else. I felt the blade, it was so wonderfully cold, I felt a smile appear on my face, as I began to put more pressure on the blade.

But before I could move it, it was out of my hand, I heard it hit the ground, and before I opened my eyes, I felt something heavy, slam against my head, and then I went blank.

I woke up, I don't know when, or where, but I looked around. There was a lush forest that surrounded me, full of green, hanging from a lot of trees, were berries, but they looked so weird, and yet familiar. I saw a puddle up ahead and walked over to it, I wanted to check my head.

As I reach the blue liquid, I noticed something, it seems like I was shorter. I quickly peered into the clear pool. I was shocked by the image I saw reflected.

i had a tan underbelly, and I could just make out my back, it was a navy blue color. I had paws for hands, and I immediately knew what I was. I was a Pokemon, but not just any, I was Cyndaquil.
Chapter End Notes:Yeah, I know the first chapter is sort, but I promise future ones will be longer.

Hope you liked it so far, please rate, I want to know how good the first chapter was...
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