AGNPH Stories

What happenes when your reborn?: by ninjatommy21


Story Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners.

Chapter 3: Beauty and the Trainer

It had been about three weeks since I came to this new world, filled with Pokemon. I found out that when i got here I was level five, J was already level seven.

J told me that her den was between two towns, Newbark and Cherrygrove, and from that I knew we were in the Jhoto region.

In the time that had passed, J and I spent about every waking moment together, even when we slept. Whether it be in her den, out exploring, or training on the wild Pokemon, we always stuck together.

I loved it, I loved her, on the second night here we mated, but she had me pull out before my orgasm came, she said she wasn't ready for little ones, not yet anyway.

At times I think of my old life, and if I should try and find a way back, but then I look at what I have here. Here I have love, true love, back there, I had nothing at all.

I wake up early in the morning, and see J, still sleeping, curled up next to me. I smile softly, she looks so cute while she sleeps. Last night she told me to wake her up early, she had a surprise for me. So I nudged her chin slightly till she grunted. I watched he slowly open her eyes and stare up into mine. "Good morning J." I said as she let out a little yawn, "Morning Thomas. Why don't you go get us a few berries, then we can head on out." I nodded and walked over to the berry pile. I grabbed enough Pecha berries for the both of us, knowing they were her favorite.

We left the cave a few minutes later and she took the lead. "So where exactly are we going?" I asked, wondering what it was. "You'll see." Was all she said. I looked over into the trees, I saw a few Spinarak dangling from the trees here and there, and the occasional Caterpie and weedle along with their Evo's. The Pokemon I saw one the ground, were mainly Sentret while the ones in the sky were Pidgey.

After what seemed like forever, she stopped. "Close your eyes."She demanded. I did, and she grabbed my paw to lead me the rest of the way.

"Go on and open up your eyes now." She said to me lightly a few minutes later. I opened them to see a spring, my mouth went agape as I inspected the image I saw in my eyes. Circling the other half was a bush, most peculiar was that it, unlike any I have ever seen, was a light purple in color. Steam rose from the small pool of water, and my eyes followed it to the arch that rose up and over the water. It was made of what seemed to be granite or something close to it. And circling it, was a rose vine.

"This is wonderful, A hot spring, and this place it looks so amazing." I said in aw. "I knew you would like it, and from what I know only the two of us know about it, Now come on lets get in."She said excitedly. she grabbed me, almost dragging me over to the Hot spring.

We lowered are selves in the warm water, and slowly it relaxed us. The water was calm, soothing, and relaxing all to the touch. I sat against a rock that was close by, and looked over to the purple bush. A glorious color, most don't know how to appreciate it, but here, as a bush, it exited to be watched over.

J sat next to me, her head leaning against me, and I looked down to her. "J have you ever been caught by a trainer?" I curiously asked her.
she nodded, still on my fur, causing it to ruffle. "Yeah, once, he game me my name, but soon enough he released me. He never said why, at times I thought it might be because he thought I was weak." She sat in silence, watching the water as small waves floated across it.

"Your not weak J, you've proved that over a dozen times." I said not wanting her to be down. I saw a smile leap on her face, and she looked up at me, and I looked down at her. My arms wrapped around her, and we put are faces together, and are lips met. It could have been seconds, minutes, hours, but to me it seemed like an eternity before she pulled away, saliva dangling down, still holding us together. She moved, and it vanished, she looked into my eyes, "Tonight."

I looked at her, slightly confused at what she was talking about. "Tonight, I'm ready. I want to feel your seen in me this time, not on me." I let a smile stalk its way on my face and repeated,"Tonight."

After a few more hours of what seems to be endless dreaming, we climbed out, and started heading away from our new sanctuary, ready for what was ahead.

We made it about half way back, when a voice emitted from the distance. "Ohhhh, a wild Cydaquil, and Charmader, My luc....." He stopped short, but I was unsure why, till he continued. "Could it be, it is, I see you still have the blue Lily Je..." Be fore he could say anymore she shot an ember at his foot.

"I'm sorry for what ever I did to make y..." Another Ember was shot, cutting him off. "Will you please stop, I'm sorry, will you please let me be your trainer again, please, you're such a wonderful charmander, please." He pleaded

I looked over at J, she was starring at the trainer. Then she took a step forward, and slowly closed the distance between them. She took off into a run, and he picked her up into a hug.

He looked at me, "What about you?" He questioned. I didn't want to, but J was going, and I didn't want to loose her. So I walked over to him, and he picked me up.

"We'll head back to camp, then I can use my Pokeballs to officially make you two my Pokemon!" He said excitedly. After a bit of walking, we came to a clearing, in it held some logs for fire, and a tent to sleep in. He put us down just outside the tent, and climbed in. When he emerged from it, he held two spherical devises used to capture Pokemon.

He tapped the first on J, a red light shot out, surrounding her on all sides, then she was gone. He tapped the second on me, and I watched the light shoot out. In seconds all I saw was darkness, surrounding me on all sides but up. In the direction above me, I was able to see the outside world, able to look out and know what was going on.

A few minutes later we lay inside the tent, watching as he shuffled threw his bag. When he hand pulled out, he held a blue PokeDex. He pointed it at J, "Charmander, The Fire Lizard Pokemon, Female, Level Twelve." It said, its voice rasp like that of a robots.

He pointed it next at me,"Cyndaquil, The fire Mouse Pokemon, Male, Level eleven.." It emitted from the speakers it held close to itself.

"Now to name you two." He puzzled over names as he thought, some being simple, some complex. Then he looked at J,"I'll name you Lily, because of your Blue Lily." Then he looked to me,"And you, Jang." He said.

"Well based on your levels, soon you two will evolve, so how about tomorrow we head out and train."

I looked to Lily as the trainer opened his sleeping bag, and climbed in. she had curled up, her eyes wide open. I walked over to her, concerned of what was bothering her.

I sat down next to her, and she glanced over at me. "You okay J?, I mean Lily"I asked her. "Yeah, just lost in thoughts."Was all she said. "We should rest up." And almost as if in a play, the Trainer picked us up, and put us on either side of him in the sleeping bag.

I waited for ever, and finally he fell asleep. I climbed over his chest, and rested down next to Lily. Soon I lost the battle to stay awake anymore, and sleep over powered me.

When I woke the next morning, the Trainer was gone, and Lily had her arms wrapped around me. I planted a light kiss on her lips, with the intent of waking her up. and I did, she plopped her eyes open, and said "wheres Grey?",

"so his names Grey. Well anyway, I don't know, I woke to him not being here." She stood up, and stretched, while I looked to the tent opening, unzipped. "Lets head on out Jang."She said curiously. She raced to the opening, and I followed behind. She quickly escaped the tent, and I went to do the same. In my hurry, my foot caught the bottom of it, and I tripped, landing face first into the moist grass.

"Looks like you two are awake."He said, then he looked at me,"Well most of the way at least." I stood back up and rubbed my head. "I've got breakfast ready if you're hungry." He said to the both of us.

I walked over to the bench, and he lifted J, then me up to the top of it. He set a bowl in front of each of us, and I peered inside mine. They contained Poffins, I took one in my paw and raised it to my mouth to take a bite.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" A scream echoed from the woods. I turned to looked in the direction it came from, and a Grey ball of fur bounced at of the woods. It jumped up on the table, knocking the bowls over, spilling its contents out. It jumped up to jump off the table, and Grey caught it in midair.

"Calm down little Eevee." He said relaxingly, though it continued to squirm. "Let me go, Let me go." It pleaded, though Grey did not hear it. I turned at the sound of laughter coming from the woods behind us. I saw something purple float about, then I noticed what it was, a Haunter.

"No wonder he was running, he's a normal type, not that good of a match." I said understanding the situation a bit more. I looked over at Grey, he had took his PokeDex, and aimed it at the Haunter. "Haunter, The Gas Pokemon, Gender Unknown, lever Twenty five." The electron voice announced.

"Think you two can handle it." Grey questioned. I responded by jumping down from the table, shortly followed by Lily. "You ready Jang."
"You bet I am."
"Good cause I don't ever back down from a fight."

I enter a flashback
~ Jessica and I are on a lone street. The lights shine bright through the nights empty darkness. We were two of a kind, both loving the night. She had her head on my shoulder and our hands were interlocked as we walked down the desolate street. "Now, Now." A voice echoed from behind. we turned in a hurry. "I would have thought you two would have rushed in side or to a house, but no you stayed in the dark, Tisk, Tisk. Now hand over the money." He said threateningly. She let go of my hand "Ready Thomas."
"You can count on it."
"Good cause I don't ever back down from a fight."~

"Jang will you snap out of it." Lily said shaking me. "Sorry, caught up in the moment there."I tried to explain. "Both of you Ember." Grey shouted out, giving us the command. My mouth ignited and a fire shot out at the ghost like Pokemon. Both of the two flames hit at the same time, and the Haunter let out a scream. It turned and fled away from us, "Coward." I said under my breath.

"Good job you two.": He said aloud, setting down the Eevee. It ran over to Lily and I, "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much." He said bouncing up and down.

"So how would you like to be my Pokemon." Grey asked. "Please." The Eevee said back pleading.

Grey used a Pokeball, and it closed on the Eevee, three shakes, and a loud BING. He picked it up, and clicked the button in the center, letting the Eevee out. He then picked his PokeDex back and and flipped it open. "Eevee The Evolution Pokemon, Male, Level Fifteen."

"How about I name you Michael."
The Eevee nodded in agreement. "Well it's settled then,." I watched as he looked back over to the table, "Seeing that the Poffins are mostly destroyed, how about we head into town and get something right after I pack up."
Chapter End Notes:I do hope you all liked it, I am hoping to have the next chapter out soon. And I am sure many of you have caught on a bit more using the three flashbacks. If not, wait for Chapter five, or will it be six, well just wait and see, more will be revealed
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