AGNPH Stories

What happenes when your reborn?: by ninjatommy21


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners.

Chapter 2:Relaxing night

"I'm dreaming, I just have to. Ther...there's just no way...That I'm a Pokemon." I blurted out over my shock. I look around, it was nothing like what I ever saw before, everything was so amazing, so beautiful. The trees, lush, bright, vivid green. I looked over at the flowers, they were in so many wonderful colors, blue, red, orange, red, and even yellow.

"Done day dreaming" Came a feminine voice from behind me. I spin around, and in my haste, I manage to trip, and fall into the puddle of water. I hear a Splash as I hit the cool, cold blue.

I could hear her giggling now, she had certainly thought my accidental predicament was funny. "Need some help there." She asks me, holding out her orange hand. I grab it and she lifts me out the water, "Thanks." I say to her.

I look at her figure, her tan underbelly, and her lizard like appearance, "You're a Charmander."I half shouted in excitement.

"I think I know that." She said back, but not in the way I expected, it was kind, almost hushed.

I couldn't believe my eyes, there was no way this was real, yet, it wasn't a dream.

"You must be new around these parts, Whats your name?"She questioned me, interrupting my thinking.

"Thomas, whats your's." I asked back.

"Just call me J." She answered back to me.

I looked up into her eyes for the first time, the were blue, such a glorious color. She had a Blue Lily in her ear, it suited her.

I go into a flash back....

I'm sitting on a bench, Jessica next to me, her head on my shoulder. I smile,"Jessica, What's you favorite flower." She looks up to me, and I look into her blue eyes, "Blue Lily." she says back. "It suits you."....

"Hey, snap back to reality."
I practically jumped up, "Oh sorry."

"Come on Thomas, I'm sure you don't have a den, you can stay in mine if you want." She turns,"For now."she adds.

"Thanks." She starts walking, a bit fast. I manage to catch up to her, after countless times of tripping, not quite sure how to walk completely yet. She led me to her den, a small cave. She led me in, though it was a cave, it felt cozy, almost like it was home.

"If you're hungry, I have a stash of berries over there."She pointed over to the front, inside a corner. I looked around, a few boulders and surprisingly even a few stalagmites growing out of the ground.

"It'll be late soon, and I'm tired, so, I'm going to sleep, don't stay up all night." I nodded and watched her curl up, and close her eyes.

I sat down up against one of the stalagmites, and look down. I see the tip of my membrane, poking out of it's sheath.

I rub the very tip with my paw, and let out a silent moan, so not to wake up J.

I play with it some more, letting it dance around in my hand. And soon, it's at full size, I close my eyes, and wrap my paw around it.

I slowly stroke it, up, down, up, down. Holding back most my moans. I felt myself getting closer with every one of my strokes.

My membrane twitches in my paw, and shoots out a string of my white sticky seed. It landed against my tan fur, and them another shot came firing out. A third and final one came, and my orgasm died away.

I relax back on the stalagmite, my eyes still closed and drifted off into a deep pleasant sleep.

I wake up the next morning, J starring at me. "Did you have fun last night."

"Wah...What are you talking about?" I asked a bit embarrassed on how she knew. "I didn't do anything last night, I...I went straight to sleep." I lie, hoping she didn't know, and was just lying her self.

"I know what you did, I stayed up the whole time, though it was sweet that you kept your moans silent."

I looked down, keeping my blush and red face even more hidden.

"I've seen the way you look at me, even when you first met me. Since you won't ask, I will." I look back up at her, "So Thomas, will you be my mate?"

I have a flash back once again....

First hour had ended, and I was standing by the door, waiting for the bell to ring. Jessica walks out the girls locker room, and walks over to me. I look down at the floor, hiding my blush from view. "Hey, I've seen the way you look at me, even when you first met me. And since you won't ask, I will." I look up into her eyes, "Will you be my boyfriend?"....

"Thomas, snap out of your trance." she says shaking me.
I look up at her,"so, what do you say."
I open my mouth, but the words won't come out, I'm just to nervous. "I'll take that as a yes then."

I nod, and she wraps her arms around me, "How about tonight."

"Yes, Yes, Please."I say in a hurry.

"Come on lets eat some berries." She stands and walks over to the berry pile. I follow shortly behind her, and watch as she sits. She motions me to sit next to her, and I do.

She takes what looks like a Pecha berry and bites into it, "What types of berries are your favorite."

I look back into the video games, trying to remember them all, and what they had in the description. "Well, I like them all." I said, still unsure of what any taste like.

I grab a Pecha berry and take a bite of it. It's sweet flavor floods my mouth. I grab an Aspear berry and take a bite of it, the sourness causing my eyes to twinge. I stay away from the Rawst and chesto berry, knowing they were dry and bitter. I grabbed the chesto berry, I loved spicy foods, this would be no difference, so I bit into hastily, and the spicy fluid from it flooded my mouth. I made my tongue feel like it was on fire, though, the sensation felt delightful, maybe it's because I'm a fire type.

"I'm glad you liked them." J said as she leaned over to me, and our two mouths met.
Chapter End Notes:I do hope you enjoyed the second chapter, you learned a bit, and I'm sure you have a guess on the answer to many of your questions. If not, well in future chapters you will
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